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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for ENGR 3345-063


September 22, 2013


This report focuses on the forces relating to submerged objects as well as submerged surfaces. The center of pressure on the prism device that is used is defined as one-third the distance up from the base. This will be confirmed in the report. Archimedes principle is used heavily in the second half of this report, and because of the inaccuracy of the scale provided, there is a stunningly large percentage difference between the measured value and what the value should have been according to that principle. The experimental hydrostatic force was close to the theoretical hydrostatic force; therefore, the results were less surprising.




Background ..4


Results and Calculations ..6


Sources ..10

Only performing the experiments and writing down the numbers is not enough to fully grasp the concept of the lab. Knowing the equations and the processes behind the lab is required in order to understand the conclusion the lab is trying to convey. The equation for the magnitude of the resultant force is

where p is pressure, is specific weight, A is area, and hc is the distance from the centroid to the surface. Pressure forces are in the direction perpendicular in relation to the surface submerged in the fluid. The resultant force is calculated by equating the moment of pressure forces and the moment of resultant forces. The center of pressure is located by using the equation

where YO is the distance between FR and the origin, Io is the moment of inertia about the axis though the origin, IC is the moment of inertia through the centroid, YC is the distance from the centroid to the origin, and A is the area. The buoyant force, Fb= is the net vertical force over the entire submerged surface. The forces on a submerged sphere do not depend on the depth of the object because the extra pressure distribute equally to the forces on both sides of the sphere.

For the apparatus used to test submerged forces, the dimensions of length, radius, and width were provided. Using this, the area could be calculated and the equations can be solved correctly. The experiment was conducted as instructed by the lab manual. 1. The apparatus was placed on a level surface. This was to ensure an accurate reading. 2. The mass was adjusted. The mass was located on the hanger to the far left of the apparatus. 3. Water was added until it lay in the middle of the flat surface. The beam became unleveled. More mass was added to bring it back to equilibrium. 4. Continued to fill the reservoir with more water until the beam was level when the water reached to the top of the rectangular flat surface. 5. Again added more mass and computed the percentage error between the measured and theoretical values.

For the graduated cylinder, the procedure was much simpler. The ball was weighed and submerged in water. The difference in weight is the buoyant force. The percentage error of the value that was measured was compared with the theoretical result.


The dimensions of the apparatus are given on the lab sheet. The distance from the weight to the pivot is 285 mm. The distance from the pivot to the closest curve is R, and the width, W, is 70 mm. The theoretical values for the reaction forces are calculated at three different heights ranging from 51 mm up to 160 mm. The equation to find the reactant force at water at a height of 51 mm is FR= ( )( )( ) ) (0.051 m) (0.051 m) (0.07 m)

FR= (9810 N/

FR @ 51 mm = 0.8931 N This process is repeated for the next two heights calculated. FR= ( )( )( ) ) (0.1 m) (0.1 m) (0.07 m)

FR= (9810 N/

FR @ 100 mm = 3.434 N The height of water in the following calculation makes this a fully submerged apparatus. Because of this, the more general formula can be used, F= FR= (

)( )
) (0.11m) (0.1 m) (0.07m)

FR= (9810 N/

FR @ 160 mm = 7.554 N Since the beam is in equilibrium before the weights or water is added, the counterweight and the surface weight can be neglected from the moment equations. The buoyancy and pressure forces on the curved surfaces may also be neglected since the curved surfaces of the apparatus direct forces directly thru the pivot point,

During the experiment, 3 different depths were taken as well as 3 different masses added to the balance. The equation used to find the resultant force for the experimental values is

Mpivot = mg (0.285 m) Fr (d)

where mg is the mass added, and d is the distance from the pivot to the FR point. At a depth of 51 mm, a 60 g mass was added to the balance. FR@51mm = [0.06 kg (9.81 m/ ) (0.285 m)]/0.183 m FR@51mm = 0.9167 N

At a depth of 100 mm, a 205g mass was added to the balance. FR@100mm = [0.06 kg (9.81 m/ ) (0.285 m)]/0.167 m FR@100mm = 3.432 N

At a depth of 160 mm, a 430g mass was added to the balance. FR@160mm = [0.06 kg (9.81 m/ ) (0.285 m)]/0.1555 m FR@160mm = 7.731 N

Comparing the experimental and theoretical resultant forces can be useful in determining how accurate the measurements recorded were. In this case, the percent error was very low.

% error = | (theoretical-experimental)/theoretical | x 100 51 mm depth = 2.64% 100 mm depth = 0.0582% 160 mm depth = 2.29%

The submerged sphere has a radius 0f 0.810 inches, and diameter of 1.620 inches. Normally, the equation for the volume for a spherical object might be used, but that is unnecessary, because the volume displaced is known. From the graduated cylinder, the volume of water displaced is 40 mL or 4 x ). The mass of the sphere provided by the scale was 275 grams. In water the sphere was only 210 grams, meaning that there was 65 grams of buoyancy.

The equation for the buoyancy force is the specific weight of water multiplied by the volume displaced. Using this equation, FB = (9810 N/ FB = 0.3924 N Dividing this value by G will get the value in grams, so that it can be compared to the previous value found for buoyancy. ) (4 x )

FB = (0.3924 N) / (9.81 m/ ) FB = 0.04 kg = 40 grams

The percentage difference in the two values, 40 grams and 65 grams, can be calculated by % difference = (|V1-V2|/ ((V1+V2)/2)) x 100 % difference = 47.6% As mentioned in the abstract, the percent difference was surprisingly large. This can be attributed to the inaccuracy of the scale used. The scale was also difficult to read. Had the scale been tuned correctly, the error in this calculation would be reduced drastically.

The overall purpose of this lab was to examine forces on submerged objects and surfaces. Certain beams and tray weights in the diagrams were ignored because their moments went through their pivot points.


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