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Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

November 2010 Reference Design RD1014

Fast Page Mode DRAM (FPM DRAM) offers improved speed over standard DRAM since memory accesses performed within the same address row (page) require a precharge only for the first access. Subsequent accesses within the page can then be made without the time penalty of additional precharge cycles. Although it has lost popularity in some areas to faster technologies such as double data rate (DDR) SDRAM, FPM DRAM is still a very cost-effective solution when the highest performance is not required. The Fast Page Mode DRAM controller described in this document interfaces to the MC68340, a popular embedded microprocessor. Due to the processor-dependent nature of memory control, the design will likely require modification if implemented for another processor family. Figure 1. Fast Page Mode DRAM System
A[23:0] ASB SIZ[1:0] RWB CLKOUT MC68340 Processor MACH Memory Controller RAS10 WE0 UCAS0 LCAS0 MA[9:0] DRAM Bank #1


D[15:0] DRAM Bank #2



There are many kinds of design techniques for memory control such as EDC (Error Detection and Correction), parity generation, bank interleaving and various refresh methods, however, only the following essential issues are discussed in this document to describe the memory control functions with effectiveness: Address decoding and multiplexing Bank selection and data sizing RAS, CAS timing generation Interfacing to the processor Refresh request generation Random access timing Page mode access timing

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Lattice Semiconductor

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

In order to design a DRAM controller successfully, the timing and functionality of the following four major outputs are carefully considered: RAS (Row Address Strobe) CAS (Column Address Strobe) Data-ready Multiplexed address Figure 1 illustrates the diagram of typical system level implementation using this DRAM controller design. Table 1. Pin Descriptions
Pin Name A[23:0] ASB SIZ[1:0] RWB CLKOUT DSACK[1:0] Type In In In In In Out Pin Description Address Bus Defines the address of the data to be transferred during a bus cycle. Address Strobe Indicates that a valid address from the CPU is on the address bus. Size Indicates the number of bytes remaining to be transferred for the current cycle. Read/Write# Indicates the direction of data transfer on the bus. System Clock output from the CPU. Data and Size Acknowledge During DRAM access cycle, the controller asserts DSACK[1:0] to indicate the data ready. These signals also indicate to the CPU the size of the DRAM port (16 bits). Active Low System Reset. Memory Address. These signals are the multiplexed outputs for the DRAM address lines from the CPU address and provide the row and column address for the access of the DRAM. Active Low DRAM Write Enable Controls the write operation and provides the early write cycle timing to the DRAM. Active Low Row Address Strobe Provides the strobe for a row address on the DRAM address lines. The RAS1O selects the memory bank1, while the RAS2O enables the memory bank2. Active low Column Address Strobe Provides the strobe for the upper column address on the DRAM address lines to select the upper byte of the 16-bit data lines of the DRAM. Active low Column Address Strobe Provides the strobe for the lower column address on the DRAM address lines to select the lower byte of the 16-bit data lines on the DRAM.


In Out Out Out Out Out

Functional Description
The functional block diagram of the FPM DRAM controller is shown in Figure 2. It consists of three modules: a decoder, an address multiplexer, and a state machine.

Lattice Semiconductor
Figure 2. Block Diagram

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

Memory Controller Top Level (fpdramc.vhd) RWB CLK RESETB State Machine (sm.vhd) ASB BNK1, BNK2 UPD, LOD DRAMSEL PAGE_HIT Decoder (decoder.vhd) DSACK1 WE0 UCAS0 LCAS0 RAS10 RAS20 DSACK0

Address MUX (mux.vhd) A[23:0]


Decoder Module
The decoder block decodes the following output signals:
DRAMSEL BNK1 BNK2 UPD LOD PAGE_HIT DRAM Memory Area (0000000h ~ 07FFFFFh) DRAM Bank1 Select (0000000h ~ 01FFFFFh) normal access And (0400000h ~ 05FFFFFh) page access DRAM Bank2 Select (0200000h ~ 03FFFFFh) normal access And (0600000h ~ 07FFFFFh) page access Upper Byte Data Enable (used to generate UCASO) Lower Byte Data Enable (used to generate LCASO) Active when A22 = 1 in a bus cycle. This corresponds to the memory regions 0400000h ~ 05FFFFFh and 0600000h ~ 07FFFFFh.

DRAM Address Multiplexer Module

The DRAMs targeted in this design latch 10 address bits at a time to generate the full 20-bit address. The first half of the address is latched when the RAS signal is asserted. The second half is latched when CAS is asserted. The address multiplexer block is used to convert the 20-bit address output from the CPU into two 10-bit addresses for input to the DRAMs. To meet the DRAM timing requirement, the multiplexer select signal (DD_RASB) is delayed from the RAS signal by passing through two internal feedback paths of the device. This is accomplished by creating extra signals and forcing the software to keep them using source-code attributes. More levels of delay may be required, depending on the speed of the CPLD and DRAM, in order to meet the RAS address hold time requirement.

Lattice Semiconductor State Machine Module

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

The state machine implements the central control mechanism of the DRAM controller. It provides arbitration between memory accesses and refresh cycles, and controls the timing of the various DRAM interface signals to ensure correct operation. There are 12 states defined to perform this function.
State IDLE RW1 RW2 RW3 PAGE1 PAGE2 PAGE3 CBR1 CBR2 CBR3 CBR4 PRECHG Description Idle State or no service Initial or Random Access State 1 Initial or Random Access State 2 Initial or Random Access State 3 Page Access State 1 Page Access State 2 Page Access State 3 CAS-Before-RAS Refresh State 1 CAS-Before-RAS Refresh State 2 CAS-Before-RAS Refresh State 3 CAS-Before-RAS Refresh State 4 RAS Pre-Charge State

A random access cycle is initiated when the microprocessor asserts the address strobe signal (ASB) and the desired address is in the random-access region. The state machine starts from the IDLE State and moves through RW1, RW2, and RW3. During this time, The appropriate RAS line (RAS1O or RAS2O) is asserted along with DSACK. Depending on the transfer size UCASO and/or LCASO are then asserted. Additional cycles must pass through PRECHARGE and IDLE before additional accesses. Page mode accesses occur when the address falls within the page-mode region. Like the random cycle, a pagemode cycle also first transitions from IDLE through RW1, RW2, and RW3. However, instead of moving to PRECHARGE, the state-machine instead moves through PAGE1, PAGE2, and PAGE3 for additional accesses. This can continue without precharge-time penalty until the microprocessor stops the transfer or an access is required within another page. A CAS-before-RAS refresh cycle takes the CBR1, CBR2, CBR3, and CBR4 path when the refresh counter reaches a set value. During this time, a refresh acknowledge signal (REFACK) is asserted while CAS, and then RAS, are asserted to both memory banks in order to refresh all memory simultaneously.

Lattice Semiconductor
Figure 3. State Diagram

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller












The state machine module also contains a 9-bit synchronous refresh counter, clocked by the system clock, that generates a terminal-count signal when the count reaches a value of 186 HEX. Assuming a 25 MHz system clock, the terminal count occurs every 15.6s and acts as a clock enable for the REFREQ signal. Once the state machine recognizes the REFREQ, it goes to the CBR1 state and asserts REFACK signal. The refresh counter is cleared by the REFACK. After being cleared, the refresh counter begins counting again to generate the next refresh cycle.

Design Considerations
The design of DRAM controllers for the Motorola 68000 family CPUs usually require one to three wait states for an access cycle depending on the memory performance and configuration. A page mode access can eliminate these wait states because no RAS pre-charge time is required, and the RAS access time is eliminated after the first access. As long as the CPU issues the addresses within the same DRAM page, the DRAM controller can accomplish the access cycle with minimum CPU clock cycles. In this design, a page mode access requires three CPU clock cycles. Non-page mode and initial accesses need 4 to 6 clock cycles, depending on how closely spaced the CPU accesses are. Here is the brief memory controller specification implemented in this design: 4Mbytes dual bank 16 bits wide memory control Bank0: 2 Mbytes (000000H - 1FFFFFH) Bank1: 2 Mbytes (200000H - 3FFFFFH) Interface with MC68340-25MHz embedded processor Use two 60 ns 16 Mbits DRAM (1M x 16) Support random and page mode read/write access Refresh Built-in refresh timing generator CAS-before-RAS refresh mode

Lattice Semiconductor

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

For this memory controller design, two 60ns fast-page-mode 1Mbit x 16 DRAMs are used. A mechanism is needed to distinguish between standard memory accesses and page mode accesses. This design uses address bit A22 to differentiate between these two types of accesses. A memory map for the memory system follows:
Address Range 000000H - 1FFFFFH 200000H - 3FFFFFH 400000H - 5FFFFFH 600000H - 7FFFFFH Access type Normal access to Bank1 Normal access to Bank2 Page access to Bank1 Page access to Bank2 Bank size 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB

The page mode detection mechanism requires some overhead on the part of the software for the host system. Likely required will be custom routines to translate addresses to the page mode region for those accesses that can benefit from page mode acceleration. In addition, some steps may have to be taken (i.e. disabling interrupts temporarily) to ensure that accesses intended for another page are not inadvertently executed while a page mode access is in progress, as is commonly done in embedded systems. Even though there is some software overhead involved, significant performance enhancements can be achieved for certain types of operations. This type of page mode detection scheme has the benefit that a page mode access can be detected during the normal address decode process and it does not require lengthening the memory cycles of non-page mode accesses. The page size for this DRAM is 1024 bits (1Kbyte). The bus connecting between the CPU and memory is 16 bits wide. Therefore the page size, as seen by software, for this memory controller is 2K bytes wide. The MC68340 CPU has 32 address lines. The upper eight lines (A31-A24) can be configured as a parallel I/O port, as interrupt acknowledge lines, or as the upper byte of the address. This design assumes that the CPU was configured as either Port A[7:0] or IACK[7:0]. If the system requires larger memory map, the upper eight address lines should be decoded as well.

Transfer Modes
This design is implemented to access two separate memory banks. RAS1O is connected to the RAS signal of the bank1 DRAM, while RAS2O is connected to the bank2 RAS signal. Each DRAM bank has two 8-bit wide data ports, and the UCASO signal from the CPLD controls the upper side port, while the LCASO controls the lower port. The memory control interface for MC68340 supports the following transfer modes:
Even Byte-to-Word transfer Odd Byte-to-Word transfer Word-to-Word aligned transfer Long Word-to-Word aligned transfer Valid data on the upper byte (D[15:8]) Valid data on the lower byte (D[7:0]) Valid data on the both bytes (D[15:0]) Valid data on the both bytes (D[15:0])

When Even Byte-to-Word transfer occurs (A0 = 0), only the UCASO signal will be active to access the data on the upper 8-bit data bus. The lower byte on the data bus will be ignored. In case of Odd Byte-to-Word transfer mode (A0 = 1), the lower 8-bit data lines are used for the transfer by LCASO signal and the upper byte on the data bus is discarded. When the MC68340 performs Long Word-to-Word transfer, it holds the same address except A1 signal as current one and adjusts the data size from 32 bits to 16 bits on SIZ1 and SIZ0 on the next access, so that the 32 bit wide access can be completed. Table 2 shows the supported transfer modes and the relations among the signals. Table 2. Supported Transfer Modes
Transfer Mode Even Byte-to-Word Odd Byte-to-Word Word-to-Word Long Word-to-Word SIZ1 0 0 1 0 SIZ0 1 1 0 0 A0 0 1 0 0 DSACK1 0 0 0 0 DSACK0 X X X X D[15:8] Valid Invalid Valid Valid D[7:0] Invalid Valid Valid Valid

Lattice Semiconductor

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

Timing Diagrams
Figure 4. Random Mode Read and Write

Figure 5. Page Mode Access

Lattice Semiconductor
Figure 6. CAS Before RAS (CBR) Refresh

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

This design is implemented in Verilog and VHDL. When using this design in a different device, density, speed, or grade, performance and utilization may vary. Default settings are used during the fitting of the design. Table 3. Performance and Resource Utilization
Device Family MachXO2 1 MachXO 2 LatticeXP2 3 ispMACH 4000ZE4 ispMACH M4A3 5 ispLSI 5000VE 6 Language Verilog VHDL Verilog VHDL Verilog VHDL Verilog VHDL Verilog VHDL Verilog VHDL Speed Grade -6 -6 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 ns -5 ns -5.5 ns -5.5 ns 180 MHz 180 MHz Utilization 56 LUTs 55 LUTs 55 LUTs 55 LUTs 56 LUTs 55 LUTs 42 Macrocells 43 Macrocells 42 Macrocells 43 Macrocells 42 Macrocells 43 Macrocells fMAX (MHz) > 200 > 200 > 200 > 200 > 200 > 200 > 165 > 165 > 90 > 90 > 100 > 100 I/Os 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 Architecture Resources N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1.Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LCMXO2-1200HC-6TG144CES, with Lattice ispLEVER 8.1 SP1 and Lattice Diamond 1.1 software. 2. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LCMXO256E-5T100C, with Lattice ispLEVER 8.1 SP1 and Lattice Diamond 1.1 software. 3. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LFXP2-5E-5M132C, with Lattice ispLEVER 8.1 SP1 and Lattice Diamond 1.1 software. 4. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LC4256ZE-5TN100C with Lattice ispLEVER Classic 1.4 software. 5. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using M4A3-128/64-55VC, with Lattice ispLEVER Classic 1.4 software. 6. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using ispLSI5128VE-180LT128 with Lattice ispLEVER Classic 1.4 software

Lattice Semiconductor Source Code

fpdram.v/fpdram.vhd decoder.v/decoder.vhd mux.v/mux.vhd sm.v/sm.vhd Top-level source code Address decoder DRAM address multiplexer State machine

Fast Page Mode DRAM Controller

Test Bench
fpdramtb.vhd VHDL test bench for the Page Mode DRAM Controller

Technical Support Assistance

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Revision History
Date February 2009 February 2010 November 2010 Version 02.1 02.2 02.3 Previous Lattice releases. Updated Implementation section. Added support for LatticeXP2 device family. Added Verilog support for all families. Added support for the MachXO2 device family. Updated to support Lattice Diamond 1.1 design software. Updated to support ispLEVER 8.1 SP1 design software. Change Summary

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