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theSun | MONDAY JULY 27 2009 15


KL market summary

Bursa likely to break 1,165 resistance level

SHARE prices on Bursa Malaysia are expected points to 5,578.75 and the Industrial Index JULY 24, 2009
to extend their bullish trend this week on advanced 101.64 points to 2,527.64. INDICES CHANGE
expectations that the global recession is Of the FTSE-BM Index series, the FMBEmas FBMEMAS 7,782.77 +29.37
easing. added 231.99 points to 7,782.77, the FBMTOP FBM-KLCI 1,155.88 +3.73
Dealers said the healthy rotation and tre- 100 rose 223.48 points to 7,576.71, the FB- CONSUMER PROD 336.33 +3.29
mendous liquidity are likely to push the key M2BRD increased 168.42 points to 5,010.79 INDUSTRIAL PROD 89.30 +1.09
FBM KLCI pass the 1,165 resistance level. and the FBM-MDQ was 20.31 points higher INDUSTRIAL 2,527.64 +21.67
However, investors might also continue to at 4,097.99. CONSTRUCTION 220.22 - 0.15
look at Wall Street for clues before committing Total turnover eased slightly to 5.105 billion
themselves, they said. shares from 5.310 billion but the value rose to
EXCHANGE RATES July 24, 2009
For the week just ended, active buying RM7.922 billion from RM6.326 billion. MINING 310.05 +2.03
momentum in bluechips, especially planta- The Main Board volume also declined to 4.379 PLANTATIONS 5,578.75 -47.68 Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy
tion-related counters that make up 30% of the billion from 4.480 billion but the value expanded FBMSHA 7,975.76 +4.29 TT/OD TT OD
FBM KLCI components, drove the key market to RM7.698 billion from RM7.107 billion. FBM2BRD 5,010.79 +31.24
TECNOLOGY 15.90 +0.38 1 US DOLLAR 3.5760 3.5110 3.5010
barometer to hit a new high of 1,160.61 on The Second Board volume increased to
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 2.9490 2.8210 2.8050
Wednesday. 283.105 million shares valued at RM137.395 TURNOVER VALUE
Mild profit taking, however, trimmed some million from 279.605 million shares worth 1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 2.4850 2.4240 2.4160
1.039bil RM1.566bil 1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.2890 3.2090 3.1970
gains to put the benchmark index at 1,155.88 RM120.698 million.
at Friday’s closing. On the week to week basis, Turnover on Mesdaq shrunk to 191.997 1 EURO 5.0780 4.9560 4.9360
the FBM KLCI jumped 34.98 points. million shares valued at RM34.574 million million shares valued at RM42.900 million 1 NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR 2.3750 2.2690 2.2530
The Finance Index rose 276.53 points to from 338.957 million shares worth RM58.670 from 192.078 million shares worth RM31.580 1 PAPUA N GUINEA KINA 1.4890 1.2480 1.2320
9,413.32, the Plantation Index climbed 174.35 million while call warrants rose to 229.588 million the week before. – Bernama
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.4845 2.4240 2.4160
1 STERLING POUND 5.9200 5.7760 5.7560
1 SWISS FRANC 3.3400 3.2590 3.2440

REDtone launches
100 ARAB EMIRATES DIRHAM 99.1000 93.8600 93.6600
REDtone Mobile From left: 100 BANGLADESH TAKA 5.3400 5.2100 5.0100
is well positioned Celcom
to meet the demands Berhad chief 100 DANISH KRONE 70.2500 64.5500 64.3500
of SME and Soho as corporation 100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 46.9700 44.4800 44.2800
we have in-depth officer 100 INDIAN RUPEE 7.6900 7.0700 6.8700
knowledge and Mohamed

013 Mobile service

100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 0.0371 0.0314 0.0264
extensive experience Ahmad
100 JAPANESE YEN 3.7780 3.6860 3.6760
in both market Tajudin,
100 NORWEGIAN KRONE 58.8500 53.9700 53.7700
segments ...” REDtone 100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 4.4700 4.1600 3.9600
International 100 PHILIPPINE PESO 7.6100 7.1400 6.9400
Bhd group 100 QATAR RIYAL 99.7600 94.9000 94.7000
by Tim Leonard Also present was Deputy REDtone Mobile cur- ments and receive rebates CEO Zainal 100 SAUDI RIYAL 96.8500 92.1300 91.9300 Minister of Information, rently has more than 5,000 instantaneously. Amanshah, 100 SOUTH AFRICAN RAND 48.0200 44.0300 43.8300
Communications and Cul- agents nationwide to market The postpaid plan requires Joseph
100 SRI LANKA RUPEE 3.2300 2.9700 2.7700
PETALING JAYA: Alter- ture, Datuk Joseph Salang its secured postpaid plan. a minimum usage commit- Salang,
Wei and 100 SWEDISH KRONA 49.4300 44.9200 44.7200
native telecommunications Gandum. REDtone Mobile’s new ment of only RM38 monthly.
company REDtone Inter- “This unique referral subscribers will be given For international voice REDtone 100 THAI BAHT 11.2900 9.5700 9.1700
Mobile Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama
national Bhd expanded its initiative is a key feature a 013 number and with call, subscribers enjoy sav-
product range by launching of our REDtone Mobile mobile number portabil- ings of up to 80%. Services
the Redtone Mobile 013 Secured Postpaid Plan and ity, subscribers can switch REDtone’s is collaborat- Sdn Bhd
service, specially designed is aimed at encouraging from their current service ing with Celcom through a executive Long way to US recovery: Biden
to cater to offer subscribers customers to sign up as provider to REDtone and smart partnership and with director WASHINGTON: US Vice-President Joseph Biden yester-
rebates and incentives. many subscribers as they still maintain their existing the launch of its 013 mobile James day defended a US$787-billion (RM2.79 trillion) stimulus
REDtone group manag- can. The more subscribers number. service, REDtone’s product Lai at the package adopted to jump-start the troubled US economy,
ing director Wei Chuan their sign up, the more their REDtone Mobile also rage now comprises RED- launch of but admitted recovery was a long way off.
Beng said REDtone Mobile income,” said Wei. runs an e-purse system, tone Data, REDtone Broad- the REDtone “We still have a long way to go, but clearly we are
013 is targeted at small and “In short, the plan has an innovation from its band and REDtone Voice. Mobile 013 closer to recovery today than we were in January,” Biden
medium-sized enterprises dual benefits – it enables in-house R&D team, al- For more information, log service. wrote in an op-ed piece in The New York Times. “The
(SMEs) and small office/ customers to save money lowing subscribers on to www.redttonemobile. Recovery Act has been critical to that progress.”
home office (Soho) seg- and more money at the to make pay- com Passed by Congress earlier this year and signed by
ments, and is driven by an same time,” Wei President Barack Obama into law, the package combines
innovative business model. added. government-funded infrastructure projects with tax relief
“REDtone Mobile is and assistance to those affected by the slump.
well positioned to meet But it has been under fire from Republics who dubbed
the demands of SME and it inefficient and wasteful. – AFP
Soho as we have in-depth
knowledge and extensive
experience in both market
segments and are supported
by a strong nationwide sales
channel,” said Wei.
“Our creative business
model provides SME and
Soho customers an oppor-

tunity to save when they

make calls. They can also
enjoy extra income and in-
centives if they successfully
refer their business partners
and friends to use our
postpaid service,” said Wei
at the REDtone Mobile 013
official launch on Friday.

Aussie PM rejects ‘protectionist’ push

MELBOURNE: Australian Prime invites retaliatory protectionist Finance Minister Lindsay he told Channel 10 television.
Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday measures from economies around Tanner said he understood why The Australian Manufacturing
rejected calls for the government the world, and that’s what would unions were pushing for Austral- Workers Union (AMWU) said
to favour local companies when happen,” he told reporters. ian companies struggling in the 76,000 jobs had been lost in the
spending money, saying such pro- Rudd said countries tried seal- global downturn to get preferen- manufacturing sector in the past
tectionist measures could spark a ing their economic borders in the tial treatment but trade barriers 12 months and the centre-left La-
trade war. 1930s and only succeeded in mak- would not help them survive. bor government should be doing
Rudd said much of Australia’s ing the Great Depression worse. “If we actually tilt the playing more to protect local workers.
national wealth depended on its “What happens? The entire field artificially in their favour, AMWU national secretary
access to export markets and global economy shrinks. What that does them no benefits in Dave Oliver said the govern-
it could not afford to support a happened in the ’30s? That de- the longer term and a return to ment could maximise the benefit
union-backed push to give local pression resulted in negligible protectionism would be a disaster from the more than A$50 billion
firms preference over their over- economic growth throughout the for the Australian economy in the (RM140.8 billion) it has spent
seas rivals. 1930s,” he said. wider sense,” Tanner said. on economic stimulus measures
“We need to avoid any form “We’re not about to repeat “That is something we are ab- since late last year by choosing
of protectionist measure, which those mistakes here.” solutely committed to avoiding,” Australian firms. – AFP

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