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Implementing Regulation for the Manual Handling of the Loads

SECTION ONE Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions Purpose Article 1 The purpose of this Implementing Regulation is to determine the required measures to be taken to protect the workers against the health and safety risks, particularly to protect workers against back injury, in jobs that require manual handling of the loads. Scope Article 2 This Implementing Regulation covers all the workplaces covered under the Labour Act dated 22/5/2003 and numbered 4857. Basis Article 3 This Implementing Regulation is prepared according to Article 78 of 4857 numbered Labour Act. Definitions Article 4 As mentioned in this Implementing Regulation; Manual handling of loads: means, manual handling or supporting of loads by one or more workers using body force, including lifting up, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving, that may, due to disadvantageous ergonomic conditions and their specifications, cause back injuries. SECTION TWO Obligations of the employer General Provision Article5 The employer: a) Is obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure the load is carried by appropriate methods, particularly by using mechanical systems and make job organization to avoid the need for manual handling of the loads. b) In cases where manual handling cannot be avoided, taking into consideration the points in Annex-I, will employ appropriate methods to reduce the risk due to manual handling and will make necessary arrangements. Organization of the work and the workplace Article 6 Whenever the need for manual handling of loads by workers cannot be avoided, the employer, will make the necessary arrangements at the workplace, to make the performance of the job as healthy and safe as possible, and; a) Asses the health and safety conditions of the type of work involved, taking into consideration the points in Annex-I and the specifications of the loads. b) Must take the measures appropriate with the job performed, and the characteristics of the work environment, taking into consideration Annex-I, to avoid or reduce the risks of back injury to the workers. Personal risk factors Article 7 The provisions of Annex-II will be taken into consideration in implementation of subsection 2 section (c) of Article 6 of Occupational Health and Safety Implementing Regulation and Article 14 and 15. Informing and training workers Article 8 The following provisions will be complied with in informing and training the workers on manual handling of loads: a) The employer will inform the workers and/or their representatives on the measures taken to protect the health and safety in accordance with this Implementing Regulation and the provisions of Article 10 of Occupational Health and Safety Implementing Regulation. In relation with manual handling, the employer must supply to the workers and/or their representatives, the general information about the load and if possible the precise information regarding the weight of the load and the centre of gravity of the heaviest side when a package is loaded eccentrically.

b) The employer taking into consideration the provisions stated in annexes of this Implementing Regulation, and the provisions of article 12 of Occupational Health and Safety Implementing Regulation, must ensure that the workers receive adequate information and training on how to handle loads correctly, and the risks that may arise in cases of incorrect handling.

Consultation of workers and workers participation Article 9 The employer, on subjects mentioned in this Implementing Regulation and its annexes, in accordance with article 11 of Occupational Health and Safety Implementing Regulation, will take opinions of the workers and their representatives and ensure their participation. SECTION THREE Last provisions Related European Union Legislation Article 10 This Implementing Regulation is prepared based on 29/5/1990 dated and 90/269/EEC numbered Directive of European Union Council. Implementation Article 11 Without prejudice to the more stringent and specific provisions of this Implementing Regulation, in manual handling of loads, the provisions of Occupational Health and Safety Implementing Regulation are also applied. Enter into Force Article 12 This Implementing Regulation shall enter into force on the day it is published. Administration Article 13 The Minister of Labour and Social Security administers the provisions of this Implementing Regulation. ANNEX-I RISK FACTORS RELATED WITH THE LOAD 1. Characteristics of the load Manual handling of the following type of loads may constitute a back injury risk; - If it is too heavy or too large, - If it is unwieldy or difficult to grasp, - If it is unstable or has contents that shift, - If it is in a position that needs to be held away from the body, or with a bending or twisting, - If in the event of a collision, because of its shape and consistency, results in injury. 2. Requirement of physical effort If the work is; - Too strenuous, - Only done by twisting of the trunk, - Likely to result in a sudden movement of the load, - Made in an unstable posture, Type of physical work, effort spent, may result in back injuries. 3. Characteristics of the work environment If the work environment has the below mentioned characteristics, it may particularly increase the risk of back injury; - If the work area is not wide and high enough for the work done, - If the floor is uneven, has obstacles, or presents a slipping or falling hazard, - If the work environment or the conditions do not let workers carry their loads at a safe height or in an appropriate body posture, - If There are level variations on the surface of the workplace floor or the working surface, requiring the load to be lifted and put down,

- If the floor or foot rest is unstable, - If the temperature, humidity, or ventilation is unsuitable. 4. Requirement of the activity The job that requires one or more of the work positions mentioned below may present a risk of back injury; - Over frequent and prolonged physical activity that requires twisting of the waist, - Insufficient breaks and rest periods, - Excessive lifting, lowering and carrying distances, - Work intensity required by the process, that cannot be altered by the worker.

ANNEX-II INDIVIDUAL RISK FACTORS The worker may be at risk under the following conditions; - If he is physically unsuited to perform the job, - Use of inappropriate clothing, footwear, or other personal effects, - Inadequate and inappropriate knowledge and training.

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