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YUNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Pharmacy An Outcomes-Based Teaching-Learning Program for Research and Thesis Writing 1 and 2 2nd

Semester, A.Y. 2012-2013

Course Title: Course Number:


Credit Units: 3 UNITS Contact Hours: 3 hours lecture discussion per week Course Placement: Fourth Year Pharmacy 2nd semester, First Year Med Tech 1st Semester Pre requisites: None

Course Description:

This course deals with the study of the Philippines, its lnd and people, their culture and social organizations, historical milestones, its government and constitution

Approved by:

Prof. Priscilla M. Torres, Ph.D. Dean October 29, 2012


Date of Approval:

INSTITUTIONAL INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME (GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES) Academic Excellence Show expertise in the competencies necessary to the practice of profession

Demonstrate creative application of concepts and methods in general education geared towards the advancement of various fields of profession

1. Demonstrate mastery of our countrys history and knowledge of government, their relationship with it, being aware of their rights as citizens.

Leadership and Teamwork Demonstrate capacity for leadership and teamwork including the ability to motivate others, to be responsible and reliable Critical Thinking, Research and Problem Solving Skills Initiate innovative ideas and methods through research responsive to the changing needs of the society

Productivity and Accountability Develop new knowledge and understanding that will contribute to nation-building and sustainable development through the processes of inquiry, research and innovation Social and Ethical Responsibility Uphold Catholic values and moral principles reflective of a competent, committed and compassionate Thomasian in the formation of humanely progressive and healthy society Communication and Relational Skills Develop effective communication competencies through interpersonal skills and utilize information technology responsibly as an effective tool in exploring and expressing ideas .

Exhibit capacity to contribute as productive member of the profession and assume leadership roles as appropriate in the profession and society Demonstrate a repertoire of thinking strategies that will enable them to acquire, evaluate and synthesize information and knowledge and develop analytical skills to make decisions in both familiar and unfamiliar situation Generate insights and new knowledge in general education that will contribute to nation-building and sustainable development through processes of inquiry, research and innovation Develop Catholic value systems and ethical standard that guide professional and social behaviors reflective of the Thomasian identity Demonstrate communication competence and relational skills essential to professional practice and to continued person and professional growth as well as to informed citizenry.

2.Organize or join socially oriented groups or community groups or get involved in similar civic undertakings 3.Reflect on the key historical events through group discussions by using inferential and critical thinking

4.Generate insights & new knowledge about the Philippines and discuss their deeper understanding and appreciation of ones country and its history 5.Evaluate current political issues in accordance with the ideological foundations of our government bearing in mind that these are guided by the Thomasian identity 6.Express the importance of government as guided by the Constitution in the students daily lives.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Content Unit I: The Philippines,: Its Land & People, and their Culture

Teaching-Learning Activities

Assessment Tasks


Compare the regions of the Philippines in terms of area, population and their contribution to the economic progress of the nation. Establish the impact of the Filipino culture on personal and professional life. (CILO 1)

1. The territory of the Philippines

Video Presentation Symposium Forum Work along exercises

Objective test Summarizing

2. The Filipino people and their culture

Unit 2: Milestones in Philippine History Describe the milestones in Philippine History from the Spanish era to the Philippine independence. (CILO 2) 1. Conquest of the Philippines by the Spaniards 2. The birth of Filipino nationalism: 2.1 The Propaganda movement 2.2 The Katipunan 3. The struggle for nationhood 4. American intervention Unit 3 Conditions prevailing in the Philippines during the different periods in our history: 3.1 Prelude to the American regime and the Philippines under the American regime 3.2 Commonwealth regime 3.3 Japanese era 3.4 The Republican years Video Presentation Symposium Forum Role playing Work along exercises Objective Test Problem recognition task Critique paper

Compare the conditions in the Philippines during the American regime, short-lived Japanese Regime and the Republican years reflecting their significance in our present history and the next ( CILO 3 )

Symposium forum Role playing Debate discussion

Objective Test Compare and contrast chart Summarizing Case studies

ILO 4:Iinterpret the principles of the Philippine constitution, its preamble, and the different articles of the constitution (CILO 4 )

Unit 4 Study the principles and articles of the Philippine constitution 4.1 The Preamble 4.2 Articles of the Constitution

Gapped Lecture Debate discussion Problem solving

Objective test Compare and contrast chart Pros and Cons grid Illustrating concepts and principles

ILO 5: Differentiate the concepts of state, government ,nation with emphasis on the importance of government (CILO 6) ILO 6: : Outline and differentiate the structure and functions of the Philippines government (CILO 5)

Unit 5 Study of the concepts of state, government, nation 5.1 Elements of a state 5.2 Importance of government 5.3 Forms of government

Gapped Lecture Problem solving Work along exercises

Objective test Compare and contrast chart Pros and Cons grid

Unit 6 Structure and functions of the branches of Philippine government including the local governments and the independent constitutional commissions 5.1 Three branches of government 5.2 Constitutional Commissions 5.3 The local governments

Symposium Forum Problem solving Work along exercises

Content, Form and Function Outline Objective test Compare and contrast chart

REFERENCES: 1. Garcia, Carlito D. 2009 Philippine History and Government for College Students. Books Atbp. Publishing Corporation, Mandaluyong City 2. Dannug, R. & Campanilla, M. 2003. Politics, Governance and Government with Philippine Constitution. Manila Phils. C and E Publishing Quezon City 3. De Leon, Hector. 2007 Philippine Constitution Manila, Philippines Rex Publishing 4. De Leon, hector, 2007. Agrarian Reform and Taxation Manila, Philippines, Rex Publishing House Websites: GRADING SYSTEM: Monthly 20% Prelim 40% Final 40% Major Exams 40% Class Standing 60% ( quizzes, Recitation, Assignment/Project, Group Work, Attendance ) Course Policy : At least 80% attendance, Passing Rate: 60% of Monthly, Preliminary and Final Grading Periods

Prepared By: Asst. Professor Alicia T. Villamil

Noted By: Assoc Prof. Rosario Aranda Coordinator TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR:

WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

CONTENT The Philippines, its Land & People , Early Filipinos, their Culture & Social Organizations Conquest of the Philippines by the Spaniards, Prelude to American Regime Pharmacy Week The Philippines under the American Tutelage The Commonwealth Regime Japanese Era in the Philippines The Republican Years PRELIMS January 14-18,2012 The State and Government: : History of Phil. Govt. Forms of Govt.. The Philippine Constitution: Preamble and Parts of the Constitution Articles of the Constitution -do-doThree Branches of Government Constitutional Commissions The Local Government FINALS March 12 15,2012

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