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AUGUST, 1912.

[No. 591 i


By J. C. Moulton, B.Sc, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S.,
Curator of the Sarawak Museum.
Just as the Galapagos Isles will always be famous for the birth of Darwin's great theory of
Natural Selection, just as Ternate will always share this fame as the birthplace of the same idea to
Wallace, so too, should Sarawak be remembered in connection with Wallace's earlier essay on the
Origin of Species,1 which foreshadowed that written three years later in Ternate, and read before the
Linnean Society in conjunction with Darwin's essay in 1858.
During Wallace's travels in the Malay Archipelago, lasting over eight years, the great naturalist
spent fifteen months in Sarawak, nine of which he spent at Simunjan, which he describes as the best
collecting-ground for insects found in all his travels, and, as most readers will remember, he gives
some astonishing figures to illustrate this. Besides this, he also spent four weeks on a mountain
called Serambu, not far from Kuching, the capital of Sarawak; this was from December, 1855, to
January, 1856. His essay was written in February, 1855, at Santubong, the Sarawak seaside resort,
and was published in September, 1855. As he
tells us in his 'Life,' 1905 (p. 354), through
many evenings and wet days in solitude he used
to " ponder over the problem which was rarely
absent from my thoughts," and there is little
doubt that the quiet time spent on Peninjau (a
spur of Serambu) enabled him to put in many
quiet hours of wrestling with the all-absorbing
riddle. It was therefore with feelings of the
liveliest interest that I first beheld Mt. Serambu,
just three [[p214]] years ago (February, 1909),
and had soon determined to go to that
mountain, find the very spot, if possible, where
Wallace lived, spend the same months there as
Wallace did, and devote myself to catching
insects just in the same way that he did. To
hopes of thinking out another epoch-making
theory I did not aspire, but I did hope that my
collection of insects would not fall far short of
those recorded by him, and in this I was not
disappointed. Circumstances prevented me
from going to Serambu until January of this Mr. H. W. Smith and Dayaks on the actual site
year (1912), and it was with the keenest occupied by Wallace in 1856. Note two posts
anticipation that I started from Kuching at 3
of house in foreground, and the density of
p.m. On January 19th in the Borneo Company's
jungle grown up since the house was last
little steam-launch ' Patricia.' My companions
for the trip were Mr. Harrison W. Smith, who
was as desirous as I "to step where Wallace trod," two museum collectors (Sea-Dayaks), two LandDayaks, and our two Chinese boys. A three hours' journey up-river in the launch brought us to
1 " On the Law which has Regulated the Introduction of New Species," published in ' Annals and
Magazine of Natural History,' September, 1855, and reprinted as Essay I. in ' Contributions to the
Theory of Natural Selection,' by the same author, 1870

Busau, once a populous place on account of the antimony works. From here we walked some three
or four miles to a place called Paku, where we had arranged to spend the night in the Government
bungalow. Unfortunately, as the sun set soon after 6 p.m., we soon found ourselves stumbling along
a slippery path in the dark, which was made no nicer by a heavy downpour of rain. Our luggage and
retinue followed on little trolley-cars, arriving about 10 p.m., after successfully negotiating sundry
little differences of opinion between the car and the line, which, while adding character to the line,
at the same time serve to distinguish it from our memories of the London to Bath portion of the
Great Western Railway.
At Paku the mountain faced us due east, and we learnt that there were two sites of former
bungalows, one to the south, where a resident of this district used to spend some days, and the other
on the northern end of the mountain on a spur called Peninjau; this was the site of the old bungalow
built by the Rajah. The Dayaks who had come down to fetch our baggage explained that nothing
was left of either of these bungalows, and that both sites were all overgrown, especially the latter,
which they said was indistinguishable now from the old jungle. However, this last was our
objective, so off we started that morning, and after an hour and a half of hot walking we came to a
Dayak village on the lower slopes of the mountain; here we deposited our baggage, and, taking
three men with us, Mr. Smith and I proceeded on up to explore, or rather to see how far the
Dayaks could be believed in their account of the place. Just above the village the path lay over some
huge boulders, and these had been bridged by a series of bamboos placed end on; some of these
were notched to give a foothold, others were not; to some were attached hand-rails, to others not.
Having respectfully and successfully negotiated this portion of the Dayak [p 215 ] highway, we
came by a steep but easier path to a deserted village, which, situated as it was on the steep slope of
the hill, surrounded by the stately trees characteristic of old jungle, and itself overgrown by a quickspreading green garment of creeper and
undergrowth, made a pretty picture, and my friend
was not slow to take the opportunity of
photographing it. A few minutes further brought us
to the end of our journeya fine mangosteen tree
loaded with some of the most delicious fruit
imaginable. Our Dayak guides said this was where
the bungalow used to be, and after a little search we
discovered the six posts on which the raised floor
had rested; between them grew a fine young tree
just three feet in circumference at the base, and the
whole place was, as the Dayaks had said, just like
ordinary jungle. Except for those six posts and two
boards used for steps, not a trace of the bungalow
was left. 2
We returned that afternoon and slept the night at
The same spot after being cleared by Dayaks.
the Dayak house. Next morning we ascended the
Our hut in process of erection.
2 Wallace's description of his visit there is given in his ' Malay Archipelago ' (10th ed. 1902, pp. 6367). I quote the following lines descriptive of the place :
" This is a very steep pyramidal mountain of crystalline basaltic rock about a thousand feet high,
and covered with luxuriant forest. There are three Dayak villages upon it, and on a little platform
near the summit is the rude wooden lodge where the English Rajah was accustomed to go for
relaxation and cool fresh air. It is only twenty miles up the river, but the road up the mountain is a
succession of ladders on the face of precipices, bamboo bridges over gullies and chasms, and
slippery paths over rocks and treetrunks and huge boulders as big as houses. A cool spring under an
overhanging rock just below the cottage furnished us with refreshing baths and delicious drinking
water, and the Dayaks brought us daily heaped-up baskets of Mangusteens and Lansats, two of the
most delicious of the subacid tropical fruits."

hill again, this time accompanied by twenty-one Dayaks, who, after carrying up our baggage, spent
some hours clearing the site and building us a house. This was built on much grander lines than is
usual for these jungle shelters, and for those unacquainted with this style of domicile the following
details may be of interest :Six poles were first driven into the ground, three to mark each end of
the house, which then measured 13 ft. x 10 ft. Two feet above the ground poles were tied across
these ends, and others laid at right angles to them, supported by more cross poles on forked stakes
underneath. Bamboos were then laid close together to form a floor, while the walls were formed of
the same useful material split lengthwise, and then more bamboos laid across the top supported our
kadjang roof3. We were a bit short of these kadjangs, but luckily my friend had brought a
tarpaulin, so we were able to make our little hut very fairly watertight. Except for the " kadjangs "
and tarpaulin which we brought from Kuching, all the materials for the house (which contained no
nail or cord) were provided by the jungle.
A little way below the house was a huge overhanging rock, under which trickled a tiny stream; a
bamboo split down the middle formed an excellent water-pipe, carrying the water to a place under
which we could stand and bathe.

The huge rock (referred to by Wallace, St. John, and Beccari) under which we obtained
water for drinking and bathing purposes

3 "Kadjangs" are palm-leaves sewn together in a large square; they are in continual demand for hut
and boat coveringsin fact, anything which wants a temporary protection from the rain; they cost
about fourpence each.

Mindful of Wallace's warnings in the Malay Archipelago, and knowing from my own experience
how difficult it is to catch moths in a native-made hut roofed with leaves, I brought some old
packing-cases from Kuching, and these were brought up the hill in sections by Dayaks. When put
together and given a coat of whitewash they formed a very serviceable moth-trap. The rough
measurements of it were : 7 ft. high; across open front, 4 ft.; across back (boarded), 2 ft.; sides, 4 ft.;
a good reflector lamp placed on a split bamboo inside this kept us well supplied with moths each

Our improvised moth-trap. Collector (Sea-Dayak) standing

with Land-Dayak boy seated in front.

According to our aneroids, the height above the sea-level for this place was just under 1000 ft.,
and the summit of Mt. Serambu was 1340 ft. The temperature in the shade of our hut averaged
between 71-77 Fahr.; on one cold afternoon it went down to 69, and for two days it never went
above 73. These temperatures were almost suggestive of the North Pole after those registered at
Kuching, where 80-90 is the usual range, with an occasional rise to 96. As the wet monsoon lasts
from October to March, we could hardly expect to have other than a wet spell in January for our
trip, and for the last portion, at all events, of our stay there we had our full share of wet weather,
which accounts for the relatively small number of insects caught in the daytime, although it made
no difference to the numbers captured at night.

On the 21st we spent our first night on the spot where Wallace had dwelt just fifty-six years
before. Jungle life has been described so often before that there is no need for me to detail ours,
though let me remark that the best accounts give but a very small idea of the unique charm of life in
such surroundings. With the exception of a visit paid by Mr. Smith and myself to some caves in a
neighbouring hill, our party spent just a fortnight collecting on and round this place. Mr. Smith
unfortunately contracted fever, and had to return to Kuching on the 29th. The remainder of us
stayed up there until February 2nd, descending on that day by the Peninjau side to Siniawan, which
was a good deal shorter than the Paku route.
All inquiries of the older Dayaks failed to elicit any positive recollections of Wallace's visit here.
All they remembered was that the first Rajah, Sir James Brooke, had a bungalow built on this site
(which site, by the way, they say he purchased from the Peninjau Dayaks for one cannon), and that
he came here often [[p 217 ]] accompanied by European friends,* and that the present Rajah, Sir
Charles Brooke, did the same. Only a few remembered the Chinese rebellion in Sarawak, which
took place in 1857, and recollections of that great event seem to have swamped all memories of
events before it; so that Wallace's visit in January, 1856, must now be relegated to that great host of
events which took place in the irreclaimable past no longer within the memory of man.
"Eheu fugaces, Posthume, Posthume,
Labuntur anni" ii
[[p246 (Concluded from p. 217.) ]]
The fortnight on the mountain went by all too quickly, as most entomological expeditions only
too often do. If fine and a promising day generally, we would climb to the top and wait on a small
cleared spot up there for insects to visit us, but generally clouds and rain developed, preventing any
big captures there, although such spots are generally most productive in Sarawak. The clearing
round our hut produced most insects, but we also tried the lower slopes of the mountain with
varying success. At night time we were kept busy by the improvised light-trap, which we were told
afterwards was easily visible from Bau, some four miles down the valley to the south-west of us;
the light in our hut also attracted many moths. Sugar was tried, but without success. In our day at
the birds'-nest caves on Mt. Jibong we were astonished at the numbers of cockroaches swarming on
the sides of the caves and in the soft guano which filled the floor. These proved to be two species
Ischnoptera cavernicola, Shelford, and Periplaneta australasiae, Fab. The place seemed alive with
them, and, together with hundreds of screeching swifts, whirring bats, and the twinkling lights of
the Dayaks, whom we could just discern high up in the roof above us, clinging to a frail bamboo
scaffolding while they took the nests which are so highly prized by the Chinese epicure, formed an
interesting scene not easily forgotten.
[[p 247 ]]
On Serambu we prepared heaps of rotten fruit, which attracted a certain amount of small insects.
The small clearing made round our hut used to be quite gay with butterflies whenever the sun
was shining brightly, and I longed to see an attractive row of flowers planted, so as to bring these
beautiful creatures within easier reach of the net. As may be imagined, a chase in the jungle after
any coveted species can only be of the shortest, as the undergrowth and uncertainties of the ground,
once you leave a path, occupy all one's attention. Among the butterflies caught or noticed were the
following :
Danaini : the big, lazy-flying Hestia lynceus, Drury, Ideopsis daos, Boisd., and Danais aspasia,
Euploeini: Euploea Claudius mulciber, Cr., common.
Satyrina; : species of Mycalesis, Ypthima and Erites; a large Melanitis, apparently nearest to

zitenius, Herbst., which may be distinguished from the only other Bornean Melanitis {M. ismene,
Gr.), so common in Sarawak, by the presence of an orange apical band on fore wing instead of the
eye-spot below the apex of fore wing; in the Serambu specimen there is a faint orange apical band.
Elymniinae: Elymnias nigrescens, Butl., was very common in sunny clearings on the hillside; one
E. lais, Cr., was taken.
Amathusiinae : Zeuxidia amethystus, Butl., Z. doubledayi, Westw., and Amnosia baluana,
Fruhst., were taken near our hut in the shady part of the jungle; Thaumantis aliris, Westw., the
largest and most showy butterfly to be found in Borneo, except perhaps the big Troides species
(Papilioninae), was seen two or three times, once feeding on the remains of a dead chevrotain.
The Nymphalinae noted were : Cupha erymanthis lotis, Sulz., Cethosia hypsea, Doubl. and
Neptis spp.; Hypolimnas anomala, Wall., was common on the sunny paths at the foot of the
mountain, and easily distinguished in flight and at rest from its Euploeine models, although both
Euplceine and Nymphaline are characterized by a slow fearless flight. I noticed the Hypolimnas
almost invariably settled (or else immediately oriented itself) so that its wings were outspread on a
leaf with its head nearest to or actually on the edge of the leaf, the hinder part being nearest the base
or midrib of the leaf; I suppose this position enables it to fly off at quicker notice, and it is thus less
likely to be surprised. The dark Euthalias seemed to similarly orient themselves, and at first I
thought it was in order to obtain the full glare of the sun, but came to the conclusion that the sun had
nothing to do with it. Time after time I watched them fly towards a leaf, settle, " about turn," and
there they were "facing the enemy" in the same way that Hypolimnas did. There is more point in
this action with the Euthalias, as the males of the three commonest species in Sarawak have light
blue-grey hind marginal borders to both wings, which effectively merge in the ground colour of the
leaves on which they rest, thus leaving a [ [p248]] dark patch at the tip or edge of the leaf which
might well be taken for a piece eaten out of the edge or off the end of the leaf. The females are less
often seen, and I could make no observations on their rest attitudes.
The large Nymphaline, Parthenos sijlvia borneensis, Stand., occasionally flew by at a great
speed. One example of another swift-flying Nymphaline, rather Hesperid-like in flight, was taken,
Dicchoragia nesimachus mannus, Fruhst.; this is a rare species in Sarawak. Athyma nefte nivifera,
Butl., and A.abiasa, Moore, were common. Adolias canescens, Butl., was taken. The celebrated
leaf-butterfly, Kallima inachis buxtoni, Moore, was seen to settle on the trunk of a tree, but it
evaded capture.
LEMONIIDAE Zemeros emesioides eso, Frust., and Laxita orphna, Boisd., both common
species, were taken.
LYCAENIDAE. Megisba malaya, Horsf., Lycaenopsis plauta, Druce, Neopithecops zalmora,
Butl., Lampides zebra, Druce, L. coruscans, Moore, L. celeno, Cr. (a dwarf measuring only 21
mm.across the wings), Everes argiades, Pall., Dacalana vidura, Horsf. (a pair taken in cop.), two
examples of Horaga affinis, Druce, which is a rare mountain species confined to Borneo; and a
male of the pretty little Sinthusa amata, Dist., also a rare species in Sarawak.
PAPILIONIDAE. The Pierines noted were Terias hecabe, L., T. sari, Horsf., Catophaga plana,
Butl., and Delias metarete, Butl., a specimen of this last species with a large piece removed from
anal half of right hind wing and anal quarter of left hind wing, evidently bitten out by some bird or
lizard enemy. Two species of Papilionindae, P. helenus palawanicus, Stand., and P. nephelus
saturnus, Guer., were frequently seen. A male of the former was taken with a large piece removed
from the greater part of the left hind wing, and the inner margin of the right hind wing also bitten
away. Another Papilio, P. aristolochiae antiphus. Fab., was taken, showing a large symmetrical bite
removing tailed portion of both hind wings.
Two Hesperids, Tagiades waterstradti, Elwes, and Parnara moolata, Moore, were taken.
The moths, so far as I can identify them from the collection in the Sarawak Museum, include the
following. There are, however, many others which I have not been able to identify up to the moment
of writing. The majority of the following were taken at light :

SYNTOMIDAE.Syntomis egenaria, Wlk.

ARCTIIDAE. Nishada rotundipennis, Wlk., Ilema tortricoides, Wlk., I. plagiata, Wlk., I.
costalis, Wlk., I apicalis, Wlk., I. vicaria, Wlk., Padenia duplicana, Wlk., Darantasia cunciplena,
Wlk., Chionaema pudens, Wlk., C. conclusa, Wlk., C. subornata, Wlk., C. bianca, Wlk., Asura
obsoleta, Moore, A. cuneifera, Wlk., A. euprepioides, Wlk., A. stringipennis, Sch., A. bizonoides,
Wlk., [[p 249 ]] A, uniformeola, Hmpsn., Miltochrista cuneonotata, Wlk., M. cruciata, Wlk., M.
rubricostata, Sch., Eugoa aequalis, Wlk., E. vagigutta, Wlk., Hemonia orbiferana, Wlk., Diacrisia
strigatula, Wlk.
NOCTUIDAE. Ancara obliterans, Wlk., Flammona quadrifasciata, Wlk., Toxocampa dorsigera,
Wlk., Aquis viridisquama, Wlk., Doranaga leucospila, Wlk,, Ariola continua, Wlk., Risoha
diversipennis, Moore, Nyctipao crepuscidaris, L., Baniana crinigera, SwIdIi., Bocula
quadrilineata, Wlk., Remigia frugalis, Fab., Simplicia schaldusalis, Wlk., S. butesalis, Wlk., S.
circumscripta, Wlk., S. robustalis, Guen., Adrapsa geometroides, Wlk., Bocana silenusalis, Wlk.,
Bertula cassiusalis, Wlk., B. alphusalis, Wlk., Nodaria nigripes, Hmpsn., N. erecta, Moore.
LYMANTRIIDAE Orgyia nigrocrocea, Wlk., Lymantria similis, Moore, L. albicans, Wlk.,
Euproctis guttistriga, Wlk., E. guttulata, Snell., Redoa marginalis, Wlk.
AGANIDAE. Asota heliconia, Butl.
SPHINGIDAE. Daphnusa ocellaris, Wlk.
CYMATOPHORIDAE. Thyatira batis, L.
NOTODONTIDAE. Phalera sangana, Moore.
GEOMETRIDAE. Peratophyga renetia, Swinh., Luxiaria ditrota, Meyr., L. undulataria, Pag.,
L. nigripalparia, Wlk., L. turpisaria, Wlk., Zamarada translucida, Moore, Hyposidra talaca, Wlk.,
Ophthalmodes clararia, Wlk., Boarmia compactaria, Wlk., B. costaria, Guen., B. separata, Wlk.,
Panaethia maculifera, Wlk., Pomasia vernacularia, Guen., P. conferta, Swinh., Craspedia walkeri,
Butl., C. actuaria, Wlk., Problepsis deliaria, Guen., Agathea codina, Swinh., Hemithea graminea,
Hmpsn., Thalera unifascia, Hmpsn.
LIMACODIDAE Miresa bracteata, Butl.
ZYGAENIDAE. Chalcosia ficta, Wlk.
PYRALIDAE. Ramila acciusalis, Wlk., Vitessa suradeva, Moore, Ambia marginalis, Moore,
Piletocera aegiminsalis, Wlk., P. tellesalis, Wlk., Mabra fauculalis, Wlk., Eurrhyparodes
bracteolalis, Zell., Agrotera effertalis, Wlk., A. barcealis, Wlk., Aetholix flavibasalis, Guen., Ercta
elutalis, Wlk., Bocchoris telphusalis, Wlk., Dichocrocis clioalis, Wlk., D. pandamalis, Wlk., D.
megillalis, Wlk., Nacoleia poeonalis, Wlk., N. insolitalis, Wlk., N. marionalis, Wlk., Sylepta
multinealis , Guen., Glyphodes glauculalis, Guen., G. Niavalis, Feld., Pilocrocis anigrusalis, Wlk.,
Pionea aureolalis, Led.
Among insects of other Orders captured or noticed were the following :
RHYNCHOTA. Cicadidae : Scieroptera crocea, Guer., and Maua albiguttata, Wlk. I think it
was another example of this latter species that I tried to catch on a branch of a tree whither I had
been attracted by its shrill song. It flew off and continued its song for a moment or two while in
flight, much to my surprise, as I always thought a position of rest was necessary before any Cicadas
could make a noise. It returned later to the same tree, but I again missed it with the net, although it
allowed me to approach near enough to approximately identify it.
Four Fulgoridae were noted Thessitus nigronotatus, Stal, Pochazia fuscata, Fab., Ricania
convergens, Wlk., and R. limitaris, Wlk. Also five Cercopidae Suracarta tricolor basinotata,
Butl., Tricoscarta delineata, Wlk., Phymatostetha stellata, Guer., P. dislocata, Wlk., and
Opistharsotheus simulans, Schmidt. Specimens of the two common Jassids, Bhandara semiclara,
Sign., and Tettigoniella farinosa, Fab., were brought in by the collectors. The Pentatomids,
Chrysochoris auratus, Guer., Dalpada oculata, Fab., Plautia fimbriata, Fab.; the Reduviid,
Centrocnemis signoreti, Stal; the Coreid, Serinetha abdominalis, Fab.; and a Lygaeid, Narbo
biplagiatus, Wlk., were taken.

COLEOPTERA.Perhaps the most striking species taken were a large brilliant green Buprestid,
Chrysodema pyrosticta, Vollen., and a fine chocolate-brown Curculionid, which I found walking on
a large rock on the summit of the hill; this proved to be a rare species recently described by Dr. K.
M. Heller as Polriophorus stellatus.
Among the Longicorns were (Lamiidie), Leprodera fimbriata, Chev.; a large brown-spotted
beetle, Himantocera plumosa, Oliv.; Entelopes glauca, Gu6r., surely a mimic of some CoccinellidCassid combination; Praonetha quadraticollis, Pasc.; and a pair of a gorgeous blue species, Glenea
celia, Pasc, which I took in cop. on a fallen tree. Mr. Gahan kindly identified it for me, and I
understand it has not been recorded from Borneo before. (Cerambycidae), the common red
Euryphagus lundii, Fab., Xylotrechus pedestris, Pascoe, and X. scenicus, Pasc.
The brilliant little Cassidas were represented by Aspidomorpha sarawacensis, Spaeth, and
Laccoptera 13-punctata, Fab. Two species of Carabidae were taken Orthogonius vittatus, Main,
and Dischissus cereus, McL., the latter a rare species in Sarawak. The pretty little Cicindelid,
Odontachila {Heptadonta) analis, Fab., was common on the sandy path at the foot of the mountain,
flying in the sun, together with the ubiquitous Cicindela aurulenta, Fab., which is certainly the
commonest beetle in Sarawak.
One Endomychid, Eumorphus consobrinus, Gerst., and one Lampyrid, Luciola pallescens,
Gorh., were taken.
Sugaring trees was tried, but, as on previous occasions out here, proved a total failure, possibly
owing to moonlight nights, but more likely due to the swarms of ants which were always in a great
hurry for first place. Among them was that large species, Camponotus gigas, Latr., of which the big
headed soldiers, measuring an inch in length from head to end of abdomen, used to appear at night,
though we never saw them in the daytime. One of the Dayak collectors, annoyed at seeing several
visitors of [[p 251 ]] this kind instead of the desired moths, hit one with a stick, bursting the
bladder-like abdomen, whereupon some fluid squirted out and into his eye! He had a very painful
two days before his eye got all right again. A few earwigs attended the sugar repast; they were
Allodahlia scabriuscula, Serv., Cordax forcipatus, de Haan, Timomenus vicinus, Burr, and
Opisthocosmia centurio, Dohrn. all common species in Sarawak.
Sarawak: April, 1912.

By W. L. Distant.
Mr. Moulton has asked me to identify the four following species of Rhynchota which he collected
on this expedition, two of which are apparently undescribed, and the types are now in the British
Dalpada trimaculata.
Pentatoma 3-maculata, Westw., in Hope Cat. i. p. 41 (1837).
Already recorded from Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Philippines.
Hippotiscus scutellatus, sp.n.
Body above ochraceous, thickly darkly punctate; apex of scutellum cordately ivory white,
inwardly margined with black; body beneath pale ochraceous, the segmental incisures, spiracles,
and a transverse line beneath them dark castanoous; prosternum punctured with castaneous; legs
darker ochraceous; head short, broad, almost shorter than broad between the eyes, rounded at apex,
the margins moderately laminately reflexed, the lateral lobes slightly longer than the central; first
joint of antennae about reaching apex of head, second longer than third, fourth and fifth longest and
subequal, first, second, and third joints ochraceous, fourth and fifth dark castaneous; rostrum

castaneous, not extending beyond the intermediate coxae; pronotum with the lateral margins
rounded and laminate, anterior angles obtusely angulated, basal angles rounded and subprominent;
membranal veins simple; abdomen not spined at base, but second segment [[p252] ] slightly
convexly elevated at centre; mesosternum centrally carinate. Long. 13 millim. Exp. pronot. angl. 2
This genus was previously represented by a single Indian species.
Halyomorpha picus.
Cimex picus, Fabr., Ent. Syst. iv. p. 115 (1794).
A species common to the Oriental and Malayan regions, and found in China and Japan.
Glaucias montivagus, sp.n.
Above bright olivaceous green; head and anterior area of pronotum concavely extending to the
lateral anglespale testaceous; head with the margins narrowly, a puncture on each side of the
central lobe near eyes, and about four small spots near base, black; pronotum with about anterior
half of the lateral margin blackly punctate, a few scattered black punctures on the pale testaceous
area, and a series of black punctures on the anterior margin of the olivaceous green basal area;
antennae with the first, second, and third joints virescent, apex of the third black, fourth and fifth
subtestaceous, about apical third of fourth and nearly apical half of fifth black, third, fourth, and
fifth joints subequal in length; body beneath and legs virescent, paler than above; abdomen with a
series of small black spots on the lateral margins at the apices of the segmental incisures; posterior
area of pronotum, scutellum, and corium thickly punctate; membrane pale, hyaline; rostrum with
the apical joint mutilated in type, second and third joints almost equally long; mesosternum
distinctly carinate. Long. 13 millim. Exp. pronot. angl. 7 millim.
In colour and markings allied to Z. beryllus, Fabr., var crassa, Westw., but a smaller species with
the head more slenderly elongate and considerably more narrowed at apex.


TO SIRUNBU (Sarawak).
(Determined by C. J. Gahan.)
LONGICORNIA. Glenea pustulata, Thorns, (one female). Pterolophia sp. (one male?);
melanura, Pasc, var.
HALTICIDAE. Chalaenus sp. (one male); not in B. M. Coll.
CARABIDAE. Lesticus sp. (two males, one female); not in B. M. Coll.
CURCULIONIDAE. Poteriophorus bowringi, Waterh., var.
(Determined by J. J. Arrow.)
RUTELIDAE.Peltonotus vittatus, Arrow. The two female specimens differ slightly in marking
from the unique type in M. Oberthiir's collection. The male must be awaited for the positive
determination of the species (J. J. A.)

i Reformatted, hyperlinked, and photo comparisons added by Martin Laverty, July 2009-January 2013
Hyperlinks are chosen to show a range of relevant sites, not necessarily the most applicable in any particular case

Two (different) posts in 1912 and in 2005.

The left hand photo is from a collection of prints by H.W.Smith in the photo library of the Royal
Geographical Society [089553: In Upper Sarawak on Mt. Perenjauh]. As the corresponding
photo in the published article shows Smith, this must be a photo of the author, J.C.Moulton.

Jan 1912
The cave
under a huge
Dec 2005

cf: Clement Langet Sabang (1990) Rajah Brooke's Cottage in Sarawak Gazette CXVII,1514,pp42-47 for comparable
pictures from a visit by Sarawak Museum staff in Sept 1989
ii Alas, Postumus, the fleeting years slip by - Horace, Odes, 2,14

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