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Subject: Social Studies Topic: Stone Age and Metal Age Target Learners: Grade 8 Time Duration: 60 mins.

Instructional Activities: Google Document Materials: Overhead Projector and Laptop Software: MS Powerpoint Website: Google Drive Prerequisite: Prehistoric Age Instructional Activity Description of the Activity


Show pictures of tools used in Stone Age and Metal Age and the students will identify the used of that particular tool.


The students will be able to: To know the stone implements used in Paleolithic & Neolithic Age and Metal Age Compare Stone Age and Metal Age according to: Way of life, Tools used, and Discoveries.

Information and Examples

Presentation of the Lesson: Discuss the civilization on Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age and Metal Age. Show examples on Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age and Metal Age.


Students will be given a worksheet to be answer only in 10



Students will create a reflection paper. Compare the tools used in stone age and metal age with the tools used in this modern times.
Inadequate (10 points) Needs Improvement (15 points) Professional quality (25 points)


There appears to be no organization of the essays contents.

Organization The essay can of the essay be easily is difficult to followed. follow, due to inadequate transitions and/or rambling format. The essay contains numerous grammatical and mechanical errors. The essay is clear and concise and contains no grammatical or mechanical errors.

Mechanics Sentences and grammar and paragraphs are difficult to read and understand due to poor grammar or mechanics Completeness Did not address some of the questions.

Addressed the Addressed all questions, but questions provided few completely. details.


1. Research about Medieval Period


1. Teacher will show pictures of tools used in Stone Age and Metal Age and the students will identify the used of that particular tool. The students will be able to know the stone implements used in Paleolithic & Neolithic Age and Metal Age. Compare Stone Age and Metal Age according to: Way of life, Tools used, and Discoveries. Discuss the civilization on Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age and Metal Age. Show examples on Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age and Metal Age. Students will be given a worksheet to be answer only in 10 minutes. Students will create a reflection paper. Compare the tools used in stone age and metal age with the tools used in this modern times. Their assignment is Research about Medieval Period.

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