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Workshop on WTO-related issues for government officials in the SAARC region

1st 3rd May, 2006 Venue: The Imperial Janpath, New Delhi-110001

Day One - 1ST of May 2006 Inaugural Session 7.30 8.o0pm Welcome address Dr R K Pachauri, Director General, TERI Introduction to the BHC Initiative Mr. Daniel Shepherd First Secretary (Economic and Trade Policy) British High Commission Inaugural Address Mr. S N Menon, Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GOI Vote of thanks Dr. Ligia Noronha , Director, TERI 8.00 pm onwards Reception

Day Two 2nd of May 2006 9.00 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 9:45 am Session - 2 9:45 am10.45 am Registration Introduction of Participants Key Concerns of Developing countries regarding the Multilateral trading system Key issues within the Doha Development Agenda and its implication for SAARC countries.

Rapporteur: Oindrila De Introduction to the Workshop: Nupur Chowdhury (TERI) Chair: Dr. Sanath Jayanetti Key Speakers: - Mr. Suhel Ahmed Choudhary - Mr. Vilaysoun Loungnarath Q & A session 10.45 am-11.00 am Session 3 11.oo am-1.00 am Rapporteur: Oindrila De Tea Specific Negotiating Agenda Trade Facilitation Chair: Mr. Vilaysoun Loungnarath Key Speaker: Mr. Shashank Priya Country Speakers: Mr. Pema Rinchen (Bhutan) Mr. Sidhat Kumar (Sri Lanka)

The implementation experience of the Uruguay Round shows that many concerns of developing and Least developed countries were not addressed adequately. This session opens the discussion raising and identifying issues, which need to be dealt with in the Doha Round of trade talks. This would be followed by short presentations by government representatives from various SAARC countries.

Deliberation on the established routes of transit. Other transparency provisions. Uniform border clearance procedures and rationalization between agriculture and nonagricultural products. Case studies from two countries on their experiences of north-south NTBs and how they have been circumvented. DSB cases on harmonization and transparency aspects of NTBs.

Non-tariff Barriers: Standards and Technical Regulations Key Speaker: Mr. Md. Saqib Country Speakers: - Mr. Jayakody (Sri Lanka) - Mr. Bajwa (Pakistan) - Mrs. P. Bajaj (India) 1.00 pm 2.00 pm Q & A session Lunch

2.00 pm 3.00 pm

Rapporteur: Mitali Das Gupta

Non Agricultural Market Access - Sectoral approach - Non-reciprocal Market Access - Preference erosion - S & D Treatment Chair: Dr. Hemant Dabadi Key Speaker: Mr. Manab Mazumdar Country Speakers: - Mr. Monoranjan Biswas (Bangladesh) Q & A session

Should continuance of benefits under NAMA schemes be dealt bilaterally or should there be multilateral disciplines. Sectoral approaches favor zero/near zero tariff reduction, which may adversely affect certain sectors in the SAARC countries. The question of participation being voluntary for DCs and LDCs

3.00 pm 3.30 pm 3.30 pm 5.00 pm Rapporteur: Mitali Das Gupta

Tea General Agreement for Trade in Services - Modes 1, 2 & 4 - Mutual Recognition Chair: Mr. Shishir K Deb Key Speaker: Dr. Arpita Mukherjee Country Speakers: - Dr. Hemant Dabadi (Nepal) - Mr. Krishna Gupta (India) Q & A session

The modal objectives for modes 1, 2 and 3. In mode 4 the focus is to develop options for common categories in terms of classification, terminologies and definitions. Develop schedules for mutual recognition within SAARC.

Day Three 3rd of May 2006 Session 3 9.30 am 11.00 am Rapporteur:Santanu Sabhapandit Specific Negotiating Agenda (continued) Agriculture - Food Aid Disciplines - Subsidy and Domestic Support - Market Access Chair: Mr. Vilaysoun Loungnarath Key Speakers: -Dr Ramesh Chand - Ms. Anjali Prasad Country Speakers: - Dr. Parthapratim Pal (India) Q & A session 11.00 am 11.30 am Tea 3

The agenda on agriculture would include disciplines on food aid, the issue of subsidy and domestic support and the possible way forward in market access negotiations

Session 4 11.30 am1.00 pm Rapporteur:Santanu Sabhapandit

Development Issues in WTO Doha round and progress made on key developmental issues Chair: Mr. Suhel Ahmed Choudhary Key Speakers: Dr. Veena Jha Mr. Bibek Debroy Panelists: Summing up by SAARC Government participants Q & A session

This session sums up the discussion on WTO and its developmental impact on the countries of the SAARC region. It will also critically evaluate the progress made in the Doha Round of negotiations and will analyze its impact on issues which are special interest for LDCs.

1.00 pm 2.00 pm Session 5 2.00 pm 3.00 pm Rapporteur: Nupur Chowdhury

Lunch Regional Trade and Cooperation Regional Trade and Cooperation: Analytical and Political Issues Chair: Prof. B Bhattacharyya Key Speaker: Dr. Ram Upendra Das Country Representatives (GI & Tourism Services): Mr. Sanjay Kumar (India) Dr. R.A. Yatawara (Sri Lanka) Mr. S. Liyakhat (India)

GI and tourism are important areas of policy convergence for SAARC nations since there are many GIs, which have a regional dimension, and secondly trade facilitation can improve tourism services linkages within the region and boost regional incomes. Energy cooperation is an area, which would benefit the SAARC countries heavily.

Q & A session 3.00 pm 3.30 pm 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Tea SAFTA Negotiations - Rules of Origin - South-South NTBs. - Trade remedies as barriers: Implications for SAARC countries Chair: Dr. Veena Jha Key Presentations : Prof. B Bhattacharyya Dr. Sanath Jayanetti Mr. Abhijit Das Q & A session 4

Rapporteur: Nupur Chowdhury

In SAFTA- product specific rules have been identified for 191 tariff lines & also focus on non-qualifying operations. Focus on custom procedures and Para tariff measures.

Vote of Thanks: Dr. Parthapratim Pal

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