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Shrewsbury High School Football

Special Forces 2013

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

3 Elements of Effort
Burst- ! ! ! Speed-! Noticeable change of momentum at the ! moment of !recognition. Burst comes with lean. Maximum rate of movement. The Absence of one of these three standards is a violation of the SHS Special Teams standard. LOAF=Traitor; Plays


Satisfactory manner of completion.

Special Teams Standards 1. We will have no tourists. Nobody gets a free ride. You are either in or your out. We need people ready to pursue their goals relentlessly. 2. Physical and mental discipline. You must be on time, play aggressively within your role, and exhibit great character on and off the eld. 3. Conditioning precedes playing time. Conditioning gives you a chance to play hard for four quarters. We will not sacrice speed and conditioning. You get out what you put in. 4. Think along with the scheme. Understand what we are trying to do. A complete understanding of how the pieces of the defense ts together is essential to your success. Understand the concepts so we can make halftime adjustments. Mental learning is critical. Be a student of the game. 5. Intensity with integrity in Everything we do. We will dominate opponents from whistle to whistle. WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE THESE STANDARDS!

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Coverage Teams

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

L1 L2 L3

Helmet is at the centers belt




4+ Yards

3 Yards

3 Yards

3 Yards

3 Yards

4+ Yards

6 Yards from the line of scrimmage.


15 Yards from the line of scrimmage

The blocking scheme is based on a counting system. Every kick there will be a call made by the SC. The call will determine where the shield is blocking. The two calls will be: Rigno- The shield is sliding right Lucky- the shield is sliding left

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

5 2 3

L1 L2 L3 R3 R2 R1


Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Blocking Technique Punt:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DO NOT BACK UP Find your man in the count Stay shoulder to shoulder with the shield Force your man around the edge of the shield. If there are crossers take the inside man rst. Outside of the shield (S) to the call has #2 to their side counting inside out Outside of the shield away from the call has # 1 to their side counting inside out The shield center always has #1 to the call side.


Shield to the RIGHT

Adjustment to Crossers


Shield to the LEFT

Adjustment to Crossers

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Blocking Technique Punt:
1. You should align as far off the football as possible. You helmet should be even with the centers belt. You should be 3-4 yards from the lineman inside of you. 2. Listen for the call and nd your man in the count. 3. As the ball is snapped force your outside shoulder through his inside shoulder, delaying him as long as possible while still moving forward FORCE HIM OUTSIDE. 4. Continue into your coverage lane, keep the ball carrier in front and inside. Break down when you are 10 yards away. Stay square and force lateral movement. 5. Make the tackle.

R3 R2 R1 3

# 1+2 defenders are taken care of by the shield. R3-0 Man is not on the line, if he does not rush R3 can run right by. R2- Must force #4 to take the outside route. Should stay engages as long as possible while continuing up eld. R1 Must force #5 to take the outside route. Should stay engages as long as possible while continuing up eld.

Alignment, Protect, Get off the Ball, Speed, Leverage

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Punt Coverage Lanes

1 L/R- Between the hash and the sideline. Contain. Keep Returner 3 yards inside. 2 L/R- Between the Hash and the Numbers. 3 L/R-Just inside the hash C-Directly to the ball. Force lateral movement. S- Safety your side hash to sideline SC- Safety between the hashes S Safety your side hash to sideline

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 K L5
Right Kick L1- Run down the numbers. Contain. L2- Gunner Right to the ball keep the returner 5 Yards to the left. Force lateral movement L3- between the numbers and the hash. L4 - inside the hash. L5- middle of the eld. K- Kick Safety on the Left side R5- Safety on the RIGHT SIDE. R4- inside the hash. R3- between the hash and the numbers R2- Gunner right to the ball keep the returner 5 Yards to your right. Force lateral movement R1- Run down the numbers. Contain.





Right Kick L1- Run down the numbers. Contain. L2- Gunner Right to the ball keep the returner 5 Yards to the left. Force lateral movement L3- between the numbers and the hash. L4 - inside the hash. L5- Safety on the Left side K- Kick Safety on the Right side R5- middle of the eld. R4- inside the hash. R3- between the hash and the numbers R2- Gunner right to the ball keep the returner 5 Yards to your right. Force lateral movement R1- Run down the numbers. Contain.

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Coverage Rules: 1. Avoid the rst line with speed. 1. Do not make contact 2. Get back into your lane 3. Be the better athlete 2. Blow up second level blocks 1. Force the blocker backwards 2. Find the football and get there 3. Be the more physical player 3. Keep the ball carrier inside and in front. 1. Maintain your lane. 4. Break down 10 yards from the ball. 1. Square up and force lateral movement. 2. If engaged with a blocker do not pick a side, you will create a seam 5. Wrap up the ball carrier 1. Swarm to the ball carrier 2. Second man in strip the football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Kickoff Right

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Kickoff Left

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football


Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Punt Block/ Return

The most DEVASTATING play in football.

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Play Defense First

Always on point for the fake

No Stupid Penalties
Key the ball, dont block in the back

Ball Security
Own the ball, Possession is the priority

Create a rst down

10 yards per return minimum

Devastate your opponent

Score or set up a score

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Punt formations we will see:
Pro Nashoba SPM Saint Johns Wachusett

Tight Algonquin Leominster

Shield Fitchburg

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Wall Left/ Wall Right

2 3 4

6 7

8 9


Wall Keys: Maintain Spacing Once you nd a guy go get him Hit only if you can see his front numbers 6- Look to pick up front side coverage, Center Guard or Tackle 7-Rush, then form the wall 8-Rush then from the wall 9- Rush with contain responsibilities then form the wall 10- Force your man outside R- Safely secure the kick then go to the call side.

1-Hold up the gunner as long as possible. Do not chase him. If beat look to pick up backside pursuit 2-Double team the wing. Do not let him down eld 3-Double team the wing. Do not let him downels 4-Bull rush the Tackle. Slow his release. Peal back and form the wall. 5-Bull rush the Guard. Slow his release. Peal back and form the wall.

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Block Right/Left

2 3 4

6 7

8 9


1- Delay your man as long as possible. Keep him from interfering with the catch 2- Rush/contain vs rugby style kickers 3- Rush, get to the wall when the ball is kicked, attack the next free man 4- Pick up the center on a quick release 5- Rush, get to the wall when the ball is kicked, attack the next free man 6- Rush, get to the wall when the ball is kicked, attack the next free man 7- Rush, get to the wall when the ball is kicked, attack the next free man 8-Rush, Set the wall. Work down eld, attack the most dangerous man 9- Take the most dangerous coverage man. 10-Delay your man as long as possible. Keep him from interfering with the catch R- Secure the catch. If there is space take two steps to the left, then get to the wall.

Shrewsbury High School Football

Shrewsbury High School Football

Kickoff Return
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 K R5 R4 R3 R2 R1

Shrewsbury High School Football

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