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110 S. M ain St. New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 - Phone 845-3647 w w w .new

Editor: Jay Maxwell - 937-864-1747 -
Bobby Jones, W .M . 718-0521

New Carlisle Lodge 2013-2014 Dues are Due November 14, 2013
Dues are for the year Nov. 14, 2013 - Nov. 13, 2014. Dues Are $65. Please mail to: New Carlisle Lodge No.100 Jay Maxwell, Secretary 7021Creekside Cir. Fairborn, Ohio. 45324-6164
NEW CARLISLE M ASONIC ASSOCIATION George Workman, Pres. 845-1532 Frank Sweeney, Tres. 879-5254


Jay M axw ell, Secy. 864-1747


All Members , who are able, should attend at least 2 meetings a year and this is one of them. The other is our Inspection in February. Our 164th Annual Meeting and election of officers for the year 2014 will be held on Thursday, November 14. Mark your calendar today and plan on attending this important meeting. Your Lodge and Lodge Officers are looking forward to seeing you at our Annual meeting.

164 Installation Of Lodge Officers November 16 @ 6:00 PM

Right Worshipful Brother Daniel Shirk will preside over the installation of the 2014 officers of New Carlisle Lodge and the installation of our Craft Club Officers. Family, friends and guests are cordially invited to attend. Lodge will NOT be opened and closed.

The 2014 budget has been approved by the Masonic Association, New Carlisle Lodge No. 100 and New Carlisle Chapter No. 57, R.A.M. Each organization meeting in the Temple pays a per-capita amount which is paid to the Masonic Association. The projected expense of operating our Masonic Temple in 2014 is $11,350.00. Nov. 27 7:00 p.m. Regular meeting and Election of Association 2014 officers.

October 5th Parade

New Carlisle Lodge was one of many participants in the Heritage of Flight Parade. Many members rode on a trailer, provided by Ronald Hoover, and passed out candy. The Lodge banner was displayed on the side of the trailer. Nov. 06 Nov. 07 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 7:00 p.m. - Officers meeting 7:00 p.m. - Craft Club - Pizza Party - Election 7:30 p.m. - Annual Meeting & Election of 2014 Officers 7:00 p.m. - Installation Rehearsal Installation of 2014 Officers -Family & Friends Invited 5:30 p.m. - Officer Pictures 6 p.m. - Installation of Officers Nov. 20 Newsletter Deadline Nov. 27 7:00 p.m. - Masonic Association Stated Meeting Nov. 28 Thanksgiving

Weekly E-Mail Reminder and Monthly Electronic Newsletter Your E-Mail Address Is Needed
We send out E-Mail Reminders to everyone interested every Monday and an electronic version of this newsletter monthly. The E-Mail Reminder will list all the Lodge dates and times of upcoming events and meetings. If you would like to start receiving the Monday Reminder and Monthly Electronic Newsletter please Email Jay Maxwell at Subject: New Carlisle Lodge Reminder.

Results of Grand Lodge Legislation

The following Legislation Passed. All other legislation was defeated, withdrawn, or held over for vote next year. 3. Delete Allowance for The Fraternal Correspondent. 7. Create a Pioneer Lodge to operate as a Civil War reenactment Lodge. 8. Delete paragraph 4.02 (g) pertaining to the Old Grand Lodge Building in Worthington. A. New Lodges formed to consolidate 2 or more lodges will first meet under a dispensation until a Charter is presented.


NEW CARLISLE CRAFT CLUB Brian Raiff, Pres. 408-0537 Helmut Schuster, Secy. 244-2895

NEW CARLISLE CHAPTER 57,R.A.M Ranold Seymour, E.H.P. 462-9044 William Berry, Secy 845-8774

NEW CARLISLE COUNCIL 143 R.& S.M. Robert Maxson , I.M. 882-6025 Timothy Holiga, Secy. 435-7711

Heritage Festival Food Booth

The New Carlisle Heritage of Flight Festival has come and gone. The weather was good for the Car Show Friday and sales were way up over last year. Saturday the rain held off until 2:30 but we did the same as last year in sales for Saturday. Profit for the 2 days was $2,000.07. Thanks to all the members, wives, sons and daughters that helped out to support this project. It was certainly exhausting, but worth the effort, and most importantly it was fun. We plan to do it again next year so keep those work boots handy. Nov. 07- 7:00 p.m. Stated meeting Election and pizza party

Chapter Annual Inspection

The Annual Chapter Inspection this year will be in the Past Master Degree, we will hold our inspection at the Ohio Masonic Home on Saturday Nov 23rd at 9 AM.

35th Annual Christmas Party

Mark Your Calendar Now for Monday, December 2, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. On this date ALL the Masonic Bodies here in New Carlisle will host the 35th Annual Ohio Masonic Home Christmas Party and Dinner. Santa has been contacted and has assured us he will be there. This event has become one of the finest traditions ever initiated by the Masonic fraternity here in New Carlisle and is a wonderful way to get in the spirit and begin your Christmas Holiday Season. All are invited and we hope to see you on Dec. 2nd as we entertain residents from the Home. Reservations must be received by Wednesday, November 27. Please call or email; Ranold Seymour, E.H.P. (462-9044) (, or Jay Maxwell, Secy., (864-1747) ( You are asked to bring a salad and or a dessert. Nov. 19 @ 7 p.m. Chapter/Council Stated meeting Nov. 23 @ 9 A.M. Annual Inspection @ Ohio Masonic Home Dec. 02 @ 6 p.m. Ohio Masonic Home Christmas Party


Everyone that meets in the Temple and their families are invited to our 35th

Annual Christmas Party and Dinner

November 7 7:00 P.M.

All Craft Club members are urged to bring a prospective member to our FREE annual pizza party.

Monday December 2 Dinner 6 PM

The Chapter, Blue Lodge, Council and their families will join together to entertain residents from the Ohio Masonic Home. Come and join us in this festive evening of games, caroling and a visit from "Old St. Nick". Bring a salad and or a dessert. Reservations must be received by November 27 Call Ranold Seymour (462-9044) or Jay Maxwell (864-1747)

HAPPY 80+ November Birthdays

Robert E. Sigler - 88 James L. Martin - 81

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