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Agro Industrial School of Itapetinga Discipline: English Date_ ___________________ Grade:_________________

Student:____________________________________________________ Teacher: Carlos Maciel

Exercise (1) Complete with there is, there are: 1. ______________ some keys on the table. Are they yours? 2. Laura is here to talk to you. ___________ some things she wants to ask you. 3. _____________ some milk in the fridge if you want to drink something, Carl. 4. _____________ two Australian kids living in the neighborhood. 5. _____________ some ants in the garden, we need to have it sprayed. 6. _____________ a bug on your shirt.

Exercise (2) Complete with there was, there were: Past tense. 1. Im late because ______________ an accident on the interstate and the traffic was stuck. 2. I asked you to lend me your pen because I didnt notice __________some blue pens on the table. 3. Jefferson is worried about the storm because _____________ a tornado last year when his house was destroyed. 4. We didnt have class today because of the cold weather. ___________only three students in class. 5. The party was great! _______________ live music and some great singers. 6. John got such a poor grade because ______________ too many mistakes in his composition.

Exercise (3) Complete with the affirmative, interrogative or negative form of there was, there were: 1. The show was cancelled because ______________ any hotel rooms available for the band. 2. ________________ diet drinks at the last Saturday? 3. ________________ a reason for your silly decision? Nobody understood it. 4. Milena is complaining because _____________ any seats available. 5. David changed her mind about going to Los Angels last weekend because there were only two places available and he wanted to take his cousins. 6. _________________ any calls for me while I was away, Mikaele?

Exercise (4) Complete with there is, there are, there was, there were, in the affirmative, negative and interrogative form: 1. I dont want to frighten you, but ______________ any tickets available. The show is sold out. 2. Dont believe in what Milton told you. There arent any haunted houses in this neighborhood. (No acredite em que Milton lhe disse. No h qualquer casa assombrada neste bairro. 3. Please, sir. _________________ a pharmacy near hear? 4. _____________________ many people at the stadium for the game yesterday? 5. ___________________ tons of people for the play. The theater was crowded. (milhares de pessoas para o espetculo. O teatro estava cheio) 6. ______________ a person here to talk to you, Paul. Can you come here now? 7. Fabi is upset because _________________ any money left for the vacation trip she planned. 8. ________________ a man here to talk to you. I think he was tired of waiting and left.

Exercise 5 1. _____________ some doughnuts for you. a) there was b) there are 2. _____________ a new disco downtown. What do you think of going there next Saturday? a) there werent b) there is 3. The plant died because _____________ any water in the vase. Did you forget to water it? a) was there b) there wasnt 5. We need to go to the supermarket because _____________ any meat left. a) there were b) there isnt 6. I think Ill flunk because the test is tomorrow and _____________ enough time to study anymore. (Acho que vou reprovar porque o teste amanh e _____________ tempo suficiente para estudar mais.) a) there isnt b) there are 7. _____________ any toilet paper left? a) is there b) there is 9. I noticed Nathalia returned from his trip because when I got home _____________ a suitcase on the hallway. (Reparei Nathalia regressou da sua viagem porque quando cheguei em casa _____________ uma mala no corredor.) a) there was b) there arent 10. Organizing my wardrobe yesterday was a hard task because _____________ many clothes I wanted to keep but they didnt fit me anymore. (Organizar meu guarda-roupa ontem foi uma tarefa difcil, porque _____________ muitas roupas que queria manter, mas elas no me serviam mais.) a) there are b) there were 11. _____________ nothing in this box. a) there is b) there isnt

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