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Policy and Procedures:

Audio-Video Recording of Events

The School of Law’s policy is to record important law school events that will most benefit our
students, faculty and staff, as well as the communities of Louisville, the Commonwealth of
Kentucky and beyond. These guidelines are to ensure that the School of Law’s IT department’s
staff and resources are used wisely, to maximize the benefits to our law school and other
This policy is intended to provide guidance to School of Law staff, faculty and students related to
making audio, video or other electronic recordings of law school events, including classes and
non-class events.
This policy applies to audio, video or other electronic recordings of law school events, including
classes and non-class events. The School of Law IT department will make its best efforts to
ensure that properly submitted requests to record events are fulfilled. However, this Policy
should not be construed to suggest or affirm that all events at the School of Law shall be
Technically, events are categorized as simple or complex.
Simple Events
Simple events include regular and make-up classes, Atutoring cademic Success sessions and
other events typically featuring a single speaker. For simple events, self-recording technologies
such as the Tegrity class capture system, which automatically posts the recording on the class’
Blackboard site, are most appropriate.
Complex Events
The recording of any complex event is subject to the availability of IT department resources,
including both personnel and equipment.
Complex events typically feature two or more speakers, for which multiple cameras and/or
microphones are appropriate, and also require considerably more preparation than simple events.
In the initial planning stage of complex events, the event’s sponsor or coordinator must request,
via e-mail, that the School of Law IT department record the event and provide pertinent details
about the event such as date, time, location, and identity of potential speakers. Only eEvent
sponsors/coordinators, which include may include School of Law faculty, staff or student
organization officers acting in their official capacities, may request recording. y. Recording
requests from students in their individual capacity will be denied.
Upon receiving an email request, the request to the IT department to record an event, the IT staff
will provide the event sponsor/coordinator with two forms to forward to each speaker:: a Speaker
Consent and Release form, granting permission to record, reproduce and distribute the event; and
an A-V Services Questionnaire to determine each speaker’s audio-visual requirements. Before an
event can be recorded, and to facilitate a professional recording, the The event
sponsor/coordinator must obtain from each speaker a signed must provide each speaker with the
Speaker Consent and Release Form and an A-V Services Questionnaire, and return these forms
to IT and receive them back, signed, sufficiently in advance of the event. to facilitate an orderly

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and professional recording. Complex events for which a Speaker Consent and Release Form and
A-V Services Questionnaire are not timely signed by and received from each speaker will not be

Within the law school building, Room 275 is the ideal location for events to be recorded, as the
room is equipped with a high-definition camera, audio mixer and recording controls in Room
271. Recordings made in Room 275 can be edited, processed and posted online relatively easily.
Recordings made in other law school or remote locations take additional IT time and effort and,
consequently, may take longer to post online. Event sponsors/coordinators should consider
location and ease of recording when planning an event.
It is within the discretion of the person or persons sponsoring or coordinating each event to
determine whether to request that the event be recorded. The School of Law IT department may
not decide unilaterally to record an event for which no properly submitted request has been
made. Also, the recording of any complex event is subject to the availability of IT department
resources, including both personnel and equipment.

Substantively, events are categorized as Classes or Non-Class Events.

Classes include regular and make-up classes. It is within the sole discretion of each professor
whether to record regular and/or make-up class meetings. Generally, classes are simple events
for which the Tegrity class capture system is appropriate and adequate. Tegrity recordings are
posted automatically on the Blackboard site for each class where they are accessible only to the
instructor and enrolled members of the class for the duration of the class.
Upon request by the professor, the School of Law IT department will instruct him/her in the use
of the Tegrity class capture system. Every classroom is equipped with the Tegrity capture
software and a wide-angle microphone.
Non-Class Events
Non-Class Events, which may be simple or complex, include those sponsored or coordinated by
the School of Law, such as:
• Tutoring Academic Success study sessions
• Career Services information sessions
• Partners in Professionalism events
• Academic Success information sessionsworkshops
• Events with guest speakers
• Diversity Forums
• Law Review Symposia
• Information sessions (e.g., clinic, externships)

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And those sponsored, coordinated or presented by non-School of Law persons or entities, such
• Westlaw
• Lexis-Nexis
• Bar/Bri
• Kaplan
• Other private or public, for-profit or not-for-profit organizations
Some Non-Class Events that are course-related, such as the Academic Success Tutoring study
skills sessionsworkshops, are also most often simple events for which the Tegrity class capture
system is appropriate and adequate. Those Tegrity recordings are posted automatically on the
Blackboard organization for the Tutoring Program, where they are accessible only to the
Academic Success Directorenrolled , tutors and enrolled first-year students.
Upon request by the Academic Success Director or any Academic tutor Fellow acting in his/her
official capacity, the School of Law IT department will instruct him/her in the use of the Tegrity
class capture system. Every classroom is equipped with the Tegrity capture software and a wide-
angle microphone.
However, most Non-Class Events are complex, for which the procedures discussed above (see
Complex Events) should apply. be observed.
Note: Some events sponsored, coordinated or presented by non-School of Law persons or
entities may also be subject to fees, including, but not limited to fees for the use of facilities,
audio-visual presentation and recording equipment, and personnel.

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