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Malala & Abeer Qasim Hamza Al-Janabi

By: Orya Maqbool Jan, Translation) Dated: 16, Oct., 2013 Pakistani Journalist (English

but in our era stories are sold instead of being told

Up until the moment Malala was nixed for the Nobel Peace Prize, the Pakistani media maintained a frenzy We are proud and our heads are high because Pakistan is getting honor through this child's voice for womens' right to education and she has brought pride back home. The whole world appreciates her courage and her cause of making education accessible to everybody is now receiving investment. Such was the selection of words of the so-called intellectuals. I have always known that the Nobel Peace Prize, which is being promoted as a matter of honor, had in the past been awarded to ruthless oppressors. One of Malalas biggest advocates is Gordon Brown, the unrepentant Iraqi war monger. Not only did the exBritish chancellor snatch the right to education from hundreds of thousands of Iraqis but he also took away their right to breathe. These men; these self1

proclaimed champions of womens rights, are actually those whose hands are soaked with the blood of many innocent women. They have played with the honor of many women across the world by being complicit in their rape and then sweeping their stories under the carpet. To them, a woman is just a statistic, an object just like any other object that they see in the world, an object for mere pleasure which can be disposed of in the same way that a used wrapper is discarded. On the 12th March 2006, Abeer Qasim Hamza, a girl who was of the same age as Malala was when her alleged shooting occurred, was living in a small village of Al Mahmudiyah. This is the story of Abeer that I would narrate in the next part of this article: what agony the poor child went through! Please hold on to your hearts dear readers (especially if you are weak at heart). Abeer's father Qasim Hamza Raheem and mother Fakhriya Taha Mohsin were living with their two daughters (Abeer and 6 year old Hadeel) and their two their sons ( 9 year old Ahmed and 11 year old Saleh Muhammad. Abeer's parents were forced to restrict their daughter's movements outside the house during a period when Gordon Brown's democratic vote played trick in their neighbourhood. At the time military checkpoints were routinely set up by the occupying forces across Iraq. This particular checkpoint was manned by six soldiers: Paul Cortez, James Barker, Jesse Spielman, Brain Howard, Steven Green and Anthony Yribe. Whenever Abeer (the unfortunate child,) would come out of the house these soldiers would tease her with their dirty comments that depicted their evil intentions. The poor girl struck with fear would run back to her house. One day these soldiers entered her house, searched it and during that Steven Green ran his index finger down 2

Abeer's cheek, an action that terrified the entire family. Whenever the girl would go out of the house with her parents these soldiers would hurl dirty signs at her out of their (evil) desire saying very good, very good. On the morning of 12 March 2006, the soldiers had been consuming alcohol. Abeer, whos brothers had gone to school, had been taken out of school her parents feared that these soldiers would harm her. Later that morning, the soldiers raided the house and locked Abeer's parents and younger sister in one room, and forcibly took Abeer into the other. Steven Green went on to murder her parents and the younger sister, while the other two soldiers raped the 14-year old Abeer in the other room. Green emerged from the room saying, I have killed them, all are dead after which he joined the gang rape of the helpless Abeer. After raping her they put a bullet into her head, which was fatal enough to put an end to her life. If that was not enough, one solider used his lighter to, in a gruesome act, torch the lower part of Abeer's body before leaving the house. The fire spread eventually and the smoke alerted the neighbours who witnessed the poor girl in a condition which I prefer not to describe here. When I first read this incident and saw her picture I could not sleep for many nights and words just fail to describe the pain. These people who award the Nobel Peace prize and promote Malala are actually the ones who have blood of many innocent girls on their hands and due to whom many innocent girls fear stepping out of their homes. It is due to these people that these girls have stopped going to schools fearing the dirtiness of their eyes, after all these innocent girls are a mere statistic to them which is to be lost the books of history. Abeer was not even writing a diary against these civilized men which some powerful media 3

of the world could broadcast because this piece is not good for portraying the image that the West wants. She did not even get a chance to call these people oppressors. She did not even get a chance to explain how her right to education was ruined by these people and above all she did not get a chance to explain who the murderer of humanity is. Her father was neither a member at any NGO nor someone near enough to an NGOs interests so that he could motivate his daughter to write against these soldiers sent by the West to their neighbourhood. There was no freedom for her to do anything but there was just one thing that surrounded her and that was fear. Nobody approached her father with the idea of writing a diary under a pen name for narrating their story of immense pain, but in our era stories are sold instead of being told. Abeer lived every moment under fear until the moment she lived after Brown's democratic right was exercised in her neighbourhood. Her surviving brothers testified what they knew of those soldiers, specially the incident of Green's index finger when their father took Abeer out of school due to the observable threat to his daughter. They recalled how Abeer cried a lot that day, but there was no other choice. Abeer liked taking care of the vegetables outside her home but after that day she could only see her plants through the window which was a measure taken by the family to protect her. There was no one in the international or local media of Pakistan who had the heart to speak for her, who could find a daughter in Abeer, who could cry for Abeer. Nobody stood for the rights of these children and nobody proposed a Nobel award in the memory of these slain children like Abeer. Nobody stood for those who died because tanks ran were over them; nobody found any mercy for the prisoners on whom dogs were set free. Nobody shed a single tear for 4

those sisters and daughters who became a victim to the desires of animals flown all the way from their country into their victim's country. Abeer is not one person but there are many Abeers who were forced by these soldiers to leave their schools and confined in their houses only which later proved to be unsafe too. But we are heartless!!! The glitter of a Nobel award has taken away our moral awareness. How could Pakistans 180 million people digest Malala's claim over the claims by western media that women live in Pakistan like prisoners and they can't go to markets. Is this the Pakistan we know from Karachi to Peshawar and Gwadar to Gilgit which Malala has pictured before the world? I have been in distant areas of Baluchistan and I have been to Lahore, I have seen Karachi, Peshawar and other smaller districts where I could easily find women at every public place. Be it farms, offices, factories, markets, or hotels, women are everywhere. Is this Malala's prison? Does Malala seek a Nobel prize with this horrible lie? Almost every news anchor, intellectual, and analyst of Pakistan who is imposed on our media sets a narrative of Malala's claim as a glad tiding. "Look Pakistan is being promoted in the world through Malala." But I think Malala was correctly placed in the list of Nobel awardees because in this list of laureates there exists three murderers: Israeli Prime Ministers Begin, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. When these men took the Nobel prize they had on their hands the blood of many innocent Palestinians. In this list of Nobel laureates is Barak Obama, a man who has a lot of innocent blood on his neck. Obama is notorious for the scores of innocent men, women and children that he has murdered with his drone strikes. In this list there is another name - that of Henry Kissinger, who is one of the biggest enemies of the Muslim 5

World (Ummah). These issues are matters of honor for nations which honored representatives tackle on behalf of their people by rejecting so called awards. Tho Lu Due , the Vietnamese Leader had engaged in peace talks with Americans, when jointly awarded the Nobel Peace prize with Henry Kissinger simply rejected it. Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Nobel prize for literature but he declined it and said : I don't want such humiliation with my name (i.e., my name being associated with a Nobel prize). One of Pakistans daughters is being exploited by the West in their campaign to humiliate an entire nation. Those who have supported Malalas bid for the peace prize should know that those awarding it have the blood of many thousands of girls like Abeer on their hands; girls who out of fear of western occupying forces left their schools and confined themselves to their homes. Yet, in the end, the homes of these pure innocent souls, offered them no sanctuary and no protection against brutal monsters who destroyed their honour and cold bloodedly murdered them.

Original article in Urdu

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