DIanne Colley-Urquhart Responses

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Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! We ask candidates to return their responses to info@commonsensecalgary.

com by Oct 16, 2013. Candidate Name: Diane Colley-Urquhart What ward or position you are running in/for: Ward 13

1. Given that 77% of trips (Statistics Canada, Commuting to Work

2013) are currently made by car in Calgary, do you believe it is City Halls job to [Please circle]:
a. To support the choice of Calgarians to use their automobiles

while also improving accessibility to other methods of transportation.

2. The recent Tom Tom Index found that in Calgary, congestion adds

27 minutes of additional travel time in a 30 minute commute. What are you going to do to help decrease this lost personal time for Calgarians?

Complete the SW ring road thru the Tsuu Tina

Nation Continue to advance my 3 year initiative around Telework in working with corporations to maximize the use of technology and the virtual workplace.

Extend the LRT system into the SE 4 car trains

Partner with the private sector to 3P transportation projects.

Light synchronization

Lane reversals to move people in and out of the

core. Through Land Use and Public hearings encourage more Quarry Parks to have commercial development outside the core.

1. According to the Fraser Institute, property taxes have increased by

31% over the past 3 years.

Do you agree with this gure? yes

2. If No, what do you believe this increase to be?

3. Over the next four years, what is your personal objective in terms of

tax increases? Specify a percentage amount. Keep at MPI & CPIbut the province must vacate property taxthey take $635M/yr each yr from property taxes for education that is redistributed across the province. The citys revenue streams are limited. Property tax could be cut in half.

4. What regulations and red tape will you eliminate to reduce the

regulatory burden on Calgarys residents and businesses?

Considerable amount of work in the Planning Department could be outsourced and/or done by the private sector. Business in particular have to wait far too long for approvals which delays and stalls business.

5. The 2013 $52 million surplus was directed for ood reconstruction

efforts. Many Calgarians have different views on how to use this. What do you believe is the best use for the 2014 $52 million surplus? a) Give money back to taxpayers. I initiated the amendment to give the money back. Only 4 of my colleagues supported this. We can reconsider their decision in November at budget time if we have changes on council. Safety:
1. Do you believe that the $470,000 spent on the blue ring artwork

called travelling light could have been better spent on improving light and security on public transit?First of all the 1% policy for artwork on all capital projects must be eliminated. We cant afford this. As part of the tendering process, the private sector could incorporate artwork into their projects and not make taxpayers pay for it.

2. What specic measures would you introduce to improve personal

safety on public transit after dark?I have done considerable work on this - initiated the Public Transit Safety audit that had many recommendations that have been implemented increased

PSOs(protective service ofcers), increased security cameras and patrols at stations and parking lots. Cleaning up vandalism as soon as it is reported. Increased phone lines on trains etc to report incidents. Several more to numerous to mention.

3. What measures would you implement to make Calgarians safer?I

lead the police budget discussison at council and was able to make compelling arguments to support an increase to the police budget to add an additional 122 ofcers to the frontline, at a time when all departments were told to cut their budgets. Also supported and will continue to support more re ghters and rehalls being built to improve response times.

Thank you for your response. Please note your answers will be posted online at our website, commonsensecalgary.com for public viewing. Happy campaigning!

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