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EIS Teaching Learning Strategies / Procedures

Fundamental English Secondary 4 (Grade 10) , duration 55 mins. Topic : Man and Nature . Mr. Thanisorn Lekthip, English Staff, Suratpittaya School . What might have happened?


Sub Topic: .

Strand Strand 1: Language for Communication . Standard F1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types o media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning F1.2: Endowment with language communication skills for exchange of data and information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions Indicators/Learning Outcome F 1.1 M4-6/4: Identify the main idea, analyse the essence, interpret and express opinions from listening to and reading feature articles and entertainment articles, as well as provide justifications and examples for illustration. F 1.2 M4-6/4: Converse and write to exchange data about themselves and various matters around them, experiences, situations, news/incidents and issues of interest to society, and communicate the data continuously and appropriately Background Knowledge The use of some auxiliaries; must, may, might, could, couldnt, cant (auxiliary + infinitive form) Ex. I can swim. I may go swimming with my friends this evening. Interesting Words may, might, could, speculate, speculation, sure, possible, impossible, etc. . No . 1 Teaching-Learning Strategies / Procedures Starting the Lesson : (warm- up) Teacher shows a picture and let students share ideas by asking some questions 1. What can you see in the pictures? 2. In your opinion, what nationality is the lady? 3. Can you remember this event? 4. How was she feel? 5. Where this event happened? 6. What might have happened? Teacher write the students ideas on the Resources / Materials Time Frame 5 Mins

2 board; for example, 1. We can see a lady, a house and cars. 2. A lady might be an Asian. She might be a Japanese or Chinese. 3. She might have felt lonely or sad. 4. This event might have happened in China or Japan. 5. There might have been a hurricane. 6. There might have been tsunami. 2 Lesson Procedure Teachers asks students to look at picture 1 7 on Mega Goal 4, page 92 and asks the questions; o What happened in each picture? Teachers lets students read each sentence (a - g) on Mega Goal 4, page 92 loudly After reading sentences, teachers asks students to match each picture to the correct sentence Teacher asks students to underline the VERB PHRASE in each sentence Mega Goal 4, page 92 - 94 30 Mins

a. There must have been a hurricane or a tornado. b. It cant be a real locomotive. It must be an advertisement. c. He might have teased the bull. d. The driver must have lost control of the truck. e. It might be a new design of sunglasses. f. It must be a crater of a volcano, or maybe a meteorite could have fallen. g. It could be something from another planet.
Teacher writes all auxiliaries on the board Teacher asks if students know the meaning of all auxiliaries. If the students dont know some of them, teacher have to explain clearly Teachers asks if the students know how to use each auxiliary by pointing the use of it

3 in sentence a g Teacher lets students have a look on grammar explanation on Mega Goal 4, page 94, and lets the class conclude the use of auxiliaries together;

Use must to say we are sure of something Use cant or couldnt to say that we think something is impossible Use may, might or could to say that something is possible
Teacher lets volunteers say sentences using each auxiliary as examples;

We must come to class in on time. (Present) We must wear helmet while driving. (Present) We cant eat snacks in class. (Present) We may go to the toilet while the teacher is teaching. (Present) If you dont drive carefully, you might have an accident. (Present)

Teacher asks students to notice the verb used following auxiliaries Teacher tells the students that If there is only one verb (in infinitive form) after an auxiliary, that is PRESENT SPECULATION Teachers explains more about SPECULATE and SPECULATION Speculate is to say or express your opinions Teachers tells students that we can also speculate events in the past Teacher writes the table of speculation on the board

Speculate something

Speculate something

in the present It cant be a real locomotive. It must be an advertisemen t. It might be a new design of sunglasses. It must be a crater of a volcano. It could be something from another planet.

in the past There must have been a hurricane or a tornado. He might have teased the bull. The driver must have lost control of the truck. A meteorite could have fallen.

Teacher lets students read each sentence loudly and notice the difference of verb used after auxiliary After discussing about the difference of verb used after auxiliary, teacher lets students conclude the form of speculation

Speculate something in the present

Speculate something in the past

S + aux. + infinitive

S + aux. + have + V3

Closure Teachers let students work in group of 4-5 to speculate what might have happened in each picture by using PRESENT and PAST SPECULATION Students, each group, present their ideas in front of class sample picture - He might have gotten drunk. - He might have been fainted.

- Pictures for speculation

20 Mins

Extension Teacher asks students to search for 3 pictures of unusual or exciting events and speculate each picture Assessment Group work observation Speculation ideas, creativity Presentation language Teamwork skills Extension assignment

Website, Internet access

Homework / Assignmen t time

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