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Free Numerology Mini-Reading for Kathrina

BIRTH NAME: Kathrina Patricia Pe Reyes DATE OF BIRTH: January 29, 1980

Hi there Kathrina,
Thank you for visiting my website at, and for requesting this sample minireading and ongoing numerology tutorial. Over the coming weeks, I'll be giving you a wealth of information about numerology (all completely free of charge!). I look forward to taking the journey with you - numerology is a true passion of mine, and it is my hope that you find numerology to be just as fascinating as I do.

Let's jump right in by starting to analyze your numerology chart ...

The best place to start is with one of the most basic calculations ... your "life path" -- based on your birth date of January 29, 1980 -- is 3.

How Is Your Life Path Calculated ?

This is calculated in four steps:

Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit)

Add up the digits in your year of birth.

Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit)

Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above.

With all the above calculations, we keep adding until we end up with a single digit, or an 11 or 22 (which are special cases in numerology, known as "Master Numbers"). In your case Kathrina, you were born on January 29, 1980. Your month of birth is January, which is the 1st month. As 1 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here. Your day of birth is the 29th. Adding 2 + 9 gives us 11 Your year of birth is 1980. Adding 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 gives us 18. Adding 1 + 8 gives us 9 The totals, then, are 1, 11, and 9. To get our final answer, we add these three numbers together to give us 21: Adding 2 + 1 gives us 3

Here's how it looks in the Life Path Calculation Chart

Read the each line from left to right, it shows the life path calculation for your month, day, year and how they are reduced together to arrive at your life path number.

What Does Your Life Path Say About You?

Your tendency to live for today and not for tomorrow is a blessing as well as curse for you

as you journey along your life path. The drawback of this is that you are easily distracted from your responsibilities....

Kathrina, your Life Path of 3 ...

You are creative, expressive and blessed with some type of talent that is guaranteed to put you in the spotlight at least once in your life. You have an upbeat personality and others find you easy to identify with. You also have the potential to become the symbol for an entire culture or generation. Many beloved entertainers, columnists, movie stars and inspirational leaders in the world are number 3's. Your creative and performing talents are also augmented by your astounding ability to understand and empathize with others. You are the number that knows how to "give the people what they want." For this reason many of you also end up in sales or advertising as your innate charm enables you to "sell ice to an Eskimo." You often rise to the top of any career that you choose but the old cliche "it's lonely at the top" also applies to you. This is because threes are often fated to be loved by many but not by one special other. However most as most 3's are naturally philanthropic and giving of their hearts, many are quite satisfied with the mass attention and social popularity that is often part of their life path. In fact, the highest attainment of your life path is the polishing and perfecting of your talent and sharing it with the world. Unfortunately as you do so you may find yourself leaving a lot of broken hearts along the way. A challenge for many 3's is also not to become too jaded about love. As you are very independent and light on your feet you may have a problem finding a life partner that understands your ambitions or that is willing to share you with so many other people. Even if you don't achieve fame, 3's tend to be at the very center of their community and enjoy a thriving social and love life. In fact having too many romances during one lifetime is very characteristic of a 3. As you always put talent or career first you might also find yourself to be the odd person out in a number of love triangles during your life. Usually this is because a career calling forces a 3 to abandon a partner who cannot keep up with them. Sometimes their fast-paced lifestyle does not offer them the time to cultivate a relationship. For this reason you also might find your relationships to be more unorthodox than others might; finding soul mates who are already attached or that are much older or much younger than you. As you have a very spiritually sophisticated view of life you embrace change without the fear that is experienced by most of the other numbers. Often this causes you hardships financially, as you are the number that is most willing to gamble or take a big risk to launch a new project. You are capable of making large amounts of money, but also capable of spending it all just as fast. As you are not very materially minded you are not necessarily concerned about this but your carefree attitude about money often alarms your family and business associates. Your tendency to live for today and not for tomorrow is a blessing as well as curse for you as you journey along your life path. The drawback of this is that you are easily distracted from your responsibilities.

The rare number three that is not successful in life has probably lost his or her focus. The positive aspect of this tendency to live in the here and now is that you rapidly bounce back from any type of misfortune and like a chameleon have an uncanny ability to reinvent yourself throughout your life time.

Your Expression Number

Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 9.

How Is Your Expression Calculated?

What we are going to do now is turn all the letters in your name at birth into numbers, using the following chart :

In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier at the next step to do it this way. Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter Y. If it acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The Y in Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the Y in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel.

Lets work out your Expression number, Kathrina :

Using the above chart we would put a '2' below the 'K' in your first name. We would follow this with a 1 placed above the 'a', then a 2 below the 't', a 8 below the 'h', and so on... We then carry on in the same manner with the rest of your name. When you are finished, you should end up with a chart like this:

Now we simply add up the numbers in each row.

The top row: 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 46 The bottom row: 2 + 2 + 8 + 9 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 71. We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 46+71=117. Adding 1 + 1 + 7 gives us 9 And so, Kathrina, your Expression is 9.

What a Number '9' Expression Says About You

You are very warm and friendly and almost all that meet you are immediately impressed

by your gentle and kind personality....

Kathrina, your Expression of 9 ... Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

The ultimate height of your personal expression in life is the chance to offer to others. You are spiritual in a very practical way and others are often drawn to your empathy and compassion. You work well with people of all ages but you particularly delight in inspiring creativity in children and young adults. For this reason you make a fantastic teacher, counselor or psychologist. Others trust you implicitly because you are so kind, considerate and consistent. You are often the one that is still there when everyone else has abandoned someone for being a "lost cause." You are an extremely loyal and dependable friend. You are a very intuitive individual who is deeply connected to others in a spiritual way. Many nines are prophets, healers and psychics. If you are not psychic then at the very least you are deeply drawn to studying matters of the occult or religion in some way. As you are so driven by your intuition, you are not often found in a day job but rather in an occupation that allows you to go where your heart leads you. As others don't understand your idealism you might suffer a great deal of skepticism or criticism in your life. While very young you may have learned to cloak your personality in eccentricity so that others don't take you seriously. You may have also gained a great deal of weight or developed a disability that gives you the excuse not to have march in step with the mass population. Often these illnesses and personal problems exist in order to eventually to jumpstart

a leap on the spiritual path to enlightenment. Your trials and troubles often eventually qualify you as a "wounded healer" by the end of your life. You are very concerned with the issue of how to express unconditional love. This is a very troubling concept for you as it is difficult for you to accept that one could love another so much and get no cosmic reward in return. It is often part of a number nine's life expression path to be stuck with a difficult soul mate or experience a lot of rejection. This is the universe's way of forcing you to connect with others on a spiritual way rather in a way that is lustful or possessive. Love is the most important thing in the world to you but you often have problems finding a soul mate. Many nines do not make good parents because they are too driven by impulse to be a consistent presence in a child's life. Your partner or lover may also find you frustrating because you live so much in the present and rarely think of the future. You are very warm and friendly and almost all that meet you are immediately impressed by your gentle and kind personality. As the last thing anyone could ever call you is shallow, you sometimes don't pay that much attention to your personal appearance. Also putting other's priorities ahead of your own often leads to a great deal of self-sacrifice. One of your challenges is to make sure that you take time out to take care of yourself and your surroundings. Creativity and art mean a great deal to you and many of you are great poets, musicians and artists. Art is an ideal way for you to express your love of harmony and the divine order of the universe.

Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge

(also known as your "Heart's Desire")
We have already done all the mathematics necessary to work out this number. It is simply the total of the top row (the vowels) of your full birth name. In your case Kathrina, this totals 1.

Kathrina, your Soul Urge of 1 ... What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

Your soul urge is to be the best at everything that you do. You play to win and when you don't win you suffer a serious crisis of faith. As you believe you are directly connected to a higher power you just can't bear it when you let yourself and others down. It makes you think that there is no God. One of your greatest challenges is to put your life in perspective. Most ones are born into lives that encourage their personal development and in particular the expression of their free will. However it is often this sense of entitlement, that the world must always be your oyster that leads to your downfall. You may see your pride as being evidence of your high self-esteem and confidence. However sometimes your ambition and drive is so extreme that it disgusts and angers others who may perceive you as selfish and controlling. In ancient cultures flaunting your talents and wealth was thought to attract "the evil eye." In your case the evil eye is often others desire to see your pride crushed or watch you take a big fall off your pedestal. You on the other hand don't understand why others can't see that you are special. Many number ones suffer from a bad case of terminal uniqueness. You love things that are one of a kind and will resort to extreme or even outrageous behavior to prove that you are irreplaceable. In your universe you are the sun and everything and everybody else rotates around you. Many number ones sabotage their careers in the early stages, as they cannot get past the idea that someone else might know more or be better than them. Ones that feel dominated may resort to overtly rebelling against authority and cause chaos. Your eagerness to be recognized for your talents sometimes turns you into a braggart. This often incurs the wrath of others, as it seems that you really are concerned with taking care of number one and nobody else. One of your soul lessons might be to recognize that "to rule is truly to serve." If your talents are not appreciated or recognized by others you may steal the spotlight by creating unnecessary dramas in your life. This is because in your mind even negative attention than no attention at all. If you feel you are a failure you also risk the temptation of escaping into addiction or fantasy. You may get involved in troubling situations with emotionally disturbed people so that you can

feel like the hero by rescuing them. The conflict that you face is the age-old battle between your will and what fate has to offer. When bad things happen to number ones they tend to give up entirely. This is part of a damaging all or nothing mentality. This type of attitude often puts you in situations that are humiliating as you often persist out of pure stubbornness even though all signs point to eventual failure. To be successful you need to temper your soul urges with patience and tact. You need to learn to see other people's point of view and let others win an argument once in a while. You are in such a hurry to succeed that you often make hasty decisions that you regret later. Acting on impulse is definitely a hazard for you on your life path. Rather than listen to your ego, listen to you higher self as well.

Kathrina, Heres How This Ancient Text Discovered on a Chinese Turtles Shell Can Bring You Abundant Luck, Money, Love, Health and Happiness as Soon as July 10, 2011!
If you want to receive (right away) all the love, money, health and happiness you desire this will be the most important message you will ever read!

Here is why:
Over ten years ago my fiance Wendy dragged me out of the house to meet a master numerologist visiting our town, Christchurch, in New Zealand. Back then I didnt think much of numerology, and neither did my scientist colleagues, especially Iron-head John. However, numbers always fascinated me so I decided to listen to what the mysterious numerologist had to say.

Kathrina, I was stunned! Listen to the story he told me:

Did you know a man named Wu of Hsia has discovered an ancient tortoise shell from China with very unusual writing on it? This writing is estimated to be about 4,000 years old and is said

to be the oldest piece of writing in existence. It has been studied by some of the smartest historians, professors and scientists in the world and they were all shocked to discover

The Oldest Piece Of Writing In The World Is About Numerology!

Numerology is perhaps the oldest science known to man.It is based on real numbers and mathematical principles that are predictable in nature. Thats why Pythagoras one of the greatest mathematicians in history (and someone you may remember from high school geometry) studied it so intensely! Pythagoras is known as the father of numerology because of the great advancements he made in the science more than 2,700 years ago. Since then, there have been many more advancements in mathematics, and with it, in the science of numerology. Youll be amazed to discover how many things in the universe can be explained by a mathematical formula. Numbers govern much if not most of what happens in your life, relationships, health, and finances. By just knowing your name and date of birth, I can tell you things about yourself, your relationships, and even your future that will blow your mind... And for the next hour, he did blow my mind. Since that day, my life, health, finances, and relationships have completely turned aroundfrom being miserableto everything I always dreamed them to be! Now, I live in a beautiful home, with a loving family, in great health, and no worries.

I Even Discovered My True Destiny!

"So accurate it's scary!"

"Your astonishingly accurate reading confirms exactly what has been going on and evolving in my life. From facts about my early childhood to my current situation, your reading is so accurate it's scary!" - Susan Maurath, USA The master numerologist took me under his wing and, I soon discovered I could predict major events and turning points in peoples lives with laser-like precision ... I was able to create a "road map" for people's lives that left their jaw hanging open in astonishment ... I was able to glimpse into a person's very soul to find out what they held dearest and, to help them get more of what they most wanted out of life! I realized helping people this way is my true purpose in life.

At first, my scientist colleague Iron-head John ridiculed me day after day as I intensely studied numerology. He was a skeptic, just like I was before I started my amazing journey of discovery. But once he saw the accuracy of my predictionsonce his life began changing dramatically better from my readings Iron-head Johnlike many of my scientist colleagues transformed from a non-believer to a numerology fanatic! (His wife did too since I helped save their marriage). Fast forward to today and, Ive done over 12,500 of my comprehensive world-famous LifeChanging Numerology Readings for people all over the world many of whom are business executives, celebrities and politicians.

Recently the Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper published readings I did of:

Famous actor Matthew Broderick (husband of Sarah Jessica Parker from the hit HBO show Sex and the City) Hip-hop singer Ciara (have you heard the never-gonna-get-it song "Goodies?") Actress Sandra Oh, who stars on the hit show Grey's Anatomy and who you may have seen in the movie 'Sideways'.

Ive been asked by the New York Post Newspaper to predict the outcome of the last presidential election (I was right) and I was approached by a TV show that aired nationwide across America to produce The Ultimate Guide For Learning Numerology Easily which you may have seen on TV.

"I sat in shock as I read it"

"When I got my reading, I sat in shock as I read it... I just can't believe the accuracy - there are things in here about me almost nobody knows, but you do!" - Vicki Marks. Special Events Director, Missouri Despite all this, I have to admit something. Many people have been disappointed with me recently. Why? Because demand for my Life-Changing Numerology Readings is so great that people are on my waiting list for months, even years, to receive a reading from me. Thats why my wife, Wendy, suggested I set up a website in the meantime that offers a free and quick mini-reading which you requested and received as a gift from me. Most people find this a very valuable and insightful gift, even though it only covers three of the 900 plus calculations I do in my comprehensive Life-Changing Numerology Readings! But this created a problem: You see, I am very passionate about my readings. And sometimes a mini-reading gets me so involved and catches m y attention so strongly I cant help but itch to go much further into it!

And guess what Kathrina? Your mini-reading is one of those I cant help but continue to go further into!

Unleash The Hidden Giant Within You!

"Future predictions are right on!"

"I was a total skeptic about this... so it's saying A LOT when I admit I am stunned by the accuracy of my reading! And the specific and very detailed predictions from last month to this one are amazingly on the button! I'm still keeping it a secret from my doubting friends, but this reading is really relaxing me about what's going on in my life and my future, and it keeps me laser-focused on what I really need to do. Skeptic or not, if something works, I use it. And this is working almost too well." - John Carlton President, Marketing Rebel, LLC In this reading you will discover who you really are, detail by detail. If youre like most people, youll get emotional as you read and identify with these inner personality characteristics youve never shared with anyone beforewhen you realize the reason for the struggles youve been havingand when you discover the precious (and hidden) gifts life has given you. Youll uncover the different pieces of your personality that combine to make you the person you are (and how to appreciate, love, and take advantage of them). Youll discover your individual strengths and how to maximize them your weaknesses and how to tackle them. Finally, live the wonderful life you deserve by uncovering your hearts deepest wishes and desiresandthe simple secret to achieving them! Youll discover how to make the most of your life and live the life you always wished for!

Youll also discover:

Why you may not know about the most powerful ability you have! (Look at the section examining your 4th Core Number) The real inner-workings of your mind! Youll discover how your mind works for you and how to multiply its power! Discover how your mind alters reality, how it solves problems for you, and much more that will change the way you think forever! (Look at the section examining your Rational Thought Number) What your talents, strengths and abilities are and, how to have them add more success and joy into your life than you ever thought possible! (Look at the sections examining your Expression Number, Karmic Lessons and Hidden Passion) Why fulfilling this one desire of yours will immediately give you greater awareness of who you are, what your important goals are and, what direction to continue with your life! Youll no longer waste time and energy on things that are not of utmost importance to you! (Look at the section examining your Maturity Number) What your friends (and even strangers) really think of you! Most people project an image to the outside world very different than what they think they do. Discover the image you really projectandhow to how to make it the image you want to project! ((Look at the section examining your Personality Bridge) Amazing details about your physical, mental, emotional, and intuitive abilities! Discover which are the strongest and weakest and what they can accomplish for you! (Look at the section examining your Planes Of Expression)

How to easily handle the most difficult and threatening situations in your life! First, youll discover exactly how you currently react to stressors (do you think them through, react emotionally do something different?). Then, Ill show you how to best tackle and eliminate these problems using the big hidden guns already in your personality! (Look at the section examining your Balance Number)

Control Your Destiny With This Map Of Your Future!

"Thank you for making me aware"

"As I began to read the first few pages of my numerology reading, I cried. It describes me so well, how others see me, my deepest wishes, my ambitions and passions, my past and current struggles. - Liza, Ohio, USA

"Fulfilling my destiny!"

"I've always wanted to fulfill the destiny of who I am and who I can become. Thank you! Your reading puts everything I had been sensing and feeling on a map that I can finally read!" - Brandy Reece, Senior Corporate Trainer, Maryland

Youll receive a long list of accurate and specific details about events in your future... beginning tomorrow! Finally, youll see in advance where your health, career, relationships and life are heading. Youll find it exciting and uplifting as you read page-after-page outlining every single day of your life in the next two years! That means no more wondering and worrying what tomorrow has in store for you! And thats not all. You get a month-by month breakdown of what will happen to you in the next nine years! Youll read about specific changes in your life that will occur very soon. Now, I cant change future events in your life but, I will let you know what lies ahead so you will maximize every opportunityandavoid all unnecessary pitfalls by being aware of them! Yes, never again have an opportunity pass you by! By being aware in advance of specific opportunities in your future, youll catch and take advantage of them quickly. And imagine no more surprise setbacks because now youll be ready for them! By knowing whats around the corner for you, you wont have to worry anymore. Plus, youll discover the four biggest challenges youll face in your life! What are they and what you must know to prepare for them and overcome them! But thats not all. There are also certain pinnacles you must know about! And during your next pinnacle you will be making a lifealtering decision you should read about immediately! (Look at the sections examining your Challenges and Pinnacles) Kathrina, if you have any part of your life that isnt going the way you wantif you have any concerns, fears or hopes about your finances, career, love life, relationships, or healthif you have any curiosity at all about where you will be in 3, 4, and 5 years from nowabout how to eliminate the bad, increase the good and take control of and master your destinyyour answers are all here waiting for you!

Experience The Peace Of Knowing (100%) The Right Path To Travel In Your Life!

Discover (for sure) if the roads youre traveling through lifeand the goals you are striving to achieveare the right ones for youor the wrong ones! Never again wonder if youre doing the right thing, the wrong thing, or whos advice to listen to. Now, youll know. And you can relax right nowbecauseyoull have a step-by-step plan!


Discover the astonishing truth of what life really has in store for you (and specifically, when major life "turning points" will occur)! Live with passion as you rediscover deep down whats most important to you in life and the easiest way to get it! Discover the amazing money-making secrets of your personality you absolutely must know about to be financially worry-free and achieve lasting wealth! Hold in your hands a complete written plan detailing your best strategy for lifetime success! Youll become aware of previously hidden opportunities for success and youll uncover your hidden talents, inner skills and inborn abilities! Advance your career! Discover the hidden strengths inside of you and how to use them for success! (Also, the environment you work best in)! Discover, develop and master new talents you didnt know you have! Discover how to create loving, long-lasting and rewarding relationships! Enjoy life and happiness more than ever before as you discover your deepest inner motivations, ambitions, needs, wants and desires! (And how to satisfy them)! Master your emotions instead of being a slave to them! Youll learn a lot about your emotional reactions and how to work with them instead of against them! Lead a more balanced life! Youll uncover areas in your life out of balance and how to make them work for you in a positive way! Improve your luck in life! Watch your luck soar high and good things start happening more often once you know your lucky numbers and lucky days! Achieve the deepest, happiest, most romantic love life humanly possible! Overcome difficulties and obstacles! (Its easier than you think if you have this information)! Finally uncover your true life purpose and destiny in life! (No longer waste time going the wrong way)! Identify your strengths and weaknesses! (With this knowledge you can achieve almost anything you desire)! Discover the secrets of your personality! Youll be nodding your head saying oh yes! and aha! and that explains it! as you read these deeply revealing characteristics about your personality, character, and self-image! Determine the best time to get married, change jobs, move, invest, and travel! Discover what lies ahead so you can plan for the future! (Remember, youll get a day-byday forecast of your future for the next two years and, a month-by-month forecast for the next nine years)! Discover how to deal with understandand influence your family, friends, lovers, employers and employees! (and anyone else)! Discover a simple, quick way to maximize your energy and reduce your stress!


The Secret That Makes All This Possible

"How can you possibly know this about me?"

"I was truly astounded by the accuracy! It was so 'weird' but revealing at the same time! I mean, I as I read I just kept asking: How can Mike possibly know this about me? The reading also described my feelings at this stage in my life and it hit me straight in the gut! Incredible! Thank you so much. I've always believed numerology could tell me 'more', but now I know for sure!" - Sabrina Hoornaert, Financial Administrator, Belgium

Kathrina, Im actually just touching the tip of the iceberg here. In a few moments Im going to tell you about even more amazing ways youll critically improve your life with my reading. But before I go on, I have to share a secret with you. Numerology is a very old and powerful science. It has been developed, improved and enhanced for over 4,000 years now by some of the greatest minds and mathematicians in the world (Pythagoras was just one of the first to make really great strides in the field). And because of many recent advancements in mathematics and numerology, things could now be done for you that were never before possible. This is very important, because its the foundation of my biggest secret to becoming a worldfamous numerologist over the past decade. You see, aside from dedicating over 10 years of my life to the study of numerology, what most people dont know about me is I used to be a mathematician and a computer scientist!

Thats why I truly believe this reading is

The Most Detailed, Accurate And Deeply-Revealing Numerology Reading In The World!
"Success with newly discovered abilities!"

"Your reading showed me abilities I have but never considered before. With this new information I have been able to integrate my abilities and I am growing to new heights!" - Dorothy Bodenburg, Fountain Valley, California In fact, to illustrate how detailed, accurate and deeply-revealing your reading is, I am going to tell you about your past in your reading! Thats right, Ill go back in time and tell you (with 98% accuracy) specific events that happened to you in the past. And Im even going to tell you why things that happened to you in your past did happen to you. You will be stunned as you read about your past, present and future in your reading. People write to me almost everyday raving about their astonishment at the accuracy of this reading and even more important the many positive things occurring in their lives ever since receiving a comprehensive reading from me.

"You gave me strength and courage!"

"Your astonishingly accurate reading confirms exactly what has been going on and evolving in my life. From facts about my early childhood to my current situation, your reading is so accurate it's scary!" - Carmen Vela, Quebec, Canada Kathrina, as I said before, Im not done yet! For some time now, Ive been offering people a choice of 9 additional reports that explore your personality, life purpose, and future even further! And Ive decided I am going to send all 9 of these reports to youfor FREE! Like your main reading, these 9 free reports are also written in plain English, are simple and easy to read and, each adds new information that will greatly improve your life!

Here they are:

Did you know that your telephone number, home address, even the number of a hotel room you stay in effects your life for betteror worse? Numbers affect everything in your life, especially the numbers closest to you. And the digits in your phone number are very tied to your everyday identity and life. They are a gateway of communication between you and the people you love and work with. Ill show you specifically how your phone number is influencing your career, as it can really make or break you. For example, Ive recently had a travel agent who couldnt get her business

to work. She did everything she could and she couldnt figure out what was going wrong. Well, after she received this report from me, she decided to change her phone number. And guess what? Her travel business instantly turned around! Its almost unbelievable, and its true! Dont overlook the power of these numbers in your life! By the way, check immediately to see if your phone number reduces to an eight.

Please let me demonstrate a technique discovered by Lo Shu numerologists in China that will reveal details about your personality in just 10 seconds! Take out a pen and paper and draw nine-boxes. You will write numbers from your birth date into these boxes, but NOT all the boxes. This will take about 10 seconds and it will reveal personal things about you even your closest friends dont know about! Including:

How you communicate with others! Your levels of confidence! How sensitive, perceptive, and intuitive you are! How cooperative, diplomatic and tactful you are! Secrets to your memory, intellect, and creativity!


Warning: Be cautious about using this technique on others!

It provides very personal information by simply knowing someones birth date and how to place it into these nine boxes. However, it can be very useful if you need to evaluate someone you dont know. Many employers are now using it to evaluate job applicants because it reveals:

How neat and tidy you are! How hardworking you are! How attentive you are to details! How emotionally balanced and stable you are! Your levels of respect to home, family and responsibility! Lessons you learned in life through disappointment and loss! How well you finish what you start! How much you care for other people and society!

Oh, this technique will also reveal if you have any positive arrows or even negative arrows. And youll discover your karmic debts which will explain why certain things keep happening in your life.

Like everything else, luck is largely influenced by numbers. This report will look at your important core numbers and reveal how to attract luck into your life! Youll discover:

The truth about good luck and how it really works in your life behind the scenes! A simple two-step method to instantly improve your luck! (Especially when playing a game of chance)! The 6 magic words you must know if you want good luck! (This is so crucial its a pre-requisite to having luck in your life). Is your birth date really a lucky number? (The answer will surprise you)! Is the number 3 a lucky numberor really an unlucky number? (Almost everyone gets this wrong).

Why 40% of your luck comes from your LP, 30% from your E, 20% from your HD and 10% from your BD! How to get lucky breaks, over and over again! Your lotto numbers! (These are the only numbers you should ever play)! Why knowing your Lovers Number can predict, strengthen and even save your relationship! (Check to see if its a 4/8). How to attract more opportunitiesand even land a promotion! Special Bonus: Which celebrities do you share lucky numbers withandwhat you have in common with them! (Are you more like Brad Pitt or George Clooney? Oprah or Julia Roberts? Cameron Diaz or Halle Barry? Sylvestor Stallone or Jon Bon Jovi? Jennifer Aniston or Drew Barrymore?)

Plus You'll Also Discover The Best Time For You To:

Start a new project or relationship! Travel! Make new friends! Spend time on yourself! Spend time on your family! Ask for a promotion or raise!

What you should immediately do is turn to the last page. There is something strange included on this page which you must remove. Then, put it in your pocket, bag or wallet. What is this odd thing? I cant tell you until you see it for yourself. But I will tell you this: It is one of the most fascinating things you will ever see. And thats not all. Within 24 to 48 hours, you will begin to see something happen in your life. Trust me, you will know when it does and, it will occur throughout the day. You will quickly experience some of the greatest powers and lifeimprovements numerology has to offer you, specifically with achieving your goals, wishes and desires! Oh, theres one more thing. Before you put this unusual thing in your pocket, bag or wallet, you have to write a small sentence on a sheet of paper. This sentence is the most important sentence you will ever write in your life. Please write it neatly and clearly.

Did you know you can turn a bad day into a great day by simply adding one color to your wardrobe? Its true. Try it out yourself tomorrow. But heres the catch: The same color wont work everyday! Not at all. You need to know what color the day requires. Luckily, this is easy. All you have to do is know your daily power number!

You see, there is an energy that surrounds you and, this energy is largely influenced by your daily power number. Knowing it, you will anticipate in advance pleasant and difficult days in your future. And since every daily power number has a positive color associated with it, you can drastically improve you day by adding this color to it! Ill tell you your daily power numbers along with their corresponding colors. So take out your calendar, because the daily power number will be the most important thing youll write in it! And if you are planning an event or activity, such as a job interview, date, party, home repair, or buying or selling a house or car, this is especially essential! (By the way, if tomorrows power number is 11, pay attention to details in your personal relationships and, if its 22, be particularly attentive to your career).

If you have one-minute, you can predict the future of any relationship!

Heres how:
Over the course of your life, you go through 9-year cycles. These cycles effect everything in your life and you can quickly determine which cycle you or anyone else are in (be it your lover, friend, family member, partner, boss or coworker). All you need is the exact day and year of the persons last birthday. Why is this important? Because knowing the cycle you and someone else are inwill tell you where your relationship with that person is heading! For example, some cycles draw you and your friends apart through distance and work, while other cycles bring you back through reunions. Likewise, differences in your and your lovers cycle will signal times of problems and times of growth. If either of you are in the 2, 4, 6 or 11 energy cycle, this is a particularly good time for growth. But if you are in a 5 and your lover in a 6, be prepared to have problems. (However, Ill show you how to stop cycle clashes and have great relationships all the time). Plus, depending on the cycle you are in, this year might or might NOT be the best time to start a new project, job, business or relationship, have a child, write a book, complete something youve started, move into a new home or redecorate, learn a new skill, art or language, or many other things. Youll know once you read this report.

This report uses another tool of mine to look at your future, accurately and in-detail. Here are some things you should look out for Kathrina:

Very soon, you or someone you know could find yourself in the news! See page 7!

Be prepared to have some unexpected financial problems at these times. The good news is there is help available you should know about. See page 8! Then, on these days, you will have a particularly busy time. Dont rush too much, especially when traveling. And be careful of mistakes by others, especially on the road. See page 8! If there is any time you should buy a lotto ticket or take a gamble, this is it! Luck is on your side as long as you do this one little thing! See page 12! And, get ready for this emotional cycle of ups and downs. This could mean problems in your relationships, and something unusual may happen too. See page 13!

Youll also discover good and bad times to start new projects, travel, change jobs, ask for a promotion, take risks, move, invest in real estate, make money with something you created, take a new step in a relationship, and much, much more!


Thats because your palms have patterns that reveal things about your life. Just like numbers, patterns are a study of mathematics and they reveal unique things about you. And in five minutes Ill show you everything you need to know to read your own, your lovers, or anyone elses palm!

. Thats because your palms have patterns that reveal things about your life. Just like numbers, patterns are a study of mathematics and they reveal unique things about you. And in five minutes Ill show you everything you need to know to read your own, your lovers, or anyone elses palm!


If you have an earth hand, air hand, fire hand, or water hand! (Youll never believe what each of these reveal)! How doctors are diagnosing medical and psychological conditions by examining the patterns found in their patients hands! (Find out what your health line really reveals and how islands affect it)! How the size of your fingers reveal how smart you are! (People have lots of opinions about this. Youll get the facts). The thumb secret that reveals how generous you are! A finger thermometer to how successful you are! What the Mount of Venus reveals about your attraction to the opposite sex! What your marriage line reveals about when youll get marriedandhow the marriage will turn out! How many children youll have (boys and girls) as revealed in your children lines! What your fate line reveals about the success and setbacks youll have! What your physical heart line reveals about how you express your emotions! What your head line reveals about your smarts, memory and creativity! (And what it means if its forked at the end)! How to detect the stars in your hands that indicate good luck! (The type of luck depends on the mound the star is located on). How to read your character, talents, destiny, and much, much more!

Youll also discover how palmistry can help you find true love, detect problems in your love life, and help your love grow to new heights. Plus, Ill show you how by comparing hands with your lover, you can tell how compatible you are! This makes for a fun, compassionate and romantic night in (for added spark, buy a bottle of red wine).

For many a collectors item, this is a rare and complete set of detailed notes from my one-time only, expensive and exclusive 16-hour weekend tell-it-all seminar. I revealed here to a small room of attendees some of the greatest secrets known to mankind on achieving financial, emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental satisfaction, success and happiness. Everything I know on how to get what you want in life is revealed here. Of course, a significant part of this seminar focused on numerology. However, you will discover a lot more in these pages. Youll discover truths and fallacies about ESP, Auras, Chakras, Psychometry, Tarot Cards, Runes Stones, Tea Leaves, Healing, Clairvoyance, and holistic living with the Pendulum. Youll discover how to tap into the super-conscious mind while you sleep to give you all the answers you want in life. Youll discover four easy and powerful meditation techniques that will increase your creativity and reduce your stress. Youll discover a lot more. Finally, youll have in your hands an all-inclusive and easy-to-access reference book on how to make your dreams, wishes and desires come true.

In addition to your comprehensive Life-Changing Numerology Reading, and your 9 free reports, I am also giving you three more software bonuses for FREE!
I have a set up a secret webpage where you can access these bonuses. When you arrive at the webpage, you will be asked for a password. Enter the word Destiny. Youll discover three amazing software programs. If you enter your name and birthday into any of these programs, it will analyze it and give you something very neat in return! In fact, you can enter all your friends and familys names and birthdays too. No need to rush, because you can use these programs anytime 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the rest of your life! Here they are:

Do you know anyone who always seems to be lucky? Always winning games, contests, and prizes? Good things always happening? Well now its your turn to be that person! This unique program will calculate your lucky numbers for you. Not only will you discover your five universal lucky numbers, youll also get your daily lucky numbers, day-by-day for the next week! (I use these for my lottery tickets). And you can check your new lucky numbers every week! Also, your friends will be really amused when you call to tell them their lucky numbers! But I have to warn youthey might start begging you to be picking their lottery numbers! (Note: You will see noticeable patterns in your day-by-day lucky numbers. This is no coincidence. These numbers are calculated using established numerological formulas, just like the patterns you see in all of nature).

With this tool, you can instantly create and print out minireadings for all your friends and family. Just like the free mini-reading I sent you earlier, this one provides insights into your ultimate destiny, your potential natural abilities and what you want to be, have and do. But this mini-reading actually goes even further into your personality and future, opening your eyes to upcoming challenges and turning points in your life! So do your friends and family a favor and send them this mini-reading immediately! Theyll appreciate it!

Remember I told you I was approached by a TV show that aired nationwide across America to produce The Ultimate Guide For Learning Numerology Easily? Its a guide that introduces the concepts, calculations and interpretations of numerology. And whats unique is the guide explains numerology to you by analyzing your very own name! This makes the learning experience fun, entertaining, and insightful to you! For a long time this guide was sold on nationwide TV. Im giving you the program to create and print as many of them as you want for free! Yes, you can now produce personalized numerology lessons for your friends, family and associates! This makes a great birthday gift, by the way.


In this guide youll learn more about your lucky numbers! Youll discover your most important lucky number, and your second, third, and fourth luckiest numbers in rank order. Ill show you how to bring yourself fortune with these numbers, as well as the meaning they have in your life (they have a lot of meaning)! Youll also get a simple chart of your luckiest days in the next 6 monthsand your luckiest months of the year!

Kathrina, if you respond to me today, youll receive your comprehensive Life-Changing Numerology Reading, along with your nine free reports and the three free software bonuses within 24 hours!


Your Comprehensive Life-Changing Numerology Reading. I analyze your name and birth details in great detail and give you 130+ pages of specific, accurate, in-depth information that will bring you luck, love, money, health, and happiness! Youll have a deep understanding of your personality, purpose in life, and destiny! Youll travel through your past, present, and future! Youll even get a day-by-day breakdown of your future for the next two years, and a month-by-month breakdown of your future for the next nine years! ($497.00 Value)


Free Report 1: Why Your Phone Number Can SkyrocketOr RuinYour Career! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 2: The 10-Second Lo Shu Personality Exposer! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 3: How To Multiply Your Good Luck! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 4: A Strange Overnight Secret To Success! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 5: The Wardrobe Secret That Transforms Bad Days Into Great Days! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 6: The 1-Minute Relationship Forecast! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 7: 84 Future Predictions In Your Life! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 8: How to Read Your Lovers Palm In 5 Minutes! ($97.00 Value) Free Report 9: How To Make All Your Dreams Come True! ($97.00 Value) Free Software 1: Lucky Number Analysis On Demand! ($97.00 Value) Free Software 2: Personality/Future Mini-Readings On Demand! ($97.00 Value) Free Software 3: Personalized Numerology Lessons On Demand! ($97.00 Value)

If you add up the value of this package, youll discover your Life-Changing Numerology Reading ($497.00 value), the nine free reports (total $873.00 value), and the three free software programs (total $291.00 value) are together a value of $1,661. I thought about only asking you a few hundred dollars to send you all this. But Im not even going to do that. No. For the whole enchilada, I am only going to ask $67! And considering that your Life-Changing Numerology Reading alone has over 900 calculations performed for you...that comes out to just a little over

And thats not all! In addition to giving away this package to you for mere pennies on the dollar, I am also making the following guarantee:

Take your time to look through your reading along with the free reports and software bonuses. If anytime within the next eight-weeks you dont think your reading is everything I say it is, just drop me a one-line email andI will refund every single penny to you immediately, without any questions or hassles! Thats right. I am making this guarantee because Im convinced this reading will amaze you and change your life. If not, I will gladly buy it back from you for $67.00, so youre not out a single cent. And you still get to keep the 9 free reports and three free software programs. That means no matter what, you only come out ahead. However, you dont have much time left. To receive your Life-Changing Numerology Reading, 9 free reports and three software bonuses, you must act right now, today, July 9, 2011. Listen: People typically pay me hundreds and thousands of dollars for all this and, happily wait a year to receive it. Youre in a rare situation where your mini-reading excited me to go further into your particular analysis. Thats why Im making you this unique offer. Im glad to do it. But my time is in great demand. If you dont respond now, today, Ill be forced to move on to other peoples readings and youll lose your chance at this opportunity. Please accept your Life-Changing Numerology Reading and free gifts now, today, before they become unavailable to you. All you have to do is review your order details and click the button below:

Your Order Details

Delivery Email Current Name Kathrina Reyes Full Birth Name Kathrina Patricia Pe Reyes Date of Birth January 29, 1980

Amend these Order Details.

When you click the button, youll be taken to a 100% safe and secure order page. There, youll just fill out a few necessary questions. I set up an alert on my computer to notify me the second youre done with this and, Ill complete and send your reading and the free gifts to you, privately, within 24 hours.

But you must act right now, before closing this webpage.

You know, there are thousands of people all over the world (and Im not even talking about the celebrities and politicians, just regular everyday people) whos lives changed since receiving a reading from me:

Ive had people go from financial troubles to financial success, doubling and tripling their incomes in little time. Ive had people come to me with health concerns and have not only regained their wellbeing, but also their youth and energy and quality of life (some even into their eighties and nineties). And Ive had couples on the brink of divorce now living the happiest, romantic and richly-fulfilling relationships I know of.

Don't Take My Word For It ... See What Others Have To Say

Simply review your reading details and click the "Continue to Secure Payment Page" button now:

Delivery Email Current Name Kathrina Reyes Full Birth Name Kathrina Patricia Pe Reyes Date of Birth January 29, 1980

Amend these Order Details.

Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan B. Sc. (Hons), Master Numerologist. P.S. If you order now, Im also going to send you three additional mystery gifts. Youll be one of the few people in the world to have these. I would love for you to tell me what you think of them! P.P.S. Remember, you are backed by my 100% ironclad risk-free eight-week money back guarantee. And no matter what, you get to keep the 9 free reports and three software programs. So you cant lose, you can only gain (and gain a lot)! Dont hesitate, order now!

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nma are you my secret stalker?

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Like Reply 1 month ago 49 Likes

Godwasiam thanks
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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to nma 2 Likes

Queen Lisa2 it,s like u know me personal this is execellent

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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to nma 1 Like

Juno dear sir, thank you so much coz u explained my weakness and you showed me that who am i for my self thanks alot.again i thank you coz you have concerned my request and for your quick reply..
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Like Reply 2 weeks ago in reply to nma

Sososweet79 wow, im amazed, thank you!

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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to nma

Melita Faust Dear Mr. Madigan, Thank You for Your effort and investment in me! I must admit that reading those conclusions was rather amazing and shocking, one might say. I do not think there was even one sentence mismatching with my character and that is rather scary, if I may say! Makes me think how much freedom do we have in life, do we even have a choice to choose our own way and above all - my logic can not sort it out, how can some numbers, positions of planets and etc. influence our lives, how can they have any influence at all?! But they must have, since... Keep up the good work, Your`s sincerely M.F.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 22 Likes

Pravinbhundia it matches me
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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to Melita Faust 1 Like

Sofiemarrien amazingly well, even a little bit creepy



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Reply 1 month ago 11 Likes

Kywiggins this confirms a lot of what I have thought about myself. Quite if I could just figure out what to do with the rest of my life.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 11 Likes

Richard Schneider Dear Mr. Madigan. Since I have ordered the full package including the Chinese Numerology you said that these reports were included - and now I should order them again? Is there a mistake? Thanks. richard Schneider.
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Like Reply 3 weeks ago 3 Likes

Leylasicilia Richard, I think you have spend enought money, get back to your roots and you will find what you are looking for,.
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Like Reply 5 days ago in reply to Richard Schneider

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1 Like

Walkertol I can't believe how accurate you were in your description of me. How do I use this information to better the quality of my life?
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Like Reply 1 month ago 7 Likes

Wiccan thank you for doing this mini-reading it was accurate and very amazing it described who i am a lot and 5 has always been my lucky number so when i read this i said to my friend "oh gosh this guy must be stalking me he knows me to a T"
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Like Reply 2 weeks ago 1 Like

Flynnoriley I hope these predictions come true.:)

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Like Reply 1 month ago 3 Likes

Edward Afiakwa I'm impressed of what I have read and heard from other people's experience
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Like Reply 2 weeks ago 1 Like

D.M Wow, Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me. It's given me a great insight on myself, and just by reading this it's shed light on parts of myself that I knew deep down but I didn't really address. Some of the things I discovered were extremely accurate and shocking at the same time, because they were so accurate! Some of the warnings you've given about being cautious and weary of my actions, I've come to learn by myself in the past but it's always refreshing to hear them again. I will take this information I have learnt today and will use it wisely. Thank you once again. GREAT WORK!!! D.M
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Like Reply 1 month ago 3 Likes

Sexy-Shonda Right on the button. WOW



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Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

Winteel After reading I thought of what I read about scorpios. Is there a connection? Is it really generalized basedor indivualized for me personally. Pretty Good. Im curious to learn more. So moving forward...
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Like Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

Carole bennett Although i dont like some of the things you have said, i think they are probably very accurate! Hmm, interesting. PS 6 has always been my lucky number!
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Like Reply 1 month ago 3 Likes

Tdatigr68 Thank you for the insight as to what type person I am! You seem to be very accurate with your synopsis!
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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to Carole bennett 3 Likes

Akubeze C.O. Its my greatest pleasure to meet you. Am impress with the things you said out me. It real. I would need to keep in touch. Am singing in my life partners data for another test. Thanks
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Like Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

Ruthb619 Your reading describes me like you knew me personally. Hard to believe.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

Tonye Aganaba Thanks so much for this reading. I am so pleased, as it is EXCEPTIONALLY accurate. I am excited to move forward past this point with this knowledge in hand! Thanks Again, T
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Like Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

patti karr well! my head is spinning! but..... on the second reading, i see a lot of my life as you put it. i have been on my own for all my life, so blindly persued my dreams, by trial and error. .it has been an amazing experience, and still is. thank you for making me aware of all that stuff!!! patti
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Like Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

SweetestOfDemons Dear Mr. Madigan You were spot on! thanks alot! You helped me figure out who i truley am!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yours in numbers, Gaelyn

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Like Reply 1 month ago 2 Likes

Hellbound_kitty wow that was wonderful.. Its me to a T. I would love to learn more
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1 month ago 2 Likes

DerrickMilazzo unbelievable, you have me pegged.

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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

Eileen Bohannon Wonderful, amazing and very true.

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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

Gaur4206 Who r u.....n hw cm u knw all this

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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to Eileen Bohannon


you did great, i played 541 in the pa lotteru the day after i read the numbers, and won $40.00, boxed, keep sending them, and i thank you very very much. ellen.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

Irving 18 wow i didnt think you could have broken it down so far in fact i thought at first that you might have been basing it off of astrology, or even the zodiac signs to come up with this results other than that im well impressed. And thank you for taking your time doing this for me as well.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

Wyzeone57 Wow. That's it. Wow!

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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

victor I am impressed, it is very fascinating not to mention the least surprising altogether. I think it's wonderful- Ekweozor victor

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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to Wyzeone57

Mylesie1 Incredibly accurate,consise and brilliant,thank you .

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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to Wyzeone57

Amruthasadu excellent in your numerology calculations.thank you very much.let me know my future shine field,i am planning for a hotel project thank you once again
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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

jennefer sanchz thank you so much,all ive read there was really me,its amazing you know all that.....
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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

Dianavansanten6 want to know more

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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to jennefer sanchz 1 Like

Wildflower219 Thank you, I enjoyed this report very much. All three aspects seemed to contradict each other, and that is pretty much how I feel. Ill continue to try and make sense out of myself (lol) but a lot of this rang true.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

victor This is fantastic. I cannot believe it. You did marvelously well and I find it difficult to understand how you gave a full report about me in no time at all. You definitely must have used an auto-responder to give your accurate result in just splits of seconds. This is wonderful.
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Like Reply 1 month ago in reply to Wildflower219

Krickit I'm quite amazed at this reading, your were absolutely talking about me, how weird.
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Like Reply 1 month ago 1 Like

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Your Order Details

Delivery Email Current Name Kathrina Reyes Full Birth Name Kathrina Patricia Pe Reyes Date of Birth January 29, 1980

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