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Question 1: Score 1/1

An iterative method, implemented in MATLAB using double precision arithmetic, is converging with order of convergence

= 3. If the error on the 5 th iteration is 7.87E-5, then an estimate of the


error on the 6 th iteration is Your Answer: 4.9E-13 Correct Answer: 4.9E-13 Comment:

Question 2: Score 1/1

Let In the limit as Your Answer: Correct Answer: Comment: O( O( goes to infinity, ) ) . is best described by which of the following "Big O" expressions Correct

Question 3: Score 0/1

A simulation of a chemical plant with n production processes takes 2,800 n4 flops. You have a 2.8 GHz computer with 6 cores, where each core can do one floating point operation per clock cycle. The largest chemical plant that can be simulated in 1 hours has n approximately Your Answer: 383.3688 Comment:


Question 4: Score 0/1

Consider solving the linear system arithmetic. The coefficient matrix vector on a computer using IEEE double precision floating point

is known exactly, but has condition number 2.2E5. The right hand side Incorrect

comes from measurements with 10 significant figures. has a relative error of at most?

The computed solution Your Answer: 0.5e-6 Comment:

Question 5: Score 0/1

On a particular computer, it takes 138.89 minutes to solve the 50,000 by 50,000 linear system using the LU factorization. with different right Incorrect hand sides Your Answer: 2.22e-5

Estimate how long, in minutes, it will take to solve 20 linear systems


Question 6: Score 0/1

A finite difference approximation of the 1 th derivative of a function with 5 continuous derivatives has

trunction error O( h3 ) rounding error O( eps / h1 ) Incorrect

On a system with relative machine precision eps = 2.2E-16, a reasonable estimate of the optimal stepsize h* is Your Answer: 6.0E-6 Comment:

Question 7: Score 1/1

What will the following MATLAB commands produce?

x = [4 1 0 0]; y = [2 0 9 0]; z = x ./ y
z = 2 Correct Answer: z = 2
Your Answer: Comment:


Inf Inf

0 0


Question 8: Score 0/1

The matrix A has || A - AT || = 2.64E-15 and the results of the following MATLAB commands are

ev = eig(A); lmin = min(ev) lmin = 0.0025 lmax = max(ev) lmax = 2,720.0

The 2-norm condition number of A is (you can use scientific notation, eg 1.2e5 for 1.2 x 10 5, but you cannot use arithmetic expressions) Your Answer: Comment:


Question 9: Score 1/1

What is the value of z produced by the following MATLAB statements

x = 384.42 h = 1.208177E-14


z = (x + h) > x
Your Answer: 0 Correct Answer: 0 Comment:

Question 10: Score 0/1

A MATLAB anonymous function to calculate a function f(x) is defined by

>> f = @(x) abs(x) - sqrt(x.^2 + 9.92);

A mathematically equivalent expression that avoids catastrophic cancellation when the magnitude of x is large is Your Answer: Comment: Incorrect

Question 11: Score 1/1

A polynomial f which has a zero at MATLAB anonymous functions? Your Answer: f = @(x) x.^6 - 7.048977 Correct Answer: f = @(x) x.^6 - 7.048977 Comment:

x = 7.0489771/6

is given by which of the following Correct

Question 12: Score 0/1

f defined by the MATLAB expression f = @(x) x + 9./x; What can you say about the existence of a zero of f on the interval [-3, 1]?
Consider the function Your Answer: f(-3) = -6, f(1) = 10, so f(-3)f(1) < 0 thus at least one zero of f exists on [-3, 1] Comment:


Question 13: Score 0/1

For the vector x defined by the MATLAB command

x = [9; -7; 0; 1];

the MATLAB command

ssq = x'*x
gives 131 The value of ||x|| is Your Answer: Comment: Incorrect

Question 14: Score 0/1

On a computer with 1 GB of RAM (Random Access Memory), the largest n by n double precision matrix that can be stored in RAM has n approximately Incorrect Your Answer: 32,767 Comment:

Question 15: Score 0/1

If P is an n by n permutation matrix, which of the following is the corresponding re-ordering of the equations in the linear systems A x = b? Incorrect Your Answer: P A P x = P b Comment:

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