Present Progressive Tense

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PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE The present progressive tense also known as present continuous tense.

The present progressive is formed by combining the verb to be (am, is, are) with the present participle (end with ing verb). This tense can be used when: This tense indicates continuing action or something going on now. Example: a) Peter is reading a book now. b) She is trying to find a new job at the moment. c) We are sleeping.

Temporary actions. Example: a) His father is working in Rome this month. b) The sociologist is examining the effects that racial discrimination has on society.

Fixed plan in the future Example: a) She is going to Australia on Saturday. b) Our Prime Minister is visiting Japan next month.

Actions happening around the moment of speaking (longer actions) Example: a) My friend is preparing for his exams. b) She is at her best when she is making big decisions.

Trends Example: a) More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.

Repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker (with always, constantly, forever) Example: a) Ali is always coming late.

Singular Affirmative sentences Negative sentences I am playing football. I am not playing football.

Plural You are playing football. You are not playing football.

Question sentences

Am I playing football?

Are you playing football?


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