TheSun 2009-07-27 Page08 Worldwide Protest Against Teheran Regime

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8 theSun | MONDAY JULY 27 2009

news without borders

Worldwide protests Demon–


against Teheran regime march to

the United
building in
New York
in a show
of solidarity
AMSTERDAM: Thousands of peo- A crowd estimated at 600 by with Iranian
ple around the world held protests police and at 2,000 by the organisers people on
to denounce rights abuses in Iran waved green flags symbolising Iran’s Saturday.
following contested presidential Green movement supporting opposi-
elections and express support for tion leader and defeated presidential
opponents of hardline President candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They filed past Iran’s UN mission
Some of the biggest rallies on and read out a message from Iranian
Saturday – the last day of a three- human rights activist and Nobel lau-
day “Iran Global Day of Action” reate Ebadi urging all nations to sup-
staged in 85 cities worldwide – took port “the freedom fighters who stand

place in Amsterdam, London and for the democratic institutions”.
Stockholm, with more than 4,000 “Done this way, the sapling of
alone taking to the streets of the democracy will bear the flower of
Swedish capital. freedom,” the message said. United Nations to intervene, an
Among the 1,000 people in In a park in Tokyo’s busy Shibuya inquiry into the systematic human
Amsterdam was Iran’s Nobel Peace
laureate Shirin Ebadi who led the
crowd in chanting: “We want to live
district, demonstrators carried a
placard declaring: “Ahmadinejad is
not Iran’s president.”
rights violations in Iran,” said the
group United for Iran.
In Melbourne, one of the five Aus-
Thousands celebrate
Thaksin’s birthday
in peace. Long live peace”. In Paris, a rally of 600 people, tralian cities where protests took place,
In London, where more than mostly Iranians, denounced the “elec- about 50 members of the Iranian com-
a thousand gathered outside the toral coup d’etat” in Iran. Many wore munity waved their homeland’s flag
Iranian embassy, organisers also green in support of Mousavi who was and banners reading “Stop Torture”
spoke of supporting Iranians Ahmadinejad’s closest rival. and “Iran election was a fraud”. BANGKOK: Thousands of supporters They can sign up to wish him happy
protesting against Ahmadinejad’s Others carried pictures of a Demonstrations also took place of Thailand’s fugitive former premier birthday or monitor his movements,”
disputed re-election. young Iranian woman, Neda in Berlin, Copenhagen, Vienna and Thaksin Shinawatra gathered at tem- Noppadon said.
“This is symbolic, it’s a global day Agha-Soltan, who Geneva, where protesters gathered ples across the country yesterday to Since Thaksin was ousted in a
of solidarity,” said Potkin Azarmehr, was shot dead outside the United Nations’ European celebrate his 60th birthday, police coup in September 2006, Thai soci-
one of the organisers. “We need to during a dem- headquarters. said. Around 60 temples were ex- ety has been wracked by divisions
make sure the government pays a onstration and In Vienna, the International pected to hold Buddhist ceremonies between his “Red Shirt” supporters
price for the way they’re treating has become a Campaign for Human Rights in Iran in his honour, with the largest taking among the largely rural poor, and
the people in Iran.” symbol of the urged companies such as Siemens place at Kaew Fah temple in central the powerful Bangkok cliques in the
Following charges of fraud in opposition’s and Nokia which do business in Iran Nonthaburi province. palace, military and bureaucracy.
the June 12 presidential election, struggle. to put pressure on Teheran. “More than 10,000 people have The opponents of Thaksin, known
Teheran became the scene of mass “ W e Iranian opposition leaders Mousavi, gathered at the temple since morn- as “Yellow Shirts”, staged protests
street protests that shook the pillars want the Mehdi Karroubi and Khatami on ing,” said Police Colonel Songsak last year that led to a nine-day block-
of the Islamic republic. Saturday urged the country’s clerics Soisuwan. ade of Bangkok’s airports and left
Iranian official reports say at to intervene to help stop the spread of “We have around 100 police offic- more than 300,000 visitors stranded,
least 20 people died and more “oppression” by the authorities. ers taking care of security. So far the badly denting the kingdom’s tourist-
than 1,000 were arrested in Meanwhile, Iranian news agencies situation is peaceful,” he said. friendly image.
demonstrations. Dozens of re- reported yesterday that Ahmadinejad Thaksin, who is living abroad to The “Red Shirts” stormed a key
formist leaders, journalists and had sacked four ministers. escape a jail term for corruption, was Asian summit in the Thai resort of
human rights activists have Those sacked are Culture and expected to make a phone-in address Pattaya on April 11, forcing its cancel-
also been jailed in the wake of Islamic Guidance Minister Moham- to his followers later in the day. lation, before rampaging through the
the election that the opposition mad-Hossein Saffar-Harandi, Labour He also marked the occasion by capital, leaving two people dead and
says was rigged. and Social Affairs Minister Moham- launching accounts on the social 123 injured. Prime Minister Abhisit
Chanting “Freedom ... mad Jahromi, Health Minister Kam- networking websites Twitter and Fa- Vejjajiva declared emergency rule
Now,” hundreds of demon- ran Baqeri Lankarani and Intelligence cebook, according to Thaksin’s close and protesters clashed with security
strators marched in New York Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni aide and former lawyer Noppadon forces in Bangkok over two days,
demanding the release of all Ejeie, the local news networks said. Pattama. but finally dispersed after troops
political prisoners and democ- No reasons were given for the “It’s another channel for Thaksin surrounded them and threatened to
racy in Iran. dismissals. –AFP to communicate with his supporters. move them by force. – AFP

ment from the Elysee Palace said. cabin started to lose air pressure,
One of the president’s aides said the airline said in a statement. The
briefs Sarkozy was taken to the Val de Grace
military hospital, after a problem re-
Australian carrier has an excellent
safety record but has come under
lated to his vagus nerve – which helps scrutiny over the past year after
the body regulate its heart rate – that its aircraft experienced a series of
Magnitude 5.4 quake doctors “considered minor”. – AFP technical problems in flight.
Qantas said Saturday’s incident
rattles Taiwan Gunmen attack involved a Boeing 737-400 ascend-
TAIPEI: An earthquake with a magni- ing out of Auckland en route to
tude of 5.4 rocked Taiwan yesterday, Karzai’s running mate Brisbane. At 7,500m it developed
the Seismology Centre said, but there KABUL: A controversial running mate a “subtle pressurisation problem”,
were no immediate reports of casual- of President Hamid Karzai escaped un- the airline said. The aircraft landed
ties or damage. The moderate quake scathed after a gun and rocket attack hit and all 91 passengers disembarked
could be felt islandwide, according to his convoy yesterday in northern Afghani- safely. – Reuters
the centre. stan, weeks ahead of key elections.
It hit at 9am (same time in Malaysia), Dozens of vehicles accompanying Scholar agrees to a
with an epicentre 37km southeast of vice-presidential candidate Moham-
the central Mingchien township at a med Qasim Fahim were travelling in beer with Obama, cop
depth of 13km, the centre said. Taiwan northern Kunduz province – which has WASHINGTON: A prominent black Har-
is regularly hit by earthquakes because seen soaring Taliban-linked attacks vard University scholar has accepted an
the island lies near the junction of two – when an unknown number of gun- invitation to have a beer with President
tectonic plates. – AFP men ambushed the convoy. Barack Obama and the white police
Karzai’s campaign office labelled the officer who arrested him in a racially
Sarkozy falls ill, attack an assassination attempt, and charged case. Professor Henry Louis
said that the campaign cameraman Gates said Saturday he was willing to
rushed to hospital was injured as a hail of bullets hit the have a peace-making beer with Obama
PARIS: France’s President Nicolas motorcade. Security and government and Cambridge, Massachusetts, police
Sarkozy was rushed to hospital officials said no one was hurt. – AFP Sgt James Crowley.
yesterday after suffering a “minor” Gates was arrested last week at his
nervous complaint while jogging Qantas jet loses air home after a neighbour called police to
at his woodland weekend retreat say that a man was breaking into the
outside Paris, officials said. pressure during flight house. Obama said Cambridge police
The 54-year-old leader was SYDNEY: A Qantas jet flying from had “acted stupidly,” prompting an out-
seen immediately by a doctor and New Zealand to Australia was cry from police groups and a resulting
underwent medical tests, a state- forced to turn around when the media blitz. – Reuters

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