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PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS EXPLAINED Dear EMLD member, The EMLD Executive are proposing a series of amendments to our

constitution. These will be debated and voted upon at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on Saturday 23rd November 2013, which takes place between 11am and 2pm at Lib Dem HQ, 8-10 Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AE. On the 4th October 2013 the EMLD Executive unanimously agreed the amendments set out and will ask the AGM to endorse them with at least a two-thirds majority. Any amendments made at the AGM will similarly require a two-thirds majority to be approved. The primary purpose of making constitutional amendments was because EMLD were advised by HQ that we needed to make the constitution compliant with electoral law. Those amendments are on page 16 of the constitution. The Executive believe it is essential to agree those particular amendments. However EMLD also took the opportunity to make a series of other amendments, some of which had been discussed over a period of time. The key changes we propose are: Allowing EMLD to not charge an annual membership fee. This would enable EMLD to concentrate on seeking donations and standing orders rather than expend significant effort re-signing lapsed members for 1. Creating a new category of Associate Member, so that supporters who are not party members can join EMLD provided they are not supporters of any other party. Associate Members will not have a vote at AGMs but will recieve public literature. Creating another category of membership so that Council Groups can affiliate to EMLD. Creating two-year terms for the Executive to allow more time for officers and executive members to get to grips with their role before they next face a vote. Limiting the number of terms an officer can serve to two. Increase the number of Executive members from seven to nine. Increasing the word-count for personal statements for people seeking election from 100 to 500. Removing the ban on candidates using e-mail to promote their candidature. Tightening-up disciplinary proceedures so that it is specified that disciplinary action can be instigated where someone has brought EMLD into disrepute as opposed to just the party at large. Removing ambiguity regarding whether the Executive are allowed to conduct any business between their last Exec meeting and the AGM so that it is clear they can.

Other amendments are regarded as tidying-up exercises or, in the case of changing ethnic minority to BAME, a modernisation of terminology. Below is a guide to the proposed amendments, which should be considered alongside the actual amendments as set out in the accompanying document (with amendments highlighted as track-changes). Any additional amendments to the constitution should be submitted in writing (in an email) to the Returning Officer Allan Witherick on: before noon on Saturday 16th November 2013. Guide to proposed amendments:

PAGE 1 2. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES 2.1 (a) (b) & (c) To change the term ethnic minorities to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) to modernise the terminology as a result of negative connotations. 3. MEMBERSHIP 3.1 To remove the words pay subscription to allow EMLD to sign-up members without a membership fee. This change is directly related to point 3.10 (see below). 3.2.1 The issue of supporter members is addressed in point 3.7 (see belo w) proposing a new category of Associate Members. 3.2.2 To create a new category of affiliation, to allow Council Groups to affiliate to EMLD, with individual Council Group members becoming Associate Members of EMLD. 3.3.2 A tidying-up proposal, so that disciplinary procedures covers instances when an EMLD members has specifically brought EMLD into disrepute, not just the Party at large. 3.3.3. To include knowingly [giving a] false account of agreed EMLD positions within the category of material disagreement. PAGE 2 3.3.4 As point 3.3.2 (above). 3.6 A tidying-up proposal, so that it is clear that EMLD members must be members of the Party in order to have full voting rights.

3.7 To create an additional category of Associate Members (without voting rights) who can be members of EMLD so long as they are not members or supporters of any other political party. 3.8 To encourage Associate Members to become Full Members. 3.9 To change from an annual membership system to continuous membership, so that time and effort is saved chasing up membership renewals. 3.10 To allow EMLD to not charge a membership fee and instead focus on increasing the overall membership while making more efforts to encourage donations / standing orders. 4. OFFICERS 4.2 To use the phrase terms rather than years, which is directly related to point 4.4 (below) creating two-year terms. Consequently the maximum period served in any office must be increased from five to six years to coincide with three two-year terms. 4.4 To create two-year terms for the Executive and Officers, so that members can dedicate themselves to particular tasks for a longer period. PAGE 3 4.5 Renumbering point. 5. HONORARY OFFICERS 5.2 To elect of Honorary Vice-Presidents every two terms. 6. EXECUTIVE 6.1 (b) To increase the number of ordinary Executive members from 7 to 9 to improve the effectiveness of the Executive. 6.2 As with point 4.4 (above) to create bi-annual elections to serve two calendar years. PAGE 4 6.6 To allow and encourage EMLD to endevour to hold at least one Executive meeting outside London rather than proscribing it. 6.9 A tidying-up change to reflect the intention and purpose of the clause. 7. GENERAL MEETINGS

7.1 Directly related to points 4.4 & 4.5 the creation of bi-annual elections. PAGE 5 7.7 Reducing the quorum at Executive Committee meetings. PAGE 7 ANNEX A - ELECTION REGULATIONS 1. Administration 1.10 Tidying-up change; making it clear that members can nominate themselves for positions at the AGM but have to be seconded by another member. 1.11 To increase the number of words on personal statements from 100 to 500, as a 100-word limit is too restrictive. Also to remove unneccessary restrictions, in particular the use of emails to promote candidacy. PAGE 8

1.13 Renumbering point. 1.14 Renumbering point. PAGE 9

3. Nominations 3.1 (d) Tidying-up.

PAGE 16 ANNEX C: The EMLD Executive 1. Meetings 1.19 In line with the proposed change to increase the number of Executive Members - point 6.1 (b) above it is proposed to decrease the quorum for Executive Meetings as more members can sometimes mean a higher number of attendees but also a lower percentage attendance on any given meeting. PAGE 16

3. Responsibilities of Executive Members 3.2 (e) Essential change as advised by HQ to make constitution compliant with electoral law. 3.4 (c), (d) & (e) Essential change as advised by HQ to make constitution compliant with electoral law.

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