Alteration in TMJ

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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2002) 31, 373 ± 378

ã 2002 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved 0250 ± 832X/02 $25.00

Alteration of the horizontal mandibular condyle size associated
with temporomandibular joint internal derangement in adult
H Kurita*,1, A Ohtsuka1, H Kobayashi1 and K Kurashina1
Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan

Objectives: The purpose of this retrospective study was to analyse the relationship between
horizontal size of the mandibular condyle and internal derangement (ID) of the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Methods: One hundred and thirty-nine joints in 88 women aged over 18 years were included in
this study. The horizontal condylar size was measured in the antero-posterior and medio-lateral
(ML) dimensions using axial magnetic resonance (MR) images. Radiological ®ndings of ID
were also assessed from MR imaging.
Results: The condyles in the joints with permanent disk displacement were smaller than those
in joints without displacement in both dimensions (Fisher's protected least signi®cant
di€erence, P50.05). There were statistically signi®cant correlations between horizontal
condylar size in the ML dimension and both disk morphology and radiological stage of ID
(Spearman's correlation coecient by rank, P50.05).
Conclusions: The results of this study suggest a possible relationship between horizontal
condylar size and disk displacement. It is also suggested that the condyle becomes smaller in the
ML dimension with advancement of ID.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2002) 31, 373 ± 378. doi:10.1038/sj.dmfr.4600727

Keywords: temporomandibular joint; condylar size; internal derangement


A variety of condylar OA (osteoarthritis/osteoarthro- between disk displacement and changes in TMJ

sis) changes are observed in patients with internal condylar size.
derangement (ID) of the temporomandibular joint The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship
(TMJ).1 These morphological changes may lead to between disk displacement and the size in the antero-
alteration of the size of the TMJ condyle. De Bont et posterior (AP) and medio-lateral (ML) dimensions of the
al.2 have described a reduction in TMJ size in joints TMJ condyle. We also tested the hypothesis that the size
with disk displacement and perforation. However, a of the TMJ condyle is altered with advancing ID,
few other investigators have focused on the changes of anticipating controversy over whether the change of the
the TMJ condylar size associated with ID.3,4 TMJ condylar size is a cause or a result of the TMJ ID.
Experimentally-induced displacement of the TMJ
disk induced shortening of the mandibular ramus on
the ipsilateral side.5 It has also been reported that ID Materials and methods
may be associated with disturbed facial skeleton
growth such as retrognathia and mandibular asymme- This study was based on examining selected subjects
try.6,7 These results suggest a possible relationship from among a consecutive series of 145 patients who
underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging between
1994 and 2000. Patients under the age of 18 years were
*Correspondence to: H Kurita, Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery,
Shinshu University School of Medicine, 3-1-1, Asahi, Matsumoto, 390-8621, excluded from this study because their characteristic
Japan; E-mail: TMJ condyle pro®le has yet to be developed,8,9 and
Received 29 January 2002; revised 18 June 2002; accepted 12 August 2002 only women were included because of the speculation
Condylar size and TMJ ID
H Kurita et al
that there might be di€erences in the size of the TMJ initial axial localizer (magni®cation: 0.4*1.1, mean 0.6
condyle between sexes. Consequently, 139 joints in 88 (s.d. 0.2)), a line was drawn through the medial (m)
women were included in this study. The mean age was and lateral poles (l) of the condyle. A perpendicular
33.5 years (s.d. 14.3), with a range of 18 ± 80 years. line was drawn to bisect the line m ± l, and this
An MR imaging study was performed with a 1.5- intersected the anterior edge and the posterior edge
tesla system (General Electric Medical System, of the condyle at points a and p, respectively. The
Milwaukee, WI, USA) with a TMJ surface coil distances of l ± m and a ± p were measured in half
(6.0 mm in diameter). An initial axial localizer (TR millimeters with a ruler. The horizontal sizes of the
300 ms, TE 16 ms, FOV 24 cm, 5-mm slice thickness, condyle in the AP and ML dimensions were obtained
2566192 scanning matrix) that was nearly parallel to by computing the individual magni®cation in each
the Frankfort horizontal plane and could maximally patient as follows: (medio-lateral dimension)=(the
visualize the lateral and medial poles of both condyles distance of m ± l)/(magni®cation) and (antero-posterior
was obtained in the closed-mouth position. Five 3-mm dimension)=(the distance of a ± p)/(magni®cation). The
slice thickness, oblique sagittal images of the TMJ (TR measurements were taken two separate times by one of
500 ms, TE 15 ms, FOV 16 cm, 2566192 scanning the authors (H Kurita) blinded to the results of the
matrix) were then obtained with the jaw in each of the MRI study. The di€erence between the ®rst and second
closed- and open-mouth positions. Oblique sagittal measurements was little (average, 70.06; standard
MR images were assessed for disk displacement, degree deviation, 1.63; skewness, 71.01; kurtosis, 4.48;
of disk displacement, and disk morphology at a median, 0.00). The horizontal sizes were then obtained
representative center depth of the TMJ (on a sagittal by calculating the mean value for each patient.
image that crossed the middle third of the condyle and Thereafter, the horizontal sizes of the condyles were
where the disk was imaged the clearest). Disk compared among the joints with no disk displacement
displacement was de®ned as previously reported.10,11 (NDD), with disk displacement with reduction
The degree of disk displacement was classi®ed (DDWR), and with disk displacement without reduc-
according to the criteria reported by Takase et al.12 tion (DDWOR). Di€erences were tested using the post-
Namely, in the sagittal images, disk displacement was hoc test. Relationships between the horizontal size of
classi®ed as slight if the posterior band of the the condyle and either degree of disk displacement,
anteriorly displaced disk touched the condyle in the disk morphology, or the radiological stage of ID were
closed-mouth projection, moderate if the posterior analysed and tested by Spearman's correlation coeffi-
band was located within the posterior slope of the cient by rank. P50.05 was considered to indicate
articular eminence, and severe if the posterior band signi®cance.
was located under the articular eminence or more
anterior. Disk morphology was classi®ed in the closed-
mouth projection in the sagittal plane and categorized Results
as either biconcave, biplanar, biconvex, folded, or
amorphous.13,14 Each MR image was separately The results for the assessment of disk displacement,
evaluated by a trained radiologist and one of the degree of disk displacement, and disk morphology are
authors (H Kurita). Any disagreements were discussed shown in Table 2. There was little disagreement in the
until consensus was reached. assessments. Consequently, 30 joints had changes
All joints were subsequently classi®ed into one of the
®ve radiological stages of ID described by Wilkes15 and
Schellhas,16 as shown in Table 1. Because we had no
data on the presence of perforation of the disk and/or
the attachment, we could not di€erentiate stage 4 from
stage 5.
A method for describing the horizontal condyle size
is illustrated in Figure 1. In the printed image of the

Table 1 Radiological stages of internal derangement described by

Wilkes15 and Schellhas16
Stage 1 Simple disk displacement without changes in the morphol-
ogy of the disk or OA
Stage 2 Reducible disk placement with mild-moderate deformity of
the disk (usually associated with biplanar or biconvex disk)
and/or OA
Stage 3 Permanent disk displacement with mild-moderate deformity
of the disk (usually associated with biplanar or biconvex Figure 1 Measurement of the horizontal size of the TMJ condyle. A
disk) and/or OA line was drawn through the medial (m) and lateral (l) poles of the
Stages 4 Severe permanent displacement and deformity of the disk condyle. A perpendicular line was drawn to bisect the line m ± l, and
and 5 (usually associated with folded or amorphous disk) with this intersected the anterior edge and the posterior edge of the
OA condyle at points a and p, respectively. The distances m ± l and a ± p
were measured in half millimeters
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
Condylar size and TMJ ID
H Kurita et al
compatible with radiological stage 1, 31 stage 2, 20 stage was a statistically signi®cant correlation between the
3, and 29 stages 4 or 5. Twenty nine joints were normal. condyle size in the ML dimension and disk morphol-
The mean horizontal condylar size in the di€erent ogy (Spearman's correlation coecient by rank,
diagnoses of disk displacement is shown in Table 3. P50.05). The condyle became smaller in the ML
There were statistically signi®cant di€erences in the dimension with morphological alteration of the disk.
sizes of both the ML and AP dimension between the On the other hand, there was no signi®cant correlation
joints with NDD and those with DDWOR (Fisher's between the condyle size in the AP dimension and disk
protected least signi®cant di€erence, P50.05). The morphology (Spearman's correlation coecient by
condyle in the joints with DDWOR is smaller than that rank, P40.67).
in the joints with NDD. There also was a signi®cant The correlation between the horizontal size of the
di€erence in the size of the AP dimension between the condyle and the radiological stage of ID is shown in
joints with NDD and those with DDWR (Fisher's Figure 4. The condyle became smaller in the ML
protected least signi®cant di€erence, P50.05). The dimension with advancement of ID, and the correla-
condyle in the joints with DDWR is smaller than that tion between them was signi®cant (Spearman's
in the joints with NDD in the AP dimension (Fisher's correlation coecient by rank, P50.05). On the other
protected least signi®cant di€erence, P50.05). hand, there was no signi®cant correlation between the
The correlation between horizontal condylar size and condyle size in the AP dimension and radiological
degree of disk displacement is shown in Figure 2. In the stage of ID (Spearman's correlation coecient by rank,
ML dimension, the condyle tended to become smaller P40.36). The condyle was biggest in the joints with
with advancement of disk displacement. On the other the most advanced stages of ID in the AP dimension.
hand, in the AP dimension, the condyle was smallest in
the joints with slight disk displacement and tended to
become bigger with the advancement of disk displace- Discussion
ment. However, there was no statistically signi®cant
correlation between the degree of disk displacement This study was carried out to clarify the relationship
and the horizontal condylar size (Spearman's correla- between the horizontal TMJ condyle size and ID. For
tion coecient by rank; P40.17 in the ML dimension this purpose, MR images of an initial axial localizer
and P40.55 in the AP dimension). were retrospectively used to measure the horizontal
The relationship between the horizontal condylar condyle size. There might be a concern that the axial
size and disk morphology is shown in Figure 3. There image would not be representative of the entire
condylar head. In this study, the axial image that was
nearly parallel to the Frankfort horizontal plane and
Table 2 Results of MR assessment of 139 joints in 88 patients with that could maximally visualize the lateral and medial
internal derangement of the TMJ
poles of both condyles was obtained. We know that the
Disk displacement lateral and medial poles of both condyles are not
None 29 usually seen on an axial plane. However, we believe the
With reduction 58 use of this axial image is practical. In the measure-
Without reduction 52
Degree of disk displacement ments of the condyle size, we used printed ®lms with
None 29 the mean magni®cation of 0.6. The single observer
Slight 44 recorded little di€erence between the ®rst and second
Moderate 47 measurements. However, further studies that employ a
Severe 19
Morphological changes in the displaced disk
more valid measurement method are needed.
Biconcave 56 The results of this study showed that the TMJ
Biplanar 19 condyle is smaller in joints where the TMJ disk is
Biconvex 35 anteriorly displaced than in joints without a displaced
Folded 7 disk in both the ML and AP dimension. Previously,
Amorphous 22
Ohgushi et al.4 evaluated the relationship between
anterior displacement and the size of the condyle using
Table 3 Mean horizontal condyle size in joints with different MR images. They reported that the size of the condyles
diagnoses of disk placement with anterior disk displacement was signi®cantly
Horizontal condyle size smaller than that of condyles without anterior
Disk displacement medio-lateral antero-posterior displacement. Kobayashi et al.3 measured the horizon-
(No. of joints) dimension dimension tal size of the TMJ condyle using axial images of X-ray

] ]
No displacement (29) 19.0+3.0 8.7+1.7 computed tomography and found that the horizontal
Anterior displacement 18.1+2.9 7.9+1.2 ] size of the condyle in joints with a displaced disk was
with reduction (58) a a
Anterior displacement 17.6+2.7 7.9+1.3
smaller both in the long and short axis than in those
without reduction (52) without a displaced disk.3 Our results were compatible
There was a statistically signi®cant di€erence between the groups
with theirs. These data suggest that there might be a
(Fisher's protected least signi®cant di€erent; P50.05). (Mean+ relationship between the size of the TMJ condyle and
standard deviation, mm) disk displacement.

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
Condylar size and TMJ ID
H Kurita et al

Figure 2 Horizontal condyle size in relation to degree of TMJ disk displacement

Biconcave Biplanar Biconvex Folded Amorphous Biconcave Biplanar Biconvex Folded Amorphous

Figure 3 Horizontal condyle size in relation to TMJ disk morphology. The correlation between the condyle size in the medio-lateral dimension
and disk morphology is statistically signi®cant (Spearman's correlation coecient by rank, P50.05)

There may be some controversy as to whether joints result in a small condyle because of concurrent
with a small condyle might have a greater tendency for degenerative bony changes. In this study, the condyle
disk displacement or whether disk displacement might size in the ML dimension decreased with advancing
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
Condylar size and TMJ ID
H Kurita et al

Figure 4 Horizontal condylar size in relation to radiological stage of TMJ internal derangement. The correlation between the condyle size in
the medio-lateral dimension and ID stage is statistically signi®cant (Spearman's correlation coecient by rank, P50.05)

stage of ID. This result appears to support the latter at the postero-lateral corner of the condyle may cause
possibility. It was experimentally shown that TMJ disk resorption, resulting in a decreased condyle size in the
displacement could induce reduction of mandibular ML dimension. We think it is fair to speculate that
height and length,5 which implies that disk displace- more pronounced regressive changes occur in the joints
ment may have an adverse e€ect on condyle growth. where the disk is displaced far to the anterior and the
On the other hand, there was no correlation between disk is severely deformed.
the condyle size in the AP dimension and the The results of this study showed that the TMJ
radiological stage of ID. The mechanism of disk condyle became bigger in the AP dimension in the
displacement is still unclear, and there remains a joints with the most advanced stages of ID. In these
possibility that a small condyle in the AP dimension joints, the TMJ disk is severely and permanently
is one of the predictors for disk displacement. displaced and deformed and is sometimes associated
A possible relationship between the decreased with disk perforation.15,16 Rao et al.22 studied MR
condyle size in the ML dimension and disk morphol- images of 276 TMJ and reported that the altered bony
ogy was suggested in this study. The condyle became morphology (condylar remodeling, erosion, spurring,
smaller in the ML dimension as the disk was deformed. etc.) correlated with the severity of ID, that is, bony
In addition, there was a tendency for the condylar ML changes in the joints with an anterior closed lock were
dimension to decrease as the disk became more noted in 64% compared to 45% with reducible disk.22
anteriorly displaced. Previously, de Leeuw et al.17 It has also been reported that disk perforation could
reported shortening of the condyle in the mediolateral lead to osteoarthritis.21 We speculated that proliferative
direction (reduction of the oval projection) in patients condylar degenerative changes including ¯attening,
with internal derangement and osteoarthrosis. This spurring, and eburnation might be responsible for
®nding is compatible with our ®ndings. Previously, we lengthening of the condyle in the antero-posterior
reported that resorption of the lateral pole of the direction. Legrell et al.5 experimentally induced non-
condyle occurred with advancing stage of ID.18 The reducing disk displacement in rabbits and demon-
TMJ disk is ®rmly ®xed at the medial and lateral poles strated a substantial regressive remodeling resulting in
to the corner region of the posterior aspect of the a change of condyle shape with forward/downward
condyle.19,20 Anterior disk displacement would cause rotation of the enlarged articulating surface. This result
some pathological changes to the lateral disk-condyle is consistent with our speculation.
attachment or to the area of the lateral part of the In conclusion, our results suggested (1) a possible
condyle. We think that regressive condylar remodeling relationship between disk displacement and decreased

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
Condylar size and TMJ ID
H Kurita et al
size of the TMJ condyle, and (2) that the condyle Acknowledgements
became smaller in the ML dimension with advance- We wish to thank the doctors in the Department of
ment of ID. Further study that could clarify a Radiology of Shinshu University School of Medicine for
relationship between condylar bony changes and their assistance in the imaging study of TMJ.
condyle size is needed.


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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology

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