10 Chem Chapter 4 Electron Configuration

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Electron Configuration


- Light travels in waves , it is a form of electromagnetic radiation

- All waves can be described in terms of four characteristic – amplitude,

wavelength, frequency, and speed.

- Amplitude is the height of a wave

- Wavelength is the distance between the crests of each wave

- Frequency of a wave tells how fast the wave goes up and down (narrow or

- Relationship between wavelength and frequency is Wavelength = speed of


Visible Spectrum

Quantum Theory

Planck proposed that there is a fundamental restriction on the amounts of

energy that an object emits or absorbs, and he called each of these pieces of
energy a quantum.

- Quantum means fixed amount

- The modern idea of the quantization of energy is that an object an absorb or

emit any amount of energy so that the energy it can possess forms a
continuum of values.

- Planck’s theory relates the amount of energy to frequency: E = hv

- The “h” in the equation is Planck’s constant

- Planck’s theory proposes : all energies absorbed or emitted by atoms are

quantized, which means their quantities are restricted.

Photoelectric Effect

- The Photoelectric Effect proposes that tiny particles of light called quota
photons carry an amount of energy that is given by Planck’s equation , E =

Dual Nature of Radiant Energy

- The Dual Nature of Radiant Energy is the idea that light consists of tiny
particles , or photons
- It also says that light possesses properties of both particles and waves

Line Spectra

- A spectrum that contains only certain colors, or wavelengths, is called a line


Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom

- Shows the different levels of energy in an atom

- Electrons have ground states of 1 and exited states of numbers higher than 4

Matter Waves

- Matter Waves are the wavelike behavior or particles

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

- The Uncertainty Principle states that the position and momentum of a

moving object cannot simultaneously be measured and known exactly

- Measurements can change depending on what you are trying to measure

Probability and Orbitals

- Electron Density refers to the density of an electron cloud

- Orbitals are the probability of finding electrons in certain regions of an atom

- An Atomic Orbital is a region around the nucleus where an electron with a

given energy Is likely to be found

- Different orbitals such as s, p, d, and f have different shapes:

S orbitals are spherical in shape

P orbitals are dumbbell shaped

D and F shapes are much more complex

Orbitals and Energy

- Principal energy levels with the quantum number n contain electron with
energies of 1 to 2 to 3
- Each principal energy level can also be divided into sub levels

- For instance, there is 1 sub level when n = 1 , 2 sublevels when n = 2, etc.

- Each sublevel has its own orbitals, like how the 1s sublevel has an orbital of

Electron Spin

- Electrons can spin on their own axis clockwise or counterclockwise

- The spinning creates a magnetic field, creating north and south poles

- If both electrons have parallel spins they will create a magnetic effect

- But if electrons have opposite spins, the magnetic field will cancel each other

Maximum Electrons in Sublevels

max #
sublev numer of electr
el orbitals ons
s 1 2
p 3 6
d 5 10
f 7 14

Electron Configuration

- Electron Configuration is the distribution of electrons among the orbitals of

an atom

- Electron configurations are determined by distributing the atom’s electrons

among levels, sublevels, and orbitals based on a set of stated principals

Determining Electron Configuration

- The Aufbau Principle: Electrons are added one at a time to lowest energy
orbitals available until all the electrons in the atom have been accounted for
Exceptions to the Aufbau Principle: Chromium, Copper, exceptions are due to
subtle electron- electron interactions in orbitals with similar energies

- The Pauli Exclusion Principle: An orbital can hold a maximum of 2

electrons. An orbital with one electron is said to be unpaired

- Hunds’ Rule: Electrons occupy equal – energy orbitals so that a maximum

number of unpaired electrons results.

- Orbital Diagram: represent the number of electron in each orbital with

boxes and arrows to show the magnetic properties of each electron

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