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Question bank Unit 2 Actuators Part a 1. What is a stepper motor? 2.

List any two motors with its typical application 3. What is solenoid? What is its application? 4. List components of a hydraulic system. 5. Give application of pneumatic system. 6. What types of pumps are used for oil hydraulic system? 7. What are the functions of control value? 8. What are different types of Gears 9. In a contactor what NO and NC stand for? 10. What is the function of a relay? 11. Give some examples of solid state switches. 12. Give a few application of solenoid in mechatronics system. 13. What is MOSFET? 14. Classify electric motors for mechatronics system. 15. What is the advantage of slip ring motor over squirrel case induction motor 16. .What is a cam? 17. State the application of servo motors in mechatronics 18. Name the control components in hydraulic and pneumatic systems Part b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Explain the various Gear Drives in Mechatronics system.(8) Explain the speed control of AC & DC motors with neat sketch (10) Explain basic components in hydraulic systems with a simple circuit (6) Compare the functions of series wound D.C motors and shunt wound D.C Motors( 10) List types of bearing used and explain with a diagram (6) Explain the various positive displacement pumps.(8) Explain the various control valves and accessories.(8) Explain various types of A.C. Motors used in electrical actuators?(8) Explain various types of D.C. motor used in electrical actuatory(8) Explain the working and construction of stepper and induction motor (8) Briefly explain the working of the solenoid operated spool valve with .a neat sketch. Give the symbols of 3/2 and 4/2 valve symbols. (8) Explain the working and construction of stepper and induction motor. (8) Explain how sequencing is used in pneumatic system with a circuit diagram(8)

Unit 4 PLC Part a

1. What are the factors to be considered for selecting PLC? 2. What are the uses of counters in PLC? 3. What are the advantages of relay output switching? 4. What are the limitations of relay output switching? 5. What are the advantages of solid state switching? 6. What are the limitations of solid state switching 7. What is internal relay in PLC? 8. List down the different types of timers? 9. What are shift registers? Where are they used? 10. State the use of jump control in PLC
Part b 1. Explain the configuration of PLC by listing out different components in the PLC. Write the factors to be considered for selection of PLC (12+4) 2. Using simple PLC program explain 3. (a) Latching (4) (b) Counters (4) (c) Logic functions (8) 4. Explain the basic structures of PLC. 5. Explain in detail about the programming of a PLC. 6. Explain in detail about the Input/Output Modules. 7. Explain in detail about the ladder diagram of a PLC. 8. Explain in detail about the Relay logic. 9. A work piece is loaded on a conveyor belt and it is operated between two limits of travel A and B. when the limit switch at station A is activated, the conveyor moves in the forward direction and at station B is activated, the conveyor moves in the reverse direction. Pressing the start button makes the motor to run in the forward direction and stop button makes the motor to stop. Draw a suitable ladder diagram and explain the same. (16) 10. Describe different logic functions with their performance and uses (8) 11. Explain the following : Timer , Cascaded Timer , Master relay control , On/Off timer (8) 12. Device a circuit for washing machine to start pumping water into machine for 100sec , then switch off the pump and switch on heater for 50 sec . After washing another pump is used to empty the water from machine, is switched on for 100 sec . Also explain the working and list out types of components used (12)

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