The Heart of The Home Is God's Word - Oct 2013

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18 October 2013


Just recently, I was invited to minister the word and pray with a family in the home they had just moved in to. While preparing the day before as to what I must say, the Holy Spirit made it very clear to me the importance of speaking Gods word in our homes. The relevance of this became more evident as I listened to the various comments from other families that were there. The truth is, that although they were all believing Christians, they never spoke Gods word or opened their home for someone (pastor, rev, vicar), to come and minister to their families. The occasional bed time prayer or praying for your meal is NOT what I am talking about. It is that moment you create, knowing that there are those in your family going through a tough time and perhaps with too many crisis to handle, that mobilizes you to set up the old family meeting. Miracles are needed, bondages must be broken, death must be held back, discouragement and heartache must be dealt with! You must understand the importance of minister ing Gods word in your home. It is easy to be a Christian outside of your home, but you and I know that it is what happens inside of the home that is important. I am stirring you today to take your stand again in your homes and allow the Word to be released into the atmosphere where your families meet. Hear the word of the Lord; In the Old Testament the children of Israel were held captive by pharaoh. Moses is instructed by God to return to Egypt to be the man that would lead them out of captivity into their promised land. Pharoah, of course, was reluctant to let them go. The plagues came, and just before the angel of death was released, they had to slaughter a lamb and apply the blood on the doorposts and lintels of their homes. In doing so, death would pass them by! The blood speaks of Jesus, the lamb of God that needs to be in our home. Jesus is the word and therefore the word must be applied in our homes so that the enemy cannot prosper against our families. In the New Testament we see how Jesus comes onto the scene and we read how he meets people, not only on the streets, but He goes into their homes. The Word released in the homes saw whole families get saved!

After Jesus has returned to the Father and the Church is born in the upper room, we read how the disciples went from house to house breaking bread (communion). This again speaks of Jesus, the Word, being released in the homes. This is by no means a great revelation, but a reminder to us that we should gather the family together and have the word ministered again as in the days of old. I have seen people come to church and pray for their families and declare that they shall be saved, but never go back to the house and pray with the family. Too many families are disjointed! We have our dinner in separate rooms or in front of the telly. We are constantly rushing around while someone in the family is crying out for deliverance, for a breakthrough, or for God to heal them.but no one is saying anything! We go to church and pray! We ask our intercessors to pray! But no one comes to the home to declare the word of God, the word that has power, the word that heals! When Joshua (Old Testament prophet) said that, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, I dont believe that it was a faith statement for the future. I believe that Joshua had already spent time with his family (probably numerous times), and they had agreed together that this is what they will continue to do. I urge you friend to activate this practice in your home. You know what your family members are going through. Invite other families, even the neighbours, as you set a precedent for victory against the onslaught of the enemy! Yours For His Kingdom Pastor Tony Sands (074 898 3960)

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