0113 ConfiguringPowerCenterResourceMetadataManager

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Configuring a PowerCenter Resource in Metadata Manager 8.5 and 8.

2009 Informatica Corporation

This article shows you how to create and configure a PowerCenter 7.x and 8.x resource in Metadata Manager 8.5, 8.6, 8.6.1.

Supported Versions
y y y Metadata Manager 8.6.1 Metadata Manager 8.6 Metadata Manager 8.5

Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Before You Begin.............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Increase the IBM DB2 for LUW Database Heap Size .................................................................................................. 3 Configure Permissions ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Create the PowerCenter Resource................................................................................................................................... 3 Configure PowerCenter Parameter Files .......................................................................................................................... 5 Parameter File Requirements....................................................................................................................................... 5 Assigning Parameter Files to PowerCenter Workflows ................................................................................................ 6 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Reference ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Metadata Object Properties.......................................................................................................................................... 9 Record Filters and Rejects ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Scope for Data Lineage.............................................................................................................................................. 10 Case Sensitivity .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Flat Files ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Advanced External Procedure Transformations......................................................................................................... 11 Versioned PowerCenter Repository ........................................................................................................................... 11 Unique Constraint Errors ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Mapplets ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Folder Inclusion List.................................................................................................................................................... 11 Source Incremental Extract Window (in Days) ........................................................................................................... 11

Informatica PowerCenter provides an environment that allows you to load data into a centralized location, such as a data warehouse or operational data store (ODS). You can extract data from multiple sources, transform the data

according to business logic you build in the client application, and load the transformed data into file and relational targets. This article shows you how to create and configure a PowerCenter 7.x and 8.x resource in Metadata Manager 8.5, 8.6, 8.6.1. Metadata Manager extracts metadata from a PowerCenter resource and loads it into a centralized metadata warehouse called the Metadata Manager warehouse.

Before You Begin

Before you configure a PowerCenter 7.x and 8.x resource, increase the IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database heap size and configure permissions.

Increase the IBM DB2 for LUW Database Heap Size

When you load metadata from a PowerCenter 7.x or 8.x repository that is on an IBM DB2 for LUW database, you must modify the heap size. Otherwise, the S_M_ELEMNT_ATTR_EXTRACT session fails with the following error:
DBA2191E SQL execution error. com.ibm.db.DataException: A database manager error occurred. : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0973N Not enough storage is available in the "APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ" heap to process the statement. SQLSTATE=57011

This problem occurs when there is not enough storage available in the database application heap to process the request. To increase the IBM DB2 for LUW database heap size, complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Log out of Metadata Manager. Stop the DB2 database server. Change the Application Heap Size configuration parameter (APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ) from 1200 to 16384 or higher. Restart the DB2 database server.

Configure Permissions
To extract metadata from a PowerCenter version 7.x or 8.x repository, the PowerCenter repository user account requires the following permissions on the PowerCenter repository database: y y y y Select table Select view Create view Drop view

If the PowerCenter repository is on IBM DB2 for LUW, the user account also requires create and drop function permissions.

Create the PowerCenter Resource

To create a PowerCenter resource: 1. 2. 3. On the Load page, click the New Resource icon. The Resource Selection window appears. Click Data Integration > PowerCenter. Click Next. The Properties page appears.


Enter the following information: Property


Name for the resource. The resource appears in the Resource List section with this name. The name must be unique and be between 1 and 255 characters. For multibyte character sets, the resource name must be between 1 and 127 characters. It cannot include the following characters: /\:*'?"<>|[]


Description for the resource. Description cannot exceed 4,000 characters. For multibyte character sets, the description cannot exceed 2000 characters.

5. 6.

Click Next. The Configuration page appears. Configure the following resource connection properties: Property
Check for unassigned connections Login user Login password Database type Source JDBC URL

Checks for unassigned connections between the PowerCenter repository and the underlying database schemas. Select this option to make connections between the PowerCenter resource and source and target resources during the load process. Database user name for the PowerCenter repository database. Database user password for the PowerCenter repository database. Type of database for the PowerCenter repository. Database type can be IBM DB2 for LUW, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or Sybase ASE. JDBC URL for the PowerCenter repository database. Enter the database host name and the database service name. Metadata Manager uses this URL, for example, to verify connection information to the source database. For example, if you connect to an Oracle database, the URL must be:

For Oracle databases, you can enter the SID or edit the string to use the full service name. For example:
jdbc:informatica:oracle://[host]:1521;ServiceName=[service name]

Connect string

Native connect string for the PowerCenter repository database. Metadata Manager uses the connect string to create a source connection to the source PowerCenter repository in the PowerCenter repository associated with Metadata Manager. Code page for the PowerCenter repository database. The code page for the PowerCenter resource, the Metadata Manager repository, and the code page on the machine where the associated Integration Service for Metadata Manager runs must be the same.


7. 8. 9.

Click Next. The Parameters window appears. Configure the folders to extract metadata from in the Select Folders section. To add folders to the Selected Folders list, select the folder in the Available Folders list and click Add. -orTo add all available folders, click Add All.

10. To remove folders from the Selected Folders list, select the folder in the Selected Folders list and click Remove. -or-

To remove all folders from the Selected Folders list, click Remove All. 11. Click Upload files to upload PowerCenter parameter files. 12. Configure the parameter files in the Assign parameter files section. To assign a parameter file to a PowerCenter workflow, select the parameter file, select the workflow, and click Assign. -orTo remove a parameter file from the assigned workflow, select the parameter file and click Delete. -orTo assign a parameter file to all workflows, select the parameter file and click Assign to all workflows. -orTo assign the source parameter file using the information from the PowerCenter source repository metadata, click Preassign. -orTo remove all changes, click Clear All. 13. Configure the number of days for the Source increment extract window. For more information, see Source Incremental Extract Window (in Days). 14. Click Next. The Schedules window appears. 15. To add a schedule, select Attach a Schedule, and select a schedule in the Schedule list. If you have not created a schedule, you can assign a schedule to the resource after you create the resource. 16. Click Finish. The Resource appears in the Resource List section on the Load page.

Configure PowerCenter Parameter Files

You can use parameters in PowerCenter sessions. The parameters can represent flat file sources, lookups and targets, relational connections, procedure objects, or objects in SQL overrides. If you use parameter files, you can configure Metadata Manager to read the parameter files to extract metadata for flat file sources, lookups, targets, relational connections, and objects in SQL overrides when you load the PowerCenter resource. Assign parameter files to PowerCenter workflows if you want to perform data lineage analysis between the PowerCenter repository and the metadata in the flat file sources, lookups, and targets, relational connections, or objects in SQL overrides. Metadata Manager uses the information in the parameter files to display data lineage. To assign the parameter files, you upload the parameter files to the machine running the Metadata Manager application. After you upload the parameter files, you can assign the parameter files to individual workflows or all workflows. You also direct Metadata Manager to assign the parameter files to the appropriate workflows in the PowerCenter repository.

Parameter File Requirements

To enable Metadata Manager to read parameter values from a parameter file, the file must have a .txt, .prm, or .par extension. Each parameter file must contain the following information: y y Session name. Each parameter file must contain the names of the sessions in the workflow. Parameter name. Metadata Manager Console reads and stores all parameters in the file.

You can define parameters and variables in any section in the parameter file. If you define a workflow variable in a session section, the value of the workflow variable applies only when the session runs. For multiple parameter values in the same scope, Metadata Manager considers only the first one. The following table describes the parameter file headings that define each section in the parameter file and the scope of the parameters and variables that you can define in each section:
Scope All Integration Services, Integration Service processes, workflows, worklets, and sessions. The named workflow and all sessions within the workflow. The named worklet and all sessions within the worklet. The nested worklet and all sessions within the nested worklet. Heading [Global] [folder name.WF:workflow name] [folder name.WF:workflow name.WT:worklet name] [folder name.WF:workflow name.WT:worklet name.WT:worklet name...]

Metadata Manager ignores the following information in the parameter files: y y y y Workflow and service parameters. Metadata Manager does not extract workflow and service parameters. Sessions without parameters. Metadata Manager does not require all sessions to use connection parameter files. Duplicate sessions. Metadata Manager extracts the connection for the first occurrence of the session. If you use a reusable session multiple times, the parameter file must identify each session instance. Invalid parameter and value pair format. The parameter and value must be in the correct format.

Sample Parameter File

The following example shows a sample connection parameter file entry:
[CustomerInformation.WF:WF_DB_CATALOG_ORCL.ST:S_M_ELMNT_ASSOC_EXTRACT] $$WEIRD_CHAR=~!@#$%^&*()_+|{}[]=:";'<>?,./` $DBConnection_source=customer_source_DB$DBCONNECTION_SOURCE=hello $DBConnection_target=customer_target_DB $DBConnection_SARAH=sarah $DBCONNECTION_WEED=weedy $PMSessionLogFile=$PMRootDir/sessionname1.log

Assigning Parameter Files to PowerCenter Workflows

You can assign parameter files to PowerCenter workflows after you create the PowerCenter resource. Assign parameter files to PowerCenter workflows in the Parameters tab for a PowerCenter resource on the Load page. You cannot assign parameter files to individual PowerCenter sources, targets, or lookups. You assign parameter files to the workflow that contains the sources, targets, or lookups.

The following figure shows the Parameters tab for a PowerCenter resource:

Upload a parameter file

Parameter files

Assign or delete parameter files

Folders, workflows, and assigned parameter files

To assign a parameter file to a PowerCenter workflow: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Load page, select the PowerCenter resource. In the Resource Properties section, click the Parameters tab. To upload parameter files, click Upload files. Select the parameter file in the Upload files window and click OK. Select the parameter file you want to assign to a PowerCenter workflow in the Parameter Files list, select the PowerCenter folder or workflow in the Folders list, and click Assign. Optionally, you can select a parameter file and click Assign to All Workflows to assign the same parameter file to all workflows or select a parameter file and click Preassign. If you preassign the parameter file, Metadata Manager analyzes the PowerCenter repository to determine which workflows require the parameter file when you load the resource. 6. 7. 8. To remove a parameter file, select the parameter file in the Folders list and click Delete. Optionally, you can click Clear All to remove all parameter file assignments. To save the changes, click the Save icon. To revert the changes, click the Revert icon.

Note: After you upload a parameter file, you cannot delete it from the Parameter Files list.

When I run a resource load in Metadata Manager 8.5.x/8.6.x, Metadata Manager reports the following error:
Could not update sequences generation values in PowerCenter repository Root Cause: [[REP_57140] Object does not exist.] Folder Metadata Load not found. Failed to execute updateseqgenvals.

This error occurs if an administrator deletes the Metadata Load folder after starting the Metadata Manager Service. When you start the Metadata Manager Service, Metadata Manager creates the Metadata Load folder containing the workflows and worklets necessary for the load. Before starting the load, Metadata Manager verifies that the folder exists in the associated PowerCenter repository. If the folder does not exist in the repository, it imports the Metadata Load folder when you start the service. If an administrator deletes the folder, Metadata Manager cannot execute the load.

To resolve the error: 1. 2. 3. Disable and enable the Metadata Manager Service. Connect to the associated PowerCenter repository using the PowerCenter Client. Check that Metadata Manager created the Metadata Load folder.

When I load a PowerCenter resource, I get the following error in the S_M_PC8X_EXPR_PARSER session:
Cannot load external module. EP_13008 [/dwsasprd/pmserv/pmprod/Informatica/PowerCenter8.5.1/server/infa_shared/ExtProc/ libInfExprParser.so.1: /dwsasprd/pmserv/pmprod/Informatica/PowerCenter8.5.1/server/infa_shared/ExtProc/l ibInfExprParser.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] EP_13007 : Cannot create external module manager. EP_13003 : Cannot prepare common external procedure information. EP_13003 [AEP_ExpressionParser] EP_13005 : Cannot initialize Informatica-style external procedure. EP_13005 [AEP_ExpressionParser]

This error occurs when Metadata Manager cannot find the $PmExtProcDir library in its default location. The default location for Metadata Manager libraries is $INFA_HOME$/server/bin/ExtProc. To resolve the error: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. In the PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Metadata Manager Service. Click the Associated Services tab. Click the Associated Integration Service. Click the Processes tab. The General Properties page appears. Click Edit. Change the value of $PmExtProcDir to ./ExtProc. Click OK. Disable and enable the Integration Service. Load the PowerCenter resource again.

Note: If you cannot copy the ExtProc directory, copy the following Metadata Manager specific libraries from $INFA_HOME$/server/bin/ExtProc into the directory to which $PmExtProcDir points: InfExprParser, InfParamReplacer, InfSQLParser, InfTreeExpansion, and CRC32. When I refresh the PowerCenter connections in Metadata Manager, I get the following error:
PowerCenter repository sessions for fetching connection information failed. For more information, see the Metadata Manager Service log.

To resolve the error: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enable the Metadata Manager Integration Service. Refresh the connection to the PowerCenter resource. From the PowerCenter Workflow Monitor, connect to the PowerCenter repository for Metadata Manager. Open the Metadata Load folder. Check the log for the S_M_CONNECTION_EXTRACT session.

This section provides the following reference information about the metadata that Metadata Manager extracts for a PowerCenter resource: y y y y y y y y y y y Metadata object properties Record filters and rejects Scope for lineage Case sensitivity Flat files Advanced External Procedure transformations Versioned PowerCenter repository Unique constraint errors Mapplets Folder Inclusion List Source Incremental Extract Window (in Days)

Metadata Object Properties

Metadata Manager extracts properties of PowerCenter metadata objects and stores their values in the Metadata Manager warehouse. Metadata Manager truncates the value of an object property if the value is stored in multiple records. Metadata Manager extracts the value from the first record only. For example, a PowerCenter repository resides on an IBM DB2 for LUW database and contains an SQL override that is 5,000 characters long. When you create the SQL override in PowerCenter, PowerCenter stores the SQL override metadata in three records in an IBM DB2 for LUW database table. Since the IBM DB2 for LUW database can store up to 2,000 characters for each field, PowerCenter splits the 5,000-character SQL override metadata among three records. The first record contains the first 2,000 characters, the second record contains the next 2,000 characters, and the third record contains 1,000 characters. Since Metadata Manager only extracts the first record for any object property, Metadata Manager only extracts the first 2,000 characters of SQL override metadata from the IBM DB2 for LUW database table. The following table provides the maximum number of characters extracted for a PowerCenter metadata object property contained in the given database:
Database IBM DB2 for LUW Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Sybase Maximum Characters Extracted 2,000 characters 4,000 characters 2,000 characters 4,000 characters

Record Filters and Rejects

While loading PowerCenter sessions into the Metadata Manager warehouse, Metadata Manager rejects or filters the records if it cannot resolve their corresponding database columns. Metadata Manager filters records that meet any of the following conditions: y The session instance connection is not assigned to a database schema.

The connection assignment is valid, Metadata Manager cannot resolve the database column, and an SQL override exists on the reader transformation, such as Lookup or Source Qualifier transformation. The session instance connection is assigned to a schema, the Source Qualifier transformation does not have an SQL override, and Metadata Manager cannot resolve the database columns. Metadata Manager cannot resolve the PowerCenter target structure and the corresponding database columns.

Metadata Manager rejects records that meet any of the following conditions: y y

Scope for Data Lineage

Metadata Manager supports data lineage for the following objects: y y y y y Local shortcuts, not global shortcuts Relational connections, not application connections Lookup transformations and source instances Structure-level lineage for each transformation Connected and unconnected transformations

Case Sensitivity
PowerCenter does not indicate if connections and databases are case sensitive. Metadata Manager assumes that the database storing the PowerCenter metadata is not case sensitive. Metadata Manager stores the structure name and property name in uppercase letters.

Flat Files
PowerCenter can use flat files as sources, targets, and lookups in mappings. Metadata Manager displays the following types of flat files from a PowerCenter source repository in the metadata catalog: y y y y XML VSAM Delimited Fixed-width

In PowerCenter 7.x, you can assign a PowerCenter Server to run the workflow. The metadata catalog displays flat file sources and targets from PowerCenter 7.x repositories under the corresponding PowerCenter Server. If the flat file is located in a repository with no PowerCenter Server configured, the metadata catalog displays the flat file under a object called Unknown Server. In PowerCenter 8.x, you can assign an Integration Service to run the workflow. The metadata catalog displays flat file sources and targets from a PowerCenter repository under the corresponding Integration Service. If the flat file is located in a repository with no Integration Service configured, the metadata catalog displays the flat file under the object called Unknown Service. Metadata Manager determines the columns in the delimited and fixed-width flat files using source and target definitions in PowerCenter. Metadata Manager displays field-level details in data lineage for columns in delimited and fixed-width flat files. Since XML and VSAM flat files do not contain columns, Metadata Manager does not display field-level details in data lineage for these flat file types.


Advanced External Procedure Transformations

If you created Advanced External Procedure transformations in a PowerCenter 6.2.x or earlier repository, and you upgraded the repository to PowerCenter 7.x, PowerCenter converts these transformations to Custom transformations. The metadata catalog shows the upgraded transformations as Custom transformations.

Versioned PowerCenter Repository

Metadata Manager extracts the latest version of objects that are checked into a PowerCenter repository. Metadata Manager does not extract objects that are checked out.

Unique Constraint Errors

When you load a PowerCenter resource, the S_M_ELMNT_ATTR_EXTRACT session can reject rows due to unique key constraint errors, because the PowerCenter SourceDefinition object contains duplicate attribute names. For example, it contains duplicate Tree Name, Set ID, Effective Date, and Set Control Value attributes for the SourceDefinition object. Metadata Manager extracts only one of the values.

If you launch data lineage on a mapplet port for a mapplet that does not contain any instances in PowerCenter mappings, Metadata Manager displays the mapplet and the mapplet ports in the data lineage diagram. Metadata Manager does not display links from the mapplet ports to other PowerCenter objects. If you launch lineage on a mapplet port, and the mapplet contains instances in PowerCenter mappings, Metadata Manager displays the links from the mapplet input and output ports to the other PowerCenter objects.

Folder Inclusion List

Use the Folder Inclusion List parameter to specify folders of PowerCenter objects that you want to load into the Metadata Manager warehouse. To load PowerCenter objects from a PowerCenter folder, move the PowerCenter folder into the Included Folders list. To exclude PowerCenter objects in a folder, move the folder into the Excluded Folders list. The following table describes the options to modify a folder after loading it into the Metadata Manager warehouse:
Option Refresh the metadata associated with the folder. Retain the folder in the Metadata Manager warehouse. Retain the folder in the Metadata Manager warehouse. Do not refresh the metadata associated with the folder. Remove the folder and its associated objects from the Metadata Manager warehouse. Action Select Refresh for the folder. Clear Refresh for the folder. Remove the folder from the Folder Inclusion List. Select the folder and click Remove.

Source Incremental Extract Window (in Days)

Metadata Manager supports incremental extractions from the PowerCenter 7.x and 8.x repositories. By default, Metadata Manager can extract metadata incrementally. Metadata Manager initially extracts metadata from the previous 4,000 days, which is longer than 10 years. After the first metadata load, decrease the time period to extract metadata that has been added, modified, or deleted recently. For subsequent loads, Metadata Manager only extracts the metadata modified in the number of days indicated in the parameter for subsequent loads. After the initial extract completes, reset the parameter value based on the frequency at which you load the metadata for the resource. As a guideline, set the parameter value to at least twice the number of days between resource loads. For example, if you load the resource every two days, set the parameter value to four. By doubling the amount of time,


Metadata Manager extracts metadata for the current and previous time period. If the previous load fails, Metadata Manager extracts information for the previous period and the current period. If you do not reset the default parameter value, Metadata Manager extracts metadata for the past 4,000 days when you load the resource. Note: The first time you load a PowerCenter resource, Metadata Manager may reject objects created before the incremental extract period.

Ninad Wagle Senior Technical Writer


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