A3 PT On Work

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2013-2014 Second Quarter




1. This assessment will be done in triads. Each member has to do one of the part of the assessment. Nevertheless, you have to observe coherence all throughout the paper. This means that you have to collaborate with each other to make sure that the parts are connected and coherent. 2. Your are limited to 500 words per part. 3. Provide an appropriate title for your paper. 4. To help you organize your paper more appropriately, you may employ a three-part-theme essay i.e. Introduction Body Conclusion. This, however, does not mean that you are limited to three paragraphs only. Avoid lengthy paragraphs, unless necessary. 5. Your SM Immersion experience is very close to this assessment. During your immersion, you saw a snapshot of the situation of workers in the Philippines like how they are looked down by some customers. However, in this assessment, remember that you are NOT supposed to talk about the workers of SM only. You have to look at the bigger picture. You have to consider society in general. 6. You will be graded individually (per part) and as a group (whole paper).

Use Pages or Microsoft Word Application for your essay. No PDFs. Name your le using the following format: A3_H4Section_ClassNumber,_Class Number,_ Class Number_Nickname_Surname,_ Nickname_Surname, Nickname_ Surname [Title of the Paper] But replace the underscores with spaces. Write the names alphabetically, following the ofcial class list. Example: A3 H4C 01, 05, 09 Peter Claver, Rutillo Grande, Alberto Hurtado [Sharing in Gods Creation] Send your essay to: markpbuemio@xs.edu.ph. Subject of email should be the same as the le name. The assessment should be sent as one paper. If it happens that one of the members will submit his part after the other two has submitted theirs, only one of the submitted assessments will be considered as the assessment of the whole group. The teacher will have the discretion to decided which submitted assessment will be considered. Only one of the members of the group will send the paper.

The word of Gods revelation is profoundly marked by the fundamental truth that man, created in the image and likeness of God, shares by his work in the activity of the Creator... and continues to develop that activity, and perfects it as he advances further and further in the discovery of the resources and values contained in the whole of creation. Pope John Paul II, On Human Work 25 This is the vision of the Church about work. As wonderful as it may be, it is far from the experience of the workers in the Philippines especially those who are doing blue collar jobs. It has been established that not all people living in poverty are lazy; in fact, most of them are working hard enough to feed their family despite the odds. Unfortunately, there are social structures that prevent them from rising from their situations. The goal of this paper is to critique the situations of the workers in the Philippines and the factors that are affecting them. As future leaders, it is of great value that you become deeply aware of these. Moreover, as young leaders, it is very important to look up to someone, as a model, so that you can look forward with hope despite the existing social structures.

Part 1.
Narrate a typical day of a worker in the Philippines. Consider the following questions but you are not limited to them: How does his/her day look like? What decisions, big and small, does s/he have to make? What dilemmas does s/he face? Evaluate the context of a typical worker in the Philippines by comparing and contrasting his/her situation to how the Church envisions what work should be and do to the human person. In the Philippine society, what of the Churchs teachings about work are met? What needs to be improved? Support your evaluation by citing examples and concrete Church teachings.

Part 2.
Using Part 1 as a springboard, devise a set of criteria that describes an ideal workplace based on the teachings of the Church. Make at least three (3) descriptors of what a workplace should be and have in order to meet the goal of work according to the Catholic teachings on work. Explain comprehensively and support your standards with examples and concrete Church teachings. After making the criteria, identify at least two (2) possible challenges and difculties in meeting these standards. How do they challenge the employers and/or employees in reaching the goal of the work based on the teachings of the Church? What structures present in society make these challenges and difculties thrive and persevere?

Part 3.
Amidst all these challenges and difculties, there are a number of companies who meet the goal of work based on the teachings of the Church. Identify a company in the Philippines that meets the criteria you just made. Explain by giving concrete examples how this company fullls the standards you described.


The standards excellently capture the goal of work according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. They challenge one to rethink about the current situations of workers in the Philippines, at the same time, they are easily understood that they encourage one to live them up.


The standards are excellently applied to the company that was chosen. The explanation of how the company exemplies the standards excellently enrich the meaning of the criteria, and they, in turn, highlight the good practices of the company. The standards are clearly applied to the company that was chosen. The explanation of how the company exemplies the standards enriches the meaning of the criteria or vice versa.


The articulation of the life of the worker presents an excellent picture of the situation of the workers in the Philippine society. It compels one to seriously consider the standards that are presented in the paper. The evaluation of the situation of the workers excellently shows the similarities and discrepancies between the lives of the workers and the vision of the Church on what work should be.

The articulation of the life of the worker presents a clear picture of the situation of the workers in the Philippine society. It highly encourages one to seriously consider the standards that are presented in the paper. The evaluation of the situation of the workers clearly shows the similarities and discrepancies between the lives of the workers and the vision of the Church on what work should be.

The standards clearly capture the goal of work according to the teachings of the Church. They challenge one to rethink about the current situations of workers in the Philippines.


The articulation of the life of the worker present a picture of the situation of workers in the Philippine society, enough to make one consider the standards that are presented in the paper. The evaluation of the situation of the workers generally shows the similarities and discrepancies of the lives of the workers and the vision of the Church on what work should be. There are minor aws in the articulation and evaluation but these do not affect the entirety of the paper.

The standards generally capture the goal of work according the teachings of the Catholic Church. They invite one to rethink about the current situations of workers in the Philippines. Some standards and their explanation have some minor aws but they do not affect the meaning of the standards.

The standards are generally applied to the company that was chosen although a stronger application could have been established. The explanation of how the company exemplies the standards reects the meaning of the criteria.

The articulation of the life of the worker present a picture of the situation of workers in the Philippine society, enough to make one go through the standards that are presented in the paper. The evaluation of the situation of the workers shows some similarities and discrepancies between the lives of the workers and the vision of the Church on what work should be. There is one major aw in the evaluation of the situation of workers or a few minor aw that affect the entirety of the paper.

The standards try to capture the goal of work according to the teachings of the Catholic Church although deeper explanation for some is needed to make the standards more reliable. They tell one to rethink about the current situations of workers in the Philippines. Some standards and their explanation either have a major aw or some minor aws that affect the meaning of the standards.

Most standards are applied to the company that was chosen. Application of one standard is still debatable due to lack of explanation. Some explanation of how the company exemplies the teachings of the Church on work are hardly based on the standards.

The articulation of the life of the worker tries to present a picture of the situation of workers in the Philippine society; however, they are not enough to make one consider the standards presented in the next part of the paper. The evaluation of the situation of the workers tries to show the similarities and discrepancies between the lives of the workers and the vision of the Church on what work should be; however, there are at least two major aws in the evaluation that affect its credibility.

The standards try to capture that goal of work according to the teachings of the Catholic Church although the explanation for each standard needs to be rened and elaborated further. They try to tell one to rethink about the current situations of workers in the Philippines; however, this is not convincing.

Only some (majority) of the standards are applied to the company that was chosen. Application of the other standards are quite debatable. Most explanations of how the company exemplies the teachings of the Church are not based on the standards.

The articulation of the life of the worker does not give a clear picture of the situation of workers in the Philippine society. The articulation is too general and vague. The evaluation of the situation of the workers is mostly awed. They hardly show the similarities and discrepancies between the lives of the workers and the vision of the Church on what work should be.

Most of the standards are not based on the goal of work according to the teachings of the Catholic Church due to lack of explanation.

Only one of the standards is applied to the company that was chosen. The other standards are hardly applied.

The paper failed to articulate a good picture of the situation of workers in the Philippines. The evaluation of the situation of workers is awed.

The standards fail to capture the goal of work based on the teachings the Catholic Church.

The standards are not used/ applied to the company that was chosen. Other explanations are used instead.

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