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Prishtin Qershor 2013

N prgatitjen e Publikimit punuan: Departamenti i Statistikave Sociale Znj. Sanije Uka, Shefe e sektorit pr Statistikat e Popullsis, Znj. Ajshe Avdiu, Zyrtare pr Statistika Vitale, Pr kontributin e dhn falenderohet, Znj. Milva Ekonomi, Konsulente afatgjate (Sida/SCB) Z. Kadri Sojeva, Ekspert i demografis dhe Dren Gashi, Zyrtari i IT- ZRP

Botuar nga Agjencia e Statistikave t Kosovs Qershor 2013, Agjencia e Statistikave t Kosovs, Rruga Zenel Salihu 4, Prishtin, Kosov Riprodhimi autorizohet nse tregohet burimi. Publikimi gjendet n formatin elektronik n web-faqen e ASK-s:

Publikimi i gjasht i seris Grat dhe Burrat n Kosov, u vjen prdoruesve si nj botim me t dhnat statistikore m afatgjata dhe me analiza te shkurtra, pr t ndihmuar n perceptimin e situats gjinore n vend. Agjencia e Statistikave t Kosovs, prdori t gjitha burimet e t dhnave t disponueshme, t cilat ofronin nj informacion statistikor t plot pr t dhn situatn gjinore sipas sektorve t jets ekonomike dhe sociale n vend. Ky publikim, ksaj radhe u pasurua me t dhnat kryesore nga rezultatet prfundimtare t Regjistrimit t Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011. Fal bashkpunimit t mir me Agjencin pr Barazi Gjinore, pran Zyrs s Kryeministrit, ky publikim ka marr nj form t re propozuar n rang global nga UN WOMEN dhe prcjell n Kosove prej ksaj Agjencie. Shum pjes t t dhnave u analizuan edhe fal ndihms s ekspertve veteran t ASK-s n fushn e demografis.

Kryeshef i Agjensis s Statistikave t Kosovs

Z. Isa Krasniqi

Shnime hyrse Gjinia nnkupton karakteristikat biologjike t femrave dhe meshkujve t cilat jan universale, t dukshme, t qarta dhe t pandryshuara. Barazia gjinore i referohet grave dhe burrave n mundsi t barabarta, t drejta dhe detyra n mjediset e tyre sociale, profesionale dhe familjare. Republika e Kosoves ka nnshkruar nj numr dokumentesh t rndsishme dhe detyruese ndrkombtare, t cilat garantojn barazin e burrave dhe grave dhe ndalojn diskriminimin n baza gjinore, veanrisht Kshilli i Karts Sociale i Evrops dhe Konventa Evropiane pr t Drejtat e Njeriut dhe Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara mbi Eliminimin e t Gjitha Formave t Diskriminimit ndaj Grave (CEDAW). Garancit e brendshme pr barazi gjinore jan Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs, ligjet dhe rregulloret prkatse. Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs (e miratuar n vitin 2008) prcakton bazn ligjore pr futjen dhe rregullimin e parimeve t barazis gjinore n Kosov dhe prcakton barazin gjinore si nj e drejt themelore kushtetuese. Sipas nenit 15 t Kushtetuts, shteti duhet t garantoj barazi mes grave dhe burrave dhe t zhvilloj politika pr mundsi t barabarta. Kushtetuta gjithashtu parashtron parimin e ndalimit t diskriminimit, duke prfshir ndr t tjera diskriminimin n baza gjinore. Ligji pr Barazi Gjinore (miratuar n vitin 2009) obligon t gjitha autoritetet publike q t ndjekin n mnyr aktive parimet e barazis mes burrave dhe grave. Por n realitet grat nuk i gzojn t drejtat e tyre sikurse burrat. Kjo pabarazi sht evidente n shum rrafshe sociale dhe ekonomike t jetess prandaj prmbajta e ktij publikimi sht prqendruar n gjasht(6) fusha specifike: 1) Integrimi i grave n ekonomi, 2) Integrimi i grave n fuqin puntore dhe kujdes social pr kategorit e prekura me probleme sociale, 3) grat n procesin e vendim marrjes, 4) kujdesi shndetsor dhe qasja e grave dhe burrave n shrbimet shndetsore, 5) arsimim, dhe 6) pjesmarrje dhe prfaqsim n kultur dhe media. Strategjia Kombtare pr Prmirsimin e Pozits s Gruas dhe Promovimin e Barazis Gjinore u miratua n shkurt 2010. Me miratimin e PKBGJ-s Qeveria

prmbushi obligimin nga Neni 4.4 i Ligjit pr Barazi Gjinore, obligimet e dala nga PVPE respektivisht pika 39 ( T definohen dhe t adaptohen programet e qeveris pr promovimin e t drejtave t gruas n Kosov) dhe pika 116 (Zbaton ligjin pr barazi gjinore, sigurohen zotrimi i t drejtave t gruas n t gjitha politikat dhe legjislacionin ekzistuese) .Po ashtu vlen t theksohet se me kt veprim Qeveria e RK-s ka prmbushur nj nga objektivat e parapara n Synimet e Mileniumit MDG t, Rezolut kjo e nnshkruar nga Parlamenti i Kosovs, respektivisht veprimin e III t MDG - PROMOVIMI I BARAZIS GJINORE DHE FUQIZIMI I FEMRS, Synimet e Mileniumit MDG-t dhe Konventa CEDAW kan shrbyer si dokument baz pr hartimin e PKBGJ-s dhe objektivave t parapara n kt program. Mekanizmat Institucional pr barazi gjinore Kuvendi i Republiks s Kosovs Grupi Joformal i Grave Parlamentare Komisioni Parlamentar pr Liri dhe t Drejta t Njeriut, Barazi Gjinore, Persona t pa gjetur dhe Peticione Qeveria e Republiks s Kosovs Agjencia pr Barazi Gjinore / Zyra e Kryeministrit t Republiks s Kosovs Institucioni i Ombudspersonit- Njsia pr Barazi Gjinore Zyrtaret/t pr barazi gjinore n Ministri Kshilli Ndr-Ministror pr Barazi Gjinore Sektori pr shtje gjinore-MAPL Mekanizmat ne Nivelin Lokal Zyrtart/et pr barazi gjinore n komuna Komitetet komunale pr barazi gjinore Mekanizmat Jo-Qeveritare Organizatat jo-qeveritare Strehimoret (n gjasht qytete) Mekanizmat Qeveritar q trajtojn Dhunn n Familje Njsiti i Dhuns n Familje- Shrbimi Policor i Kosovs Divizioni pr Mbrojtje dhe Ndihm Viktimave-Ministria e Drejtsis Prokurorit dhe Gjykatat Qendrat pr Pun Sociale - Ministria e Puns dhe Mirqenies Sociale

Statistikat me ndjeshmri gjinore kalojn prtej zbrthimit t thjesht n paraqitjen e t dhnave ekzistuese sipas seksit (mashkull/femr), dhe paraqet nevojn pr monitorimin e problemeve t ndryshme dhe sfidat me t cilat prballen grat dhe burrat n t gjitha sferat e jets. Debati i par zyrtar ndrkombtar pr ndjeshmrin e statistikave gjinore u zhvillua n Konferencn e Par Botrore pr Grat n qytetin e Mexicos (Mexico City) n vitin 1975. N vitin 1995 Deklarata e Pekinit dhe Platforma pr Veprim, ofruan nj prmbledhje t qart t rekomandimeve dhe udhzimeve pr prmirsimin e statusit t grave, gjithashtu adresojn statistikat me sensitivitet gjinor. Deklarata parashtron detyrimin e shteteve pr t siguruar se statistikat e mbledhura rregullisht e q kan t bjn me individ t prpilohen, analizohen dhe paraqiten sipas gjinis dhe moshs dhe se ajo reflekton problemet, shtjet dhe pyetjet n lidhje me grat dhe burrat n shoqri. Monitorimi i rregullt dhe gjithprfshirs dhe paraqitja e t dhnave t ndjeshme gjinore mundson identifikimin e diskriminimit gjinor n shoqri dmth prcaktimi nse ekziston pabarazi midis grave dhe burrave. Ajo gjithashtu lehtson projektimin, planifikimin dhe zbatimin e politikave q synojn eliminimin e pabarazis dhe prmirsimin e statusit t grupeve apo individve t diskriminuar.

Disa fakte t rndsishme Popullsia e prgjithshme rezidente n Kosov n fund t vitit 2011 rezultoi 1,789,645 banor 61% e popullsis jetojn n zonat rurale. Madhsia e ekonomis familjare 5.85 persona Dendsia e popullsis 177.4 banor pr km2 Raporti meshkuj / femra eshte 96%. Pr do 101.32 meshkuj ka 100 femra. Mosha mesatare e popullsis s Kosovs sht 29,5 vjet. Shkalla e analfabetizmit sht 4.18% n popullsin mbi 15 vje, ndrsa n mesin e grave sht 5.07% 60.6% e meshkujve prkundrejt 27.3% t femrave kan prfunduar t paktn arsimin e mesm t lart. Niveli mesatar i viteve t shkollimit n Kosovs sht 9,5 vjet Hendeku i qasjes n internet midis brezit t ri q jeton n zonat rurale dhe atij q jeton n zonat urbane sht 42%. Hendeku gjinor n nivelin e arsimit t lart sht 60% Shkalla e papunsis pr grat sht 55,5% kundrejt 40,5% te meshkujve. 68% e grave nuk e din ndonj gjuh tjetr, prvec shqipes 49.4% e grave punojn n sektorin publik 8.3% e familjeve drejtohen nga nj grua si kryefamiljare Gjat regjistrimit rezultoi se burimet kryesore t t ardhurave t jetess pr grat kryesuese te familjes jan mbshtetje tjetr 54% e grave kryefamiljare t njsive ekonomike bujqsore posedojn tok Grat zn 33.3% t vendeve n parlament N vitin 2010 grat zinin 80% t viktimave t dhuns familjare, ndrsa n vitin 2011 ato zinin 77%.

Lista e shkurtesave ABESH......... Anketa e Buxhetit t Ekonomive Shtpiake ABGJ........... Agjencia pr Barazi Gjinore ADSHK........ Anketa Demografike, Sociale dhe e Shndetit Riprodhues n Kosov ASK ............ Agjencia e Statistikave t Kosovs DASHC........ Departamenti i Administrats t Shrbimit Civil MAP............ Ministria e Administrats Publike PK............... Policia e Kosovs REKOS......... Regjistrimi i Popullsis 2011

Shnime hyrse.............................................................................................6 Disa fakte t rndsishme ............................................................................9 Popullsia .................................................................................................... 13 Kujdesi shndetsor..................................................................................... 25 Edukimi....................................................................................................... 33 Mbrojtja Sociale......................................................................................... 41 Jurisprudenca............................................................................................. 47 Punsimi....................................................................................................... 53 T ardhurat dhe Pensionet......................................................................... 61 Shfrytzimi i kohs . ................................................................................... 65 Vendim Marrja . ........................................................................................ 71




Popullsia Popullsia Vlersimet e popullsis bazohen n rezultatet e Regjistrimit t popullsis dhe n rezultatet e statistikave t lvizjeve natyrore dhe mekanike t popullsis (migrimet e brendshme). Projeksionet e popullsis paraqesin nj numr t parashikuar t banorve pr vitin referues. T dhnat e paraqitura llogariten si nj variant i mesatares s ult. Kjo variant sht nj kombinimi i hipotezave lidhur me mesataren e ult t shkalls s fertilitetit, shkalls s ndryshueshme t mortalitetit dhe migrimet e ndryshueshme n periudhn e projektimeve. Popullsia sipas strukturs s familjeve prbhet nga popullsia sipas karakteristikave gjinore, martesore dhe lidhjeve familjare. Popullsia migruese prfshin personat t cilt e kan ndrruar vendbanimin e tyre t zakonshm n vitin referues. Mosha mesatare e popullsis paraqet mesatarn e moshs s popullsis n vitin referues. Shkalla e prgjithshme e fertilitetit paraqet gjithsejt numrin e lindjeve t gjalla pr nj grua t moshs 1549.
Popullsia sipas regjistrimeve
1,000,000.00 900,000.00 800,000.00 700,000.00 600,000.00 500,000.00 400,000.00 300,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 1953 1961 Meshkuj 1971 Femra 1981 2011

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Piramida e popullsis 1953
65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Meshkuj 0 20,000 Femra 40,000 60,000 80,000

Piramida e popullsis 1961

65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Meshkuj 0 20,000 Femra 40,000 60,000 80,000


Popullsia Piramida e popullsis 1971

65 + 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 120,000 80,000 40,000 Meshkuj 0 Femra 40,000 80,000 120,000

Piramida e popullsis 1981

70-74 60-64 50-54 40-44 30-34 20-24 10-14 0-4 120,000 80,000 40,000 Meshkuj 0 Femra 40,000 80,000 120,000


Piramida e popullsis 2011
80+ 70-74 60-64 50-54 40-44 30-34 20-24 10-14 0-4 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 Meshkuj 0 25,000 Femra 50,000 75,000 100,000

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Mosha mesatare sipas gjinis pr periudhat e regjistrimeve

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1953 1961 1971 Meshkuj 1981 Femra 2011

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Popullsia sipas grup-moshave gjinis dhe regjistrimeve
600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Femra Meshkuj 1971 Femra Meshkuj 1981 Femra Meshkuj 2011 0-4 15-59 60+

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Popullsia 15+ sipas tipit te familjes dhe gjinis ne regjistrimin e 2011

Lloji i familjes Familje me burr-grua Pa fmij q banojn me ta Me s paku nj fmij nn moshn 25 vje q banon me ta Djali/vajza m i ri/re, q banon me prind i/e moshs 25+ vje Burr- grua pa kuror Pa fmij q banojn me ta Me s paku nj fmij nn moshn 25 vje q banon me ta Djali/vajza m i ri/re, q banon me prind i/e moshs 25+ vje Baba i vetm Me s paku nj fmij nn moshn 25 vje q banon me t Djali/vajza m i ri/re, q banon me prind i/e moshs 25+ vje Nn e vetme Me s paku nj fmij nn moshn 25 vje q banon me t Djali/vajza m i ri/re, q banon me prind i/e moshs 25+ vje
Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Familjet 343,650 62,062 258,606 22,982 34,627 9,208 25,073 346 4,623 2,837 1,786 32,190 22,827 9,362


Popullsia migruese sipas gjinis
14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Meshkuj Femra

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Popullsia migruese sipas grup-moshave dhe gjinis

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0



Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Kurorzimet sipas grup moshs dhe gjinis 2011
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Femra
Burimi: Statistikat e kurorzimeve n Kosov 2011

35-39 Meshkuj




Kurorzimet dhe Shkurorzimet pr 1000 banor sipas gjinis 2004,2006 dhe2011

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2004 Martesat pr 1000 banor 2006 2011 Shkurorzimet pr 1000 banor

Burimi: Statistikat e kurorzimeve dhe shkurorzimeve n Kosov 2004 -2011


Indikatort kryesor mbi martesat dhe shkurorzimet 2004
Martesat pr 1000 banor Divorcet pr 1000 banor Divorcet pr 1000 martesa Zgjatja mesatare e martess (vite) Mosha mesatare e grave n martes Mosha mesatare e burrave n martes 8.3 0.6 76.1 5-9 27.0 30.3

7.5 0.7 93.5 5-9 27.0 30.3

10 0.8 84.7 5-9 28.0 32.0

Burimi: Statistikat e kurorzimeve dhe shkurorzimeve n Kosov 2004, 2066 dhe 2011

Shkalla e fertilitetit sipas viteve 1973-2010

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1999 2003 2009 2010 Fertiliteti
Burimi: Statistikat vitale dhe anketat e ADSH-s


Lindjet e gjalla n mij sipas gjinis (2002-2011)
25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Meshkuj
Burimi: Statistikat e lindjeve n Kosov, 2002-2011


Lindjet e gjalla sipas statusit martesor dhe moshs mesatare t nns 2002-2011
Viti 2002 2006 2011 N kunor 19,374 18,142 20,570 Jasht kunore 2,473 13,816 13,671 I pa njohur 14,288 2,229 0 Ilegjitim 0 0 21 Mosha mesatare e nns 28.1 27.3 28.1

Burimi: Statistikat e lindjeve n Kosov, 2002, 2006 dhe 2011


Mosha mesatare e nens n lindjen e par 2002-2011
14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -14 15-19 20-24 25-29 2002 30-34 35-39 40-44 2011 45-49 50 + E pa njohur


Burimi: Statistikat e lindjeve n Kosov, 2002, 2006 dhe 2011


Densiteti i popullsise sipas rajoneve, grup mosha 0-14 ndaj Popullsi n %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Dean Gjakov Gllogoc Gjilan Dragash Istog Kaanik Klin Fush Kosov Kamenic Mitrovic

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Leposaviq Lipjan Novobrd Obiliq Rahovec Pej Podujev Pristina Prizren Skenderaj Shtime

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Shtrpc Suharek Ferizaj Viti Vushtrri Zubin Potok Zvean Malishev Junik Mamush Hani i Elezit

34 35 36 37

Graanic Ranillug Partesh Kllokot


Kujdesi shndetsor



Kujdesi shndetsor Kujdesi shndetsor

do ta arrijn fmijt e lindur gjall (pritet t jetojn) n vitin referues. Jetgjatsia e gruas dhe buurit t moshs 65 tregon numrin e viteve q personat e moshs 65 vjeare priten t jetojn n vitin referues. Metodat kontraceptive bashkkohore i referohen prdorimit t prezervativve (kondomave), hapave, spiraleve intrauerinare, produkteve kimike lokale dhe diafragmave. Metodat tradicionale kontraceptive i referohen ditve jofertile dhe ndrprerjes s qllimshme t aktit seksual (trhiqje nga akti seksual). Shkaku kryesor i vdekjes denon smundjen apo lndimin e cila ka inicuar vargun e shkaqeve vdekjeprurse duke shkaktuar drejtprdrejt vdekjen, rrethanat e aksidentit apo dhunn e cila ka rezultat me lndime fatale. Shkalla e motralitetit sipas shkakut t vdekjes paraqet numrin gjithsejt t vdekjeve, pr shkak t shkaqeve specifike, n 100,000 banor n vitin referues. Shkalla e mortalitetit infantil paraqet numrin e vdekjeve t foshnjave ( m pak se nj vit) pr 1000 lindje t gjalla n vitin referues.

Jetgjatsia e pritur pr gra/meshkuj tregon moshn t ciln mesatarisht

Jetegjatesia e grave dhe burrave sipas viteve

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1952-54 1960-62 1970-72 Femra
Burimi: Vjetari statistikor i KSA t Kosovs 1989

1980-82 Meshkuj



Kujdesi shndetsor
Metodat kontraceptive t prdorura nga grat 15-49 vjec
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
Burimi: Anketa Demografike, Sociale dhe e Shndetit Riporodhues n Kosov, 2009

Prdorimi i kontracepcionit sipas llojit t metods

Metodat moderne 15% Nuk perdorin 41% Metodat tradicionale 44%

Burimi: Anketa Demografike, Sociale dhe e Shndetit Riporodhues n Kosov, 2009


Kujdesi shndetsor
Prqindja e femrave q prdorin kontracepcion n baz t vendimmarrjes s prdorimit, sipas moshs, vendbanimit dhe gjendjes martesore
Karakteristikat dhe mosha 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Totali Urban Rural Martuar Beqar Vendim personal 10.0 7.2 7.6 8.0 6.3 5.7 7.4 8.0 6.3 9.0 5.4 9.8 I burrit / I partnerit prbashkt 3.4 85.6 2.7 89.9 5.6 86.8 6.7 84.7 6.3 86.8 6.6 86.8 7.4 85.2 4.7 86.8 Vendbanimi 4.2 88.8 5.0 85.6 Gjendja martesore 6.3 88.2 3.8 85.6 Tjera 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.0 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.8 Numri i femrave 951 704 486 373 302 228 271 3.315 1.212 2.103 1.259 1.925

Burimi: Anketa Demografike, Sociale dhe e Shndetit Riporodhues n Kosov, 2009

Femrat q nuk prdorin kotracepcion sipas arsyes s mosprdorimit dhe gjendjes martesore
Fmijn e kam n gji Arsye fetare Arsye t shndetit Dshiroj t kem fmij Shtatzn Nuk mundem t mbetem shtatzn Nuk kam mardhnje seksuale

Beqrae E martuar




E ndar

E vej


E shkurorzuar

Burimi: Anketa Demografike, Sociale dhe e Shndetit Riporodhues n Kosov, 2009


Kujdesi shndetsor
Shkaqet e vdekjeve sipas gjinis dhe grup-moshs 2010
Shkaqet e vdekjes Kardiovaskulare Tumoret T tjera 128 147 9 11 14 14 31 56 218 259 T tjera 158 191 9 17 17 10 29 44 207 232 Total Grup-mosha dhe gjinia aksidente shkaktart e jashtm 7 11 4 5 6 3 6 23 65 113 3 11 8 39 0 14 4 9 8 31 6 4 7 4 7 18 22 80 111 aksidente shkaktart e jashtm 7 11 12 29 5 41 5 30 16 25 Sistemi I frymarrjes 6 7 4 8 4 6 65 106 149 353 3 3 3 6 25 27 89 146 162 364 Sistemi I frymarrjes 10

0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+

Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj

160 206 28 68 32 49 261 483 1732 2260

16 30 3 5 8 12 155 289 1292 1504

Burimi: Shkaqet e vdekjeve n Kosov 2010

Shkaqet e vdekjeve sipas gjinis dhe grup-moshs 2011

Shkaqet e vdekjes Kardiovaskulare Tumoret Total 198 230 40 91 100 151 294 541 1664 2187 Grup-mosha dhe gjinia

0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+

Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj

20 19 12 32 49 66 153 299 1199 1455

Burimi: Shkaqet e vdekjeve n Kosov 2011


Kujdesi shndetsor
Vdekjet e dhunshme sipas gjinis, viti 2010
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 fatkeqsi vetvrasje Meshkuj
Burimi: Statistikat e vdekjeve n Kosov 2010

vrasje Femra

Vdekjet e dhunshme sipas gjinis, viti 2011

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 fatkeqsi vetvrasje Meshkuj
Burimi: Statistikat e vdekjeve n Kosov 2011

vrasje Femra


Kujdesi shndetsor
Vdekjet n Kosov sipas gjinis dhe viteve 2002 - 2011
5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Meshkuj
Burimi: Statistikat e vdekjeve n Kosov 2002 - 2011


Vdekjet sipas grup-moshs dhe gjinis 2011

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-230-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Meshkuj
Burimi: Statistikat e vdekjeve n Kosov 2011



Kujdesi shndetsor
Vdekjet e foshnjeve sipas gjinis dhe vitve 2002,2006 dhe 2011
250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2006 Meshkuj
Burimi: Statistikat e vdekjeve n Kosov 2011

2011 Femra





Edukimi Edukimi Arsimi fillor prfshin fmijt e moshs 6 vjeare, ku numri i fmijve t moshs 6 vjeare t regjistruar n shkoll fillore sht nj prqindje e gjithsejt popullats s fmijve n kt mosh. Arsimi fillor prfshin fmijt e moshs 6-15 vjear dhe paraqet numrin e fmijve t moshs 6-15 vje t regjistruar n shkoll fillore si prqindje e gjithsejt popullsis s fmijve n kt mosh. Arsimin e mesm prfshin fmijt e moshs 15 vje dhe paraqet numrin e fmijve t moshs 15 vjear t regjistruar n shkolln e mesme si nj prqindje e gjithsejt popullsis s fmijve n kt mosh. Arsimi i mesm prfshin fmijt e moshs 15-18 vje; paraqet numrin e fmijve t moshs 15-18 t regjistruar n shkolln e mesme si nj prqindje t gjithsejt popullsis s fmijve n kt mosh. T diplomuar n arsimin fillor dhe t mesme jan nxnsit t cilt e kryejn klasn e nnt t shkolls fillore dhe nxnsit t cilt plotsojn vitin e tret apo t katrt t shkolls s mesme (varsisht nga kohzgjatja e profilit arsimor n t ciln ata jan regjistruar). Msues t shkolls fillore dhe t mesme jan t gjith msimdhnsit e punsuar n shkollat fillore dhe t mesme, me orare t plot dhe me gjysm-orar. Student t regjistruar n arsimin terciar jan personat t regjistruar n shkalln e par t studimeve akademike, shkalln e par t studimeve profesionale, shkalln e dyt t studimeve akademike ( Master), specialist i studimeve akademike, specialist i studimeve profesionale dhe studime akademike doktorature. T diplomuar jan personat t cilt kan marr kualifikime profesionale, diplom universiteti apo nj diplom tjetr akademike. Pjesmarrja e popullsis s moshs 25-64 vje n arsim dhe trajnim paraqet personat e moshs 25 deri n 64 t cilt ndjekin fardo forme arsimi apo trajnimi si nj prqindje e popullsis s asaj moshe.


Popullsia 15-64 vjec sipas nivelit t arsimit dhe gjinis
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pa shkoll Fillore Mesme e ult Femra Meshkuj Mesme e lart Universitet

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Analfabett sipas gjinis dhe viteve t regjistrimit (Popullsia e moshs 10+)

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1971 Femra 1981 Meshkuj 2011

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Fmij dhe edukatore n sistemin parashkollor sipas gjinis pr vitet 2010-2011
Femra Meshkuj

Femijet Edukatoret
Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011

11,709 1,256

12,946 47

Personat q vijojn shkolln sipas grup moshs dhe gjinis

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6-9 10-14 15-19 Femra 20-24 Meshkuj 25-29 30-34

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Nxnesit q morn diplom sipas gjinis dhe llojit t edukimit, 2010-2011 Diplomat Arsimi fillor Arsimi i mesm 2010 Femra 16,659 10,902 Meshkuj 17,880 11,987 Femra 16,253 10,327 2011 Meshkuj 17,347 11,106

Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011

Mesues sipas gjinis dhe nivelit t arsimit 2010-2011 Msues Arsimi fillor Arsimi i mesm 2010 Femra 8,150 2,134 Meshkuj 9,706 3,823 Femra 8,376 2,237 2011 Meshkuj 9,446 3,858

Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011

Braktisja e shkolls sipas gjinis Viti shkollor 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 Femra 1,246 1,665 1,400 1,554 1,315 Meshkuj 976 459 1,130 1,954 1,941 % Femra 57 78 55 44 40 Meshkuj 43 22 45 56 60

Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011


Student t regjistruar n arsim terciar sipas gjinis 2010 - 2011
19500 19000 18500 18000 17500 17000 16500 16000 Femra
Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011


Student t regjistruar sipas degeve dhe gjinis

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011



Student t dioplomuar sipas gjinis dhe viteve 2006-2011
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2006-2007 2007-2008 Femra
Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011

2008-2009 Meshkuj


Kandidatt e diplomuar n studimet e doktoraturs prej 1 Tetori 2011 deri me 30 Shtator 2012 Fakulteti
I Shkencave Matematike-Natyrore Ekonomik I Inxhinieris Elektrike dhe Kompjuterike I Inxhinieris Mekanike I Mjeksis I Xehetaris dhe Metalurgjis n Mitrovic Gjithsej
Burimi: Unisersiteti i Prishtins - Administrata qendrore

Gjinia Meshkuj
4 4 3 1 0 5 17

2 2 1 0 2 0 7

6 6 4 1 2 5 24


Nxns t regjistruar n shkollat speciale sipas gjinis dhe nivelit arsimor 2006-2011
Vitet 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Arsimi special fillor dhe i mesem i ulet Femra 272 276 280 280 287 Meshkuj 456 446 472 511 520 Nxnesit ne shkollat mesem speciale sipas gjinise Femra 34 55 32 38 36 Meshkuj 52 114 51 56 62

Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011

Nxns t regjistruar n arsimin profesional sipas gjinis dhe viteve

Vitet 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011
Burimi: ASK, Statistikat e Arsimit, 2010 - 2011

Numri I nxnsve n arsimin profesinal sipas gjinis Femra 19,545 20,102 21,283 21,011 23,788 Meshkuj 30,528 32,831 33,790 32,533 35,724


Mbrojtja sociale



Mbrojtja sociale Mbrojtja Sociale Mbrojtja sociale prbhet nga aktivitetet e organizuara sociale t kryera n interes publik pr t fuqizuar qytetart t bjn nj jet t pavarur dhe produktive n komunitet, duke parandaluar prjashtimet e shpejta sociale dhe eliminimin e pasojave t tyre. Prfituesit e strehimeve institucionale t mbrojtjes sociale jan persona t cilt nuk mund t strehohen n familjen e tyre biologjike apo n ndonj familje tjetr, apo t pajisen me shrbime komunale, pr t cilin/ciln vendosjet e tilla nuk do t ishin n interesin e tyre m t mir. Institucionet pr mbrojtje sociale pr strehimin e prfituesve prfshin institucionet pr strehimin e fmijve pa kujdes prindror, qendrat mbshtetse pr prkujdesje, institucionet korrektuese pr fmij dhe t rinj, shtpi pr pleq dhe pensionist, dhe institucionet pr strehim t personave me aftsi t kufizuara n zhvillim.


Mbrojtja sociale
Popullsia n Ekonomit familjare Institucionale sipas moshs, gjinis dhe llojit
Lloji i ekonomis familjare institucionale Vend pr banimin e studentve Spital, sanatorium, shtpi prmirsuese Gjithsej 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gjnia 65+ 0 0 5 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5-9 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1


0 0 66 48 78 109 51 71

0 0 6 8 0 2 0 0 9 3 0 0 0

0 0 4 5 5 3 0 0 6 3 0 0 0

0 0 3 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

0 0 2 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

0 0 1 5 4 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 9 1

0 0 7 4

0 0 8 1

0 0 7 3 9

0 0 2 4

Institucion pr F persona me aftsi t kufizuar dhe psikiatri M Shtpi e pleqve Shtpi e fmijve, jetimore Kazermat ushtarake dhe policore Burg, shtpi korrektim Manastir, shtpi e banimit kolektiv t motrave t nderit Konvikt I puntorve F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Gjithsej

8 10 10

8 11

9 11 19 13 13 16 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

5 41 3 60

34 10 29 19 0 0 25 797 72 28 0 0 0 0 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

2 36 97 163 162 108 71 60 38 27 15 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 12 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Kamp i refugjatve

T tjera

337 10 15 15 16 20 21 17 27 33 29 31 17 23 63

M 1086 25 10 15 47 104 174 177 120 94 86 63 45 40 86 T 1423 35 25 30 63 124 195 194 147 127 115 94 62 63 149

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Mbrojtja sociale
Prsonat prkohsisht t pranishm n kuarte t banimit kolektiv sipas grupmoshs
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0-14 15-29 Femra 30-44 Meshkuj 45-59 65+

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Fmij t vendosur n jetimore sipas grup-moshs dhe gjinis

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0-4 5-9 Femra 10-14 Meshkuj 15-19

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Mbrojtja sociale
Struktura gjinore e t punsuarve n institucionet shndetsore, niveli sekondar dhe terciar
Ministria e Shndetsis dhe Institucionet Shndetsore (Niveli Treciar dhe Sekondar) Ministria e Shndetsis(A.Qendrore) Qendra Klinike Universitare Qendra Klinike Stomatologjike Qendrat e Mjekis Familjare n Kosov AKPM QKTGJ IKPSH IMPK-Gjakov Shndeti Mental-Prishtin Shndeti Mental-Pej Shndeti Mental-Gjakov Shndeti Mental-Gjilan Shndeti Mental-Prizren Shndeti Mental-Mitrovic Shndeti Mental-Ferizaj Q.M. Sportive Spitali Regjional Gjilan Spitali Regjional Prizren Spitali Regjional Gjakov Spitali Regjional Pej Spitali Regjional Mitrovic Spitali i Vushtrris Spitali i Ferizajt Zyra e Ministrit Mjeket ne specializim Administrata shndetsore Inspektoratet, shndetsor, farmaciotik Programi okopacional i shndetit
Qendra e telemjeksise dhe divizioni i kujdesit

Gjinia Femra 62 1922 52 3551 71 53 157 153 136 114 161 133 125 42 30 24 266 401 327 321 169 96 149 262 62 16 59 56 66 9036 Meshkuj 56 893 98 1884 67 59 130 81 3 23 43 23 35 133 227 77 128 43 30 76 10 184 56 19 27 29 67 4501

Perkujdes primar shendetsor dhe programe tjera Gjithsej

Burimi: Statistikat e shndetsis, 2011


Mbrojtja sociale
Popullsia residente sipas vshtrsive
12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj 60+ 0-14 15-44 45-59

Shurdhsia apo dmtime t rnda t dgjimit Verbsia apo dmtime t rnda t pamurit Kufizime t rndsishme n aktivitetet themelore fizike Paaftsi n t msuar apo intelektuale Vshtrsi afatgjate psikologjike apo emocionale Vshtrsi apo smundje tjera afatgjate
Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011





Jurisprudenca Jurisprudenca I dnuari sht personi I cili shpallet fajtor dhe dnohet pr kundrvajtjen n fjal nga gjykata e gjyqsorit t prgjithshm n vitin prkats. I dnuari I mitur sht personi i moshs nga 14 deri n 18 vje n kohn kur sht kryer krimi, i cili ka br kundrvajtje kriminale dhe sht dnuar me burgim pr t mitur apo mas edukative. I dnuari madhor sht personi i rritur, doras i shpallur fajtor dhe i dnuar. Dorasit madhor t veprave kriminale n momentin kur sht kryer krimi ishin t moshs mbi 18 vje.


Numri i personave t mitur t denuar sipas gjinis dhe viteve
Vitet e dnimit 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gjykata Komunale Djem 637 706 637 329 366 Vajza 11 13 13 9 9 Gjykata e Qarkut Djem 73 63 78 83 177 Vajza 3 3

Burimi: Statistikat e Jurisprudences per persona te mitur 2011

Numri i personave t denuar sipas gjinis dhe viteve

Vitet e dnimit 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gjykata Komunale Meshkuj 10,647 10,384 10,401 7,711 15,288 Femra 449 401 445 363 594 Gjykata e Qarkut Meshkuj 2,142 1,648 1,753 1,396 1,890 Femra 52 39 52 33 39

Burimi: Statistikat e Jurisprudences per persona madhor 2011


Personat e mitur t denuar sipas llojit t veprs dhe gjinis
Lloji i veprs penale Veprat penale kundr t drejts ndrkombtare Veprat penale kundr jets dhe trupit Veprat penale kundr lirive dhe t drejtave t njeriut Veprat penale kundr integritetit seksual Veprat penale kundr shndetit publik Veprat penale kundr ekonomis Veprat penale kundr pasuris Veprat penale kundr mjedisit, kafshve, bimve dhe objekteve kulturore Veprat penale kundr siguris s prgjithshme t njerzve dhe t pasuris Veprat penale kundr siguris s trafikut publik Veprat penale kundr administrimit t drejtsis Veprat penale kundr rendit publik dhe veprimeve juridike
Burimi: Statistikat e Jurisprudences per persona te mitur 2011

Djem 2 102 6 4 4 1 201 20 6 16 1 3

Vajza 3 1 4 1 -


Dhuna familjare sipas gjinis dhe viteve, 2010/2011






400 Burrat

500 Grat





Burimi: PK, Drejtoria pr krime t rnda, 2010 dhe 2011

Dhuna familjare e raportuar siapas regjioneve dhe gjinis, 2010

Ferizaj Gjilan Mitrovic Pej Prizeren Prishtin 0 50 Burrat
Burimi: PK, Drejtoria pr krime t rnda, 2010

100 Grat




Prqindjet e respondentve t moshs 15 vjeqare e m shum q e aprovojn dhunn familjare (indikatori I prbashkt), sipas gjinis dhe arsimimit
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Pa shkoll Fillor Mesm t ult Meshkuj Mesm t lart Universitet


Burimi: Anketa Demografike, Sociale dhe e Shndetit Riprodhues n Kosov, 2009





Punsimi Punsimi
Popullsi aktive (forca puntore) prfshin t gjith personat e punsuar dhe t papunsuar n moshn 15 vje e m shum. Popullsi jo aktive paraqet popullsin e moshs 15+ t cilt nuk kategorizohen n popullsin aktive. T punsuar zyrtarisht jan personat t cilt punsohen tek pundhnsi (ndrmarrje, institucion, kooperative apo ndonj organizate apo ndrmarrje tjetr) n baz t kontrats s shkruar t punsimit pr nj periudh t caktuar apo t pacaktuar kohore dhe t cilt kan mbrojtje sociale dhe ligjore. Ktu prfshihen: t punsuarit n entitete ligjore, ndrmarrje, person t punsuar nga pundhnsit dhe personat t cilt ushtrojn si t pavarur profesionin e tyre. Termi i punsimit n Anketn e Fuqis Puntore nnkupton persona t cilt gjat javs s vzhguar kan br pun me pages (n t holla apo n natyr) pr t paktn nj or, si dhe persona t punsuar jan ata t cilt kishin munguar nga puna gjat javs s referuar. Termi i punsuar n entitete ligjore prfshin t punsuarit n kompani, ndrmarrje, institucione, kooperative dhe organizata tjera n sektorin formal. Termi i papunsuar n Anketn e Fuqis Puntore nnkupton personin, i cili gjat javs prkatse (s referuar), nuk ka br asnj pun dhe i cili nuk ka ndonj pun ku mungonte dhe tek e cila do t kthehej pas pushimit. Mirpo kjo i referohet pikave n vijim: - Gjat katr javve te fundit, kta persona kan ndrmarr hapa aktiv pr t gjetur pun dhe nse iu sht ofruar ndonj pun, ata do t fillojn t punojn brenda dy javve; - N katr javt e fundit, kta persona nuk kan ndrmarr hapa aktiv pr t gjetur pun, pasi q kta ve m kan gjetur pun dhe pritet t fillojn punn dikur pas javs referuese e m s voni brenda tre muajve vijues. T papunsuarit e regjistruar jan persona t moshs 15 deri n 65 vje t cilt kan mundsi dhe jan t gatshm t punojn, por t cilt jan t papun apo prndryshe jan ata t cilt kan fituar t drejtn e puns, dhe t cilt jan regjistruar si t papun pran Shrbimit Kombtar pr Punsim dhe n mnyr aktive jan n krkim pune.


Shkalla e popullsis aktive prfaqson prqindjen e popullsis aktive n gjithsejt popullsin e moshs 15 vje e m shum. Shkalla e popullsis joaktive sht prqindja e popullsis joaktive n gjithsejt popullsin e moshs 15 vje e m shum. Shkalla e Punsimit sht prqindja e t punsuarve n gjithsej popullsin e moshs 15 vje e m shum. Shkalla e papunsis sht prqindja e t papunve n gjithsej numrin e popullsis aktive. Shkalla e papunsis afat-gjat paraqet prqindjen e personave t papunsuar pr nj vit apo me gjat n gjithsej popullsin aktive. Punsimi joformal paraqet prqindjen e personave t cilt bjn pun joformale ( pa u raportuar) jasht gjithsejt numrit t punsuarve. Puna e pa raportuar prfshin t punsuarit n nj kompani t regjistruar, por pa ndonj kontrat formale punsimi dhe pa i paguar sigurimet sociale dhe t pensionit, dhe antart e familjes q kontribuojn pa pages.

Tregu i puns
Popullsia e moshs 15 vjeq e mbi Popullsia ekonomikisht aktive % e popullsis ekonomikisht aktive e moshs 15 vjeq e mbi % e femrave n mesin e popullsis ekonomikisht aktive T punsuar % e t punsuarve n popullsin e moshs 15 vjeq e mbi % e femrave n mesin e t punsuarve n popullsin e moshs 15 vjeq e mbi % e t punsuarve n bujqsi % e grave n mesin e t punsuarve n bujqsi % e t punsuarve n sektorin e industris % e femrave n mesin t punsuarve n sektorin e industris % e t punsuarve n veprimtari tjera % e femrave n mesin t punsuarve n veprimtari tjera T papunsuarit % e t papunsuarve n popullsin ekonomikisht aktive % e femrave n mesin e t papunsuarve
Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

1,252,248 508.100 40.6 29.1 280.454 22.4 5.2 4.4 0.2 15.3 1.8 80.3 21.4 227.646 44.8 36.0


Popullsia ekonomikisht aktive sipas grup-moshave dhe gjinis
60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Femra Meshkuj 65+

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Te papunt sipas grup moshave dhe gjinis

50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Femra Meshkuj 65+

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Inaktivt sipas kategoris funksionale dhe gjinis
65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 Femrat Meshkuj

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

T punsuarit sipas grup-moshs dhe gjinis

90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Femra Meshkuj 65+

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


Te punsuarit sipas nivelit arsimor
Doktoratura Pasuniversitare (master) Niveli bachelor Shkolla e lart E mesme e lart E mesme e ult Fillor I paprfunduar 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 Femra Meshkuj

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

T punsuarit sipas profesioneve dhe gjinis

250000 Siguria Profesione elementare 200000 Operator n fabrik dhe t makineve dhe montues Puntort artizanatesh dhe zanateve t ngjashme Puntor t kualifikuar n bujqsi dhe peshkatari Puntor shrbyes dhe shits n dyqe dhe treg Npuns Teknik dhe bashkpuntor profesinit Profesionistt Meshkuj Femra Ligjvnsit, zyrtart e lart dhe menaxhert




Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


T punsuarit sipas statusit t punsimit dhe gjinis
Statusi kryesor n punsim I punsuar Pundhns Puntor pr llogari t vet Puntor kontribues n familje Nuk sht n dispozicion Total Gjinia Meshkuj 167,716 12,375 30,291 4,030 323 214,735 Femra 59,286 1,132 3,707 1,427 167 65,719 Total 227,002 13,507 33,998 5,457 490 280,454

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

T punsuarit sipas veprimatris kryesore dhe gjinis

Veprimtaria kryesore Bujqsi, gjueti dhe pylltari Peshkim Miniera dhe gurore Industri prpunuese Furnizim me energji elektrike, gaz dhe uj Ndrtimtari Tregti, riparimi i automjeteve motorike dhe mallrave personale dhe shtpiake Hotele dhe restorante Transporti, ruajtje dhe komunikim transport Ndrmjetsim financiar Pasuri t patundshme, dhnia me qira dhe aktivitet e biznesit Administrat publike dhe mbrojtje; sigurimi shoqror i detyrueshm Shkollim Shndetsi dhe pun sociale Komunitet tjetr, aktivitetet e shrbimit social dhe personal Aktivitetet e ekonomive familjare Organizatat dhe organet ekstra-territoriale Total Gjinia Meshkuj 11,744 19 2,565 25,862 9,393 23,016 39,663 13,001 12,552 3,731 8,740 23,922 19,091 6,356 8,987 1,139 4,954 214,735 Femra 619 1 92 4,171 861 568 11,910 1,921 1,964 2,572 1,997 8,229 14,070 10,143 4,277 344 1,980 65,719 Totale 12,363 20 2,657 30,033 10,254 23,584 51,573 14,922 14,516 6,303 10,737 32,151 33,161 16,499 13,264 1,483 6,934 280,454

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


T punsuarit dhe lvizshmria
N Kosv, komuna e ndryshme nga ajo e banimit t zakonshm aktual

N Kosv, komuna e njejt me banimin e zakonshm aktual, por vendbanim I ndryshm

N Kosv, komuna dhe vendbanimi I njejt me banimin e zakonshm aktual

0 Meshkuj

50000 Femra



Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

T punsuarit sipas vendit t puns

Vende tjera Maqedoni Mali I Zi Serbi Shqipri 0 1000 2000 Meshkuj 3000 Femra 4000 5000 6000

Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011


T ardhurat dhe pensionet



T ardhurat dhe pensionet T ardhurat dhe Pensionet

Sipas kodit t Ligjit t Puns, t ardhurat e nj t punsuari duhet t prfshijn: t ardhurat q prfshijn taksat dhe kontributet e paguara nga paga e t punsuarit pr punn e kryer dhe kohn e kaluar n pun; t hyrat nga ngritja n detyr; kompensimet n t ardhura dhe t ardhura t tjera ( prve: mbshtetja financiare pr transportin personal publik e privat, koha e kaluar n udhtime zyrtare brenda dhe jasht vendit, pension dmshprblimi, ndihm nga sindikati, premi jubilare, kompensim n rast vdekjeje dhe kompensim pr lndimet e marra n pun apo smundje profesionale). ASK llogarit t ardhurat mesatare nga shuma e t ardhurave t paguara n muajin raportues, t ndara pr numrin e t punsuarve (formalisht) sipas regjistrave t personelit n njsit ligjore dhe ndrmarrsve t cilt japin t dhnat. T ardhurat mesatare t t punsuarit n njsit ligjore dallojn nga t ardhurat mesatare n prgjithsi pasi q ato nuk prfshijn parat e atyre q punsohen nga ndrmarrsit . Pagat mesatare pr t punsuarit formal mund t paraqiten sipas gjinis vetm pr t punsuarit n njsit ligjore sepse pagat e tyre jan t konstatuara prmes anketave statistikore. Pagat e t punsuarve nga ndrmarrsit merren n bazn e t dhnave n regjistrat e Administrats Tatimore, e cila nuk jep t dhna t ndara sipas gjinis. Niveli shkollor ( kualifikimi) pr t kryer pun dhe detyra t caktuara sht niveli i caktuar shkollor q krkohet pr nj pozit (sipas dekretit t prgjithshm, apo Dekret/Dokument pr klasifikimin e detyrs). Pensioni sht nj prfitim mujor n t holla t ciln nj individ ka t drejt me arritjen e moshs s vjetr, aftsive t kufizuara, vdekjes dhe debitimit fizik. Ekzistojn tre kategori t pensioneve: mosha e vjetr, aftsit e kufizuara dhe pensioni familjar.


T ardhurat dhe pensionet

Burimet e t hyrave individuale mbrenda kategorive n Kosov sipas gjinis dhe viteve, % e t hyrave
Burimi i t hyrave Rrogat dhe pagesat e fituara n Kosov, neto pa tatim T ardhurat nga mditjet Qiraja, dividend, interesi (nga kursimi n bank) Benefitet pr mirqenie sociale Pensionet nga Kosova Pensionet nga jasht Kosovs T hollat e drguara n para t gatshme nga Kosova Neto t ardhurat nga biznesi vetanak n Kosov "Para t gatshme t drguara nga jasht nga antart aktual/przent(pagat,transferet etj) aktual/prezent/(pagat, transferet, etj)" Para t gatshmet drguara nga diaspora nga persona t tjera T hyrat nga bujqsia T tjera Totali n milion
Burimi: Anketa e buxhetit t ekonomive familjare 2010 dhe 2011



Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra 74 98 95 65 60 81 70 92 76 77 100 76 1,164 26 2 5 35 40 19 30 8 24 23 0 24 299 80 99 95 75 60 85 77 95 81 70 98 75 1,251 20 1 5 25 40 15 23 5 19 30 2 25 258


T ardhurat dhe pensionet

Burimi kryesor i jetess pr grat dhe burrat n kosov
1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0
Pun Pasuria apo Pension investimet Ndihm sociale Transfera tjera Drgesa Mbshtetje nga jasht nga prsona tjer Burime tjera



Burimi: Registrimi i Popullsis, Ekonomive Familjare dhe Banesave n Kosov 2011

Pensionet sipass gjinis dhe pageses

M u a j t Korrik Gusht
Burimi: Statistikat e Mirqenies Sociale, 2011

Femra 8,322 8,338 8,386

Meshkuj 9,248 9,163 9,219

Pagesa n 882,270 866,160 880,020



Shfrytzimi i kohs



Shfrytzimi i kohs Shfrytzimi i kohs

Mesatarja e kohs sht mesatarja e kohs s kaluar n aktivitetet t caktuar nga t gjith personat. Prqindja e brsve t punve paraqet numrin e personave q kryejn nj aktivitet specifik t shprehur si prqindje e t gjith personave. Koha mesatare pr brsit e punve sht koha mesatare qe personat marrin t bjn nj aktivitet t specifikuar brenda aktivitetit. Aktivitetet jan aktivitetet (veprimet) e agreguara n nj nivel m t lart, t kryera nga respondenti gjat dits. Puna m pages paraqet kohn e kaluar tek puna kryesore apo dytsore, pushimet e dreks gjat orarit t puns, udhtimi vajtje/ardhje n pun dhe aktivitetet tjera prkatse. Puna pa pages prbhet nga menaxhimi i ushqimit, prkujdesja pr veshje, mirmbajtja dhe menaxhimi i shtpis, puna n kopsht dhe kujdesi ndaj kafshve shtpiake, ndrtime dhe riparime, blerjet dhe shrbimet, kujdesi pr fmij, aktivitete t tjera pr kujdesie t ekonomis familjare dhe familjes dhe udhtimi q ka t bjn me aktivitetet e ekonomis familjare dhe kujdesit familjar. Kujdesi personal i referohet fjetjes, ushqimit, pastrimit, veshjes dhe aktiviteteve t tjera t kujdesit personal.


Shfrytzimi i kohs
Koha e shpenzuar pr burrat sipas moshs dhe llojit t puns, or
15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0 2 4 Pun formale
Burimi: Anketa e Buxhetit t Ekonomive Familjare

6 Pun shtpiake


Koha e shpenzuar pr grat sipas moshs dhe llojit t puns, or

15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0 2 4 Pun formale
Burimi: Anketa e Buxhetit t Ekonomive Familjare

6 Pun shtpiake



Shfrytzimi i kohs
Shfrytzimi i kohs sipas gjinis, mesatarja pr dit pune

Fjetje Ushqim Kujdes personal Shkollim Punsim Pun momentale Bisnes personal Pun n ferm Ndertimtari Blerje Qepje Gatim Pun shtpie Kujdesje Ecje Udhtim TV Lexim Pun familjare Fitnes Vizit Hobi T tjer 0 1 2 3 Meshkuj
Burimi: Anketa e Buxhetit t Ekonomive Familjare

4 Femra


Shfrytzimi i kohs
Shfrytzimi i kohs pr kujdesin personal dhe zhvillim sipas gjinis
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Gjum Ushqim Kujdes personal Femra
Burimi: Anketa e Buxhetit t Ekonomive Familjare

Fitnes Meshkuj


Pun shtpie


Shfrytzimi i kohs
Shfrytzimi i kohs s lir sipas gjinis
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Ecje TV Lexim Femra
Burimi: Anketa e Buxhetit t Ekonomive Familjare

Familje Meshkuj




Vendim marrja



Vendim marrja Vendim Marrja

T dhnat pr antart e Qeveris dhe sekretariateve t shtetit i referohen periudhs pas rithemelimit t Qeveris i br n muajin Mars 2011.

Femrat n vendimmarrje
2010 Nivel i lart Nivel menaxherial 257 361 618 23 617 1498 2115 87 Niveli lart 2011 Nivel menaxherial 494 385 879 26 964 1578 2542 74

Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Femra Meshkuj Ministrit Komunat Gjithsej N %

53 26 79 12

265 292 557 88

81 31 112 13

415 327 742 87

T punsuarit n ASK, sipas grup-moshave dhe gjinis

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 < 29 30-40 41-45 Femra
Burimi: ASK

46-50 Meshkuj






Pristina June 2013

This Publication has been prepared by: Social Statistics Department Ms.Sanije Uka, Head of Population Statistics Section, Ms. Ajshe Avdiu, Officer for Vital Statistics, A special acknowledgment for her contribution goes to Ms. Milva Ekonomi, Long Term Consultant (Sida/SCB) Mr. Kadri Sojeva, expert of demographic and Dren Gashi, expert of IT at PCO.

The sixth edition of the series: Women and Men in Kosovo is presented to you aiming to facilitate your perception on the gender situation through time series of statistical data and short analysis. Kosovo Agency of Statistics used all available data sources providing a complete statistical information and presened them in such an order to facilitate the portrayal of the gender situation in the economic and social areas. This time, the publication is enriched with main data from the final census results of Population and Housing Census in Kosovo 2011. As a result of a good and close cooperation with the Agency for Gender Equality at the Office of Prime Minister, this publication got a new format proposed by UN WOMEN at a global range and is followed the same by the Agency in Kosovo. Many parts of the data analysis were assisted by veteran experts of demographics.

Chief of Execution Officer SOK,

Z. Isa Krasniqi

Introduction remarks Gender refers to a set of roles, obligations and expectations a society assigns and imposes on individuals depending on their sex. They may change over time and they differ from one society to another. Sex refers to biological characteristics of women and men which are universal, visible and obvious, and usually unchangeable Gender equality refers to women and men having equal opportunities, rights and duties in their social, professional and family environments. The Republic of Kosovo is a signatory of a number of important and binding international documents, which guarantee the equality of men and women and prohibit gender-based discrimination, notably the Council of Europes Social Charter and the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Domestic guarantees of gender equality are the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and relevant laws and regulations. The Constitution of the Republic of KOSOVO (adopted in 2008) sets the legal basis for the introduction and regulation of the principles of gender equality in Kosovo and establishes gender equality as a fundamental constitutional right. Under the article 15 of the Constitution, the state shall guarantee equality between women and men and develop equal opportunities policies. The Constitution also lays down the principle of prohibition of discrimination, including, inter alia, genderbased discrimination The Gender Equality Law (adopted in 2009) obligates all public authorities to actively apply all equality principles between men and women. But, in practice women do not enjoy their rights as men do. This inequity is evident in many social and economic areas of life and therefore the drafting of this document has focused on six (6) specific areas: 1) womens integration in the economy, 2) womens integration in the labor market and social care for categories affected by social problems, 3) women in decision-making processes, 4) health care and women and mens access to health services, 5) education, and 6) participation and representation in culture and media. The National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promoting Gender Equality was adopted in February 2010. With the approval of KPGEGovernment fulfils the obligation set in Article 4.4 of the Gender Equity Law,

respectively the obligations derived from point 39 of PVPE (Define and adopt the government programs on promotion of womens rights in Kosovo) and point 116 (implementation of the law on tender equity. Ensure the prevalence of the womens rights in all existing policies and legislations). Also its worth mentioning that this action the Government of RK has accomplished one of the foreseen objectives at Millennium Goals- MDG. This resolution is signed by Kosovo Assembly, respectively the action III of MDG- Promotion of Gender Equity and Women Empowerment. The Millennium Goals-MDG and CEDAW convention have served as a basis when drafting the KPGE and of the objectives foreseen by this program. Institutional mechanism for gender equality Assembly of Kosovo Republic Informal group of Assembly women Assembly Commission on Human rights and freedom, Gender Equity, and Missing Persons and Petitions The Government of the Republic of Kosovo Agency for Gender Equity / Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo Institution of Ombudsperson- Gender Equity Unit Officers for gender equity in Ministry Inter-Ministerial Council for Gender Equity Sector on gender affairs- MLGA Mechanisms at the Local Level Officers for Gender Equity at municipality Municipal commissions on gender equity Non-Government Mechanisms Non-Governmental Organisations Shelters (in six cities) Government Mechanisms treating domestic violence Domestic Violence Unit- Kosovo Police Service Division for Protection and help for Victims, Ministry of Justice Prosecution offices and courts Social welfare centres-Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

Gender-sensitive statistics moves beyond simple disaggregation and presentation of existing data by sex, and recognises the need for monitoring the different problems and challenges faced by women and men in all walks of life. The first international official debate on gender-sensitive statistics took place at the First World Conference on Women in Mexico City in 1975. The 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which provides a clear set of recommendations and guidelines for improving the status of women, also addresses gender-sensitive statistics. It lays down the obligation of states to ensure that statistics related to individuals is regularly collected, compiled, analysed and presented by sex and age and that it reflects problems, issues and questions related to women and men in society. Regular and comprehensive monitoring and presentation of gender-sensitive data allows for identifying gender discrimination in a society i.e. establishing whether there are inequalities between women and men. It also facilitates the design, planning and implementation of policies aimed at eliminating inequalities and improving the status of discriminated groups or individuals.

Some important facts Usual resident population in Kosovo in 2011 resulted to be 1,789,645 residents 61% of the population lives in rural areas. The average size of households is 5.85 persons Population density per km2 is 177.4 residents Ratio male/Womenle is 96%. Per 101.32 males are 100 Womenles. The average age of the Kosovo population is 29, 5 years. The illiteracy rate is 4.18% for population over age 15, whereas illiteracy among women is 5.07% 60.6% e males over 27.3% Womenles have completed at least a higher education level. The average year of education in Kosovo is 9,5 years The gap on internet access of the young generation living in rural area over the one living in urban area is 42%. The gender gap on the higher completed education level is 60% The unemployment rate for women is 55,5% over 40,5% for men. 68% of women speak no other language except Albanian Language 49.4% of women work in public sector 8.3% of the households are headed by a woman as head of household During the census it was shown that the main source of living hood for households headed by women is support by others 54% of women head of agriculture households owns land Women take 33.3% of seats in assembly In 2010, 80% of the domestic violence victims were women, whereas in 2011 they counted 77%.

List of Abbreviations AGE ............ Agency for Gender Equality KDHS........... Demographic, Social and Reproductive Health Survey in Kosovo KAS. ............. Kosovo Agency of Stataistics DCSA........... Department of Civil Service Administration HBS............. Household Budget Survey MPA............ Ministry of Public Administration KP................ Kosovo Police REKOS......... Population and Housing Census 2011

Introduction remarks.................................................................................. 76 Some important facts ................................................................................ 79 Population ................................................................................................. 83 Health......................................................................................................... 95 Education.................................................................................................. 103 Social Protection....................................................................................... 111 Judiciary. ................................................................................................... 117 Employment............................................................................................. 123 Earnings and Pensions.............................................................................. 131 Time Use . ................................................................................................ 135 Decision-Making ..................................................................................... 141




Population Population
Population estimates are based on the results of population counts and on the annual results of the statistics of natural and mechanical changes in population (internal migrations). Population projections present the projected number of inhabitants for the referent year. The published data is calculated as a medium low variant. This variant is a combination of hypotheses regarding the medium low fertility rates, changeable mortality rates and changeable migrations in the projection period. Population by family structure consists of the population referenced to sex, marriage and kinship characteristics. Migrant population includes persons who have changed their place of residence in the referent year. The mean age of population represents the median age in the referent year. Total fertility rate presents the total number of live-born children per woman aged 1549.

Population by censuses
1,000,000.00 900,000.00 800,000.00 700,000.00 600,000.00 500,000.00 400,000.00 300,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 1953 1961 Male 1971 Female 1981 2011

Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


Population pyramid 1953
65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000






Population pyramid 1961

65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000







Population Population pyramid 1971

65 + 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 120,000 80,000 40,000





Population pyramid 1981

70-74 60-64 50-54 40-44 30-34 20-24 10-14 0-4 120,000 80,000 40,000






Population pyramid 2011
80+ 70-74 60-64 50-54 40-44 30-34 20-24 10-14 0-4 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011





Mean age of population, by sex and censuses

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1953 1961 Male
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


1981 Female



Population by census year and age
600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Female 1971
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

0-4 15-59 60+


Female 1981


Female 2011


Population 15+, Family nuclei by type of family nucleus 2011

TYPE OF FAMILY NUCLEUS Husband-wife with certificate Without resident children With at least one resident child < 25 years of age Youngest resident son/daughter 25 or older Husband-wife without certificate Without resident children With at least one resident child < 25 years of age Youngest resident son/daughter 25 or older Lone father With at least one resident child < 25 years of age Youngest resident son/daughter 25 or older Lone mother With at least one resident child < 25 years of age Youngest resident son/daughter 25 or older
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

FAMILY NUCLEI 343,650 62,062 258,606 22,982 34,627 9,208 25,073 346 4,623 2,837 1,786 32,190 22,827 9,362


Migrants, by sex
14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Male
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


Migrant population, by age and sex

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0

Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011



Marriages by age-groups and sex 2011
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Female
Source: Statistics of Marriages in Kosovo 2011

35-39 Male




Marriages and divorces, in thousands by sex, 2004, 2006 and 2011

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2004 Marriages per 1000 inhabitants
Source: Statistics of Marriages and Divorces in Kosovo


2011 Divorces per 1000 inhabitants


Basic indicators on marriages and divorces 2004, 2006, 2011 2004
Marriages per 1000 inhabitants Divorces per 1000 inhabitants Divorces per 1000 marriages Average duration of marriage (years) Mean age of womens in marriage Mean age of mens in marriage
Source: Statistics of Marriages and Divorces in Kosovo 2004, 2066 and 2011

7.5 0.7 93.5 5-9 27.0 30.3

10 0.8 84.7 5-9 28.0 32.0

8.3 0.6 76.1 5-9 27.0 30.3

Fertility rates by years, 1973-2010

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1999 2003 2009 2010 Fertility
Source: Vital Statistics and DSRH Surveys


Live births by sex, 2002-2011 (in thousands)
25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Male
Source: Statistics of births in Kosovo, 2002-2011


Live births by mothers mean age and marital status, 2002-2011

Year 2002 2006 2011 Married 19,374 18,142 20,570 Unmarried 2,473 13,816 13,671 Unknown 14,288 2,229 0 Ilegjitim 0 0 21 Mothers mean age 28.1 27.3 28.1

Source: Statistics of births in Kosovo, 2002-2011


Mean age of mothers at birth of first child, 2002-2011
14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -14 15-19 20-24 25-29 2002
Source: Statistics of births in Kosovo, 2002, 2006 and 2011



40-44 2011


50 +

E pa njohur



The population density by region, age-group 0-14 to population in %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Dean Gjakov Gllogoc Gjilan Dragash Istog Kaanik Klin Fush Kosov Kamenic Mitrovic

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Leposaviq Lipjan Novobrd Obiliq Rahovec Pej Podujev Pristina Prizren Skenderaj Shtime

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Shtrpc Suharek Ferizaj Viti Vushtrri Zubin Potok Zvean Malishev Junik Mamush Hani i Elezit

34 35 36 37

Graanic Ranillug Partesh Kllokot





Health Life expectancy of women/men is the mean age to which a live-born child (Womenle/male), born in the referent year, is expected to live. Life expectancy of women and men aged 65 shows the remaining number of years that 65-year-old persons are expected to live in the referent year. Modern contraception methods refer to usage of condoms, the pill, intrauterine spirals, local chemical products and diaphragms. Traditional contraception methods refer to infertile days and deliberately interrupted sexual intercourse (coitus interruptus). The main cause of death is defined as the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accidents or violence which produced the fatal injury. Mortality rates by cause of death presents the total number of deaths, due to a specific cause, per 100,000 inhabitants, in the referent year. The infant mortality rate represents the number of infant deaths (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births in the referent year.

Life expectancy of women and men

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1952-54 1960-62 1970-72 Female
Source: Statistical yearbook 1989

1980-82 Male



Contraceptive Methods used by womens 15-49 years
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
Source: Demographic Social and Reproductive Health Survey in Kosovo 2009

Using Contraception, by Method Type

Modern methods 15% Not using 41%

Traditional methods 44%

Source: Demographic Social and Reproductive Health Survey in Kosovo 2009


Percentage Distribution of Women Using Contraception, by Decision-Making, According to Age, Residence, Marital Status
Characteristic and age 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Total Urban Rural Married Single Personal 10.0 7.2 7.6 8.0 6.3 5.7 7.4 8.0 6.3 9.0 5.4 9.8 Husbands Joint / Partners 3.4 85.6 2.7 89.9 5.6 86.8 6.7 84.7 6.3 86.8 6.6 86.8 7.4 85.2 4.7 86.8 Residence 4.2 88.8 5.0 85.6 Marital Status 6.3 88.2 3.8 85.6 Other 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.0 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.8 Number of women 951 704 486 373 302 228 271 3.315 1.212 2.103 1.259 1.925

Source: Demographic Social and Reproductive Health Survey in Kosovo 2009

Percentage Distribution of Women Not Using Contraceptives by the Reason For Not Using, According to Marital Status,
Breastfeeding child Religious reasons Heath reasons Want to have children Pregnant Cannot become pregnant No sexual relationship

Single Married

Living together






Source: Demographic Social and Reproductive Health Survey in Kosovo 2009


Deaths by main causes of death, age and sex, 2010
Causes of death Tumors Total Age-group and sex Other causes 128 147 9 11 14 14 31 56 218 259 Other causes 158 191 9 17 17 10 29 44 207 232 Illnesses of bloodstream
External causes of morbidity and mortality

0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+

Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

160 206 28 68 32 49 261 483 1732 2260

16 30 3 5 8 12 155 289 1292 1504

6 7 4 8 4 6 65 106 149 353

Illnesses of respiratory organs 7 11 4 5 6 3 6 23 65 113

3 11 8 39 0 14 4 9 8 31

Source: Causes of Death in Kosovo 2010

Deaths by main causes of death, age and sex, 2011

Causes of death Illnesses of bloodstream Tumors Total Age-group and sex
External causes of morbidity and mortality

0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+

Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

198 230 40 91 100 151 294 541 1664 2187

20 19 12 32 49 66 153 299 1199 1455

3 3 3 6 25 27 89 146 162 364

Illnesses of respiratory organs 10 6 4 7 4 7 18 22 80 111

7 11 12 29 5 41 5 30 16 25

Source: Causes of Death in Kosovo 2011


Violent deaths by sex, year 2010
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 fatality Male
Source: Statistics of Deaths in Kosovo 2010

suicide Female


Violent deaths by sex, year 2011

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 fatality Male
Source: Statistics of Deaths in Kosovo 2011

suicide Female



Deaths in Kosovo by sex and years, 2002 - 2011
5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Male
Source: Statistics of Deaths in Kosovo, 2002 - 2011







Deaths by age-group and sex, 2011

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-2Male
Source: Statistics of Deaths in Kosovo, 2011








Infant mortality by sex and years, 2002,2006 and 2011
250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 Male
Source: Statistics of Deaths in Kosovo, 2011

2006 Female






Education Education Primary education coverage of children aged 6 is the number of children aged 6 enrolled in primary school as a percentage of the total population of children of this age. Primary education coverage of children aged 614 is the number of children aged 614 enrolled in primary school as a percentage of the total population of children of this age. Literacy of pupils aged 15 (in the fields of Reading, Mathematics and Science) denotes the results obtained at the international Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. The testing covers full-time 15-year-old pupils (mostly pupils in the first grade of secondary school) and the results serve to assess the knowledge the pupils acquired during their schooling. Secondary education coverage of children aged 15 is the number of children aged 15 enrolled in secondary school as a percentage of the total population of children of this age. Secondary education coverage of children aged 1518 is the number of children aged 1518 enrolled in secondary school as a percentage of the total population of children of that age. Primary and secondary education graduates are pupils who completed the eighth grade of primary school and pupils who completed the third or fourth grade of secondary school (depending on the duration of the educational profile in which they were enrolled). Primary and secondary school teachers are all the teachers employed in primary and secondary schools, both full-time and part-time. Students enrolled in tertiary education are persons enrolled in firstdegree academic studies, first-degree vocational studies, seconddegree academic studies (Masters), specialist academic studies, specialist vocational studies and doctoral academic studies. Graduates are persons who obtain vocational qualifications, a university degree, or an art academy diploma.


Population aged 15- 64 years by sex and completed education level
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No education Primary Lower secondary
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

Upper secondary



Illiterate by sex and census years (Population aged 10+)

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1971 1981
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011



Number of educators and number of preschool children in the years 2010-2011
Female Male

Childrens Educators
Source: KAS, Education Statistics 2010-2011

11,709 1,256

12,946 47

Population attending school by age and sex

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6-9 10-14 15-19
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011





Pupils, according to completed classes of academic year by sex, 2010-2011 Diplomas Elementary Secondary 2010 Female 16,659 10,902 Male 17,880 11,987 Female 16,253 10,327 2011 Male 17,347 11,106

Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011

Teacher by sex and level of education 2010-2011 Msues Elementary Secondary 2010 Female 8,150 2,134 Male 9,706 3,823 Female 8,376 2,237 2011 Male 9,446 3,858

Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011

School dropouts by sex and academic year Academic year 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 Female 1,246 1,665 1,400 1,554 1,315 Male 976 459 1,130 1,954 1,941 % Female 57 78 55 44 40 Male 43 22 45 56 60

Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011


Number of students enrolled in tertiary education by sex 2010 - 2011
19500 19000 18500 18000 17500 17000 16500 16000 Female
Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011


Number of students enrolled by discipline and sex

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011



University graduates by sex, 2006-2011
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2006-2007 2007-2008
Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011



Postgraduate degree / PhD by sex in the period 1 October 2011 30 September 2012 Fakulteti
Natural and Mathematical Sciences Economics Electrical and Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medicine Mining and metallurgy Total
Source: University of Prishtina Central Administration

Sex Male
4 4 3 1 0 5 17

2 2 1 0 2 0 7

6 6 4 1 2 5 24


Pupils registered in special schools by sex and education level 2006-2011
Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Primary and lower secondary special education by sex Female 272 276 280 280 287 Male 456 446 472 511 520 Pupils in upper secondary special education by sex Female 34 55 32 38 36 Male 52 114 51 56 62

Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011

Pupils registered in vocational schools by sex and year

Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011
Source: KAS, Education Statistics, 2010 - 2011

Number of pupils in vocational schools by sex Female 19,545 20,102 21,283 21,011 23,788 Male 30,528 32,831 33,790 32,533 35,724


Social Protection



Social Protection
Social Protection Social protection consists of organised social activities of public interest carried out with the aim of empowering citizens to lead an independent and productive life in the community, preventing the emergence of social exclusion and eliminating its consequences. Beneficiaries of social protection institutional accommodation are persons who cannot be accommodated with their biological or another family, or provided with community services, or for whom such arrangements would not be in their best interest. Social protection institutions for the accommodation of beneficiaries include institutions for the accommodation of children without parental care, support centres for foster care, correctional institutions for children and youth, homes for the elderly and pensioners, and institutions for the accommodation of persons with developmental disabilities.


Social Protection
Population in institutional households by age, sex and type of institutional household
TYPE OF INSTITUTIONAL HOUSEHOLD Residence for students Hospital, sanatorium, convalescent home Eestablishment for disabled, psychiatric institution Old peoples home Childrens home, orphanage Military and police barracks Prison, reformatory 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 65+ 0 0 5 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Sex 0-4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5-9 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1


0 0 66 48 78 109 51 71

0 0 6 8 0 2 0 0 9 3 0 0 0

0 0 4 5 5 3 0 0 6 3 0 0 0

0 0 3 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

0 0 2 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

0 0 1 5 4 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 9 1

0 0 7 4

0 0 8 1

0 0 7 3 9

0 0 2 4

8 10 10

8 11

9 11 19 13 13 16 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

5 41 3 60

34 10 29 19 0 0 25 797 72 28 0 0 0 0 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

2 36 97 163 162 108 71 60 38 27 15 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 12 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Monastery, convent

Worker dormitory

Refugee camps


337 10 15 15 16 20 21 17 27 33 29 31 17 23 63


M 1086 25 10 15 47 104 174 177 120 94 86 63 45 40 86 T 1423 35 25 30 63 124 195 194 147 127 115 94 62 63 149

Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


Social Protection
Persons temporarily present in collective living quarters by age and sex
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0-14 15-29 30-44 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011




Children in orphanage or Childrens home by age and sex

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0-4 5-9 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

10-14 Male



Social Protection
Gender structure of employees in the health institutions, secondary and tertiary level
Ministry of Health and health institutions (tertiary and secondary level) Ministry of Health (Central Administration) University Clinical Centre Stomatology Clinical Centre Family Medicine centre in Kosovo NMPA NCBT NPHI MFMC-Gjakova Mental health-Prishtina Mental health-Peja Mental health-Gjakova Mental health-Gjilan Mental health-Prizren Mental health-Mitrovica Mental health-Ferizaj MC. Sports Regional Hospital Gjilan Regional Hospital Prizren Regional Hospital Gjakova Regional Hospital Peja Regional Hospital Mitrovica Hospital in Vushtrri Hospital in Ferizajt Office of the Minister Doctors in specialty Health administration Inspectorates, healthcare, pharmaceutical Okopacional health program
Telemedicine Center and Division of Care

Sex Female 62 1922 52 3551 71 53 157 153 136 114 161 133 125 42 30 24 266 401 327 321 169 96 149 262 62 16 59 56 66 9036 Male 56 893 98 1884 67 59 130 81 3 23 43 23 35 133 227 77 128 43 30 76 10 184 56 19 27 29 67 4501

Primary health care and other programs Total

Source: Health statistics, 2011


Social Protection
Usually resident population by difficulties
12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Female 0-14 Male Female Male Female Male Female 60+ Male 15-44 45-59

Deafness or severe hearing impairment Blindness or severe visual impairment Substantial limits in basic physical activities Learning or intellectual disability Psychological or emotional difficulty Other, including any long-standing illness
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011





Judiciary Judiciary Convicted person is a person found guilty and sentenced for the offence in question by courts of general jurisdiction in the relevant year. Convicted minor is a person aged between 14 and 18 years at the time the crime was committed, who perpetrated a criminal offence and was sentenced to juvenile imprisonment or an educational measure. Convicted adult is an adult perpetrator pronounced guilty and sentenced. Adult perpetrators of criminal offences are those who, at the moment the criminal offence was committed, were over the age of 18.


Number of juveniles convicted by sex and years
Years of convicted 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: Statistics of Jurisprudence, 2011

Municipal courts Male 637 706 637 329 366 Female 11 13 13 9 9

District courts Male 73 63 78 83 177 Female 3 3

Adults convicted in municipal courts and Distric court by sex and years
Years of convicted 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: Statistics of Jurisprudence, 2011

Municipal courts Male 10,647 10,384 10,401 7,711 15,288 Female 449 401 445 363 594

District courts Male 2,142 1,648 1,753 1,396 1,890 Female 52 39 52 33 39


Juveniles convicted according to type of offence by sex
Type of criminal offense Criminal offences against international law Criminal offences against life and body Criminal offences against liberties and rights of persons Criminal offences against exual integrity Criminal Offences Against Public Health Criminal offences against the economy Criminal offences against property Criminal offences against the environment, animals, plants and cultural objects Criminal offences against the general security of people and property Criminal offences against security of public traffic Criminal offences against the administration of justice Criminal offences against kosovo and its rasidents
Source: Statistics of jurisprudence for juveniles 2011

Male 2 102 6 4 4 1 201 20 6 16 1 3

Female 3 1 4 1 -


Family violence by gender, 2010/2011






400 Men

500 Women





Source: KP, Directorate for serious crimes, 2010 dhe 2011

Family violence reported by regions and gender, 2010

Ferizaj Gjilan Mitrovic Pej Prizeren Pristina 0 50 Men
Source: KP, Directorate for serious crimes, 2010

100 Women




Percentages of Respondents Age 15 and Older Who Approved of Domestic Violence (Summarised Indicator), by Sex and Education
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 No Education Primary Lower Secondary-Lower Secondary-Higher Men Women University

Source: Demographic, Social and Reproductive Health Survey in Kosovo





Employment Employment
Active population (labour force) includes all employed and unemployed persons aged 15 and over. Inactive population consists of population aged 15+ who were not categorized under active population. The formally employed are persons who entered into employment with an employer (enterprise, institution, cooperative or other organization and entrepreneur) on the basis of a written contract of employment for a definite or indefinite period of time and who have social and legal protection. They include: employees in legal entities, entrepreneurs, persons employed by entrepreneurs and persons who perform their profession independently. The term employed in the Labour Force Survey implies persons who, in the week observed, did some work for remuneration (in money or in kind) for at least an hour, and also employed persons who were absent from work in the respective week. The term employed in legal entities includes employees in companies, enterprises, institutions, cooperatives and other organizations in the formal sector. The term unemployed in the Labour Force Survey means persons who, in the respective week, did no work for remuneration and who did not have a job from which they were absent and to which they could return after the leave. However, this is subject to the following: In the last four weeks, these persons undertook active steps to find a job and if a job was offered, they would start within two weeks time; In the last four weeks, these persons undertook no active steps to find a job, since they had already found a job and were about to start working after the respective week and within the following three months at the latest. Registered unemployed are persons aged 15 to 65 who are capable of work and ready to work, who are not employed or have otherwise acquired the right to work, and who are registered as unemployed with the National Employment Service and are actively seeking work. Activity rate represents the percentage share of the active population in the total population aged 15 and over. Inactivity rate is the percentage share of the inactive population in the total population aged 15 and over. Employment rate is the percentage share of the employed in the total population aged 15 and over. Unemployment rate is the percentage share of the unemployed in the total


number of active population. Long-term unemployment rate is the percentage of those who have been unemployed for a year or longer in the total active population. Informal employment rate is the percentage of persons who perform informal (unreported) work out of the total number of employees. Unreported work includes employed in an unregistered company, employed in a registered company, but without a formal employment contract and without social and pension insurance and unpaid contributing household members. Full-time equivalent (FTE) is a unit of measure that expresses the number of persons that would be engaged in scientific research if those persons were employed full-time. It is calculated as the share of actual working hours in the full working-hours quota, and only for those persons who work less than full-time (less than 90% and more than 10%) or are engaged under contractual agreement or authors contract.

Labour market
Population aged 15 years and over Population economically active % of economically active on population aged 15 years and over % of women among population economically active Employed % of employed on population 15 years and over % of women among employed on population 15 years and over % of employed in agriculture % of women among employed in agriculture % of employed in industrial sector % of women among employed in industrial sector % of employed in other activities % of women among employed in other activities Unemployed % of unemployed on population economically active % of women among unemployed
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

1,252,248 508.100 40.6 29.1 280.454 22.4 5.2 4.4 0.2 15.3 1.8 80.3 21.4 227.646 44.8 36.0


Population economically active by group age and sex
60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011



Unemplyed by age-group and sex

50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011




Inactive population by functional category and sex
65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


Employed by age-group and sex

90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011




Employed by education level and sex
Postgraduate degree / PhD Postgraduate degree /master Degree bachelor Post-secondary vocational Upper secondary Lower secondary Primary education Not completed education 0 40000 Female
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

80000 Male



Employed by occupation and sex


Security Elementary occupations




Plant and machine operators and assemblers Craft and related trades workers Skilled agricolture and fishery workers Service workers and shop and market sales workers Clerks Techinicians and associated professionals Professionals Male Female Legislators, senio officials and managers


Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


Employed by employment status and sex
Employment status in the main job Employee Employer Self-employed Assisting relatives in family business Not available Total
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

Sex Male 167,716 12,375 30,291 4,030 323 214,735 Female 59,286 1,132 3,707 1,427 167 65,719 Total 227,002 13,507 33,998 5,457 490 280,454

Employed by main industry and sex

Main industry Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles and personal and household goods Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and communication Financial intermediation Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Health and social work Other community, social and personal service activities Activities of households Extra-territorial organizations and bodies Total
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

Gjinia Meshkuj 11,744 19 2,565 25,862 9,393 23,016 39,663 13,001 12,552 3,731 8,740 23,922 19,091 6,356 8,987 1,139 4,954 214,735 Femra 619 1 92 4,171 861 568 11,910 1,921 1,964 2,572 1,997 8,229 14,070 10,143 4,277 344 1,980 65,719 Totale 12,363 20 2,657 30,033 10,254 23,584 51,573 14,922 14,516 6,303 10,737 32,151 33,161 16,499 13,264 1,483 6,934 280,454


Employed and mobility
In Kosovo, different municipality from the one of current usual residence

In Kosovo, same municipality as current usual residence but different settlement

In Kosovo, same municipality and settlement as current usual residence

0 Male
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

50000 Female



Employed by place of work and sex

Other country Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Albania 0 1000 2000 Male
Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011

3000 Female





Earnings and Pensions



Earnings and Pensions Earnings and Pensions

According to code of the Labor Law, an employees earnings include: the remuneration which includes taxes and contributions paid from the earnings by the employee for work performed and time spent at work; raised earnings; earnings compensation and other income (except: personal local public transport financial support and time spent on business trips in the country and abroad, pension indemnity, solidarity assistance, jubilee premium and compensation in case of death and compensation for damages due to occupational injury or occupational disease). KAS calculates average earnings from the total sum of monthly earnings paid out in the reporting month, divided by the number of (formal) employees according to personnel records of legal entities and entrepreneurs who submit data. Average earnings of employees in legal entities differ from the overall average earnings in that they do not include the salaries of those employed by entrepreneurs. Average salaries of formal employees can be shown by sex only for employees in legal entities, because their salaries are ascertained through statistical survey. Salaries of the employed by entrepreneurs are obtained on the basis of data from the records of the Tax Administration, which does not provide data disaggregated by sex. Education (qualification) level required to perform certain jobs and tasks is the level of education determined for a position (by a general act, or job classification act). Pension is a monthly cash benefit to which an individual is entitled in respect of insurance for old age, disability, death and physical impairment. There are three categories of pensions: old age, disability and family pension.


Earnings and Pensions

Sources of individual income within categories in Kosovo by sex and years, % of revenue
Source of income Net wages and fees earned in Kosovo, without net tax Incomes from per diem Rent, dividents, interest (from savings in the bank) Benefits from social welfare Pensions from Kosovo Pensions from abroad The money sent in cash from Kosovo Net income from self business in Kosovo Cash remittances from abroad by the members present / present / (wages, transfers, etc.) Cash remittances from the diaspora from other people Income from agriculture Other Total in million
Source: Household Budget Survey 2010 and 2011

2010 Male 74 98 95 65 60 81 70 92 76 77 100 76 1,164 Female 26 2 5 35 40 19 30 8 24 23 0 24 299

2011 Male 80 99 95 75 60 85 77 95 81 70 98 75 1,251 Female 20 1 5 25 40 15 23 5 19 30 2 25 258


Earnings and Pensions

First main source of livelihood for women and man in Kosovo
1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0


Property or Pension investments

Social care

Other Remittances Support by transfers from other abroad persons

Other sources

Source: Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011


Pensions according to months and payments by sex

M onths July August
Source: Social Welfare 2011

Female 8,322 8,338 8,386

Male 9,248 9,163 9,219

Ppayments in 882,270 866,160 880,020



Time Use



Time Use Time Use

Average time is the average time spent on certain activities by all persons. Proportion of doers is the number of persons undertaking a specified activity, expressed as the percentage of all persons. Average time for doers is the average time that persons undertaking a specified activity spend on the activity. Activities are activities (actions) aggregated at the highest level, performed by respondents during the day. Paid work consists of time spent at main and second job, lunch breaks during working hours, travel to/from work and other related activities. Unpaid work consists of managing food, taking care of textiles, household upkeep and management, gardening and pet care, construction and repairs, shopping and services, child care, other household and family care activities and travel related to household and family care activities. Personal care refers to sleeping, eating, washing, dressing and other personal care activities.


Time Use
Total work volume for men by age and type, hours
15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0 2 4 Formal work
Source: Household Budget Survey

6 Household work


Total work volume for women by age and type, hours

15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0 2 4 Formal work
Source: Household Budget Survey

6 Household work



Time Use
Time use by sex, average for work days

Sleeping Eating Personal care School Employment Ad hoc work Own business Farming Construction Shopping Sewing Cooking Domestic work Caring Walking Traveling TV Reading Familly Excercise Visits Hobby Other 0 1 2 3 Men
Source: Household Budget Survey

4 Women


Time Use
Time spent on personal care and development by sex and age
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sleep Eat Women
Source: Household Budget Survey

Exercise Men




Time Use
Leisure time by sex
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Walk TV Read Women
Source: Household Budget Survey

Family Men







Decision-Making Decision-Making
Data on the members of the Government and state secretaries refers to the period after the reconstruction of the Government undertaken in March 2011.

Women in decision-making
2010 High level Female Ministries Municipalities Total In %
Source: MPS, DCSA

2011 High level Female 81 31 112 13 Male 415 327 742 87 Level managers Female 494 385 879 26 Male 964 1578 2542 74

Level managers Female 257 361 618 23 Male 617 1498 2115 87

Male 265 292 557 88

53 26 79 12


Emplyed in KAS by age-group and sex
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 < 29 30-40 41-45 46-50 Female
Source: KAS








Agjencija e Statistikave t Kosovs prshkrim i shkurtr

Agjencija e Statistikave t Kosovs, sht institucion profesional, i cili vepron q nga viti 1948 dhe ka kaluar disa faza historike, i strukturuar sipas rregullimit shtetror t asaj kohe. M 2 Gusht 1999, Agjencioni ka rifilluar punn profesionale, si i pavarur n kuadr t Ministris s Administrats Publike. Agjencioni financohet nga Buxheti i Konsoliduar i Kosovs dhe donator pr projekte t veanta. Agjencia e Statistikave t Kosovs vepron sipas Ligjit Nr. 04/L-036 i cili ka hyr n fuqi me 12.12.2011. Plani zhvillimor strategjik 2009-2013 sht n implementim afatmesm pr zhvillimin e sistemit statistikor n korrelacion me Statistikat e Bashksis Evropiane (EUROSTAT-it). Misioni i Entit, sht q t prmbush nevojat e prdoruesve me t dhna statistikore objektive dhe analiza t rregullta n mnyr q t prkrah departamentet qeveritare, tu siguroj informata t duhura pr vendim-marrsit si dhe prdoruesit tjer n Kosov. Adresa: Agjencia e Statistikave t Kosovs Rr.Zenel Salihu Nr.4, Prishtin Telefonat: +381 (0) 31 104 Kryeshefi ekzekutiv : +381 (0) 38 200 31 132 Fax: +381 (0) 38 235 033 E-mail: Ueb-faqe:

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