TheSun 2009-07-27 Page01 Loan Sharks Wrath

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No. 4810 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

July 27, 2009

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18 families
after road
by Charles Ramendran by Tim Leonard its members have earned the wrath office splashed with red paint and said. Ghazali has lodged more than of loan sharks for helping victims his staff threatened when he pro- a dozen police reports on the threats,
repay their debts by providing credit vided reasonable lending facilities to intimidation and assaults at the Johor
ETALING JAYA: Being territo-

KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 118 resi- facilities based on low interest rates several borrowers who were forced Baru police headquarters since early
dents were evacuated yesterday follow- rial by nature, loan sharks are set by the law. to overpay the Ah Longs,” said this year.
ing the collapse of part of a road which now using violent tactics against Its president, R.C. Veeraseelan, Veeraseelan in a press conference at On June 10, his car was splashed
runs alongside the contruction site of a licensed money lenders who try said one of its members from Johor, the Milma headquarters yesterday. with acid when he stepped in to
wholesale mall at Jalan San Peng here. to help their borrowers get out of the 49-year-old Ghazali Tauhid, now “The Ah Longs have also put a negotiate on behalf of borrowers
The Public Works Department (PWD) Ah Long’s trap by negotiating better fears for his life after he was threat- price on his head when he failed to who owed 28 loan sharks a total of
yesterday directed members of 18 terms and providing softer loans. ened and assaulted by a group of comply with their request to exit the RM105,000. He susbsequently lodged
families occupying the PWD and Kuala The Malaysian Licensed Mon- loan sharks when he stepped in to business. Milma views this matter a police report.
Lumpur City Hall quarters to move out eylenders Association (Milma) help the victims. seriously and calls on the police Veeraseelan said six other licensed
immediately. PWD Deputy Director- disclosed yesterday that seven of “Ghazali’s car was damaged, his to bring the culprits to justice,” he moneylenders from Selangor, Perak,
General II Datuk Mohd Noor Yaacob said Penang and Sabah suffered similar

the order was issued after it was found consequences this year for doing
that 22 units of the quarters, including the same thing. He said he could not
12 owned by PWD, four of which were reveal the names of these licensed
unoccupied, were unsafe. money lenders for safety reasons.
The collapsed portion, measuring “These Ah Longs feel threatened
about 80m in length and about 35m in when licensed money lenders pro-
depth, is normally a hive of activity for vide fair and reasonable lending
morning and night market traders. The rates because it will drive them out
incident happened at 5pm on Saturday. If of business.
it had happened hours earlier, lives could “They are sucking the poor peo-
have been at stake. ple’s blood with high interest rates
When met yesterday, residents in and they don’t want licensed money
the affected area said the disaster was lenders to come in and provide fair
expected. They are thankful that there rates based on the law,” said Veera-
were no casulities when the collapse seelan.
took place but shuddered to think about He called on the government to
the impact had it happen sooner. help eradicate the Ah Long problem
“The stretch where the road sank is by introducing better strategies and
where a number of peddlers and traders polices.
selling fish and vegetables set up their “A proper policy ensures the
stalls every morning and hundreds of survival of licensed money lenders
people in the area frequent the place,” while eliminating opportunities for
said M. Thirukkumaran, 35, who was Ah Longs to survive. We want more
evacuated from his shophouse. licensed money lenders to service
His shoplot had extensive damage the public by providing micro credit
of gaping cracks on the walls and floors facilities based on rates set by the
which were cemented over by the law.”
project contractor following repeated Veerseelan said Milma is also
complaints.The project is a five-storey coming up with a few initiatives to
building billed “Malaysia’s Premier
Wholesale Centre” and is being devel- Manchester United ‘ondel-ondel’ dolls provide better micro credit facilities,
especially for small businesses and
oped by Kenanga Wholesale City Sdn
Bhd. Its officials were not available for
P eople dressed as “ondel-ondel” or native dolls play a game of soccer against other dolls, with the
names of Manchester United (MU) players written on the sash, in Jakarta yesterday to express their
anger at the July 17 hotel blasts that prevented MU from playing against Indonesia's all-star football
enterprises based on a community
credit concept.
Milma has 3,000 members nation-
team. A week after twin suicide blasts in Jakarta killed seven people and marked a return of terror to wide who cater to some four million
» See pictures on Page 3 Indonesia, police appeared no closer to cracking the terrorist network believed responsible. consumers nationwide.

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