1 - Glee

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Summary : What if during Regionals, a music executive out scouting saw the performance of Rachel and Sams Loser

Like Me and also Get It Right? What if he had been impressed and wanted to sign both the teens to their label to debut as a duo? and that was the new up and coming duo Liam & Maries no. 1 hit single Love Like This. A little bit of sweet to kick-start a great day. Good morning America, Im Ryan Seacrest and youre listening to the rest of the broadcast was cut off when a large tanned hand slammed the alarm off. Said hand then tucked itself back beneath the warm body beside it. We have to get up came the muffled whisper from the figure beside him. It wiggled under the blue silk covers, trying to extract itself slowly so as to savour the warmth of their nest. Hmm need more sleep was the equally muffled reply. cant we just sleep in? he groused. Its the first day of schooldont you want to go to school? the other voice cajoled, rubbing a naked leg that had managed to escape the constraints of the blankets along the first persons naked calf. I thought you wanted to go to school you said so when we were away The first figure groaned. This was killing him. It was Monday, and he didnt want to go and meet reality (or a version of it), yet. And the figure in his arms was making it so hard for him to just think Screw the world, Im gonna do what I want to do. Ugh, yeah, Im up, Im up. Blonde hair standing up every which way emerged from the crumpled covers, followed next by a muscular body that many guys wished for and a pair of basketball shorts. It hung low on his hips, showcasing a defined vee to his lower abdomen that lead off to parts currently unknown. The owner of said body stretched, showcasing a cat-like grace to his movements that he had perfected over the summer, before bending down and ripping the bed covers off. The cool morning air struck the exposed skin on the other figures arms and legs. She shivered, goosebumps erupting all over her body as she snuggled deeper into the remaining warmth on the bed, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep before she took her bath. Not happening babe. If I have to get up, so do you. The blonde Adonis bent down and lifted the nightgown clad figure into his arms, showing little strain in his arms as he did so. Striding into the adjoining bathroom, he carefully left the door slightly ajar with his left foot, snagging a brush on his way in. Eep! the curvy brunette squeaked, wrapping her arms around his neck to prevent herself from falling down. Sam, let me down! I can take my own bath. She said breathlessly, looking into the green gaze of her fianc. Not so fast, Rach. Sam said, setting her butt down on the toilet vanity and leaning over his petite fiance. He gazed into her chocolate orbs, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. You wouldnt derive me of my morning entertainment, would you? he smirked quietly, leering at her suggestively. Ive neverSamuel Liam Evans! Rachel screeched in indignation, a blush blooming on her cheeks and moving down her neck. Sorry babe, its just nice to tease you. Sam said apologetically, brushing a kiss over her eyelids before pecking her on the lips. You know that Im only joking, right?

Yeah, I know. She answered quietly, knowing that that was his way of taking her mind off of returning to reality. Her fathers had insisted that they finish high school before embarking on their epic journey, and so had his grandmother. The lady may have been old, but she was by no means ignorant of the ways of the world. After all, she had raised a daughter who had got caught up in the lifestyle they were currently living and succumbed to it, leaving her to raise her grandson alone. That wasnt the case now. Now that she knew her grandsons future was secure in the hands of the Berrys, she could rest easy and enjoy her life. She also gave him more leeway compared to a year ago when they had moved to this small town without knowing a single helping soul. With the entire Berry familys help, her grandson now had a chance at college despite their previous financial constraints. What time is it? Rachel asked, yawning delicately behind her hand. Some habits of the old Rachel Berry were hard to break, and not subjecting anyone to gosh-awful morning breath was one of them. Five thirty-ish, I think. Sam said, scratching his head in an adorable way. Rachel bit her lip and smiled. There went the old Sam she knew and loved. Wait Five-thirty? Oh my gosh, Im late for my morning exercise! Steve is gonna kill me if I told him we missed our morning workout!! Rachel said, panicking slightly at what their trainer said hed do if he found out that the duo were slacking off of his exercise regime. Come on, get a move on it. I have to pee first. She said, pushing him out the door. Meet me in the exercise room in five minutes. She closed the door, but poked her head out again to remind him. And dont be late! Sam chuckled as he rolled his eyes. Some things never changed. Strolling out the bedroom door, he had donned a shirt before-hand; not wanting to give the Mr. Berrys an eyeful. They were cool and all with him sleeping together with Rachel, but not that cool to let them be together. Besides, neither of them was ready to take that step just yet. Good morning, Sam. Sam walked into the kitchen just in time to see both Mr. Berrys up and about for the morning. Morning, Mr. Berry, Mr. Berry. He said cheerfully, taking a seat at the breakfast nook and snagging a glass of soy milk. He gulped it down in one go, not noticing the grins that the other two men were sporting when he drank the beverage. He had been leery when Rachel suggested it to him as a substitute for milk, but found that he really liked it after he tried soy milk for the first time. He could still remember their conversation about that one. Flashback Sam and Rachel had been getting ready to start the day with a recording session. They were kind of in a rush because they had both overslept and she had insisted on them doing the exercise program their trainer had dumped on them. Now, Sam was hungry (they hadnt had breakfast) and they were expected to be in the studio thirty minutes later. He had wanted a glass of milk to tide him over but Rachel had screeched and begun a ten minute long lecture on how milk or dairy products in general were bad for them (meaning their voices). She had then proceeded to shove a packet of some sort of drink into his hands. Uh, Rach? What is this exactly? he asked, looking at the weird picture in the front of the box. It kinda looked like beans, but he didnt know what type. They sure werent peas though.

This, she said, patting the box lovingly, is your milk from now on. She had then proceeded to grin, as if giving herself a congratulatory pat on the back. Huh? was the eloquent reply that escaped Sams mouth. He shook his head, not really comprehending but deciding to play along for now. You mean to say that this is milk? As in cows milk? he scratched his in confusion. No no, not cows milk. Soy milk. When he continued to look at her in bewilderment, she sighed. Its made out of soy beans. You know; the stuff they use to make the tofu that you like so much. She had relaxed her vernacular quite a bit since this gig started, nut sometimes the old Rachel tended to pop out. Do you mean to tell me that this is tofu in liquid form? Sam asked, slightly horrified. He didnt think hed be able to look at tofu the same way again. Its not! she stamped her foot childishly, enraged that he had insulted her most favourite drink of all time. Just give it a try. Who knows, you might like it. she said, her voice slightly subdued. The thought that he might not like her drink made her feel depressed all of a sudden. Sam looked it over dubiously once more before popping the straw through the thin foil and taking a slurp. His eyes suddenly widened comically before he tore open the whole tab and practically inhaled the drink. It didnt take him a minute to be finished. Wow, that surprisingly tasted really good. He said, smacking his lips in satisfaction. He turned to look at his girlfriend, surprised to see her bowing her head. He instantly knew what was bugging her. In his mind, he cursed Finn Hudson violently. Baby, look at me. He tugged her face up, giving her a little peck on the lips and on both eyelids. Hey, if I dont like something, it doesnt automatically mean that I dont like you. Im not like them, okay? he reassured her. Damn those people at Mckinley. Okay, I believe you. She whispered, taking a step forward and resting her head on his chest as his arms came around to embrace. She inhaled his distinctive scent of lemon and musk, calming down gradually as her heart beat to the same rhythm as his. Every time she had an episode like that, it was always his

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