Dan V Blog

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Blog-peer Assessment

Blog Author: Daniel Vidmar Blog Assessor: Daniel Springthorpe good things: italics bad things: normal Question 1: Is my blog formatted appropriately? Good choice of colour for the background it goes well with the text due to the texts good choice of size and colour. You also put the correct URL for the blog. You have put in a good side bar that contains all the necessary tabs to the different links required in the blog. Most of the things in the side bar are also mentioned on the home page as well which isn't needed.

mark: 8/10 Question 2: Have I produced a welcome poster that invites a reader to follow my media journey over time? Have I clearly presented the commission? You haven't posted a welcome title. mark: 0/10 Question 3: Have I published a post that clearly defines shot types? Is this supported with imbedded media? You have put shot types in your blog and defined it like the question asks. You have also put embedded media to go with the text.

mark: 10/10 Question 4: Have I published a post that clearly defines camera movements? Is this supported with embedded media? You have put camera movements in your blog correctly. You have also put sufficient text to go with each piece of embedded text. Possibly too many videos (made the computer lag). mark: 9/10 Question 5: Have I published a post that clearly defines cut types? Is this supported with embedded media?

Yes you have defined split edited correctly. But you haven't added a video to go with it. mark: 5/10 Question 6: Have I published a post that clearly defines the rule of thirds? Is this supported with embedded media? Yes you have defined rule of the thirds correctly. You have also put sufficient embedded media. mark: 10/10 Question 7: Have I published a post that clearly defines what match-on-action means? Is this supported with embedded media?

you have defined it and added embedded media to go with it. But been thorough enough and put in enough information. mark: 8/10 Question 8: Have I published a post that clearly defines the 180 degree rule? Is this supported with embedded media? Again you have put in text and embedded media. But there is still insufficient knowledge of what is supposed to be shown being shown. mark: 8/10 Question 9: Have I published a post that clearly defines continuity? Is this supported with embedded media?

You have put sufficient text and embedded media. mark: 10/10 Question 10: Did I publish a post that clearly shows how scripts should be presented? Is this supported with embedded media? Yes you have put in text describing how to write a script and added a video to go with it. But you could have added a more in-depth explanation. mark: 8/10 Question 11: Did I complete the preliminary task successfully? Did I observe the basic production rules?

Yes you went over the basic points and described them with in-depth explanation. You also added a video to go with it. mark: 10/10 Question 12: Does my blog have a continuity narrative? Does it link logically from post to post? is it easy for the reader to follow my media journey? Yes the blog is set out in an easy to read way that allows the reader to navigate easily through the blog with ease. You have also put sufficient videos to go with each post. But so things aren't present (welcome post). mark: 9/10

Question 13: Have i demonstrated good time management? Are my posts complete? Have I completed homework to the best of my ability? Yes you have completed the home works all on time and put sufficient information. But forgot welcome post. :'( mark: 9/10

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