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Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! We ask candidates to return their responses to info@commonsensecalgary.

com by Oct 16, 2013. Candidate Name: Shane Keating What ward or position you are running in/for: Ward 12 Councillor

1. Given that 77% of trips (Statistics Canada, Commuting

to Work 2013) are currently made by car in Calgary, do you believe it is City Halls job to [Please circle]: To support the choice of Calgarians to use their automobiles while also improving accessibility to other methods of transportation.
2. The recent Tom Tom Index found that in Calgary,

congestion adds 27 minutes of additional travel time in a 30 minute commute. What are you going to do to help decrease this lost personal time for Calgarians?

Our current transit system does a relatively good job getting commuters downtown at peak hours. However, we need to focus on making transit a more convenient and speedy way to get to everyday places. Integrating more transit corridors into the existing networks means riders will be able to easily access different parts of the City. The Southeast LRT is one project in a multi-project expansion planned to reduce congestion and decrease travel times. It is estimated that the introduction of the Southeast Transitway (SETWAY) will decrease commuter roundtrip time by almost 30 minutes. This speaks to the benefits of

implementing the SE LRT.

1. According to the Fraser Institute, property taxes have

increased by 31% over the past 3 years.

Do you agree with this figure? Yes Yes and our fees for service like water, sewer and garbage as well as electricity have gone up as well. Call it what you want but fees in other cities are taxes.

2. If No, what do you believe this increase to be?

3. Over the next four years, what is your personal objective

in terms of tax increases? Specify a percentage amount

Property taxes should parallel changes in inflation. We need to ensure the right balance between keeping taxes as low as possible while continuing to provide services by using coming sense and logic when considering our options.

4. What regulations and red tape will you eliminate to reduce

the regulatory burden on Calgarys residents and businesses?

More web integration. We need to focus on flow and

making these different processes as speedy, affordable, and convenient as possible. For secondary suites this means eliminating the $4,485 development fee and replacing it with a $50 administrative fee. The idea here is to promote, not prohibit.
5. The 2013 $52 million surplus was directed for flood

reconstruction efforts. Many Calgarians have different views on how to use this. What do you believe is the best use for the 2014 $52 million surplus? Give money back to taxpayers

1. Do you believe that the $470,000 spent on the blue ring

artwork called travelling light could have been better spent on improving light and security on public transit? Yes

2. What specific measures would you introduce to improve

personal safety on public transit after dark?

I am in favour of installing more cameras at C-train/bus stations. Increase the number of uniformed security guards.
3. What measures would you implement to make

Calgarians safer?

Improve sightlines at C-Train stations. Stations have a lot of blind spots and dark patches where people

can hide from public view. More lights, mirrors and cameras could go a long way in terms of making the C-Train safer for riders. A problem facing Ward 12 is speeding vehicles in residential areas. We need traffic calming in the form of more speeding cameras to influence motorist behaviour and prevent speeding. Calgary has 181 school and 1057 playground zones. We also need to increase driver awareness of entering into these zones. Several options to mitigate dangerous driving include traffic cones, neighbourhood speed watch program, double signing at start of school/playground zones, bigger signs, zone ahead signs, and road marking stencils. Implement a text message service so that riders can call for help on transit. The City of Calgary already has mobilized service requests through 311 Calgary mobile app.

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