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Technology House (India) Private Limited PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Project : 9.

6 MW Run-of-the-River Hydro Electric Project across the River Manglad Khad, a tributary of river Satluj in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh Technology House (India) Private Ltd Greenko Energies Private Limited (GEPL). GEPL would be investing the required amounts either directly or through its subsidiaries A Detailed Project Report has been prepared by Design Group, Bangalore for the project The Scheme comprises the following principal components: 1 Trench Weir & Intake . 2 Short Power Channel . 3 Desander . 4 Head Race Tunnels. . 5 Surge Shaft. . 6 Single line of Encased Steel Penstock, trifurcating . into three Penstocks connecting to three units 7 Surface Power House to accommodate 3 generating . units of 3.2 MW each (Pelton turbines with service bay, control room, switchgear room, office etc. 8 An Out Door Yard (ODY) of size 23.00m x 51.00m . 9 Transmission line . In-house. HPSEB. PPA would be signed one month prior to COD Rs.75 crore

Borrower Sponsor

: :

Detailed Project Report (DPR) Project Description

: :

O&M Arrangement Power Sale Project Cost

: : :

Means of Finance : Source Rupee term loans : Amount (Rs. Crore) 52.50

Equity share capital / FCDs Total Loan Tenure :

: :

22.50 75.00

16 years starting from date of 1 st fund based disbursement including construction period of 3 years, 1 year Post COD moratorium a repayment period of 12 years

1. Preamble
Technology House (India) Private Limited (THIPL or Company) was incorporated as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for development, operation and maintenance of Hydro Electric Projects. THIPL proposes to set up a 9.6 MW run-of-the-river Hydro Electric Project (HEP or Project) in Himachal Pradesh. The company has signed the Implementation Agreement with the Government of Himachal Pradesh. The concession period of the Project is 40 years from the Scheduled Commercial Operations Date. 1. (a) (b) (c) 2. (a) (b) (c) 3. 4. Name of the SHP Location Nature of the Project Name of the River Name of the SPV Registration No /CIN Registered Office Corporate Office Date of incorporation Board of Directors Jeori SHEP Jeori Village, Shimla District, Himachal Pradesh. Run-of-the-River Manglad Khad River Technology House (India) Private Limited 110254 / U40300DL2001PTC110254 Greenko House, No.23, Green Avenue Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070. Plot No.1366, Road No.45, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033. March 30, 2001
Mr.Anil Kumar Chalamalasetty Mr.Mahesh Kolli Mr.Pratap Pessu Chandani Mr. Srinivasa Rao Chalamalasetty

Date Birth


002208 06 014120 10 008905 79 0526 8064 Propose d 0.04


07-11-1974 20-07-1975 25-11-1959 12-05-1965


Capital Structure
Equity share capital

Current 0.04

Fully Convertible Debentures (FCDs) Total

0.00 0.04

22.50 22.54

6. 7. 8.

Capacity Scheduled COD Concession Period

9.6 MW (3 x 3.2 MW) 36 months from first disbursement 40 years from Scheduled COD.

2. Project Details The key project details are as under: THIPL proposes to set up a 9.6 MW run-ofScheme / Project the-river Hydro Electric Project across Manglad Khad River. The Project would comprise 3 units of 3.2 MW each.
The principal components of the Project are:

Diversion Structure (Trench Type Weir). Trench Weir Intake with design discharge of 7.24 cumecs Power Channel De-silting Tank (Surface Dufour type) with two bays HRT (D shaped) of 2.67 km with design discharge of 4.98 cumecs + overload Surge shaft of 6 m dia and 47.4 m height Penstock comprising (a) Tunnel Penstock of 77 meters (b) Steel Penstock of 292 meters and Branch Penstocks (3) Power House of size 18.70 m x 107.500 m to house 8 generating units of 3.0 MW each, with the service bay, control room, office etc. Surface Power House on Left bank of Satluj River with 3 horizontal shaft Pelton turbines (3333 kw) and 3 horizontal shaft synchronous generators (3200 kw) Tail Race of 30 m length 22 KV Transmission line of 6 km from the ODY to HPSEBs Kotla Sub-station.


The Project is located in the vicinity of Jeori village in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. The nearest railway station is at Kalka which is about 235 km from Trench Weir Site. National highway NH-22


connecting Shimla is about 3 km from Power House. The nearest Airport is at Shimla. Project is Located at about 165 km from Shimla, the Capital city Himachal Pradesh. The site can be approached by ShimlaTheog-Rampur road up to Power House. Land requirement for the project has been assessed as 3.8298 Ha. The entire land is Forest land. Necessary approval for diversion of entire forest land for the Project has been obtained.


Jeori HEP is proposed on the left bank of Manglad Khad which flows from NW to SE in its whole stretch and merge into Satluj River near Ratanpur. At the proposed Weir Site, the river course is very narrow about 30-35 m width and river bed is covered with river bed materials. The Power House is proposed on a flat bench and stable rock outcrop, which lies about 4 m above the high flood level on the left bank of Satluj river about 1.4 Km downstream from confluence point of Satluj river and Manglad Khad. The entire area is covered with Biotite gneiss rock with thin slope wash material. The Biotite gneiss rock is hard, compact and providing a good foundation media for the proposed structure.
and Power Jeori Hydro-Electric Project is proposed across the Manglad Khad. Manglad Khad is tributary of River Satluj and confluences with Satluj River at an EL. 1080.00m downstream of Jeori village of Shimala District. Satluj River originates from Gangdari Dhar ranges of the Great Himalayas at an altitude of EL.4520.00 m above Mean Sea Level. The catchment area of the Weir site is 92 sq km. Based on the above, an average annul energy generation of 53 MU (equivalent to PLF of 63%) is estimated The power generated shall be stepped by the Unit Transformers to 22 kV voltage level and transmitted through 22 kV transmission line connected to HPSEBs Kotla substation, which is located at about 6 km The major part of the project works (civil works, hydro mechanical and electrical

Hydrology Potential

Power Evacuation

Project Construction

works) would be covered under separate package contracts. The land acquisition is completed and infrastructure development has commenced. The project is expected to be completed by March 2015. The Company proposes to carry out the operations and maintenance of the project through in-house team. The company is currently operating 17 SHEPs with an aggregate capacity of 165 MW. To HPSEB PPA would be signed one month prior to COD


Power Sale

Key Approvals Clearances

The status of key approvals is as under

Approval Implementation Agreement Techno Economic Clearance Forest land Environment Clearance Evacuation Approval NOC from Irrigation Dept NOC from Gram Panchayat NOC from PWD Dept PCB clearance Received. Received Received Diversion letter received NA ( less than 25 MW) Obtained Received. Received Status Signed

Detailed Project Report

Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been prepared by Design Group Project Consultants (P) Ltd, Bangalore, which has rich experience in providing consultancy services to hydropower projects.

3. Project Cost & Means of Finance The project cost has been estimated at Rs. 75 crore proposed to be financed in the DER of 70:30 Means of Finance The project cost is proposed to be funded by way of term debt from Banks/ Financial Institutions and Shareholders Contribution as under: Sources of Fund Promoter contribution Term Debt Total (i) Promoter Contribution The Promoters Contribution for Project funding has been estimated at Rs.22.50 crore. The contribution would be in the form of equity / FCDs / Preference shares. Sponsor proposes to bring in upfront 25% of the contribution prior to seeking first fund based disbursement from lenders. Amount (Rs. cr.) 22.50 52.50 75.00 % of Project Cost 30% 70% 100%


Term Debt The company proposes to raise Rupee Term Loan to the extent of Rs. 52.50 cr. from Banks/ Financial Institutions to part finance the project cost. The broad terms and conditions of the proposed debt facility are as follows: Financing Terms Rate of Interest Door-to-door tenor of Loan Construction period Moratorium Post COD Repayment Period after moratorium 4. Financial Projections : Enclosed. Term Debt 12.50 % 16 yrs 3 years 1 yrs 12 yrs.

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