Vedas, Ayurveda & Vedam Ayur Herbals

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Vedas stresses on the fact that a healthy body (free of diseases of mind, body,
soul) is the best vehicle to fulfil the journey of life. The journey during which
every act of the person is aimed to attain dharma, artha, or kama. According to
the fruit, one gets as a reward for every action or karma, decides his ability to
attain Moksha.

In order that a person has an unhindered path through his walk of life following
these pursuits there was evolution of a complete science called “Ayurveda “ not
evolved on earth, but considered as a gift from the Gods which had transcended
many a path before it was actually placed on the hands of mere mortals. Ayurveda,
which gives more holistic and complete description of health and disease, says
that since all creations in the universe, including human beings are part of
nature, the solution of all their problems or treatment for any of their diseases
is available in nature only. Our ancestors thinkers having acquired knowledge from
nature compiled and classified it systematically in the form of ‘Vedas’. Out of
which ‘Atharveda’ contains ‘Ayurveda’.

Vedam Ayur Herbals understands that all things that are old should not necessarily
be true; all things that are new should not necessarily be without fault. To the
wise men, both of them should be acceptable only if they stand the test of time.
Ayurveda has proved its efficacy itself again and again through the years. Its
philosophy and principles holds good and remains unchanged even in today’s
changing world. Although its history is as old as the history of Vedas or the
history of disease itself, it is quiet futuristic in approach. Many of its
principles have been researched and proved true with the help of modern technology
and many others are in queue as present technology is not as developed to prove
them right or wrong. Vedas which are supposed to be the holy books of life,
philosophy and religion also explains the complexities of human system in the same
stretch. This explains the relation between the universe, nature and human
physiology and anatomy.

After thousands of year’s generations after generations, a little deviation of

interpretation in the beginning created major deviation in proper understanding.
Consequently some of the present level of knowledge has vast variation from
‘Vedas. Due to this deviation scope for perversions increased, human intelligence
and memory declined which created dependency; this created need for more material
aids. The human technology behind the development of the Pulse diagnosis and Astro
Ayurveda left far behind and forgotten.

Since true knowledge of ‘Vedas’ stands true infinitely, “Vedam Ayur Herbals” have
taken up this challenge to re-orient this deviation towards actual meaningful
means of medical treatment of ‘ Atharveda’ i.e ‘Ayurveda’ for the benefit of the
human beings.

Having vast experience of traditional medical profession implementing golden

knowledge of ancestors for five generations now, the faith stands firm with
knowledge of Ayurveda for medical treatment.

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