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KEY: HONEST Answers = Most Accurate Results 0 = NEVER and/or NOT EVER (I don't even know how to do it or what

it is) 1 = NO and/or HARDLY EVER (I can't remember the last time I did it) 2 = SOMETIMES and/or NOT REALLY (To be honest, I'm really bad in this area) 3 = ON OCCASION BUT NOT REGULARLY (But I really DO want to improve) 4 = YES and/or REGULARLY (I make it a priority in my week) 5 = ABSOLUTELY and/or DAILY (I dont go a day without doing it! It's in my DNA!)

HEALTH SCALE FOR SECTION BELOW 45-50 Optimal Health = THRIVING 40-44 Excellent Health 30-39 Good Health 20-29 Fair Health 10-19 Below Average Health 0-9 Poor Health

Start With Your Lowest Score and Choose the Right Pak For You!


1. Do you maintain a healthy diet (low fat, low sugar, high protein, fresh fruits, grains and vegetables)? 2. Do you stay within your daily target calorie requirements for your age, height and activity level? 3. Is your water intake adequate (at least oz./lb. of body weight; 160 lbs. = 80 oz.)? 4. Are you within 20 percent of your ideal body weight? 5. Do you make it a habit to plan your meals in advance, so that you can make good nutritional food choices? 6. Are you able to maintain the practices that help you to lose weight? 7. Do you awaken in the morning feeling well-rested? 8. Do you engage in regular physical workouts (lasting at least 20 minutes)? 9. Do you have good endurance or aerobic capacity? 10. Do you tend to eat healthy food or snacks during times of stress? TOTAL SCORE (Turn page over to match your score to the right ShapeWayTM Weight Management Challenge Pak) 1. Are you free from occasional muscle pain following exercise? 2. Do you do any cross-circuit or interval training? 3. Do you stretch before running or doing your exercises? 4. Can you walk or stand for long periods of time, without feeling muscle fatigue or some level of discomfort? 5. Do you remember to take your vitamins, minerals and supplements every day? 6. Do you avoid consumption of excessive amounts of ca eine and alcohol? 7. Are you able to do all the activities you enjoy, as you did when you were younger? 8. Do you have enough energy to meet your daily responsibilities? 9. Are you satis ed with your current energy and tness levels? 10. Do you schedule regular massage or deep-tissue body work? TOTAL SCORE - (Turn page over to match your score to the right PROformance Energy & Activity Challenge Pak) 1. Do you have speci c goals in your personal and professional life? 2. Do you use visualization or meditation to help you attain your goals or enhance your life? 3. Do you take time for prayer, meditation or re ection? 4. Do you feel like you have enough mental energy to get you through the entire work and after-work day? 5. Can you easily recall facts, gures, every day to do lists, and important dates? 6. Does your skin have life, shine, elasticity and glow? 7. Do you do crossword puzzles, brain teasers and other mentally-challenging exercises regularly? 8. Can you keep up with your children, grandchildren or other demanding needs? 9. Do you currently take supplements to help keep yourself mentally alert and sharp? 10. Do you nd joy in everyday life? Do you have a smile in the morning when you get up? TOTAL SCORE - (Turn page over to match your score to the right Focus Longevity Challenge Pak)

These questions and resulting score ascertained from the eXfuze Scorecard are merely tools to help you assess your own personal habits and simultaneously, help you select a Pak that is right for you. Ultimately, you are the best judge of your situation and you must decide which Pak is a proper t. The recommendations herein, as well as those provided on the eXfuze Challenge website, serve as only guidelines for educational or informative purposes. Any one of the eXfuze Challenge Paks, in conjunction with good dietary habits and regular exercise, may help you to achieve your Challenge goals. To learn more about achieving a healthy lifestyle, refer to the Tools and Resources page on *DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. None of the questions or the information ascertained during this questionnaire should be used in any way to help you or another person attempt to prognosticate, diagnose or treat any disease, illness or condition. Always seek the advice of a physician or other quali ed health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the eXfuze website or received from an eXfuze Promoter. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Neither these statements nor this questionnaire have been approved by the FDA.

eXfuze 2013


Lean Body Challenge Pak A score of 40-50 means that you may or may not need to lose weight, but you would like to get your body a little leaner.

Transformation Challenge Pak A score of 20-39 means that you may need to lower your Body Mass Index (BMI) which may improve your fat:muscle ratio.

Total Makeover Challenge Pak A score of 0-19 means that you may need to lose a signi cant amount of weight and make a complete lifestyle change.

Get Up And Go Challenge Pak A score of 40-50 means that you may have occasional discomfort and/or feel like you mostly need an energy boost.

No Pain All Gain Challenge Pak A score of 20-39 means that since you are becoming more active, you may need more nutrients than you did before.

Peak Performance Challenge Pak A score of 0-19 means that you may need more nutritional requirements to restore and recover than the avg. person.

Forget Me Not Challenge Pak A score of 40-50 means that you already know the importance of a healthy brain and want to stay sharp and alert.

Look Good Feel Good Challenge Pak A score of 20-39 means that helping your mind and body perform at its best has become a priority in your life.

Turn Back Time Challenge Pak A score of 0-19 means that you may need to focus a bit more on yourself, your health and longevity goals.

Promoter Scorecard
Directions: Put the number in the box that most closely represents your goals & objectives.
(Your # here)
VCN-165.13-v3-SCRCRDPADS-USA.enu eXfuze 2013

A. What is the goal you would like to achieve for your monthly income (either part time or full time)? 1. $500 2. $1,000 3. $2,500 4. $5,000 5. $10,000

B. How much time can you commit weekly to your building your business in order to make this income? 1. 1-2 hrs 2. 2-5 hrs 3. 5-10 hrs 4. 10-20 hrs 5. Full Time (Whatever it takes)

(Your # here)

C. How many months can you commit to that weekly time to reach your income goal? 1. 1-3 months 2. 3-6 months 3. 6-12 months 4. 1-2 yrs 5. 2+yrs (Whatever it takes)

(Your # here)

D. How much money can you invest in your business each month, in order to reach your monthly income goal? 1. $100 2. $200 3. $300 4. $400 5. $500+ (Whatever it takes)

(Your # here)

E. How many prospects (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) do you think you can contact in the rst 30-90 days? 1. 10 2. 25 3. 50 4. 100 5. 200

(Your # here)

Total your score by adding your numbered answers together for all 5 questions (Match the Promoter Pak below to your total score & get started building your business)
Promoter P5 Pak
A score of 16 means you would like to supplement your income, but you may have limited time or resources to invest in your new business.

(Total # Here)
Promoter P8 Pak
A score of 19 25 means that youre ready to maximize the compensation plan and take advantage of all eight levels of the Pacesetter Program in order to earn a substantial income.

Promoter P6 Pak
A score of 712 means that you would like to earn part time income with part time e ort. You may be balancing other priorities and building your business on a part-time basis.

Promoter P7 Pak
A score of 13 18 means that you would like to earn a moderate income with moderate e ort. You may be balancing other priorities and focusing more of your time on building your business.

Income potential gures should not be considered a guarantee or projection of your actual earnings. The purchase of any pak based on your score does not guarantee success or income of any kind. Earnings depend on product sales. Pak recommendations are o ered for informational purposes only and estimate Promoters needs based on the time and e ort they intend to invest. Your personal results will be determined by many factors, including, but not limited to, the e ort and skill of the Promoter. As in all sales relationships, results will therefore vary from Promoter to Promoter.

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