Acupuncture Treatment

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Acupuncture Treatment MAIN POINTS Lu-7 Lieque, LI-4 Hegu, GB-20 Fengchi, TE-5 Waiguan, GV-15 Yamen, HT-3

Shaohai and CV-23 Lianquan. Reducing method is used on all these points. Explanations Among the External factors causing tongue pain, invasion of Wind-Heat and invasion of WindDryness are the most common. All the abovementioned points have the function of dispelling external invasion; however, LU-7 is used especially when there are symptoms from the Lung, including cough, expectoration of phlegm, chest pain and throat pain. LI-4 is used especially to dispel Wind invasion, including Wind-Heat, Wind-Dryness and WindCold, since this point has a function in opening the skin pores so as to induce sweating. Since it is also the point from the Large Intestine channel, it is able to clear Heat and reduce a fever. GB-20 is used to dispel the Wind and relieve the headache. When this point is punctured towards the tip of the nose, it has also the function of treating problems in the mouth, including tongue pain. TE-5 is applied to relieve External symptoms. Also, this point is connected with the Yang Linking Vessel, which ends at GV-15. GV-15 is a good point to relieve stiffness of the tongue and neck. CV-23 is a good point for treating tongue problems, including tongue pain. When this point is punctured, the direction of the needle should be

toward the root of the tongue to achieve the best therapeutic result. Alternative points HT-5 Tongli, HT-6 Yinxi, HT-7 Shenmen, ST-9 Renying, ST-10 Shuitu and ST-40 Fenglong, etc. Modifications 1. If the throat and tongue are red, with a burning feeling on the tongue due to invasion of WindHeat, add LI-2 and LI-11, the Spring point and the Sea point of the Large Intestine channel, to clear the Heat strongly and stop the pain 2. If there is a high fever due to predominance of Heat, add GV-14 to clear the Heat and reduce the fever 3. If the throat and tongue are dry, with a thirst due to invasion of Wind-Dryness, add LU-8 and SP-6 to promote secretion of the Body Fluids and moisten the Dryness 4. If there is tongue pain and spasm of the face due to invasion of Wind-Cold, add ST-6 and ST-40 to relieve the tongue pain and muscular spasm in the face. Accumulation of Excessive-Heat Excessive-Heat in the Heart Symptoms and signs Tongue pain, especially on the tip with a burning, packing sensation and red spots, restlessness, insomnia, deep yellow urine, even possible painful urination, a red tongue with a yellow coating and a rapid and wiry pulse, especially at the Heart region, are symptoms and signs of Excessive-Heat in the Heart. Principle of treatment

Clear the Heat, calm the Heart and relieve the tongue pain.

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