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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT TECHNICAL EDUCATION Existing MBA Colleges - Extension of approvals / variation intakes in VSM College,

, Ramachandrapura, E.G. District in the State for the academic year 2013-14 Permission Accorded Orders Issued. HIGHER EDUCATION (EC.2) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No. 663 Dated:21-08-2013. Read the following:-

1) AICTE approvals communicated through e-mail from Advisor, e-Governance on 17.4.2013 & 2.5.2013. 2) G.O.Rt.No.513, Higher Education (EC/A2) Deptt., dt.12.07.2013. 3) From the CTE Lr.No.E3/9131/2013, Dt.4.6.2013. **** ORDER: In the G.O 2nd read above, extension of approval accorded to VSM College, Ramachandrapura, E.G. District with 120 seats in MBA courses along with other institutions as per the approval accorded by the All India Council for Technical Education in the reference 1st read above. 2. The Commissioner of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in his letter 3rd read above, has informed that the President, the Ramachandrapuram Educational Society, Ramachandrapuram, E.G. District in his representation in the reference 1st read above has stated that they have applied to AICTE for existing MBA program in VSM College (I.D NO.1-6512852) for additional intake from 120 to 180 seats for the academic year 2013-14. But they have got extension of approval of 120 only in MBA course and informed that as per the direction of the Honble Supreme Court in its judgment dt.25.4.2013, in Civil Appeal No.1145 of 2004 MBA program is not under the jurisdiction of the AICTE and therefore requested to sanction additional intake for MBA program from 120 to 180 for the academic year 2013-14. 3. The Government has examined the matter, keeping in view of the Honble Supreme Court of India in its judgment dt.25.4.2013, in Civil Appeal No.1145 of 2004 inter-alia has observed that technical education includes MCA and due to non production of any material the MBA course is not a technical course, while holding that the amendments made inserting the words MBA and MCA in the relevant places of the Regulations made under section 10 of the AICTE Act, 1987, are vitiated, finally granted the relief, sought in the WPs in so far as not seek approval from the AICTE for MBA and MCA course, are concerned Contd2.

::2:: 4. The Government has decided to accord permission to extend the seats from 120 to 180 in MBA course to the VSM College, Ramachadrapuram during the academic year 2013-14. 5. Accordingly, the Government hereby accord permission to extend the seats from 120 to 180 in MBA Course VSM College, Ramachandrapura, E.G. District during the academic year 2013-14, subject to condition that the Institution shall give its under undertaking to the Commissioner of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad that any defects pointed out, as regards the placing of the amendments made to the AICTE Regulations before the Parliament is cured, or any modified orders are obtained from the Honble Supreme Court, the Institute is responsible for taking ratifying the sanctioned intake orders from the All India Council for Technical Education and subject to affiliation from the concerned University. 6. The Commissioner of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is requested to take necessary further action in the matter. 7. A copy of orders is available on website


AJAY MISRA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Commissioner of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. The Principal VSM College, Ramachandrapura, E.G. District. The Secretary, A.P State Council Higher Education, Hyderabad. The Registrars of concerned Universities. The Convener, ICET-2013, Kakatiya University, Warangal through APSCHE, Hyderabad. Copy to: The P.S to Honble Deputy Chief Minister. The P.S to Principal Secretary (Higher Education) SF/SC-1. //Forwarded by Order// SECTION OFFICER

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