How To Use Supernames:: Layout

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Character names for either villains or heroes, can be based upon various attributes such as their powers, their background, or the driving purpose of the character. While name elements are written in English characters the character may be descended from non-English speaking countries, and those who speak languages other than English might choose have their names from another language. Creating a name based upon the elements found within this list but translated into other languages, such as wind or kaze in Japanese, can give a character a mysterious, exotic feel. The first types of names are those where the characters name is based upon their powers. For example, a character that has powers of the mind might be called Psiaire, Psychic T alon, or other names that are taken primarily from the Mental Powers list. Other examples are: Astral Devil, Howling Beak, and Omega Mind. Further types of character names can be based upon the purpose of the character. If for example, the character operates in the shadows, suitable names could include Shadow-Stalker, The Hidden Crusader, or other names based upon the Dark or Mystery lists. More examples include: Agent Anarchy, Seeker of Fate, and The Veiled Ranger. Some characters gain their powers from divine sources, or believe that their powers are from a divine source, perhaps they even see themselves as a divine figure; this type of super might christen themselves with names such as Amuns Rage, Hammer of Thor, or other names that include a name from the Divine list. Other names can be taken from events in the characters past or names the character simply likes: Blade-of-War, Codename Alpha, or The Incredible Caped-Detective. Extra name elements may be used to bulk out the name and can be taken from any of the lists but they should be used to enhance the characters concept rather than simply extending the name. Normally only two elements should be added together to form a name but there may be times when three, or even four or more name elements may be added together to form a single name. There are also times when a single name element will be more effective by itself.
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rew J . Luca s
Copyright 2006 Eternal Knot Games. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use only.

ION East, N orth, S outh, W est


OGY Dynamo , Jet, La ser, Nuc lear, Rocket


And ME roid CHA , Cyb -bo NIC r org AL , M g, -bot ech , , -n Cons tru oid T ech , Rob ct, Cy no o, R b obo er, t, DEADLY , Kill, Killer -cide, Deadly

de, asca t, Eater, C , be, d Cape read, Ea lobal, Glo eta, US , t O l o E D , N ,B ,M y, G , Fur m, Mercy n, ELLA Bleak, BlindDestruction m C o S d I u e , tte M laze, , Density Free, Fre ck, Maxim , Rot, Ro B , t las Rio adly ak, ike, veri ch-, B uiser, De ard, Fre ask, Ma n, Rage, eak, Str r A , r stio , Cr lbino , St cy, M Forw re, A h, Crown , Force, ble, Lega uest, Que Strange , War, u t n e Adv Cras h, Flock le, Invisi odigy, Q c, Sting, , Vogue Ace, bat, te ti ib as Pr m o ,C r, Sta in, Ultima ic, Fl le, Invinc , Power, t e a t s m a S t a b n i e n t, Tw Code losive, Fa ial, Incred ce, Phas oul, Spiri , T ruth, rath a p s r P S x n e , ra mni er, W al, E eak, ,T , Imp ouch w, Wond Etern unt, Icon Neuro, O oting, Sn de, T ido ty, NS ,H , Ti Sho High rph, Nas HEAVE error Wave, W ifter, int, T oon, h S o , M a Lunar, M ge T , r y , r a u e D o l, Sc Sup Celestia lar Aurora, So
Volt Electro, , ic tr c le ,E Dynamo
Blizzard, Galeforce, Hurricane, Lightening, Misty, Monsoon, Rain, Snow, Storm, T empest, Thunder, T ornado, Vortex, Weather, Wind
Howl, Howlin g, Loud, Quie t, Scream, Screamer, S onic, Vibro






l, Are o, Fly , Wind


mber, inder, E no, C r, a h Infer rn, C laze, Bu ge, Heat, Hot, ing, B , t f a r r ar Fo Backd ing, Se h Flame, c , r e o ir c F yro, S Fever, , Melt, P lder, Spark ELEMENTS a m g a M u o m S , Ice, , Fire, Flame h rt a E t, ir D , Aqua erra, Water, e, T Magma, Ston Wind
Adam, Amun, Anubis, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Cain, Devil, Eve, God, Godd ess, Hades, Horus, Jo ve , Jupiter, Lilith, Lucifer, Mars, Mi nerva, Odin, Osiris, Po seidon, Ptah, Re, Sebek, Set(h ), Thor, Thoth, Vulcan, Zeus


Arctic COLD , Frigid Avalanche , Blizz , Fro Icicle, st, Frozen, ard, Chill, C Polar, G Shive elid, Glaci old, Freez e a r, Sno w, Wi l, Glacier, I , nter, W ce, intry


Aqua, Oce an, Oceanic , Tide, Wate r


silon, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Ep Gamma, Omega, X


Copyright 2006 Eternal Knot Games. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use only.

Dawn, D ay, Dusk , Midnig ht, Night


Murk, Midnight, t, h ig L , k Dar hadow Shade, S


Ambush, Entrap, Hunt, Net, rap, Web Snare, T

Glow, Light, Glare, Glimmer, n Luminous, Photo


Alien Cat, , Bat, Be RAC Eagl C a E e, Fa hameleo r, Black lcon, Wido n, Co Kest w, Bu Fox, bra, rel, Pant Kite, Lee Gorilla, G Condor, ll, Bulldo Crow her, g, Bu riffo Rap ch, Lion ,D zz n, Spa tor, Rat, , Lizard Hawk, H ove, Dra ard, , rrow o hawk Rhino, R Lynx, M rse, Hu gonfly, man ustan , Sp ottwe , Ja ide g, ile Wolf , Wo r, Tiger, r, Scorp Mutant, ckal, O lverin io V e, W ixen, Vu n, Shar wl, lture k, orm ,

RK Bleak, D ark, Glo om, Mid Shade, night, M Shadow urk, , Silhoue tte
Gigantic, Big, Colossal, Giant, o, Mega, cr Huge, Immense, Ma ny, Titan, Micro, Mini, Small, Ti owering T


Gemini, apricorn, C B r, e c n a de, rgoyle Atlas, s, C corpio, ie l, S r , e A s , g iu s on, Ga Scarab, Sha n r iu g ta r A it a , g r a n Aqua D S o , z , Ama enix, Djinn , Pisces wolf, emon, m, Pho lkarie, Were Leo, Libra rus, Virgo, Zodiac D to , n s a p h au T in, P Cyclo roll, Va mbie , Griff itan, T T , Golem it ir rn, Zo Sp , Wyve h Siren, it a r W


S ATURE E R moth, C IC t, Behe Ghost, H s a T e Y B , M , anshee , Genie

Delusion, Enchant, Apparition, Deceiver, ession, Mirage Illusion, Illusory, Impr


rtuitous, ed, Favoured, Fo rm ha C e, nc ha C ne, Auspicious, , Lucky, Opportu ck Lu e, bl am G Fortunate, Opportunity


ICENT Elegant, G rand, Imp ressive, M Majestic, agn Monumen tal, Resple ificent, Spectacu ndent, lar, Splen did
Oracle, Prophet, Destiny, Diviner, Fate, Seer, Vision, Visionary




, Dar Rush t, Quick, , Sw Rap ift, T urbo id,


l, empora nd, T o c e S our, e Clock, H pus, Tide, Tim em T


STLY Astral, E thereal, G Phase, S host, Ghostly, H aunt, pectral, Spectre


eviant, Delusion, D r, e iv e c e D digitator, Deceit, rick, Presti T , ie L , n io te Fraud, Illus Prestidigita


Copyright 2006 Eternal Knot Games. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use only.

S Autum n, Fall, Spr Summ er, Win ing, ter



Druid, Encha nter, Enchantr Mage, Magic ess, ian, Necroma ncer, Shama Sorcerer, So n, rceress, Warl o ck , W it ch , Witch-doctor, Wizard


ult agic, Occ M , ic r te o Es



Alive, Being, Existence, Lif e, Living, Vivaci ty


ent, Enchantm , ic g a m cultism, ts, Black Black-ar Necromancy, Oc doo, y, Voo Magic, , Sorcer dry m is n a m r Sha ft, Wiza Witchcra


ed, Dead, Death, Deceas ss ele Lif , Departed, Dying

Daughter, Gal, G irl, Lass, Madam , Misses, Mistres s, Ms, She, Woman


d, Nerve, a, Mental, Min Enchant, Ide Psionic, r, Psi, Psion, e w o P , se a h P ught Psychic, Tho


ld, hild, O C , t n Ancie oung Y


Boy, He, Lad, Man, Mi ster, Son

p, Hammer, Lam Book, Cards, ome ,T Lantern, Staff


END -a, -a INGS ire, borg -ette, , -bo -ia -man , -iac, -ia t, -cide, -e n cer, ment , -ion, -ja r, -ess, a c k, l ist -noid , -o, , -naut, - -lock, --of-w noid, ar

aler, ruiser, De edator, C r, e s a h uler, Pr arger, C ner, vader, Ma ringer, Ch In B , r, n e d ia yer, Scan u r a a tr S b In r , a n r, e B c to r, a p Interce Avenge ner, Sar racker, er, Glider, racer, T oyal, Run T ly R F r, r, r, e fe r to id u a R S triker, Extermin r, Rebel, Strider, S atcher, Zealot er, Reave r, p e a e lk R ta r, S e aker, Punish alker, W layer, Spe Viking, W t, n a r y Seeker, S T , rojan T


NEG Anti, ATIV Canc E ellor, Nega Un- tive, Neg ato


y , Claw, E Maw, Mouth , d o lo , B t r , a k e a e ead, H oth, Wing Arm, B o and, H H , t is alon, T F ,T le c s u M

PARTS ther, Y D O g, Fea B e, Fan

Foul, Hateful, Despicable, Dire, Ungodly, rous, Ominous, st on M , st au oc ol H able, Vile Unholy, Unspeak


COLO Ashen R , B lack, B Ebony lu , Eme rald, G e, Brown, C r Silver, old, Green, imson, G White, Yellow rey, Red,

gger, llet, Da u B , w o itar, B e, Scim Blade, r , b e a x S A , , Arrow , Lance ord, Weapon t, Knife is Sw F , t r Da , Staff, e ik p S Spear,


Copyright 2006 Eternal Knot Games. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use only.

S Bloom, B lossom, F lora, Fore Nightshad st, Leaf, e, Orchid MYSTERY , Root, R ose, Thorn, W N s, Conceal, Cryptic ood , Enigma, Enigm ISO Sicknes O at ic , Hidden, Mysteri & P onous, rus ous, Mystery, E i U Mystique, Obscu G l, V Pois re PLA Poison, om, Vira en e, agu oxic, V l P ,T er, Fev Taint Admir TITLE S Chanc al, Agent, B ellor, C aron, Comra Bishop itizen, MAT de, C , Empe ERIA Bron ror, G Crusader, D leric, Comm Cadet, Cap L ze, C eneral, etectiv t a a Keepe in n E d , m e oppe r, Com erald e, Doc Guard r, King r, Cr m , Gr , ian, G , Knig y Obsi Marsh uards Doctor, Du odore, dian, anite, Iro stal, chess man, I al, Ma ht, Lancer, n ,M , Du nsp ste Lie Priest Rock Plastic, ess, P r, Noble, Pa utenant, Ma ector, Judg ke, Platin etal, , S t e e la gister, rinc el, T , Kahn din, P itaniu um, Ma atr , Queen e, Princess m , Prof., iot, Pharao jor, Marine, , Rex, h, Prie Sage, Profes s Samu rai, S sor, Prophe t, Solide ergea t, r nt,
do, omman tor, C , d r oc ua Bodyg e, Diviner, D , ter, it s, u d o n te h y, Rig n, Hun ctiv , Ba rt e e a t in ib L e s m , e s it ic D a st H , cer ld, Ass et, Avenge, Ju Agent, rusader, Dan Guard, Hera ladin, Proph Vengeance a , C r P , ne al, ry, Crimin cer, Executio nhunter, Ninja Sage, Sent , r a r o e f M n En age, , Run rior Druid, ncer, M ider, Rouge f, War a ie L h , t T h R , py er, Knig eign, S , Rang Raider aman, Sover STATE Sh Avengin OF HE g, Chiv ART alrous, Feral, H o Savag VILLAINS e, Righ stile, Noble, , Negator, Regal, teous llor, Negative ce n a C , e n a Arch-, B yrant, Unoxic, T Nemesis, T

ecret, l, Hidden, S a e c n o C , e Clandestin Veiled




Barbaric, Fell, Feral, Savage




ic, ge, Chaos, Chaot na ar C , hy rc na A Anarchist, , Rampage Havoc, Mayhem


Astro, Aurora , Celestial, C omet, Cosmic Galactic, Lun , ar, Meteorite, Nebula, Photo Planet, Solar, n , Space, Star, Stellar, Supernova


ful Harm , l i v nt, ,E M sday Malefice m o o , ,D efic Doom bre, Mal , l u f ale ter aca se, B ostile, M nt, Sinis p y l a a Apoc e, Hell, H Malign Hat


Bandit, Brigand, Cat-burglar, Filch, Heist, Pilfer, Robber, Steal, Thief

Copyright 2006 Eternal Knot Games. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use only.

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