The Cornflake Diet

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May 10, 2011 | By Shelley Moore

Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images A cereal diet can feature any cereal you like, including cornflakes. The strategy involves using cornflakes or other cereal as a meal replacement, so you eat fewer calories than you normally would. Published research supports the idea that eating cereal in this manner can help you lose weight and has some advantages over commercial meal replacement products.

Cereal is a better meal than many breakfast foods people eat outside the home, even though some commercial brands primarily consist of refined grain, sugar and added vitamins, notes the November 1999 issue of "Nutrition Action Health Letter." Even these low-fiber sugary cereals, which cornflakes tend to be, are relatively low in calories and fat, with about 120 calories per serving if you eat them with low-fat or skim milk.

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A study by Richard D. Mattes published in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" in 2002 notes the increasing popularity of portion-controlled meal replacements as a diet method. Eating fewer calories with the meal substitution helps with weight loss or weight maintenance. This method appears to be effective as well as convenient. Mattes explains that conventional foods, such as cereal, can be just as effective as specialty products for this purpose.


Mattes chose cereal for meal replacement research for several reasons. Solid foods are more satiating and so should increase compliance with the diet and thus weight loss, compared with liquids commonly used as meal replacements. Dieters are likely to consider cereal an acceptable food for different times of day, and it is widely available, relatively inexpensive and has an agreeable flavor.

For two weeks, one group of participants in the study ate a serving of a single brand of cereal with skim milk for breakfast and also as a substitute for one other meal. A second group followed the same regimen, except they could eat several kinds of cereals. There were no restrictions on the third meal. Both groups lost weight, while two control groups had no significant weight changes. Everyone in the first group and all but one individual in the variety group lost weight. Eating one type of cereal led to better results than eating a variety of cereals, with the first group losing an average of about 4 lbs. and the variety group an average of about 3 lbs.

The "Nutrition Action Health Letter" article recommends adding fruit to the cereal for extra nutrients, which the Mattes study participants did. If you'll be eating cereal at work, bring it in a plastic container that doubles as a dish, but don't add milk until you're ready to eat.

A commentary at notes that eating a specific portion size of food to restrict calories is effective, and that is the only reason the cereal diet works. Cereal in itself does not have weight loss benefits, and products tend to be high in sugar. The most common brand, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, lists milled corn as the first ingredient, but sugar as the second ingredient and high-fructose corn syrup, another type of sugar, as the fourth most prevalent ingredient.

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Jan 9, 2011 | By Jennifer Andrews

Photo Credit Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images Cereal is a healthy food choice for breakfast, snacks, or late-night cravings. Wholegrain cereals are superior to their refined, processed counterparts and should be selected at the supermarket for their increased health benefits. Wholegrain cereals are nutrient-rich, low in fat, and high in fiber, which increase feelings of satiety. As part of a well-balanced diet, they assist in maintaining a healthy weight and decreasing the risk of disease.


Wholegrain cereals may assist in maintaining weight or can be part of a weight-loss program. The fiber in wholegrain cereals assists in increasing the feelings of fullness, thus maintaining steady blood sugar levels, which aid in decreasing hunger cravings. This assists in decreasing the amount of fat consumed in a diet. Many cereals are low in fat, in particular saturated fats, or the unhealthy fats. A study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that cereal breakfast eaters consumed more fiber and less fat in their diet. A high-fiber, low-fat diet has been linked in the prevention of heart disease and certain cancers. A 3/4 cup serving of General Mills Whole Grain Total cereal has only 100 calories, 0.5 g of fat and 2.7 g of dietary fiber.

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High fiber-foods, such as whole-grain cereals, assist with the movement and elimination of food through the digestive system. Fiber aids in increasing stool bulk, softening stools and increasing bowel activity. Fiber found in wheat can bind to certain toxins and oxidized fatty acids and remove them from the bowel to a greater degree than the fibers found in fruits and vegetables. High-fiber diets have also been associated with a decreased risk of developing diverticular disease and colon cancer. Cereals such as Kellogg's Shredded Wheat Miniatures has 176 calories, 0.8 g of fat and 6.9 g of dietary fiber per one-cup serving. A 3/4 cup serving of Post Bran Flakes has only 96 calories, 0.7 g of fat and a high 5.6 g of fiber.


Wholegrain cereals are a high source of antioxidants, which help to protect your body from health risks such as free radical damage, cancers and heart disease. Phytochemicals such as lignans may decrease the risk of coronary artery disease, breast or prostate cancer. These chemicals are found in the outer layer of grains, such as the wheat bran. Many cereals are also high in minerals such as iron or calcium, which are essential to healthy body functions and bone health.

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Buka kotak sereal NESTL CORN FLAKES dan temukan manfaat di dalamnya. NESTL CORN FLAKES kini dibuat dari biji jagung utuh yang renyah dengan karbohidrat tinggi dan kandungan lemak rendah. Dapatkan energi setiap pagi dengan kandungan 10 vitamin dan mineral, termasuk kalsium serta zat besi yang terdapat pada NESTL CORN FLAKES (dengan biji jagung utuh) untuk melengkapi kebutuhan gizi Anda. Tersedia dalam kemasan kotak 150 gram dan 275 gram.

The first modern and commercial cereal foods were created by the American Seventh-day Adventists. The Adventists formed the Western Health Reform Institute in the 1860s. The Institute was later renamed the Battle Creek Sanitarium after its location in Battle Creek, Michigan. The Adventists manufactured, promoted, and sold wholesome cereals.

Cereal or grain is a member of the grass plant family, with starchy seeds used for food. Common cereals are: wheat, rice, rye, oats, barley, corn (maize), and sorghum.

Will Keith Kellogg Will Keith Kellogg was the founder of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, founded in 1906. In 1894, Kellogg was trying to improve the diet of hospital patients. He was searching for a digestible bread substitute using the process of boiling wheat. Kellogg accidentally left a pot of boiled wheat to stand and the wheat became tempered (soften). When Kellogg rolled the tempered or softened wheat and let it dry, each grain of wheat emerged as a large thin flake. The flakes turned out to be a tasty cereal. Kellogg had invented corn flakes.

Steam cooked, dried, flattened, then toasted

Corn flakes were invented in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1894 by brothers Will and Dr. John Kellogg. They baked some boiled wheat on a baking tin, the doctor was called away on an emergency, and they rolled out the stuff the next day. The result was flakes. John was interested in the sanitarium, which he owned, while Will was interested in this great new product. Will sweetened up the flakes with malt and bought the commercial rights from his brother. Will Kellogg started the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906. In 1924, the first supplies of the breakfast cereal were exported to the UK and proved so successful that a factory was built to manufacture the Corn Flakes at Trafford Park, Manchester in 1938.

Corn Flakes are made from sweetcorn (shown left in pic) which is ripened by more than 140 days of sunshine in Argentina, South America before being shipped to the factory for milling. The milling process removes the corn kernels from the cobs and turns them into flaking sized grits. Malted barley (shown right in pic) is added to enhance the flavour of the Corn Flakes.

The corn grits are cooked in steam pressure cookers, with Kelloggs unique malt flavour, at temperatures exceeding 100C. This cooking process lasts for an hour and softens the hard grits. The hot grits are transported from the cookers to large driers via the complicated network of pipes that runs through the factory. The grits spend several hours in the hot-air driers in order to reduce their moisture content.

The corn grits are milled using two large rollers, which squeeze the grits flat. One of the rollers rotates slightly faster than the other and exerts 40 tonnes of pressure on the grits. This elongates the flakes. The flakes are then tumble toasted for 30 seconds in huge cylindrical ovens. The air in the ovens is heated by 600C gas flames and the flakes are tossed around in a rotating drum. The drum is angled so that the flakes whirl around and pass through it quite quickly, and stops them spending too long in the fierce


The flakes are then sprayed with vitamins and minerals to make them as nutritious as possible. We now have Corn Flakes. The production line divides at this stage. The Corn Flakes might be packed, or they could be diverted and used to make Frosties or Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes. Frosties are created by spraying the flakes with a special syrup in a rotating drum. The Corn flakes are then bagged up with the help of a bagging machine, which uses huge rolls of polythene to create the cereal box liners. This machine can create, fill, seal and cut off 30 bags a minute. Thousands of flat cardboard boxes are drawn into the packing machine via a conveyor belt. As each box enters the machine, air suction is used to pop it up and assemble it. A full Corn Flakes bag is inserted into each box, and hot adhesive is applied to the flaps at each end. Automatic arms close the box and hold the flaps while the glue dries, sealing the box shut in a couple of seconds.

The boxes are then banded together, so that they can be easily stored and transported. In the warehouse the cases are moved around (as if by magic) by using robotic trucks that follow hidden tracks in the floor. The Kelloggs factory operates 24 hours a day. Corn Flakes begin their journey to our breakfast tables, via huge trucks that travel all over the country.

Jagung memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan kita, Salah satu di antaranya adalah jagung sangt baik dalam mengontrol penyakit diabetes. Selain itu, manfaat lain dari jagung antara lain adalah jagung bermanfaat sebagai

pencegah penyakit jantung, menurunkan hipertensi dan pencegahan cacat tabung saraf-saat lahir. Jagung adalah salah satu dari sereal paling populer di dunia dan merupakan kebutuhan pangan pokok di banyak negara termasuk indonesia dan bahkan Amerika Serikat. tidak hanya memberikan kalori yang diperlukan untuk metabolisme sehari-hari, tetapi jagung merupakan sumber yang kaya vitamin A, B, E dan mengandung banyak mineral . Kandungan serat yang tinggi dalam jagung membuatnya sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah penyakit pencernaan seperti sembelit, wasir serta kanker kolorektal . Antioksidan hadir di jagung juga bertindak sebagai agen anti-kanker dan mencegah Alzheimers. Nutrisi dalam jagung memang benar benar menjanjikan untuk kesehatan kita, ada banyak manfaat jika kita mengkonsumsi jagung. Berikut ini adalah manfaat manfaat jagung untuk kesehatan.

Jagung Sebagai Sumber Kalori

Jagung memiliki banyak kandungan kalori yang sangat tinggi yang bisa dibakar oleh tubuh kita. Dalam 100 g Jagung Jagung mengandung 342 kalori. Bahkan jagung merupakan makanan sereal yang memiliki kalori yang tertinggi dibanding dengan makanan sereal lainnya. Sehingga jagung merupakan makanan yang sangat cocok kita konsumsi jika kita ingin menambah berat badan.

Jagung Sebagai Pencegah Kanker Usus dan Wasir

Jagung memiliki kandungan serat yang cukup tinggi, dalam satu cangkir jagung terkandung 18,4% serat dari serat yang kita butuhkan dalam sehari. Dengan memenuhi kebutuhan akan serat, hal tersebut mampu membantu mengurangi gangguan yang terjadi pada pencernaan seperti penyakit sembelit dan wasir, serta mampu menurunkan resiko kanker usus besar.

Jagung Sebagai Sumber Vitamin

Jagung kaya akan vitamin B konstituen, terutama Thiamin dan Niasin . Thiamin bermanfaat dalam menjaga kesehatan saraf dan fungsi kognitif. Kekurangan niasin menyebabkan Pellagra, yaitu sebuah penyakit yang ditandai dengan diare, demensia, dermatitis dan umumnya terjadi pada orang kekurangan gizi. Defisiensi asam folat pada wanita hamil menyebabkan kelahiran bayi berat badan dan juga dapat mengakibatkan cacat saraf pada saat lahir. Jagung menyediakan potongan besar dari kebutuhan folat sehari-hari. Jagung kuning merupakan sumber yang kaya beta-karoten yang membentuk vitamin A dalam tubuh, penting untuk pemeliharaan kulit.

Jagung Sebagai Sumber Mineral

Jagung memiliki banyak jenis mineral seperti fosfor, magnesium , mangan , seng , besi, tembaga dan selenium. Fosfor sangat penting bagi pemeliharaan pertumbuhan dan kesehatan tulang, serta menjaga fungsi ginjal agar tetap normal. Semaentara itu, Magnesium diperlukan untuk mempertahankan denyut jantung agar teta normal dan untuk menjaga kekuatan kekuatan tulang.

Jagung Sebagai antioksidan

Berdasarkan hasil studi yang dilakukan di Cornell University, diketahui bawa jagung merupakan sumber yang kaya akan zat antioksidan yang mampu melawan radikal bebas penyebab kanker. Bahkan, memasak meningkatkan antioksidan dalam jagung manis. Jagung merupakan sumber yang kaya senyawa fenolik asam ferulic, agen anti-kanker yang telah terbukti efektif dalam memerangi tumor pada kanker payudara dan kanker hati.

Jagung Sebagai Pencegah Animia

Jagung bermanfaat dalam terjadinya animia atau kurang darah, karena jagung memiliki kandungan vitamin B12 .

Jagung Mampu Menurunkan Kolesterol LDL

Menurut Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Dengan mengkonsumsi minyak jagung bisa menurunkan kolesterol LDL plasma dengan mengurangi penyerapan kolesterol oleh tubuh.

Jagung Memberikan Perlindungan Dari Serangan Diabetes dan Hipertensi

Mengkonsumsi jagung dapat membantu pengelolaan non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) dan efektif dalam melawan penyakit hipertensi karena adanya phytochemical fenolik yang terkandung dalam jagung. Itulah beberapa manfaat jagung untuk kesehatan. Sayangnya meskipun jagung sangat manfaat, sangat sedikit orang indonesia yang mengkonsumsi jagung. Orang madura yang dulunya menjadikan nasi jagung sebagai makanan pokok, justru saat ini sudah tidak mengkonsumsi jagung lagi. Dan meskipun ada, itu hanya sebagian kecil saja. Jika anda adalah salah seorang yang juga jarang atau tidak penah mengkonsumsi sama sekali, di sini saya sarankan agar mengkonsumsi jagung. Jagung dapat dicampur dengan beras dan dimasak sebagai nasi.

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