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From charity to sustainability

Social Business Summit, 2-5 Oct 2013
Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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What is charity all about?

Philanthropists give to charities for i) good conscience, ii) good image and iii) tax relief Charities (try to) do good with that money Perpetuating the philanthropic cycle:
Need to feel good Donate

Need more money Feel good

Do good

But is it sustainable?

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Oxford dictionary definition: able to be maintained at a certain rate or level, conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources Brundtland Commission definition, UN March 1987: sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs The three pillars of sustainability:

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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The first principle of sustainability is that it should be applied to oneself

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Why is sustainability good?

Good governance Non-conducive global environment More competition amongst charities chasing the same funds Reduce donor dependency Manage liquidity risk If the charity itself is sustainable, it will find it easier to launch and manage sustainable programmes

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Do more with less

Less overheads More non-monetary income Volunteers Pro bono offices Pro bono legal aid, accounting aid More strategic partnerships With local NGOs With players providing leverage More trading income Charity shops Social Businesses

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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What we stand for

Our Vision:

A world in which all people live in dignity and security and are able to provide for their families

Our Mission:

Help individuals and families in the poorest regions of the world by setting up microfinance, education and medical Greenfield operations one community at a time

Social Business Summit 2013

GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Defining Green Shoots

Sowing the Seeds of Sustainable Development Where it is Most Needed

Signs of growth Expansion Repair


Social Business Summit 2013

GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Our core values

Passion for social change Integrity Respect Compassion Fair practice

Transparency Innovation Best practice project management Sustainability Measurability

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Our initial focus

Our initial focus was to set up microfinance Greenfields in regions where the poor had little/no access to fair financing Greenfields are new initiatives designed from scratch and that lack the constraints imposed by existing frameworks Once a Greenfield reaches maturity, the funds would then be channeled to another Greenfield in its first stage of development This approach was reviewed and deemed insufficient in light of the important correlation education and health have on the success (or failure) of economic development programmes

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Our expanded focus

Poverty is a complex issue, it cannot be solved by simple solutions Focus on Economic Development, Education and Medical Aid: implementing synergetic/multi-purpose programmes in our Greenfields, in adequacy with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in order to break the cycle disease/illness lack of education poverty This is a more holistic approach, its implementation will be more difficult but its impact greater and more obvious Most importantly, we partner up with reputable, efficient and reliable local NGOs/charities/authorities Working with local partners contributes to greater sustainability (lower costs and long term viability of a locally empowered programmes)

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Our programmes
India: education loans for slum girls. Partner: (Ujjivan) Vietnam: microfinance for HIV/AIDS rural communities. Partner: local authorities

Cambodia: sustainable agriculture and social entrepreneurship. Partner: Enfants du Mekong, CIDO Philippines: sustainable agriculture and social entrepreneurship. Partner: Gawad Kalinga

Economic Development

Myanmar: medical assistance & education. Partner: Medical Action Myanmar


Medical Aid

Kyrgyzstan: medical assistance & education. Partner: National Infection Control Centre

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Our implementation process

Step1: identify a region with a specific need

Step 2: define a programme addressing that need

Step 3: partner up with a reputable, efficient and reliable local NGO/charity/authority

Step 4: fund and launch a pilot

Step 5: assess the impact and adjust/grow/terminate or replicate

Social Business Summit 2013

GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Ex.1: sustainable support to rural communities

Food & Agriculture and Social Entrepreneurship (FASE) In Cambodia, focus on i) lack of education, ii) sustainable farming techniques => vocational vegetable gardens by schools/education centers In the Philippines, focus on i) social capital, ii) rural entrepreneurship => volunteer programme Sustainability means that we work together with local partners we provide them what we have a competitive advantage for We provide what we can afford!
Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Ex.2: sustainable medical education

Medical Assistance & Medical Education (MAME) 2-week HIV medicine fellowship in London: Identify a Flights and visa need Accommodation Food Follow-up on Local transports Find a local knowledge partner transfer Access to HIV conference Intensive training at: Chelsea & Westminster Hospital Royal Free Hospital Charring Cross Hospital Customise Select Kings College Hospital fellowship candidates St Stephens AIDS Trust Soho AIDS clinic How do we measure sustainability? i) effective knowledge transfer, ii) impact and iii) low cost 2,500 (US$4,000)


Social Business Summit 2013

GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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How can you help?

Make a donation towards one of our programmes Introduce us to your network Help us find Volunteers for our programmes: Short term (1 week) missions for business professionals Medium term (2-6 months) missions for medically trained professionals, sabbatical leaves Long term missions (6-24 months) for graduates and post graduates

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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Thank you
For further information please contact :

Jean-Marc Debricon
CEO Mobile: +44 7595 600 766 UK charity number 1138412 General enquiries: Website:

Green Shoots Foundation P.O. Box 63678 London, SW11 9BD UK

Social Business Summit 2013
GK Enchanted Farm - Bulacan, Philippines

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