More Stories Shoemaker and The Elves

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Class: Year 4 Enrolment: 27 students Date: 24.07.

2012 Time: 0900-1000 Theme: World of stories Topic: More stories Language Focus: vocabulary Main skill: Reading Integrated skill(s): Writing

Learning outcomes
3.9 Read and enjoy simple stories and respond to them by talking about the people, and moral values in the story.

3.9.2 Read and give details about the people in the story.

3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people in a story read. 4.8 Give accurate information when filling out forms. 4.8.3 Write simple descriptions with picture cues.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: (i) (ii) (iii) talk about the characters in the book state whether they like the books and explains why talk and write about the plot of the story.

Previous knowledge: Students know how to read a story. They also know how to talk about characters and their actions. The students are also able to tell whether they like or dislike a story. Teaching aids: Pictures, papers, flash cards Moral value(s): be kind to others and be grateful Educational emphasis/thinking skill(s): Values and citizenship Stage/time Set induction (5 minutes) Content 1. Teaching/Learning Activities Rationale Notes

Pre-reading (20 minutes) Shoemaker Elves Leather Workroom Sweaters

1. Teacher goes through the vocabulary with pupils. 2. Teacher asks pupils to read the words.

Elf: an imaginary creature like a small person with pointed ears and magical powers Plot: Main events in the story/important points in the story.

3. Pupils read. 4. Teacher and pupils discuss the meaning of the words.

5. Teacher then asks pupils to read the vocabulary again. 6. Pupils read. 7. Teacher tells pupils that they are going to read a very interesting story. 8. Teacher quickly shows students pictures which narrate the story. 9. Teacher asks pupils who they think the man in the story is.

10. Teacher asks what the pupils think the story is about. 11. Pupils respond. 12. Teacher tells pupils that they are going to find out the real story. 13. Teacher asks pupils to read the title of the story and the author. 14. Teacher asks pupils to read the story as a class.

15. Teacher asks pupils who they met in the story. 16. Pupils respond. 17. Teacher shows the pictures and asks pupils to identify which person in the picture they think a character is. 18. Teacher asks pupils about the story. 19. Pupils respond. What happens in the

20. Teacher shows pupils pictures one by one. 21. Teacher asks pupils what happens in each picture. 22. Pupils respond. 23. Teacher instils moral value. 24. Teacher creates a timeline on the blackboard. 25. Teacher explains what the timeline is for.


Timeline is used to record the important things that happen.

26. Teacher asks pupils to look at the text and tell what happens in the beginning of the story. 27. Pupils respond. 28. Teacher writes pupils respond on the board. 29. Teacher asks pupils which part of the story makes them want to find out more about what is going on.

Who do you meet in the beginning of the story? What do you know about him? Which part of the story is most interesting and makes you want to find out what is

happening? 30. Pupils respond. 31. Teacher writes pupils respond on the board. 32. Teacher explains that the interesting part of the story is usually the middle part of it. 33. Teacher asks pupils to identify the ending of the story. 34. Pupils respond. 35. Teacher writes pupils respond. 36. Teacher introduces the word plot to pupils.

Plot tells you about the main idea of a story.

37. Teacher asks pupils whether they like or dislike the story and why. 38. Pupils respond. 39. Teacher introduces the word comment to pupils.

Comment: tell people what you think about something.

While-reading Story review (10 minutes)

1. Teacher gives pupils a book review form. 2. Teacher explains what the form is for. 3. Teacher explains how to fill in the form. 4. Teacher asks pupils to go back to their seats and complete the worksheet in 10 minutes. 5. Pupils work on the worksheet. 6. Teacher goes around monitoring and assisting pupils.

When writing the plot: The story is about...

Special attention on weaker ones. Post-reading ( 13 minutes) Parts of a shoe. 1. Teacher and students talk about the parts of a shoe with pupils. 2. Teacher has a big picture of a shoe.

3. Teacher and pupils label the shoes together on the board. 4. Teacher asks pupils to draw their own shoes and label them.

Closure (2 minutes) Reflection:

1. Teacher helps pupils to recall what they read about today.

To wraps lesson up

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