Match Making Report

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.

Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Male Female
Name: Sample Boy Name: Sample Girl
Date of Birth: 30.12.1975 09:10:00 AM Date of Birth: 21.06.1979 05:30:00 AM
Panchang: Panchang:
Latitude: 12 58 N Latitude: 12 58 N
Longitude: 77 36 E Longitude: 77 36 E
Sun Rise: 06:41 Sun Rise: 05:55
Sun Set: 18:03 Sun Set: 18:47
Rahu Kala: 15:12 to 16:37 Rahu Kala: 12:21 to 13:58
Gulika Kala: 12:22 to 13:47 Gulika Kala: 10:44 to 12:21
Yama Ganta Kala: 09:31 to 10:57 Yama Ganta Kala: 07:31 to 09:08
Tithi: Troyadasi (Krishna) Tithi: Dwadasi (Krishna)
Nakshatra: Anuradha Nakshatra: Bharani
Yoga: Sula, Karna: Gar Yoga: Sukarma, Karna: Taitila
Day: Tuesday (English Date) Day: Thursday (English Date)
Day: Tuesday (Vedic Astrology) Day: Wednesday (Vedic Astrology)
Chandra Masa: Margsheersha Chandra Masa: Jyeshtha
Saur Masa: Margsheersha Saur Masa: Jyeshtha
Saka Year: 1897 Saka Year: 1901
Lagna: 09 20 38 09 Lagna: 01 28 57 28
Sun: 08 14 16 57 Sun: 02 05 28 45
Moon: 07 13 17 21 Moon: 00 23 34 55
Mars: 01 24 21 18 Mars: 01 02 47 33
Mercury: 09 01 15 36 Mercury: 02 27 22 33
Jupiter: 11 21 52 52 Jupiter: 03 15 14 12
Venus: 07 03 38 59 Venus: 01 17 40 21
Saturn: 03 07 40 07 Saturn: 04 15 00 52
Rahu: 06 25 51 26 Rahu: 04 18 36 37
Ketu: 00 25 51 26 Ketu: 10 18 36 37
Ayanamsa: 00 23 31 16 Ayanamsa: 00 23 34 11

Value: 0 Value: 250

Positive: Positive:
Siddha Yoga Siddha Yoga
Jupiter in Own House Mercury in Own House
Jupiter in Exaltation
Negative: Venus in Own House
Vajra Yoga (Based on Day and Nakshatra)
Moon in Debilitation Negative:
Kaana Yoga (Based on Day and Nakshatra)

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Horoscope Horoscope
********************************* *********************************
*jup *ket *mar * * * *moo *Lag mar*sun mer*
* * * * * * * *ven * *
* * * * * * * * * *
********************************* *********************************
* * *sat * *ket * *jup *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
********* Horoscope ********* ********* Horoscope *********
*Lag mer* * * * * *sat rah*
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
********************************* *********************************
*sun *moo ven*rah * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
********************************* *********************************

Navamsa Navamsa
********************************* *********************************
* * *rah * * *ket * * *mer ven*
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
********************************* *********************************
* * *Lag * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
********* Navamsa ********* ********* Navamsa *********
*mer jup* *sun mar* *mar * *sat *
* * *ven * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
********************************* *********************************
* *ket *moo *sat * * *sun moo* *Lag rah*
* * * * * * *jup * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
********************************* *********************************

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Match Making Report Based on Various Kootas (Moon):

Varna Koota:
Male: Brahmin
Female: Kshtriya
Value: 1.0 (Good)
Varna reflects the personality of the person. The personality of the male is stronger (or equal) to
the personality of the female. This should result into a harmonious married life except in few cases
where the female has a strong ego.

Vashya Koota:
Male: Keeta (Insect)
Female: Chatushpada (Quadruped)
Value: 1.0 (Good)
Vashya koota reflects attraction. There is good compatibility and they have attraction to each other.

Tara Koota:
Male: 7
Female: 4
Value: 1.5 (Good)
Tara Koota reflects health and longevity of the couples with reference to each other. There is good
harmony. This means there is good compatibility between couples regarding health and longevity.

Yoni Koota:
Male: Mriga (Deer)
Female: Gaja (Elephent)
Value: 2.0 (Good)
Yoni koota reflects sexual compatibility between couples. This reflects that there is good
compatibility between male and female. This helps them to adjust in married life over other matters.

Graha-Maitri Koota:
Male: Kuja (Mars)
Female: Kuja (Mars)
Value: 5.0 (Excellent)
Graha-Maitri koota refers to the harmony in thinking-pattern, views and opinions related to worldly
matters. There is an excellent compatibility between male and female. As they will have very good
understanding, they will fully enjoy their married. Looks like a perfect marriage when you consider
the worldly matters.

Gana Koota:
Male: Deva
Female: Manushya
Value: 4.0 (Very Good)
Gana koota reflects the adaptability and rapport between couples. There is very good compatibility.
This indicates sign of very good rapport in male and female.

Bhakoota Koota:
Male: Vrischika (Scorpio)
Female: Mesha (Aries)

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Value: 0.0 (Bad)

Bhakoota reflects the impact of a union on the overall prosperity of the social systems within which
the couple exists. This includes their relationship with the relatives and in-laws. There is no
compatibility. This indicates bad relationship with in-laws and other family members of spouse.

Nadi Koota:
Male: Madhya
Female: Madhya
Value: 0.0 (Bad)
Nadi koota reflects the health and longevity of the children of the couple. As they belong to the
same nadi, this results into increasing the Kapha, Pitta or Vata dosha. This will hamper the health
of their children.

Mahendra Koota:
Value: 1.0 (Excellent) *Not Added in Total Guna
Mahendra Koota evaluates the couple's ability to derive pleasure from their children. As Mahendra
Koota has excellent matching, the couple will have excellent relationship with their children.
However, the result is subject to modification based on Rashyadhipati Koota.

Rashyadhipati Koota:
Value: 4.0 (Excellent) *Not Added in Total Guna
Like Mahendra koota, Rashyadhipati koota evaluates the prospects for a couple to have strong
children and the prospects for prosperity in the lives of their offspring. As Rashyadhipati koota is
having excellent matching, the couple is expected to have excellent relationship with them. At the
old age, the couple will get very good support from their offspring. The result is subject to
modification based on Mahendra koota.

Stree Dirgha Koota:

Value: 1.0 (Good) *Not Added in Total Guna
Stree Dirgha koota evaluates the long-lasting prosperity of the couples. As Stree Dirgha koota is
having good matching, only one member commonly shoulders the responsibility of financial

Rajju Koota:
Value: 1.0 (Good) *Not Added in Total Guna
Rajju koota evaluates longevity of the spouse and the durability of the relationship. As Rajju koots
is having good matching, it indicates long-term relationship. In certain cases, there will be conflict
that may spoil the relationship.

Total Gunas: 14.5

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Match Making Report Based on Various Kootas (Lagna):

Varna Koota:
Male: Vaisya
Female: Vaisya
Value: 1.0 (Good)
Varna reflects the personality of the person. The personality of the male is stronger (or equal) to
the personality of the female. This should result into a harmonious married life except in few cases
where the female has a strong ego.

Vashya Koota:
Male: Jala Chara (Moving in Water)
Female: Chatushpada (Quadruped)
Value: 1.0 (Good)
Vashya koota reflects attraction. There is good compatibility and they have attraction to each other.

Tara Koota:
Male: 9
Female: 2
Value: 3.0 (Excellent)
Tara Koota reflects health and longevity of the couples with reference to each other. There is
excellent harmony. This means there is very good compatibility between couples regarding health
and longevity.

Yoni Koota:
Male: Vanara (Monkey)
Female: Sarpa (Surpent)
Value: 2.0 (Good)
Yoni koota reflects sexual compatibility between couples. This reflects that there is good
compatibility between male and female. This helps them to adjust in married life over other matters.

Graha-Maitri Koota:
Male: Sani (Saturn)
Female: Sukra (Venus)
Value: 5.0 (Excellent)
Graha-Maitri koota refers to the harmony in thinking-pattern, views and opinions related to worldly
matters. There is an excellent compatibility between male and female. As they will have very good
understanding, they will fully enjoy their married. Looks like a perfect marriage when you consider
the worldly matters.

Gana Koota:
Male: Deva
Female: Deva
Value: 6.0 (Excellent)
Gana koota reflects the adaptability and rapport between couples. There is excellent compatibility.
They will understand each other perfectly. Others will wonder at their natural rapport and
adaptability to each other.

Bhakoota Koota:
Male: Makara (Capricorn)

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Female: Vrishabha (Taurus)

Value: 0.0 (Bad)
Bhakoota reflects the impact of a union on the overall prosperity of the social systems within which
the couple exists. This includes their relationship with the relatives and in-laws. There is no
compatibility. This indicates bad relationship with in-laws and other family members of spouse.

Nadi Koota:
Male: Antya
Female: Madhya
Value: 8.0 (Excellent)
Nadi koota reflects the health and longevity of the children of the couple. As they belong to different
nadis (resulting into different category of doshas), they are able to minimize the risk. This results
into better health and longevity of their children.

Mahendra Koota:
Value: 0.0 (Bad) *Not Added in Total Guna
Mahendra Koota evaluates the couple's ability to derive pleasure from their children. As Mahendra
Koota does not match, the couple may not have good rapport with their children. However, the
result is subject to modification based on Rashyadhipati Koota.

Rashyadhipati Koota:
Value: 4.0 (Excellent) *Not Added in Total Guna
Like Mahendra koota, Rashyadhipati koota evaluates the prospects for a couple to have strong
children and the prospects for prosperity in the lives of their offspring. As Rashyadhipati koota is
having excellent matching, the couple is expected to have excellent relationship with them. At the
old age, the couple will get very good support from their offspring. The result is subject to
modification based on Mahendra koota.

Stree Dirgha Koota:

Value: 1.0 (Good) *Not Added in Total Guna
Stree Dirgha koota evaluates the long-lasting prosperity of the couples. As Stree Dirgha koota is
having good matching, only one member commonly shoulders the responsibility of financial

Rajju Koota:
Value: 3.0 (Excellent) *Not Added in Total Guna
Rajju koota evaluates longevity of the spouse and the durability of the relationship. As Rajju koots
is having excellent matching, it indicates excellent long-term relationship. It also indicates excellent
longevity of the couple.

Total Gunas: 26.0

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Match Making Report Based on Various Kootas (Sun):

Varna Koota:
Male: Kshtriya
Female: Sudra
Value: 1.0 (Good)
Varna reflects the personality of the person. The personality of the male is stronger (or equal) to
the personality of the female. This should result into a harmonious married life except in few cases
where the female has a strong ego.

Vashya Koota:
Male: Nara (Male)
Female: Nara (Male)
Value: 2.0 (Excellent)
Vashya koota reflects attraction. There is excellent compatibility for Vashya koota and they are
strongly attracted to each other.

Tara Koota:
Male: 7
Female: 4
Value: 1.5 (Good)
Tara Koota reflects health and longevity of the couples with reference to each other. There is good
harmony. This means there is good compatibility between couples regarding health and longevity.

Yoni Koota:
Male: Vanara (Monkey)
Female: Sarpa (Surpent)
Value: 2.0 (Good)
Yoni koota reflects sexual compatibility between couples. This reflects that there is good
compatibility between male and female. This helps them to adjust in married life over other matters.

Graha-Maitri Koota:
Male: Guru (Jupiter)
Female: Budha (Mercury)
Value: 0.5 (Average)
Graha-Maitri koota refers to the harmony in thinking-pattern, views and opinions related to worldly
matters. There is a poor compatibility between male and female. There will be difference of
opinions on most of the issues that will result into tension in the married life. Overall, this does not
make a happy married life.

Gana Koota:
Male: Manushya
Female: Deva
Value: 4.0 (Very Good)
Gana koota reflects the adaptability and rapport between couples. There is very good compatibility.
This indicates sign of very good rapport in male and female.

Bhakoota Koota:
Male: Dhanus (Sagittarius)
Female: Mithuna (Gemini)

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Value: 7.0 (Excellent)

Bhakoota reflects the impact of a union on the overall prosperity of the social systems within which
the couple exists. This includes their relationship with the relatives and in-laws. There is excellent
compatibility. The female will have excellent relationship with her in-laws and other members of the
family. Similarly, the male will also have very good relationship with his in-laws and other family

Nadi Koota:
Male: Madhya
Female: Madhya
Value: 0.0 (Bad)
Nadi koota reflects the health and longevity of the children of the couple. As they belong to the
same nadi, this results into increasing the Kapha, Pitta or Vata dosha. This will hamper the health
of their children.

Mahendra Koota:
Value: 1.0 (Excellent) *Not Added in Total Guna
Mahendra Koota evaluates the couple's ability to derive pleasure from their children. As Mahendra
Koota has excellent matching, the couple will have excellent relationship with their children.
However, the result is subject to modification based on Rashyadhipati Koota.

Rashyadhipati Koota:
Value: 1.0 (Average) *Not Added in Total Guna
Like Mahendra koota, Rashyadhipati koota evaluates the prospects for a couple to have strong
children and the prospects for prosperity in the lives of their offspring. As Rashyadhipati koota is
having average matching, the couple is expected to have normal relationship with them. The result
is subject to modification based on Mahendra koota.

Stree Dirgha Koota:

Value: 1.0 (Good) *Not Added in Total Guna
Stree Dirgha koota evaluates the long-lasting prosperity of the couples. As Stree Dirgha koota is
having good matching, only one member commonly shoulders the responsibility of financial

Rajju Koota:
Value: 3.0 (Excellent) *Not Added in Total Guna
Rajju koota evaluates longevity of the spouse and the durability of the relationship. As Rajju koots
is having excellent matching, it indicates excellent long-term relationship. It also indicates excellent
longevity of the couple.

Total Gunas: 18.0

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

Computation of Final Koota:

Moon Koota : 3 * 14.50 = 43.50
Lagna Koota: 2 * 26.00 = 52.00
Sun Koota : 1 * 18.00 = 18.00

Final Koota: 113.5 / 6 = 18.9167

Note: As per Muhurtha Chintamani if the gunas are 18 and above then the
couple is compatible to each other.

Vimsottari Dasa Vimsottari Dasa

Planet From To Planet From To
Saturn 30.12.1975 22.10.1980 Venus 21.06.1979 06.02.1984
Mercury 22.10.1980 22.10.1997 Sun 06.02.1984 06.02.1990
Ketu 22.10.1997 22.10.2004 Moon 06.02.1990 06.02.2000
Venus 22.10.2004 22.10.2024 Mars 06.02.2000 06.02.2007
Sun 22.10.2024 22.10.2030 Rahu 06.02.2007 06.02.2025
Moon 22.10.2030 22.10.2040 Jupiter 06.02.2025 06.02.2041
Mars 22.10.2040 22.10.2047 Saturn 06.02.2041 06.02.2060
Rahu 22.10.2047 22.10.2065 Mercury 06.02.2060 06.02.2077
Jupiter 22.10.2065 22.10.2081 Ketu 06.02.2077 06.02.2084

Dasa Sandhi Check:

In the period of Dasa Sandhi, the native goes through various types of changes. If the partner is not
able to cope with these changes, this may impact their relationship. If both the partners go through
dasa sandhi it really produces bad results. Dasa sandhi period is considered of one year.

Dasa Sandhi Period for Both:

06.08.2024 to 22.04.2025
06.08.2040 to 22.04.2041
Sama Dasa Check:
People get attracted to each other because they are running the same dasa. However, as soon as
same dasa (Dasa Samya) period is over, the attraction also disappears. So, "Dasa Samya"
becomes a critical point in cases where the couple is getting engaged or married during Dasa
Samya based on the temporary attraction.

There is no sama dasa period.

Kuja Dosha Check:

According to Deva Keralam, there is Kuja dosha only if Kuja is in first, fourth, seventh, eighth or
twelfth house.

There are certain exceptions to this rule which are as under:

(1) Mars is in exaltation, own house or friend's house

(2) Mars is in movable sign.

(3) There is no Kuja dosha if Gemini or Virgo happens to be second house.

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Marriage Comptability Report 27.07.2009
Male: Sample Boy Female: Sample Girl

(4) There is no Kuja dosha if Cancer or Capricorn happens to be seventh house.

(5) There is no Kuja dosha if Taurus or Libra happens to be the 12th house.

(6) There is no Kuja dosha for Cancer or Leo Ascendant as Mars is yoga karka for these

(7) There is no Kuja dosha if Mars is in Cancer, Leo or Aquarius.

(8) There is no Kuja dosha if Mars is in fourth or eighth house and Ascendant is Aquarius.

Kuja dosha gets cancelled if male and female both have Kuja dosha.

Male: Mars is in the fifth house.

FeMale: Mars is in the first house.

Female has Kuja dosha.

Male: There is no Kuja dosha becuase Mars is in fifth house.
As one is having dosha and other does not have, this affects the marriage adversely.

Best of Luck for using Divyadrisit Match Making

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