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As a teenager, I came across an old f ortune-telling magazine that f eatured a div ination method using a regular deck of play ing cards. This method appealed to me because the cards were related to Astrology . In f act, the f our suits were associated with the f our elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water). Long bef ore people used cards to play games, they were used to f oretell the f uture. In f act, play ing cards were inv ented f or div ination purposes. Although there are dif f erent way s to approach cartomancy , we will show y ou a simple method and lay out the basic meanings attached to each play ing card below. Once y ou know the basic meanings of the play ing cards, y ou can choose a spread that is right f or y ou. In f act, y ou can ev en choose to select only one card out of a deck to get a f ast and easy "answer" to y our problem, if y ou so desire. First things f irst, the suits (Hearts, Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds) are associated with the f our elements, as f ollows:

In This Section:
Born Today: Birthday Profiles If Today is Your Birthday Playing Cards Birthday Chart Fortune Telling Playing Cards Numerology You By Your Numbers

Hearts - Water

Clubs - Fire Diamonds - Earth Spades - Air

Timing with Numerology Palmistry: Love in the Hands


As tr ology:
What is Astrology?

What Each Playing Card Means:

Ace of Hearts Lov e and happiness. The home, a lov e letter. This card is a particularly f av orable card that indicates troubles and problems lif ting. King of Hearts A f air-haired man with a good nature; or a man with Water signs predominating in his chart. Fair, helpf ul adv ice. Af f ectionate, caring man. This man helps y ou out without much talk. His actions rev eal his kindness and concern. Queen of Hearts A f air-haired woman with a good nature; or a woman with Water signs predominating in her chart. Kind adv ice. Af f ectionate, caring woman. Sometimes, this card can indicate the mother or a mother f igure. Jack of Hearts A warm-hearted f riend. A f air-haired y outh; or a y oung person with Water signs predominating in his or her chart. Of ten this points to a y ounger admirer. 10 of Hearts Good luck, success. This is an important card that suggests good f ortune af ter dif f iculty . 9 of Hearts The card of wishes. A wish/dream f ulf illed. Look to the card just preceding this one to determine what the querent desires. 8 of Hearts Unexpected gif t or v isit; an inv itation to a party . 7 of Hearts Someone whose interest in y ou is unreliable; someone with f ickle af f ections f or y ou. This card can indicate lov esickness. 6 of Hearts A sudden wav e of good luck. Someone takes care of y ou, takes warm interest in y ou. 5 of Hearts Jealousy ; some ill-will f rom people around y ou. 4 of Hearts Trav el, change of home or business. 3 of Hearts Lov e and happiness when the entire spread is generally f av orable. In a dif f icult spread, this can indicate emotional problems and an inability to decide who to lov e. 2 of Hearts A warm partnership or engagement. This is a v ery f av orable card that indicates strength and support coming f rom a partner. Ace of Clubs Wealth, prosperity , unexpected money /gain. Howev er, in a dif f icult spread, this money may disappear almost as quickly as it appears. King of Clubs Dark-haired, kind-hearted man; or a man with Fire predominating in his chart. A generous, spirited man. Queen of Clubs Dark-haired, conf ident woman; or a woman with Fire predominating in her chart. She may giv e y ou good adv ice.

Read about each zodiac sign

Read about each number in Numerology

Jack of Clubs A dark-haired or f iery y outh. Popular y outh who is good-hearted and play f ul. Can also indicate an admirer. 10 of Clubs Business success. Good luck with money . A trip taken now may result in a new f riend or lov e interest. 9 of Clubs Achiev ement; sometimes a wealthy marriage or a sudden windf all. 8 of Clubs Work/business problems that may hav e to do with jealousy . This is generally thought to be quite unf av orable. 7 of Clubs Business success, although there may be problems with the opposite sex. A change in business that may hav e been expected or earned, such as a promotion. 6 of Clubs Financial aid or success. 5 of Clubs New f riendships, alliances are made. 4 of Clubs Beware of dishonesty or deceit; av oid blind acceptance of others at this time. 3 of Clubs Lov e and happiness; successf ul marriage; a f av orable long-term proposition. A second chance, particularly in an economical sense. 2 of Clubs Obstacles to success; malicious gossip. Ace of Spades Misf ortune; sometimes associated with death or, more of ten, a dif f icult ending. King of Spades Dark-haired man; or a man with Air predominating in his chart. An ambitious man, perhaps self -serv ing. Queen of Spades Widowed or div orced woman; or a woman with Air predominating in her chart. Jack of Spades A y outh who is hostile or jealous. 10 of Spades Worry ; bad news. 9 of Spades Illness, accident, bad luck. The querent is at his/her personal low. 8 of Spades Temptation, misf ortune, danger, upsets. 7 of Spades Adv ice that is best not taken; loss. There is some obstacle to success, and this indicates that obstacles may be coming f rom within the querent. 6 of Spades Small changes and improv ements. 5 of Spades Opposition and obstacles that are temporary ; a blessing in disguise. Sometimes indicates a negativ e or depressed person. 4 of Spades Small worries, problems. Financial dif f iculties, personal lows. 3 of Spades Breaks in relationships. Sometimes indicates that a third person is breaking into a relationship somehow. 2 of Spades Breaks in relationships; deceit. A break in an important process in the querent's lif e. If the question concerns a particular romantic interest, this is considered a warning card - inf idelity or separation is quite likely . Ace of Diamonds Change; a message, of ten about money , and usually good news. King of Diamonds Fair-haired or gray ing man, or a man with Earth predominating in his chart. A man of authority , status, or inf luence. Queen of Diamonds Fair-haired woman; or a woman with Earth predominating in her chart. A gossip. Jack of Diamonds A y outh, possibly in unif orm. Or, a jealous person who may be unreliable. A person who brings news, generally negativ e, but

relativ ely minor. 10 of Diamonds A change in f inancial status, of ten f or the better. 9 of Diamonds A new business deal; trav el; restlessness; a change of residence. 8 of Diamonds New job; change in job situation. The y oung or the old may f ind lov e on a trip. 7 of Diamonds An argument concerning f inances, or on the job. Generally expected to be resolv ed happily . 6 of Diamonds Relationship problems, arguments. Separation. 5 of Diamonds Happiness and success. A change f or the better. A birth, or good news f or a child. A good time to start new projects. 4 of Diamonds Financial upswing; an older person may giv e good adv ice. 3 of Diamonds A legal letter. Be tactf ul with others in order to av oid disputes. 2 of Diamonds A business partnership; a change in relationship; gossip.

The Spreads

The basic idea f or lay ing out a spread is to shuf f le the cards as y ou think of y our question or problem, and then draw cards in a particular order and lay them out on the table bef ore y ou. Y ou can make y our own "f ortune telling" session as simple or as complex as y ou please: Draw only one card f or a simple and f ast answer to a burning question. A common spread inv olv es drawing three cards -- the f irst represents the past, the second shows the situation in the present, and the third rev eals the outcome, or f uture of the matter. Some will do a larger spread when looking f or a general outlook f or a person. For this method, draw three cards f or each of these categories: Y ourself , Y our Family , Y our Friends, What Y ou Expect, What Y ou Don't Expect, and The Outcome. Use y our own categories, tailored to y our question. Interesting Notes About Playing Cards

There are thirteen cards in each of the f our suits, corresponding to the 13 lunar months in a y ear. Fif ty -two cards correspond to f if ty -two weeks in a y ear. Hearts correspond to the element of water, and signif y lov e, f riendship, happiness, and domestic concerns. Generally speaking, they are "happy " cards. Clubs correspond to the element of f ire, and generally signif y business, ambition, and

achiev ement issues. They generally indicate success and happiness. Diamonds correspond to the element of earth, and generally signif y career, and money issues. Spades correspond to the element of air, and generally signif y gossip, challenges, messages, and upsets. Try our Love Oracle, which is based on f ortune telling with play ing cards. Enhance success, wealth, health and love with a free sample Elements of Feng Shui reading from! Where are you headed in life? Find your way with a free sample Life Path reading from! Explore love in lifes gone by and ignite beautiful romance in this one with a free sample Karmic Love Reading.

S u g g e s t e d Fu r t h e r R e a d i n g o n C a r t o m a n c y :
Playing Cards: Predicting Your Future (Astrology Complete Guide) This book interprets each playing card's significance, and offers a variety of fortune telling spreads. 2002-2010 | Home | Articles | Books | Astrology Art | Contact | Site Map | RSS | Relationships Blog | Search

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