Engllish For Nursing Akper Pemerintah Kab - Cianjur Name: Rifqi Muhamad Sabiq NIM: D12.113 Grade: 2 Class: 2 C Smester: 3 Marks

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Name NIM Grade Class Smester Marks

: Rifqi Muhamad Sabiq : D12.113 :2 :2C :3 :

REVIEW 1 (One) Session : 1 & 2 Instruction : 1. 2. Complete the following dialogue below with the correct respond ! After accomplishing the dialogue text then contact one of your partners to be expressed orally !


A : Good afternoon, Friend ! B : Good afternoon. A : Hot day, isnt it ? B : Yes, it is.



A : Welcome to the English speaking area ! B : Thank you.


A : Nice to meet you again. B : Nice to meet you too.


A : How are you doing ? B : Fine, thanks.


A : by the way, is your family well today ? B : Yes, they are.


A : Excuse me ! B : Yes, Please. A : Lets practice speaking to improve our English ! B : Yes, lets.



A : May I start to ask about personal identity ? B : Certainly, you may.

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Whats your complete name ? My complete name is Rifqi Muhamad Sabiq. What name may I call you ? You may call me Rifqi. How do you spell your nick name, please ? R-I-F-Q-I Where do you come from ? I come from Cianjur. Where do you live ? I live in Gg. Laksana 2, Cikaret. With whom do you live ? I live with my parents. How old are you ? My age is 19 years old. When were you born ? I was born in Cianjur, December 30th 1993. Whats your job ? I am student. What student are you ? I am a nurse student. Where do you study ? I study at Nurse Academy Where is the school located ? My school located at pasir gede raya street no. 19. What smester are you in now ? I am in the 3th smester. Whats your hobby ? My Hobbys is playing badminton and programming. Whats your ambition ? I want to be a profesional nurse.

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10. A : May i continue speaking ? B : Certainly, you may. 11. A : Please answer the next questions ! B : Okay, I will try. Do you speak English ? No, I dont. What language do you speak in your country ? I speak sundanes and Indonesian. Why can you speak English ? Because, I learn and often practice. What do you know learning to speak ? Learning to speak is learning a skill. How mush we do in learning to speak if making mistake ? If making a mistake we must not be afraid. Because of making a mistakes is a part of our learning process. Please mention several ways that you may know in process of learning to speak ! Okay ; listening, imitating, repeating, reading, writing and so on. What important things to do if we want to master the English both spoken and written ? The first to understand, the second to memorize, the third to practice. What important aspects must you know in vocabulary ? We must know pronunciation, meaning, grammatical word, and spelling. To initiate a speaking activity, we must know and memorize the 5 communicative expressions as prologue, what are they called ? They are call opening, inviting, continuing, exchanging and closing. What can English language do for you as a nurse candidate ? English can help me to deepen my scientific knowlage. What should you do when English is included in the nursing syllabus ? I shouid be agree and appreciate. Why is English included in the nursing syllabus ? Because English is very important to upgrade my skill. What do you think of learning English ? Lerning English is excited and fun.

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12. A : Good job ! how bright you are ! B : Oh, really ? Thank you. 13. A : Anyway, dont you mind if I continue make a chat ? B : With a pleasure, I dont mind. What is a hospital ? Hospital is a place where ill people stay and have treatment which should cure them. What can we see and find in a hospital ? We can see and find several important place and persons with their different jobs. Please mention some of hospital personnels or health care workers ! Okay, they are midwife, dentist, surgeon. What is a dermatologist ? Dermatologist is a person who studies and practices dermatology. Where does the orthopaedic surgeon work ? He work in orthopaedic ward. What does a nurse do for her patient ? Nurse must be able to fulfill patients daily need. Where could we find a midwife ? We can see in maternity unit. Where do we take our patients if they have a problem of heart disease ? We should take them to cardiologist. 14. A : Well its very interesting talk, but its time to take a rest. B : Its okay. 15. A : Thanks for your time. B : You are welcome. 16. A : Good bye, friend ! B : Bye. 17. A : See you later. B : See you. 18. A : Say hello to your family from me ! B : Thanks, I will.

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