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Strana 21, vezbanje 6a In the nineties, we came (come) here every year on holiday.

. Then in 2001 we __decided__ (decide) to open a restaurant. We __have lived__ (live) here since then and we __have just opened__ (just open) a guest house nearby. The main problem is holidays. We __have been__ (go) to Spain twice, but our last holiday __was__ (be) two years ago. We __haven't had__ (not have) any time off since then. My parents are here at the moment it's the third time they __visited__ (visit) us this year. Brian's family are arriving today too. In fact, he __has just gone__ (just go) to pick them up from the airport.

Strana 23, vezbanje 6a 1. I've been working (working) here for/since two months. 2. How long __have__ you __been travelling__ (travel) on your own? 3. Scott __has been writing__ (write) books for/since he left university. 4. He __has written__ (write) three books so far. 5. They __haven't been playing__ (not play) tennis for/since very long. 6. I __have known__ (know) my best friend for/since we were kids. 7. How long __has__ your sister __been__ (be) an actress? 8. We __havent had__ a holiday for/since three years.

Vezbanje sa papira

Complete the table with the strong adjectives in the article. Strong adjectives Exhausted Terrible, awful Fantastic Huge

Gradable adjectives Tired Bad Good Big

Difficult Frightened Surprised

Impossible Terrified Amazed

Strana 27, vezbanja 2a i 4a 2a Have you ever visited the USA? Yes I have been there several times. I have just got back from Boston actually. What was it like? Fantastic! I had a great time. Have you been anywhere recently? Yes, we went to our holiday home in France last week. How long have you had that? We have had it since the kid were tiny. It belonged to my parents before us, so it has been the family holiday home for a long time. 4a 1. How many emails have you been sending sent today? 2. How long have you been living in this town/city? 3. How many CD's have you being buying bought recently? 4. How long have you come been coming to this school? 5. How many films have you seen this month? 6. How long have you been knowing known the teacher? Did you go there when you were a child? Yes. Then my father wanted to sell it so I bought it.

Strana 29, vezbanje 9a

1. Who used to be your best friend when you were 12? 2. Where did you first meet him or her? 3. Did you used to like the same music? 4. Did you used to go to gigs together? 5. Did you used to play the same sports? 6. Did you used to like the same TV programmes? 7. When did you last see him or her?

Strana 31, vezbanje 7a i 9a


1. I went (go) to the shop for some bread, but they had sold out. (sell out) 2. The meeting __had finished__ (finish) by the time I __got__ (get) there. 3. I __invited__ (invite) Tim to dinner, but he __has already arranged__ (already arrange) to do something else. 4. When I __got__ (get) to the airport, I realised I __had forgotten__ (forget) my passport. 5. Erica __asked__ (ask) me to go to Spain with her, but I __had already booked__ (already book) a holiday in Italy.

6. I __saw__ (see) Gary Dale when I __was__ (be) in town. I __havent seen him__ (not see) him for ten years!


On March 1st 2002, Ann Daniels, Caroline Hamilton and Pom Oliver flew (fly) from England to Canada to walk to the North Pole. They __were__ (be) all experienced explorers and they __had already walked__ (already walk) to the South Pole two years earlier. By the time they __left__ (leave) the UK they __had trained__ (train) for months with the British army and they __had put on__ (put on) 16 kilos in weight. However, as soon as they __set off__ (set off) they __started__ (start) having problems because of bad weather and temperatures of -50C. Pom soon __got__ (get) frostbite and by day 47 her feet __had become__ (become) so painfull that she couldn't continue. By the time Ann and Caroline __arrived__ (arrive) at the North Pole they __had walked__ (walk) 750 miles in 81 days. When they arrived back to England they __recieved__ (recieve) a hero's welcome. No other women __had ever walked__ (ever walk) to both Poles before.

Strana 35, vezbanje 3a i 5


My schooldays I started school when I was five. I got used to get into trouble a lot. I smoked used to smoke. I did used to do a lot of sports. I spent used to spend lots of time playing computer games. I hated my last year at school. I left when I was 16.

5 By the time I met (meet) him he'd been (be) married three times. I __wasn't__ (not be) tired because I __have already had__ (already have) a few hours sleep. When I got home I __realised__ (realise) I __had left__ (leave) my keys at the office. After I __had read__ (read) the paper, I __went__ (go) for a run. By the time we __got__ (get) home, Ben __had gone__ (go) to bed. He __bought__ (buy) me a book but I __had already read__ (already read) it.

Strana 102, vezbanje 3a

See know Decide study have Rent Go away speak

What's the best film you've seen recently? __Have you spoken__ to anyone in your family today? __Did you rent__ any DVDs last month? __Have you decided__ what to do this evening yet? How long __have you known__ the other students in the class? __Did you go away__ for the weekend last month? __Have you__ ever __had__ a really bad holiday? Is this the first time __you have studied__ English in a language school?

Strana 107, vezbanje 3a miss do have look Go on study Get see

Have you ever missed a plane? __Have you seen__ anything good on TV this week? __Have you been on__ any long journies lately? __Did you do__ anything special with your friends or family on your last birthday?

How long __have you had__ your mobile phone? __Did you get__ any emails or text messages yesterday?

__Have you looked__ at the CD-ROM for this lesson yes? Is this the first time __you have studied__ the Present Perfect Simple?

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