Libro Ingles

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To the teacher: In addition to all the language forms of Levels One, which are used again at this level

of the series, the main verb forms and tenses used at Level Two are: common irregular forms of past simple verbs, going to (for prediction and to state intention) and common phrasal verbs modal verbs: will and won't (to express willingness) and must (to express obligation or necessity). Also used are: adverbs: irregular adverbs of manner, further adverbs of place and time adjectives: comparison of similars (as ... as) and of dissimilars (-er than, the . . . -est in/of, more and most. . .) conjunctions: so (consequences), because (reasons), before/ after/when (for sequencing) indirect speech (statements). Specific attention is paid to vocabulary development in the Vocabulary Work exercises at the end of the book. These exercises are aimed at training students to enlarge their vocabulary systematically through intelligent reading and effective use of a dictionary.

To the student: Dictionary Words: Some words in this book are darker black than the others. Look them up in your dictionary or try to understand them without a dictionary first, and then look them up later.

Before you read: 1 Look at the pictures in this book. Do you think the story happened: a more than 200 years ago? b 10 years ago? c 50 years ago? Is the story about: a animals? b a boy? c a girl? Do you think the story is: a sad? b exciting? 2 Which of these words do you think are in the story? gun school taxi boat beach supermarket fight bicycle cinema knife radio ship sea


My father had an inn near the sea. It was a quiet place. One day, an old man came to our door. He was tall and strong, and his face was brown. His old blue coat was dirty and he had a big old box with him. He looked at the inn, then he looked at the sea. My father came to the door. At first the old man did not speak. He looked again at the sea, and at the front of the inn. 'I like this place,' he said. 'Do many people come here?' 'No,' said my father. 'I'm going to stay here,' said the old man. 'I want a bed and food. I like watching the sea and the ships. You can call me Captain.' He threw some money on the table. 'That's for my bed and my food,' he said. And so the old captain came to stay with us. He was always quiet. In the evenings he sat in the inn and in the day he watched the sea and the ships. One day he spoke to me. 'Come here, boy,' he said, and he gave me some money. 'Take this, and look out for a sailor with one leg.' He was afraid of that sailor with one leg. I was afraid too. I looked for the man with one leg, but I never saw him. Then winter came, and it was very cold, My father was ill, and my mother and I worked very hard. 7

Early one January morning, the captain went to the beach. I helped my mother to make the captain's breakfast. The door opened and a man came in. His face was very white and he had only three fingers on his left hand. I could see that he was a sailor. 'Can I help you?' I asked. The man looked at the captain's breakfast table. 'Is this table for my friend Bill?' he asked. 'I don't know your friend Bill,' I said. 'It's the captain's table.' 'The captain?' he said. 'Well, they sometimes call my friend Bill the Captain. Is he here in the house?' 'No. He's out,' I said. The man sat down and waited for the captain. Then the captain came into the room. He went to his table and sat down. 'Bill!' said the man. The captain turned round quickly. His face went white. Suddenly, he looked old and ill. 'Come, Bill, you know me. You know an old friend, Bill,' said the man. 'Black Dog!' said the captain. 'Yes,' said the man. 'It's me, Black Dog. I wanted to see my old friend Billy.' 'Well, here I am,' said the captain. 'What do you want?' 'I want to talk to you, Bill,' Black Dog said. The captain looked at me. 'Leave the room, boy,' he said, 'and don't listen at the door.' They talked for a long time. Then I heard them talking angrily. 'No, no, no!' said the captain. There was a fight and then Black Dog ran out of the house. 8

The man had only three fingers on his left hand. I could see that he was a sailor.

The captain's face was white. 'I must get out of here!' he said. I ran to get him a drink. I came back and found the captain on the floor. His eyes were closed. Our doctor, Dr Livesey, came and looked at the old captain. 'He's very ill,' said the doctor. The captain opened his eyes and looked at the doctor. 'Where's Black Dog?' he asked. 'There's no Black Dog here,' said the doctor. 'Now, Billy Bones, you must. . .' 'Billy Bones?' said the captain. 'My name's not Billy Bones.' 'Oh?' said the doctor. 'Oh, yes. It's the name of a famous pirate.' We put the old captain in his bed. 'He must stay in his bed for a week,' said the doctor. 'He's very ill.'

At twelve o'clock I went to see the captain in his room. 'What did the doctor say?' he asked. 'You must stay in bed for a week,' I told him. 'Too late!' he said. 'You remember Black Dog. He's a bad man, but there are worse men than Black Dog. They want my old box. You must look out for sailors. You must look out.for Flint's men.' Then the captain closed his eyes. But I didn't look out for sailors, because my father died that night. I was too sad to think about the captain. A week later, the captain came down and sat in his usual chair. I went outside the inn and looked up and down the road. I saw another man on the road. He wore a long black coat and he walked very slowly. 10

'Now my young friend,' he said, 'take me to the captain. Quickly! I can break your arm.' 'He can't see,' I thought. The man arrived in front of the inn and turned his face to me. 'Can you tell me, please, where I am?' I told him. He listened carefully. 'You're young,' he said. 'Take my hand, my young friend, and take me inside.' He took my hand. He was very strong. 'Now my young friend, he said, take me to the captain. Quickly! I can break your arm.' When the captain saw the man, he did not move. The man put something into the captain's hand and then left the inn. 12

The captain looked at the black paper in his hand. Then he read the words on it. 'Ten o'clock! They're coming at ten o'clock,' he said. 'We've got six hours!' He tried to stand up, but he was too ill. I ran for my mother, but it was too late. When we came back the captain was dead on the floor.

My mother and I went to the village, but the people there did not want to help us. They were too afraid. Our friend the doctor was away. Nobody could help us. 'I must get my money from the captain's box,' my mother said. 'It's our money.' We opened the box. There were some old coats and shirts and a bag of money. My mother began to take the money. 'Quickly!' I said. 'It's nearly ten o'clock.' It was a cold night, and very quiet. Suddenly, I heard a sound on the road. Then I heard someone stop outside the inn. We waited, but then everything was quiet again. Nothing moved. 'Quickly, mother!' I said. 'Take all the captain's money.' 'No,' she said. 'I don't want it all.' Then we heard someone again, outside the front door. 'Let's go without the money,' my mother said. I took an envelope from the captain's box. 'I'm going to take this,' I said. We left the inn very quietly through the back door. We heard men running along the road to the inn. We stopped behind some trees and watched the men. 13

La isla del tesoro . HISTORIA DE JIM HAWKINS ' I Mi padre tena una posada cerca del mar. Era un lugar tranquilo. Un da , un anciano vino a nuestra puerta. Era alto y fuerte, y su cara era de color marrn . Su viejo abrigo azul estaba sucia y tena una vieja caja grande con l. Mir a la posada , y luego mir el mar. Mi padre vino a la puerta. En un primer momento el anciano no habl. Volvi a mirar el mar, y en la parte delantera de la posada. " Me gusta este lugar", dijo. " Hay mucha gente viene aqu? -No- dijo mi padre. ' Me voy a quedar aqu-dijo el viejo-. 'Quiero una cama y comida . Me gusta ver el mar y los barcos. Puedes llamarme capitn. Tir un poco de dinero sobre la mesa. " Eso es para mi cama y mi comida ", dijo. Y as, el viejo capitn vino a quedarse con nosotros. l siempre estaba tranquilo . Por las noches se sentaba en la posada y en el da en que vio el mar y los barcos. Un da me habl . " Ven aqu , muchacho -me dijo, y me dio un poco de dinero . Tomad esto, y mirar hacia fuera para un marinero con una sola pierna . Tena miedo de que el marinero con una sola pierna. Tena miedo tambin. Mir al hombre con una pierna , pero yo nunca lo vi. Luego lleg el invierno y haca mucho fro , mi padre estaba enfermo , y mi madre y yo trabajamos muy duro. 7 Temprano una maana de enero , el capitn se dirigi a la playa . Ayud a mi madre para descanso del capitn rpido. La puerta se abri y un hombre entr Su rostro estaba muy plido y tena slo tres dedos de su mano izquierda. Me di cuenta de que era un marinero. " Puedo ayudarle? " Le pregunt . El hombre mir a la mesa del desayuno del capitn. Es este cuadro para mi amigo Bill ? , se pregunt. " No s su amigo Bill -dije . "Es la mesa del capitn . " El capitn ? , dijo. -Bueno , a veces se llama mi amigo Bill el capitn. Est aqu en la casa? 'No. Est fuera -dije- . El hombre se sent y esper a que el capitn. Entonces el capitn entr en la habitacin . Se dirigi a su mesa y se sent . 'Bill ' dijo el hombre. El capitn se dio la vuelta rpidamente. Su rostro se puso blanco . De repente , l se vea viejo y enfermo. -Vamos , Bill , t me conoces . Usted conoce a un viejo amigo , Bill " , dijo el hombre. ' Perro Negro ! dijo el capitn. -S- dijo el hombre. -Soy yo , Perro Negro . Yo quera ver a mi viejo amigo Billy ' . " Bueno, aqu estoy -dijo el capitn. " Qu quieres ? " -Quiero hablar contigo , Bill -dijo Perro Negro . El capitn me mir. ' Sal de la habitacin , muchacho -me dijo-, y no escuches a la puerta. "

Hablaron durante un largo tiempo. Entonces o hablar airadamente . ' No, no, no! ' dijo el capitn. Hubo una pelea y luego Perro Negro sali corriendo de la casa. 8 El hombre slo tena tres dedos de su mano izquierda. Me di cuenta de que era un marinero. El rostro del capitn era blanco. -Tengo que salir de aqu ! ' , dijo. Corr a buscarlo una bebida. Me volv y encontr al capitn en el suelo. Tena los ojos cerrados . Nuestro mdico , el doctor Livesey , se acerc y mir al viejo capitn. " Est muy enfermo -dijo el doctor. El capitn abri los ojos y mir al mdico . ' Dnde Negro Dog ? , se pregunt. ' No hay perro Negro aqu -dijo el doctor. ' Ahora, Billy Bones , debe hacerlo. . . ' ' Billy Bones ? dijo el capitn. ' Yo no me llamo Billy Bones . ' Ah, s? " dijo el doctor. " Oh , s. Es el nombre de un famoso pirata . Ponemos el antiguo capitn de su cama. -Debe de estar en la cama durante una semana ", dijo el doctor. " Est muy enfermo . A las doce, me fui a ver al capitn en su habitacin. " Qu dijo el doctor? , se pregunt. " Usted debe permanecer en la cama durante una semana, " le dije. -Demasiado tarde! , dijo. " Te acuerdas de Perro Negro . l es un hombre malo , pero hay hombres peores que Perro Negro . Quieren mi vieja caja . Usted debe mirar hacia fuera para los navegantes. Usted debe buscar hombres out.for Flint . Entonces el capitn cerr los ojos. Pero no me preocupo por los marineros , porque mi padre muri esa noche. Yo estaba muy triste pensar en el capitn. Una semana ms tarde , el capitn baj y se sent en su silla de siempre . Yo sal de la posada y mir hacia arriba y abajo de la carretera. Vi a otro hombre en el camino . Llevaba un largo abrigo negro y caminaba muy despacio. 10 " Ahora mi joven amigo- dijo-, me lleve al capitn. Rpido! Puedo romper el brazo. " " l no puede ver ", pens . El hombre lleg al frente de la posada , y volvi su rostro hacia m. Puedes decirme , por favor, dnde estoy? " Le dije . Escuch con atencin . -Eres joven -dijo- . " Toma mi mano, mi joven amigo, y me lleve en su interior. " Me tom la mano . l era muy fuerte. " Ahora mi joven amigo- dijo-, me lleve al capitn. Rpido! Puedo romper el brazo. " Cuando el capitn vio al hombre , l no se movi . El hombre se puso algo en la mano del capitn y luego a la izquierda de la posada. 12

El capitn mir el papel negro en la mano. Luego ley las palabras en l. " A las diez ! Se acercan a las diez -dijo- . " Tenemos seis horas! ' Trat de levantarse, pero estaba demasiado enfermo . Me encontr a mi madre, pero ya era demasiado tarde. Cuando volvimos, el capitn no estaba muerto en el suelo . Mi madre y yo fuimos a la aldea, pero la gente de all no quera ayudarnos. Tenan demasiado miedo . Nuestro amigo el doctor estaba ausente. Nadie nos poda ayudar. "Tengo que recuperar mi dinero de la caja del capitn -dijo mi madre. " Es nuestro dinero . " Abrimos la caja. Hubo algunos abrigos y camisas viejas y una bolsa de dinero. Mi madre comenz a tomar el dinero . Rpido ! , Le dije. "Es casi las diez. " Era una noche fra , y muy tranquilo . De repente , escuch un sonido en el camino. Entonces o que alguien parada fuera de la posada . Esperamos , pero luego todo fue silencio. Nada se mova . Rpido , madre! , Le dije. " Toma todo el dinero del capitn. -No- dijo ella-. -No lo quiero todo . ' Entonces omos a alguien ms, fuera de la puerta principal. ' Vamos sin el dinero -dijo mi madre. Tom un sobre de la caja del capitn. " Voy a tomar esto", le dije. Salimos de la posada muy tranquilamente por la puerta de atrs . Escuchamos los hombres a lo largo del camino a la posada. Nos detuvimos detrs de unos rboles y vimos a los hombres . 13

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