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Syllabus for Bio 220, Fall 2013; Readings are to be done before lecture on assigned date

Question/Answer sessions with Prof. Cristol will be Thursdays 11:30-1:00 in Morton 220; come for just half if you have a conflict.

Date Topic AUGUST W 28 Introduction to Darwinian Evolution F 30 Cell Division: Meiosis and Mitosis SEPTEMBER M2 Mendelian Genetics: The Paradox of Sex W4 More Mendelian Genetics: Inheritance Rules F6 Natural Selection M9 W 11 F 13


Ch.1:1-14 & Ch.12:219-229 Ch.13:237-253 Ch.14:256-279 Ch.25:444-462

Microevolution Ch.26:465-486 Macroevolution Ch.27:489-502 Understanding Diversity (tested on Exam 2) Ch.28:505-516 Exam Review Session 5-6:30 ISC 1127 M 16 Exam 1 (100 points; 7 lectures & ~115 pages of textbook & Ch.1 Four Fish) W 18 Bacteria & Archaea Ch.29:528-544 F 20 Protists Ch.30:552-569 M 23 Algae & Plants: Alternation of Generations Ch.31:577-599 W 25 More Algae & Plants: Evolutionary Diversity F 27 Fungi Ch.32:612-628 M 30 Animals: Overview of Evolutionary Diversity Ch.33:636-654 OCTOBER W2 More Animals: Protostomes Ch.34:657-678 F4 Even More Animals: Deuterostomes Ch.35:681-703 Exam Review Session 5-6:30 ISC 1127 M7 Exam 2 (200 points; 9 lectures & ~145 pages of textbook & Ch.2 Four Fish) W9 Extinction (featuring Prof. Swaddle) Ch. 28: 513-523 F 11 Exam Key review study the key M 14 Fall Break W 16 Ecology: An overview Ch.52:1059-1079 F 18 Population Ecology: Life Histories Ch.54:1101-1020 M 21 More Population Ecology: Population Growth W 23 Community Ecology: Competition Ch.55:1123-1145 F 25 More Community Ecology: Biodiversity M 28 Animal Behavior Ch.53:1082-1098 W 30 Viruses Ch.36:711-725 NOVEMBER F1 Behavioral Ecology (featuring Prof. Swaddle) Required reading on Blackboard M4 Ecosystem Ecology: Biogeochemical cycles Ch.56:1148-1160 W6 Required guest lecture Paul Greenberg Read through Chapter 3 of Four Fish F8 Ecosystem Ecology: More Biogeochemical cycles M 11 Human Behavior (tested on final exam) Recommended readings on Blackboard Exam Review Session 5-6:30 Millington 150 W 13 Exam 3 (250 points; 12 lectures & ~ 130 pages of textbook & Ch.3 Four Fish) F 15 Doing Research in Biology (Not tested on any exam) M 18 What is Primary Literature (Not tested on any exam) W 20 Conservation Biology Ch.57:1172-1193 F 22 Threats to Terrestrial Biodiversity Optional Readings on Blackboard M 25 Threats to Marine Biodiversity Literature Search assignment due by 4PM W 27 Thanksgiving Break F 29 Thanksgiving Break

DECEMBER M2 Global Problems: 1950s-1970s Ch.56:1160-1169 W4 Global Problems: 1980s-1990s F6 Global Problems: 21st Century Four Fish Response due by 4PM M9 Exam Review Session 4-5:00 Millington 150 T 10 Exam Review Session 4-5:00 Millington 150 W 11 Exam Review Session 4-5:00 Millington 150 Thursday December 12th, 7-10PM Exam: Cumulative Final (300 points) Other points (total = 1000): Literature Search (50); MasteringBiology (50); Four Fish Response (50)

These are the College of Arts & Science policies on some important issues concerning grades and exams: These and other policies can be found in the Arts & Sciences Faculty Manual at
1. Syllabus. A syllabus must be prepared and distributed for each course. Faculty should not add or change a major course assignment during the semester. Less important changes in reading assignments or scheduled tests or papers may be made as necessary, but they should be made with as much advance notice as possible and they should not constitute a major increase in course responsibilities. 2. Exams. A final examination is expected in all courses except seminars, colloquia, studio, or writing courses where final examinations may be unnecessary or inappropriate. All final exams are three hours, unless you state otherwise in your syllabus at the beginning of the semester. Faculty should not change the time or date of the exam. Also, please remember that no test or final exam may be given during the last week of classes or during the period between the end of class and the beginning of exam period or during any reading period. 3. Incomplete Grades. The grade "I" (incomplete) may be given only when a student has not completed essential course work because of illness or extenuating circumstances. If a student simply fails to attend classes, turn in assignments, or sit for exams, the appropriate grade to award is "F". Please remember that a grade of "I" automatically becomes "F" if the work is not completed by the last day of classes of the following regular semester. Faculty may request a one-semester extension of the "I" by contacting the Registrar. 4. Repeating a Course for a Better Grade. Students who fail a course should not be allowed, under any circumstances, to sit through the course again in a subsequent semester, on the expectation that the original "F" will be changed to a better grade. The student may repeat the course, but s/he must register for it again. Both grades must remain on the student's record. 5. Completing Extra Assignments for a Better Grade. Students should not be allowed to complete additional work after the close of a semester to improve their grades. Requests for grade changes will not be approved unless all students in the class are given the same opportunities and graded by the same standards. Finally, a note about our text: We are fortunate that Professor Allison, of our Biology Department, is a coauthor on the latest edition of our textbook. This is a good thing because it means the book has been written with W&M biology students in mind. In case you are worried that we chose this book just because Professor Allison is an author, rest assured that is not the case - we used both previous editions, with which she had no connection. There is also no reason to be concerned about potential financial conflict of interest, because Professor Allison has the publisher place her royalties from W&M book sales into an account that comes back to our introductory biology students.

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