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09 Apr 1975 * 11:17:00 IST * BANGALORE, INDIA

This product is based on around 20 years of research in Astrology. We provide highest quality astrology
software after thorough research. We would like to clarify certain points. The most important point is
about planets in house. Suppose, for a native, the Ascendant is Aries and Mars in Taurus, it is assumed
by astrologers that Mars is in second house. However, depending upon the table of houses, Mars may
be in first house or second house or third house. So, we request astrologers to refer to "Bhava Chalit
Chart" or "Table of Houses" or "Bhava Chakra". The same is applicable to Bhava Lord.

Provided By
Excellent Software
#51, 10th Main, Puttenahalli,
J P Nagar, 7th Phase, Bangalore 560 078
Phone: (080) 6565 2739, 4132 9539
Excellent Software

Sri Ganeshaya Namah

Computerised Horoscope
[ Excel Special ]
Software developed by Excellent Software, Bangalore
Name Sample Sex Male
Date of Birth 09 Apr 1975 Day of Birth Wednesday
Time of Birth 11:17:00 IST Time of Birth 05:47:00 GMT 10:57:24 LMT
Place of Birth Bangalore Country/State India
Latitude 12:58 N Longitude 77:36 E
Sunrise 06:11:17 IST Sunset 18:31:42 IST
Day Duration 12:20:25 Night Duration 11:38:58
Ayanamsa +23 30 56.7 Lahiri Obliquity 023 26 29.5
Sidereal Time 00:05 House System Vedic
Lagna Gemini Lagna Lord Mercury
Tithi Troyadasi Paksha Krishna
Rasi Aquarius Rasi Lord Saturn
Nakshtra Purvabhadra Pada 3
Nakshtra Lord Jupiter Varna Sudra
Gana Manushya Yoni Lion
Nadi Adi Yoga Brahma
Fortuna 1 15 35 Yoga Point 1 26 36
Legend GMT: Greenwich Mean Time LMT: Local Mean Time IST: Indian Standard Time

Sample - Main Chart

Venus Ketu

4 2

5 1

Pluto[R] Sun Mercury Jupiter


6 12

Uranus[R] Mars Moon

7 11

8 10
Rahu Neptune[R]

Sample Page 1
Excellent Software

Bhava (Chalita) Chart

Ven Ket

Sat Sun
4 2
5 1

Plu Moo Mer Jup

6 12

Ura Mar

7 11

8 10
Rah Nep


Planet Longitude Rasi Nakshatra Pada Course
Lagna 072 48 37.6 Gemini Ardra 2 Direct
Sun 355 14 44.9 Pisces Revathi 3 Direct
Moon 328 01 31.5 Aquarius Purvabhadra 3 Direct
Mars 304 31 59.7 Aquarius Dhanista 4 Direct
Mercury 345 14 25.0 Pisces Uttarabhadra 4 Direct
Jupiter 341 40 46.7 Pisces Uttarabhadra 3 Direct
Venus 030 55 15.9 Taurus Krittika 2 Direct
Saturn 079 02 35.3 Gemini Ardra 4 Direct
Rahu 219 52 30.7 Scorpio Anuradha 2 Retro
Ketu 039 52 30.7 Taurus Krittika 4 Retro
Uranus 187 26 15.1 Libra Swati 1 Retro
Neptune 228 06 05.5 Scorpio Jyeshta 1 Retro
Pluto 164 04 33.4 Virgo Hasta 2 Retro


Planet Longitude Rasilord Starlord Sublord Subsublord Bhava No Bhava Begin Mid Bhava
Lagna 072 48 37.6 Mercury Rahu Mercury Mercury Lagna 056 58 27.1 072 48 37.6
Sun 355 14 44.9 Jupiter Mercury Rahu Mercury II 086 58 27.1 101 08 16.5
Moon 328 01 31.5 Saturn Jupiter Venus Saturn III 115 18 05.8 129 27 55.4
Mars 304 31 59.7 Saturn Mars Venus Mercury IV 143 37 44.8 157 47 34.2
Mercury 345 14 25.0 Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Saturn V 173 37 44.8 189 27 55.4
Jupiter 341 40 46.7 Jupiter Saturn Moon Mercury VI 205 18 05.8 221 08 16.5
Venus 030 55 15.9 Venus Sun Rahu Sun VII 236 58 27.1 252 48 37.6
Saturn 079 02 35.3 Mercury Rahu Moon Venus VIII 266 58 27.1 281 08 16.5
Rahu 219 52 30.7 Mars Saturn Venus Saturn IX 295 18 05.8 309 27 55.4
Ketu 039 52 30.7 Venus Sun Venus Ketu X 323 37 44.8 337 47 34.2
Uranus 187 26 15.1 Venus Rahu Rahu Saturn XI 353 37 44.8 009 27 55.4
Neptune 228 06 05.5 Mars Mercury Mercury Jupiter XII 025 18 05.8 041 08 16.5
Pluto 164 04 33.4 Mercury Moon Jupiter Jupiter

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Excellent Software


Bhava No Mid Bhava Rasilord Starlord Sublord Subsublord
Lagna 072 48 37.6 Mercury Rahu Mercury Mercury
II 101 08 16.5 Moon Saturn Moon Mars
III 129 27 55.4 Sun Ketu Saturn Saturn
IV 157 47 34.2 Mercury Sun Venus Venus
V 189 27 55.4 Venus Rahu Jupiter Ketu
VI 221 08 16.5 Mars Saturn Moon Mars
VII 252 48 37.6 Jupiter Ketu Mercury Jupiter
VIII 281 08 16.5 Saturn Moon Mars Mars
IX 309 27 55.4 Saturn Rahu Jupiter Ketu
X 337 47 34.2 Jupiter Saturn Ketu Jupiter
XI 009 27 55.4 Mars Ketu Saturn Saturn
XII 041 08 16.5 Venus Moon Mars Mars

Varga Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu Lag
Rasi 12 11 11 12 12 02 03 08 02 07 08 06 03
Hora 05 04 05 05 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 04 05
Drekkana 08 07 11 04 04 02 07 08 02 07 12 10 07
Chaturthamsa 09 08 11 06 03 02 09 11 05 07 02 09 06
Panchamsa 12 07 03 10 09 06 02 01 07 08 03 04 01
Sasthamsa 12 06 01 10 09 07 04 08 08 02 10 09 03
Sapthamsa 11 05 12 09 08 08 07 04 10 08 06 03 05
Ashtamsa 11 04 10 09 08 09 10 11 11 02 01 08 08
Navamsa 11 03 08 08 07 10 12 06 12 09 09 02 10
Dasamsa 04 08 12 01 11 10 09 07 01 09 10 06 07
Ekadasamsa 11 01 04 07 06 12 05 09 03 09 12 01 03
Dwadasamsa 10 10 12 06 04 02 10 11 05 09 03 11 08
Shodasamsa 10 07 07 05 03 05 07 10 10 04 02 04 03
Vimsamsa 09 03 12 03 12 09 05 03 03 05 09 02 01
Chaturvimsamsa 12 03 08 04 01 04 08 11 11 10 06 03 03
Bhamsa 08 08 11 11 08 04 12 06 12 01 02 04 06
Trimsamsa 08 07 01 12 12 02 03 06 06 11 10 12 09
Khavedamsa 04 02 07 03 10 08 02 08 08 10 07 01 06
Akshavedamsa 10 11 11 07 02 06 01 07 07 12 08 06 04
Shashtyamsa 02 07 08 06 11 03 05 03 09 09 08 10 04

Rasi - Body Navamsa - Spouse

Ve Ke Su Ur Ne

4 Sa 2 Sa Ke 11 Ve 9 Ma
5 1 12 8

Pl 3 Su Me Ju 10 Ju
6 12 1 7

9 4
Ur Mo Pl Ra
7 11 2 6

8 10 3 5
Ra Ne Mo

Sample Page 3
Excellent Software

Drekkana - Brother
Sun (Ravi Hora)
Moon Jupi Venu Satu Rahu Ketu Plut Su Ra

8 Mo Sa Ur 6
9 5

Pl 7 Me Ju
Hora - Money 10 4
Lagn Sun Mars Merc Uran Nept
11 3

12 2
Ne Ve Ke
Moon (Chandra Hora)

Chaturthamsa - Fortune Sapthamsa - Issues

Ur Ke Ne Ra

Mo 7 Me 5 Sa 6 Mo 4 Pl
8 4 7 3

Su Sa Pl 6 Ju Ju Ve Ur 5
9 3 8 2

12 11
Ve Ne Me Su
10 2 9 1

11 1 10 12
Ma Ra Ke Ma

Dasamsa - Profession Dwadasamsa - Parents

Mo Pl Ur

Sa Ur 8 Ra 6 Su Mo 9 7 Me
9 5 10 6

Ve Ne 7 Su Ra Pl 8 Ke
10 4 11 5

1 2
Ju Me Ke Ma Ve Ju
11 3 12 4

12 2 1 3
Ma Ne

Shodasamsa - Desire Vimsamsa - Vehicle

Ur Pl Ne Pl Ma Ju

Me Ve 4 Ju 2 Mo 2 12
Me Ra
5 1 3 11

3 1
6 12 4 10

9 7
Mo Sa Ur Su Ve
Ma Sa Ne
7 11 5 9

8 10 6 8
Su Ra Ke

Sample Page 4
Excellent Software

Chaturvimsamsa - Education Bhamsa - Strength

Me Ve

4 Mo Pl 2 Ju Su Mo 7 Ra 5 Ve Pl
5 1 8 4

Ne 3 Su 6
6 12 9 3

9 12
Ra Ke Sa Ke Ne
7 11 10 2

8 10 11 1
Ma Sa Ur Ma Me Ur

Trimsamsa - Destiny Khavedamsa - Auspicious

Ne Su Ma Ne

Ur 10 8 Mo Ve Ra 7 5 Su
11 7 8 4

Me Ju Pl 9 Ra Ke 6 Me
12 6 9 3

3 12
Ma Sa Ju Ur Mo Sa
1 5 10 2

2 4 11 1
Ve Pl

Akshavedamsa - Character Shashtyamsa - All

Sa Ve Ra

Ve Pl 5 3 Ju Me 5 3 Su
6 2 6 2

Me Ra Ke 4 Sa Mo 4
7 1 7 1

10 10
Ne Su Ur Ma Ne Pl
8 12 8 12

9 11 9 11
Mo Ma Ke Ur Ju


Planet Mitra Sama Shatru Planet Mitra Shatru
Sun Moo Mar Jup Mer Ven Sat Sun Moo Mar Ven Sat Mer Jup
Moon Sun Mer Mar Jup Ven Sat Moon Sun Mer Jup Ven Mar Sat
Mars Sun Moo Jup Ven Sat Mer Mars Sun Mer Jup Ven Moo Sat
Mercury Sun Ven Mar Jup Sat Moo Mercury Moo Mar Ven Sat Sun Jup
Jupiter Sun Moo Mar Sat Mer Ven Jupiter Moo Mar Ven Sat Sun Mer
Venus Mer Sat Mar Jup Sun Moo Venus Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Sat
Saturn Mer Ven Jup Sun Moo Mar Saturn Sun Mer Jup Ven Moo Mar

Sample Page 5
Excellent Software


Planet Adhimitra Mitra Sama Shatru Adhishatru
Sun Moo Mar Jup Ven Sat Mer
Moon Sun Mer Jup Ven Mar Sat
Mars Sun Jup Ven Moo Mer Sat
Mercury Ven Mar Sat Sun Moo Jup
Jupiter Moo Mar Sat Sun Ven Mer
Venus Mer Sat Mar Jup Sun Moo
Saturn Mer Ven Jup Sun Moo Mar

VIMSAVARGA VIMSOPAK TABLE [AMitra: Adhi Mitra, ASatru: Adhi Satru]

Varga Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Rasi Sama Satru Satru Satru Own Own AMitra
Hora Own Own AMitra Sama AMitra Sama ASatru
Drekkana AMitra Mitra Satru Sama AMitra Own AMitra
Chaturthamsa Sama Satru Satru Own ASatru Own Mitra
Panchamsa Sama Mitra Sama Mitra Own AMitra AMitra
Sasthamsa Sama AMitra Own Mitra Own Own ASatru
Sapthamsa Sama AMitra AMitra Satru AMitra Mitra AMitra
Ashtamsa Sama Own Satru Satru AMitra Mitra Own
Navamsa Sama AMitra Own Mitra Sama AMitra Mitra
Dasamsa AMitra Satru AMitra Mitra Mitra AMitra Mitra
Ekadasamsa Sama Satru Sama AMitra ASatru Mitra Sama
Dwadasamsa Sama Satru AMitra Own AMitra Own Own
Shodasamsa Sama Mitra Mitra Sama ASatru Sama AMitra
Vimsamsa Sama AMitra AMitra Own Own Mitra Sama
Chaturvimsamsa Sama AMitra Own Sama AMitra Sama ASatru
Bhamsa AMitra Satru Satru Mitra AMitra Sama Mitra
Trimsamsa AMitra Mitra Own Satru Own Own AMitra
Khavedamsa AMitra Mitra Mitra Own Mitra Mitra AMitra
Akshavedamsa Sama Satru Satru AMitra Sama AMitra ASatru
Shashtyamsa Sama Mitra Own Own Mitra AMitra Sama


Varga Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Vimsopak Bala Result
Shadavarga 13.00 13.05 13.10 11.20 16.70 18.50 16.15 17.5 to 20.0 Atipoorna
Saptavarga 13.00 12.23 14.05 11.68 17.70 18.50 16.78 15.0 to 17.5 Poorna
Dasavarga 12.55 13.43 16.10 13.10 15.90 17.33 14.73 12.5 to 15.0 Atimadhya
Shodasavarga 11.90 13.53 15.18 13.45 14.73 16.83 14.28 10.0 to 12.5 Madhya
Vimsavarga 11.90 13.65 14.80 13.53 15.05 16.88 14.08 7.5 to 10.0 Swalpa
5.0 to 7.5 Atiswalpa
2.5 to 5.0 Heena
0.0 to 2.5 Atiheena

Sample Page 6
Excellent Software

No Planet Longitude Degree Karka Name
1 Moon 328 01 31.4 028 01 31.4 Atma
2 Sun 355 14 44.9 025 14 44.9 Amatya
3 Rahu 219 52 30.7 020 07 29.3 Bhratri
4 Saturn 079 02 35.2 019 02 35.2 Matri
5 Mercury 345 14 25.1 015 14 25.1 Pitri
6 Jupiter 341 40 46.6 011 40 46.6 Putra
7 Mars 304 31 59.5 004 31 59.5 Jati
8 Venus 030 55 16.0 000 55 16.0 Stree


Planet Longitude Rasi Nakshatra Pada
Lagna 072 48 37.6 Gemini Ardra 2
Ravi 355 14 44.9 Pisces Revathi 3
Chandra 328 01 31.5 Aquarius Purvabhadra 3
Pranpada 186 15 35.6 Libra Chitra 4
Gulika 066 23 18.7 Gemini Mrigsira 4
Dhooma 128 34 44.9 Leo Magha 3
Vyatipata 231 25 15.1 Scorpio Jyeshta 2
Parivesha 051 25 15.1 Taurus Rohini 4
Chapa 308 34 44.9 Aquarius Satabhisa 1
Upaketu 325 14 44.9 Aquarius Purvabhadra 2
Mandi 081 50 50.4 Gemini Punarvasu 1
Kaala 087 26 10.3 Gemini Punarvasu 3
Paridhi 108 39 42.6 Cancer Ashlesha 1
Mrityu 130 41 38.3 Leo Magha 4
Ardha Prahara 354 00 19.9 Pisces Revathi 3
Yama Ganda 020 30 18.1 Aries Bharani 3
Kodanda 044 27 33.5 Taurus Rohini 2

Sun (Ravi Hora)
Pa Moon Upkt Mndi
Dh 4 Gu Mn 2
5 1

3 Su
Lagn Sun Pran Gulk Dhum Vyti Parv Chap
Pr Mo Ch
7 11

8 10
Moon (Chandra Hora)

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Excellent Software


Su Pr

8 Mo Pr Up 6 Dh Mo Dh 7 5
Pa Up
9 5 8 4

Pa 7 Vy Su Mn 6 Gu
10 4 9 3

1 12
Ch Mn Gu Vy Ch
11 3 10 2

12 2 11 1


Vy Gu Up Su Ch

Dh 6 Mo 4 11 Vy 9 Pr Gu
7 3 12 8

Pr Mn 5 Mn 10
8 2 1 7

11 4
Su Ch Up Pa
9 1 2 6

10 12 3 5
Pa Mo Dh


Mo Pr Up

Pr 8 Dh Up 6 Gu Pa Su Mo 9 Dh 7
9 5 10 6

Mn 7 Su Mn 8 Gu
10 4 11 5

1 2
Vy Ch Ch Vy
11 3 12 4

12 2 1 3


Pr Vy Pa Dh Ch

4 2 Mo 2 Up 12 Vy Pa
5 1 3 11

Up 3 Gu 1
6 12 4 10

9 7
Mo Dh Ch Pr Mn Su Gu
7 11 5 9

8 10 6 8
Mn Su

Sample Page 8
Excellent Software


Vy Up

4 Mo 2 Up Su Mo 7 5
5 1 8 4

3 Su 6
6 12 9 3

9 12
Vy Pa Dh Ch Pr Gu Ch Mn
7 11 10 2

8 10 11 1
Pr Gu Mn Pa


Vy Pa Su

Pr Gu 10 8 Mo Up 7 Mn 5 Su
Dh Ch
11 7 8 4

9 Pr Gu 6
12 6 9 3

3 12
Mn Up Dh Ch Mo
1 5 10 2

2 4 11 1
Vy Pa


Dh Ch Mn Gu

Gu Up 5 3 5 Ch 3 Su Vy
6 2 6 2

4 Vy Pa Mo Pr 4 Up
7 1 7 1

10 10
Su Pr Pa Dh Mn
8 12 8 12

9 11 9 11


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun 0 - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 08
Moon 0 - - 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 04
Mars - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 08
Mercury - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 07
Jupiter - - - 0 0 - - 0 - 0 - - 04
Venus 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - 03
Saturn 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 08
Lagna 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 06
Total 5 3 2 4 4 4 3 7 5 4 3 4 48

Sample Page 9
Excellent Software


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun - 0 - - 0 0 0 - 0 0 - - 06
Moon 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - 06
Mars 0 - 0 0 - - 0 0 0 - - 0 07
Mercury - 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 08
Jupiter - - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 07
Venus - - - 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 07
Saturn 0 - - - 0 - 0 0 - - - - 04
Lagna 0 - - - 0 - - 0 - - - 0 04
Total 4 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 3 5 49


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun - 0 - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - 05
Moon 0 - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 03
Mars - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 07
Mercury - 0 - 0 0 - - - - 0 - - 04
Jupiter - - - - 0 - - - 0 0 0 - 04
Venus 0 - - - - - 0 - 0 - - 0 04
Saturn 0 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 07
Lagna 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 - - - 0 05
Total 4 3 2 3 5 2 1 2 6 4 3 4 39


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun - - - 0 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - 05
Moon - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 06
Mars - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 08
Mercury - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 08
Jupiter - - - - 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 04
Venus - 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 08
Saturn 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 08
Lagna 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 07
Total 2 4 3 6 5 5 2 5 5 6 5 6 54


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 09
Moon - - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 05
Mars - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 07
Mercury 0 - 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 - 0 08
Jupiter 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 08
Venus - - 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 0 0 06
Saturn - 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - - - - 04
Lagna 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 09
Total 4 4 6 2 4 5 6 5 6 4 3 7 56

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Excellent Software


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun - - - - - - 0 - - 0 0 - 03
Moon 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09
Mars 0 - 0 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - - 06
Mercury - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 - 0 - - 05
Jupiter - - - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - - 05
Venus - 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 09
Saturn 0 - - - 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 07
Lagna 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 08
Total 4 3 4 5 4 4 6 2 4 8 5 3 52


Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 07
Moon 0 - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 03
Mars 0 - 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 - - 06
Mercury - - - - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - 06
Jupiter - - - 0 0 - - - - 0 0 - 04
Venus 0 - - - - - 0 - - - - 0 03
Saturn 0 - - - 0 - 0 0 - - - - 04
Lagna 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 06
Total 6 0 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 39

ASHTAKVARGA TABLE [Before Reduction]

Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun 5 3 2 4 4 4 3 7 5 4 3 4 48
Moon 4 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 3 5 49
Mars 4 3 2 3 5 2 1 2 6 4 3 4 39
Mercury 2 4 3 6 5 5 2 5 5 6 5 6 54
Jupiter 4 4 6 2 4 5 6 5 6 4 3 7 56
Venus 4 3 4 5 4 4 6 2 4 8 5 3 52
Saturn 6 0 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 39
Total 29 19 23 27 31 26 27 30 35 34 24 32 337

ASHTAKVARGA TABLE [After Trikona Reduction]

Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 09
Moon 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 10
Mars 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 12
Mercury 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 3 2 3 1 15
Jupiter 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 3 2 0 0 5 17
Venus 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 5 1 1 13
Saturn 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 4 0 0 12
Total 3 1 6 5 5 8 10 8 9 16 7 10 88

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Excellent Software

ASHTAKVARGA TABLE [After Ekadhipatya (Final) Reduction]

Planet Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Total
Sun 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 07
Moon 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 2 0 1 09
Mars 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 08
Mercury 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 11
Jupiter 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 5 14
Venus 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 4 1 1 12
Saturn 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 4 0 0 10
Total 2 1 6 5 5 5 10 7 3 10 7 10 71


Pinda Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu Bhava Planets Having Full Dristi On The Bhava
Rashi 55 64 78 105 129 74 62 Lagna
Graha 13 20 78 64 115 33 5 II Jupiter
Sodya 68 84 156 169 244 107 67 III Moon, Mars, Saturn
IV Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
VI Jupiter, Venus, Ketu
VII Saturn
X Saturn, Pluto
XI Uranus
XII Mars, Rahu, Neptune


Bhava Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu Rahu Ketu Uran Nept Plut
Lagna 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.50 0.75 0.25
II 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00
III 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.25 0.00
IV 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
V 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
VI 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.25
VII 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.75 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.25 0.00 0.75
VIII 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50
IX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.00
X 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00
XI 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.75
XII 0.25 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.75 1.00 0.50

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Excellent Software


Bhava Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu Rahu Ketu Uran Nept Plut
Lagna 0.54 0.63 0.36 0.71 0.74 0.10 0.00 0.73 0.02 0.46 0.79 0.26
II 0.62 0.28 0.22 0.53 0.50 0.42 0.00 0.49 0.27 0.22 0.56 0.02
III 0.26 0.38 0.96 0.10 0.54 0.68 0.17 0.25 0.74 0.00 0.32 0.00
IV 0.42 0.92 0.97 0.75 0.87 0.39 1.31 0.02 0.52 0.00 0.09 0.00
V 0.88 0.65 0.46 0.80 0.77 0.28 0.58 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
VI 0.62 0.39 0.19 0.53 0.50 0.91 0.13 0.00 0.99 0.03 0.00 0.23
VII 0.35 0.13 0.00 0.27 0.24 0.65 0.79 0.02 0.73 0.34 0.00 0.73
VIII 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.41 0.82 0.27 0.49 0.72 0.19 0.52
IX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.58 0.74 0.25 0.47 0.61 0.08
X 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.52 0.02 0.01 0.59 0.79
XI 0.00 0.10 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.01 0.00 0.98 0.14 0.79
XII 0.13 0.47 0.94 0.22 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.72 0.77 0.52


Aspecting\Aspected=> Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu
Sun 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95
Moon 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.43
Mars 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.62
Mercury 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.28
Jupiter 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.31
Venus 0.05 0.30 0.69 0.13 0.16 0.00
Saturn 0.65 0.57 0.26 0.72 0.69 0.15


Bala Type Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu
Rasi 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 30.00 30.00 20.00
Hora 30.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 2.00
Drekkana 20.00 15.00 4.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 20.00
Sapthamsa 10.00 20.00 20.00 4.00 20.00 15.00 20.00
Navamsa 10.00 20.00 30.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 15.00
Dwadasamsa 10.00 4.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 30.00
Trimsamsa 20.00 15.00 30.00 4.00 30.00 30.00 20.00
Total 110.00 108.00 128.00 77.00 150.00 165.00 127.00


Bala Type Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu
Ochcha 55.08 38.34 57.82 0.08 22.23 48.69 19.68
Saptavarga 110.00 108.00 128.00 77.00 150.00 165.00 127.00
Ojayugma 15.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 15.00 30.00 15.00
Kendra 60.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 60.00 15.00 60.00
Drekkana 0.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
Total 240.08 176.34 230.82 152.08 247.23 258.69 236.68

Sample Page 13
Excellent Software


Bala Type Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu
Natonnata 56.42 3.58 3.58 60.00 56.42 56.42 3.58
Paksha 50.93 101.85 50.93 9.07 9.07 9.07 50.93
Tribhaga 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Varsha 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00
Masa 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vara 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hora 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ayan 78.38 28.64 13.27 32.22 31.34 54.89 1.69
Yuddha 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 335.73 134.07 67.78 146.29 156.83 135.38 56.20


Bala Type Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu
Sthana 240.08 176.34 230.82 152.08 247.23 258.69 236.68
Digbala 54.18 3.26 48.91 30.81 29.62 17.71 2.08
Kala 335.73 134.07 67.78 146.29 156.83 135.38 56.20
Chesta 0.00 0.00 21.35 3.00 4.80 35.81 28.69
Naisargika 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 42.86 8.57
Drik -16.81 -6.02 -6.02 -5.56 -5.56 -11.17 1.17
Total 673.18 359.08 379.98 352.33 467.21 479.28 333.39
Rupa 11.22 5.98 6.33 5.87 7.79 7.99 5.56


Phala Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupi Venu Satu
Ishta 44.69 18.65 35.13 0.49 10.33 41.76 23.76
Kashta 10.81 33.21 9.18 58.44 45.66 16.54 35.53

KEY => To understand ISHTA and KASHTA:

A planet with more ISHTA Phala is supposed to be do good in its Dasa, Bhukti and Antardasa while a planet
with more KASHTA Phala is supposed to give evil results in its Dasa, Bhukti and Antardasa.


Bhava Bhavadhipati Bala Bhava Digbala Bhavadrishti Bala Total Bala Total Rupa
Lagna 352.33 60.00 65.52 477.85 7.96
II 359.08 40.00 51.84 450.92 7.52
III 673.18 10.00 21.57 704.75 11.75
IV 352.33 30.00 48.78 431.11 7.19
V 479.28 20.00 59.64 558.92 9.32
VI 379.98 50.00 56.02 486.00 8.10
VII 467.21 0.00 21.32 488.53 8.14
VIII 333.39 40.00 -5.46 367.93 6.13
IX 333.39 20.00 -6.02 347.38 5.79
X 467.21 0.00 -5.56 461.65 7.69
XI 379.98 50.00 -18.86 411.12 6.85
XII 479.28 40.00 4.49 523.77 8.73

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Planet Bhava Strength Purva/Uttara Bhaga Bhava Bhava Lord Strength Purva/Uttara Bhaga
Sun 11 0.1021 Purva Bhaga 1 Mercury 0.8540 Purva Bhaga
Moon 10 0.3104 Purva Bhaga 2 Moon 0.7425 Purva Bhaga
Mars 9 0.6518 Purva Bhaga 3 Sun 0.6310 Purva Bhaga
Mercury 10 0.5297 Uttara Bhaga 4 Mercury 0.5195 Purva Bhaga
Jupiter 10 0.7546 Uttara Bhaga 5 Venus 0.6310 Purva Bhaga
Venus 12 0.3548 Purva Bhaga 6 Mars 0.7425 Purva Bhaga
Saturn 1 0.5600 Uttara Bhaga 7 Jupiter 0.8540 Purva Bhaga
Rahu 6 0.9203 Purva Bhaga 8 Saturn 0.7425 Purva Bhaga
Ketu 12 0.9203 Purva Bhaga 9 Saturn 0.6310 Purva Bhaga
Uranus 5 0.8719 Purva Bhaga 10 Jupiter 0.5195 Purva Bhaga
Neptune 6 0.5603 Uttara Bhaga 11 Mars 0.6310 Purva Bhaga
Pluto 4 0.6032 Uttara Bhaga 12 Venus 0.7425 Purva Bhaga


Bhava Planets In Bhava Bhava Lord Dristi On Bhava
Lagna Satu Merc
II Moon Jupi
III Sun Moon Mars Satu
IV Merc Sun Mars Merc Jupi
V Venu
VI Rahu Mars Jupi Venu Ketu
VII Jupi Satu
IX Mars Satu
X Merc Jupi Moon Jupi Satu
XI Sun Mars
XII Venu Ketu Venu Mars Rahu

KEY => To understand BHAVA CHAKRA

BHAVA CHAKRA gives the complete detail about each bhava. It gives the planets residing in the bhava, lord of
bhava and planets aspecting the bhava. This is very useful for various kind of predictions.


According to Deva Keralam, there is Kuja dosha only if Kuja is in first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house.

There are certain exceptions to this rule which are as under:

(1) Mars is in exaltation, own house or friend's house

(2) Mars is in movable sign.

(3) There is no Kuja dosha if Gemini or Virgo happens to be second house.

(4) There is no Kuja dosha if Cancer or Capricorn happens to be seventh house.

(5) There is no Kuja dosha if Taurus or Libra happens to be the 12th house.

(6) There is no Kuja dosha for Cancer or Leo Ascendant as Mars is yoga karka for these Ascendants.

(7) There is no Kuja dosha if Mars is in Cancer, Leo or Aquarius.

(8) There is no Kuja dosha if Mars is in fourth or eighth house and Ascendant is Aquarius.

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Kuja dosha gets cancelled if male and female both have Kuja dosha.

Mars is in the ninth house.

There is no Kuja dosha becuase Mars is in ninth house.


Planets situated within the following distances mentioned below from the Sun becomes combust (Moudhyam):


Planet Distance From The Sun
Moon 12 Degrees
Mars 17 Degrees
Mercury 14 Degrees (13 Degrees When Retrograde)
Jupiter 11 Degrees
Venus 10 Degrees ( 9 Degrees When Retrograde)
Saturn 15 Degrees

The following planet(s) are in COMBUSTION with SUN: Mercury


Planets are said to be in Yuddha (or Fight) when they are in conjuction and the distance between them is
less than one degree. All the planets except Sun and Moon may enter into war. The conquering planet is the one
whose longitude is less.

There are no planets in GRAHA YUDDHA.


Table of Significators is based on the following:
(1) Occupant in the Bhava
(2) Planets in the Star of the Occupant
(3) Owner of the Bhava
(4) Planets in the Star of the Owner

Note: For finding Occupants in a Bhava, the Bhava Starts from Mid-Bhava (Cusp) till Next Mid-Bhava as per KP


Bhava Planets Planets Bhava
Lagna Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu Sun Lagna III IV X
II Moon Moon II VII IX X
III Sun, Venus, Ketu Mars VI VIII XI
IV Sun, Mercury Mercury Lagna IV VIII IX X
V Venus, Saturn, Rahu Jupiter Lagna VII VIII IX X
VI Mars Venus III V X XI XII
VII Moon, Jupiter Saturn Lagna V VIII IX
VIII Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu Rahu Lagna V VIII IX
IX Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu Ketu III X XI
X Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Ketu
XI Mars, Venus, Ketu
XII Venus

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The Period during which Saturn transits in the first, Apart from Graha Dristi, the Hindu Astrology supports
thefollowing type of aspects:
(1) Conjunction - When two planets are in the same rasi.
(2) Opposition (Dristi) - When one planet is in the seventh rasi from the other planet.
(3) Trine (Trikona) - When one planet is in the fifth or in the ninth rasi from the other planet.
(4) Square (Kendra) - When one planet is in the fourth or in the tenth rasi from the other planet.


Planet Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu
Sun Con Con Squ Tri Tri Opp
Moo Con Squ Tri Squ Squ Tri Squ
Mar Squ Tri Squ Squ Tri Squ
Mer Con Squ Tri Tri Opp
Jup Squ Tri Tri Opp
Ven Opp Con Opp Tri
Sat Tri Squ
Rah Opp Con
Ket Opp Tri

Con: Conjunction, Opp: Opposition (Dristi), Tri: Trine (Trikona), Squ: Square (Kendra)

Please note the following important points about Yoga prediction:

(1) If planets causing Yoga are in exaltation or highly benefic Yoga gives very good result. However, if planets
causing Yoga are malefic, the result may get nullified or negated.

(2) Yoga results should not be taken in isolation, it should be taken in its totality. A particular Yoga may give
indication about you but other astrological factor impact the result, so other factors should also be considered with
the Yoga result.

Sunapha Yoga
Yoga Definition: If there are planets (other than the Sun) in the second house from the Moon, Sunapha is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in Sunapha Yoga will be a King or equal to be a King, be intelligent, wealthy, and
famous and will have self earned money.

Chandra Mangala Yoga

Yoga Definition: If Moon and Mars are in conjuction, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be disobedient to his mother and will make money through unholy
transactions. If Mars is malefic, he will be unsuccessful in romance.

Sakata Yoga
Yoga Definition: If Moon is situated in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from Jupiter, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will have his fortune obstructed now and then. The period of misfortune
will be whenever the Moon transits the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from the radical Jupiter.

Vasi Yoga

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Yoga Definition: If there is any planet (except Moon) in the twlefth house from the Sun, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be skilful and charitable. He will be endowed with fame and

Hamsa Yoga
Yoga Definition: If Jupiter is in Kendra in the own sign or in exaltation, this Yoga is formed. This is one of
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will possess voice analogous to swan (hamsa), fair in complexion,
charming face and well developed nose, phlegmatic nature, having honey like reddish brown coloured eyes,
reddish nails and is an intelligent person. He is like a king with well moulded cheeks, round forehead and elegant
feet. His lustful urge for women will remain unsatisfied. He will have interest in swimming and water sports.

Budha-Aditya Yoga
Yoga Definition: If Mercury and Sun are situated in the same, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be highly intelligent and skilful. He will have good reputation and
enjoy all comforts and happiness.

Sankha Yoga
Yoga Definition: If the Lord of the fifth and sixth houses are in mutual kendra, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be fond of pleasure and humanitarian. He will be blessed with wife,
children and lands. He will live a long life and be learned in science.

Parijatha Yoga
Yoga Definition: If the lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the Ascendant Lord is in his own
sign or in exaltaion, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be happy in the middle and last part of his life. He will be generous
and famous. However, he will be fond of war. He may receive homage of the Kings and Rulers.

Details of Yogi, Saha Yogi and Ava Yogi

Yogi: Mars
Saha Yogi: Venus
Ava Yogi: Ketu

The Period during which Saturn transits in the first, second and twelfth houses from the moon rasi of the native is
called the Sadhesati of Saturn.
Your birth rasi is Aquarius therefor the period during which Gochara Saturn transits in Capricorn, Aquarius and
Pisces is Sadhesati of Saturn for you.
One Sadhesati is made up of three periods of approximately two and half years each becuase Saturn moves in
one rasi for two and half years. Normally in the life time of a person, the Sadhesati of Saturn occurs three times.
The following table shows the beginning and ending of each Cycle of Sadhesati.

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Sadhesati Cycle Satrun Transit Begin Date End Date Ashtak Sat Ashtak Sarva
First Dhayya Capricorn 22 Mar 1990 21 Jun 1990 4 34
First Dhayya Capricorn 16 Dec 1990 06 Mar 1993 4 34
First Dhayya Capricorn 16 Oct 1993 11 Nov 1993 4 34
Second Dhayya Aquarius 06 Mar 1993 16 Oct 1993 2 24
Second Dhayya Aquarius 11 Nov 1993 03 Jun 1995 2 24
Second Dhayya Aquarius 11 Aug 1995 17 Feb 1996 2 24
Third Dhayya Pisces 03 Jun 1995 11 Aug 1995 3 32
Third Dhayya Pisces 17 Feb 1996 18 Apr 1998 3 32
First Dhayya Capricorn 25 Jan 2020 30 Apr 2022 4 34
First Dhayya Capricorn 13 Jul 2022 18 Jan 2023 4 34
Second Dhayya Aquarius 30 Apr 2022 13 Jul 2022 2 24
Second Dhayya Aquarius 18 Jan 2023 30 Mar 2025 2 24
Third Dhayya Pisces 30 Mar 2025 04 Jun 2027 3 32
Third Dhayya Pisces 21 Oct 2027 24 Feb 2028 3 32
First Dhayya Capricorn 07 Mar 2049 11 Jul 2049 4 34
First Dhayya Capricorn 05 Dec 2049 26 Feb 2052 4 34
Second Dhayya Aquarius 26 Feb 2052 15 May 2054 2 24
Second Dhayya Aquarius 03 Sep 2054 06 Feb 2055 2 24
Third Dhayya Pisces 15 May 2054 03 Sep 2054 3 32
Third Dhayya Pisces 06 Feb 2055 08 Apr 2057 3 32

VIMSOTTARI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 06 Years 04 Months 13 Days

Vimsottari Dasa
Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu
Ju Sa 22 Aug 81 Me 22 Aug 00 Ke 22 Aug 17 Ve 22 Aug 24 Su 22 Aug 44 Mo 22 Aug 50 Ma 22 Aug 60 Ra 22 Aug 67
Sa Me 25 Aug 84 Ke 19 Jan 03 Ve 19 Jan 18 Su 22 Dec 27 Mo 10 Dec 44 Ma 22 Jun 51 Ra 19 Jan 61 Ju 04 May 70
Me Ke 04 May 87 Ve 16 Jan 04 Su 19 Mar 19 Mo 22 Dec 28 Ma 10 Jun 45 Ra 22 Jan 52 Ju 07 Feb 62 Sa 28 Sep 72
Ke Ve 13 Jun 88 Su 16 Nov 06 Mo 25 Jul 19 Ma 22 Aug 30 Ra 16 Oct 45 Ju 22 Jul 53 Sa 13 Jan 63 Me 04 Aug 75
Ve 09 Apr 75 Su 13 Aug 91 Mo 22 Sep 07 Ma 25 Feb 20 Ra 22 Oct 31 Ju 10 Sep 46 Sa 22 Nov 54 Me 22 Feb 64 Ke 22 Feb 78
Su 04 Mar 76 Mo 25 Jul 92 Ma 22 Feb 09 Ra 22 Jul 20 Ju 22 Oct 34 Sa 28 Jun 47 Me 22 Jun 56 Ke 19 Feb 65 Ve 10 Mar 79
Mo 22 Dec 76 Ma 25 Feb 94 Ra 19 Feb 10 Ju 10 Aug 21 Sa 22 Jun 37 Me 10 Jun 48 Ke 22 Nov 57 Ve 16 Jul 65 Su 10 Mar 82
Ma 22 Apr 78 Ra 04 Apr 95 Ju 07 Sep 12 Sa 16 Jul 22 Me 22 Aug 40 Ke 16 Apr 49 Ve 22 Jun 58 Su 16 Sep 66 Mo 04 Feb 83
Ra 28 Mar 79 Ju 10 Feb 98 Sa 13 Dec 14 Me 25 Aug 23 Ke 22 Jun 43 Ve 22 Aug 49 Su 22 Feb 60 Mo 22 Jan 67 Ma 04 Aug 84

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Jupiter

Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu
Ju Sa Me Ke Ve Su 04 Mar 76 Mo 22 Dec 76 Ma 22 Apr 78 Ra 28 Mar 79
Sa Me Ke Ve Su Mo 18 Mar 76 Ma 02 Feb 77 Ra 11 May 78 Ju 07 Aug 79
Me Ke Ve Su Mo Ma 12 Apr 76 Ra 28 Feb 77 Ju 02 Jul 78 Sa 02 Dec 79
Ke Ve Su Mo Ma Ra 29 Apr 76 Ju 12 May 77 Sa 16 Aug 78 Me 19 Apr 80
Ve Su Mo Ma Ra Ju 12 Jun 76 Sa 16 Jul 77 Me 10 Oct 78 Ke 22 Aug 80
Su Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa 20 Jul 76 Me 02 Oct 77 Ke 27 Nov 78 Ve 12 Oct 80
Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa 09 Apr 75 Me 06 Sep 76 Ke 10 Dec 77 Ve 17 Dec 78 Su 06 Mar 81
Ma Ra Ju Sa Me 22 Aug 75 Ke 17 Oct 76 Ve 08 Jan 78 Su 13 Feb 79 Mo 19 Apr 81
Ra Ju Sa Me Ke 08 Jan 76 Ve 04 Nov 76 Su 28 Mar 78 Mo 28 Feb 79 Ma 01 Jul 81

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Vimsottari Mahadasa: Saturn (6 years old)

Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter
Sa 22 Aug 81 Me 25 Aug 84 Ke 04 May 87 Ve 13 Jun 88 Su 13 Aug 91 Mo 25 Jul 92 Ma 25 Feb 94 Ra 04 Apr 95 Ju 10 Feb 98
Me 13 Feb 82 Ke 12 Jan 85 Ve 27 May 87 Su 23 Dec 88 Mo 31 Aug 91 Ma 12 Sep 92 Ra 18 Mar 94 Ju 07 Sep 95 Sa 11 Jun 98
Ke 16 Jul 82 Ve 08 Mar 85 Su 03 Aug 87 Mo 20 Feb 89 Ma 28 Sep 91 Ra 15 Oct 92 Ju 18 May 94 Sa 24 Jan 96 Me 06 Nov 98
Ve 20 Sep 82 Su 20 Aug 85 Mo 23 Aug 87 Ma 25 May 89 Ra 18 Oct 91 Ju 11 Jan 93 Sa 11 Jul 94 Me 07 Jul 96 Ke 15 Mar 99
Su 20 Mar 83 Mo 08 Oct 85 Ma 27 Sep 87 Ra 01 Aug 89 Ju 09 Dec 91 Sa 27 Mar 93 Me 14 Sep 94 Ke 02 Dec 96 Ve 08 May 99
Mo 14 May 83 Ma 29 Dec 85 Ra 20 Oct 87 Ju 22 Jan 90 Sa 25 Jan 92 Me 27 Jun 93 Ke 11 Nov 94 Ve 02 Feb 97 Su 10 Oct 99
Ma 15 Aug 83 Ra 26 Feb 86 Ju 20 Dec 87 Sa 24 Jun 90 Me 19 Mar 92 Ke 18 Sep 93 Ve 04 Dec 94 Su 23 Jul 97 Mo 26 Nov 99
Ra 18 Oct 83 Ju 21 Jul 86 Sa 13 Feb 88 Me 25 Dec 90 Ke 08 May 92 Ve 21 Oct 93 Su 10 Feb 95 Mo 14 Sep 97 Ma 12 Feb 00
Ju 31 Mar 84 Sa 30 Nov 86 Me 16 Apr 88 Ke 06 Jun 91 Ve 28 May 92 Su 26 Jan 94 Mo 28 Feb 95 Ma 10 Dec 97 Ra 05 Apr 00

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Mercury (25 years old)

Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
Me 22 Aug 00 Ke 19 Jan 03 Ve 16 Jan 04 Su 16 Nov 06 Mo 22 Sep 07 Ma 22 Feb 09 Ra 19 Feb 10 Ju 07 Sep 12 Sa 13 Dec 14
Ke 24 Dec 00 Ve 09 Feb 03 Su 06 Jul 04 Mo 01 Dec 06 Ma 04 Nov 07 Ra 12 Mar 09 Ju 06 Jul 10 Sa 25 Dec 12 Me 16 May 15
Ve 15 Feb 01 Su 09 Apr 03 Mo 27 Aug 04 Ma 26 Dec 06 Ra 04 Dec 07 Ju 06 May 09 Sa 09 Nov 10 Me 05 May 13 Ke 03 Oct 15
Su 09 Jul 01 Mo 27 Apr 03 Ma 22 Nov 04 Ra 14 Jan 07 Ju 20 Feb 08 Sa 24 Jun 09 Me 04 Apr 11 Ke 31 Aug 13 Ve 30 Nov 15
Mo 23 Aug 01 Ma 26 May 03 Ra 21 Jan 05 Ju 28 Feb 07 Sa 28 Apr 08 Me 20 Aug 09 Ke 14 Aug 11 Ve 18 Oct 13 Su 11 May 16
Ma 05 Nov 01 Ra 17 Jun 03 Ju 24 Jun 05 Sa 11 Apr 07 Me 19 Jul 08 Ke 11 Oct 09 Ve 08 Oct 11 Su 04 Mar 14 Mo 30 Jun 16
Ra 26 Dec 01 Ju 11 Aug 03 Sa 10 Nov 05 Me 29 May 07 Ke 01 Oct 08 Ve 01 Nov 09 Su 11 Mar 12 Mo 15 Apr 14 Ma 20 Sep 16
Ju 06 May 02 Sa 28 Sep 03 Me 22 Apr 06 Ke 13 Jul 07 Ve 01 Nov 08 Su 01 Jan 10 Mo 26 Apr 12 Ma 23 Jun 14 Ra 17 Nov 16
Sa 01 Sep 02 Me 25 Nov 03 Ke 16 Sep 06 Ve 01 Aug 07 Su 26 Jan 09 Mo 19 Jan 10 Ma 13 Jul 12 Ra 10 Aug 14 Ju 12 Apr 17

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Ketu (42 years old)

Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury
Ke 22 Aug 17 Ve 19 Jan 18 Su 19 Mar 19 Mo 25 Jul 19 Ma 25 Feb 20 Ra 22 Jul 20 Ju 10 Aug 21 Sa 16 Jul 22 Me 25 Aug 23
Ve 31 Aug 17 Su 29 Mar 18 Mo 25 Mar 19 Ma 12 Aug 19 Ra 03 Mar 20 Ju 18 Sep 20 Sa 24 Sep 21 Me 19 Sep 22 Ke 15 Oct 23
Su 25 Sep 17 Mo 20 Apr 18 Ma 05 Apr 19 Ra 24 Aug 19 Ju 25 Mar 20 Sa 09 Nov 20 Me 18 Nov 21 Ke 15 Nov 22 Ve 06 Nov 23
Mo 02 Oct 17 Ma 25 May 18 Ra 13 Apr 19 Ju 26 Sep 19 Sa 15 Apr 20 Me 08 Jan 21 Ke 05 Jan 22 Ve 09 Dec 22 Su 05 Jan 24
Ma 14 Oct 17 Ra 19 Jun 18 Ju 02 May 19 Sa 24 Oct 19 Me 08 May 20 Ke 02 Mar 21 Ve 25 Jan 22 Su 15 Feb 23 Mo 23 Jan 24
Ra 23 Oct 17 Ju 22 Aug 18 Sa 18 May 19 Me 27 Nov 19 Ke 29 May 20 Ve 24 Mar 21 Su 21 Mar 22 Mo 05 Mar 23 Ma 23 Feb 24
Ju 15 Nov 17 Sa 18 Oct 18 Me 08 Jun 19 Ke 27 Dec 19 Ve 07 Jun 20 Su 27 May 21 Mo 08 Apr 22 Ma 08 Apr 23 Ra 14 Mar 24
Sa 04 Dec 17 Me 25 Dec 18 Ke 26 Jun 19 Ve 09 Jan 20 Su 02 Jul 20 Mo 16 Jun 21 Ma 06 May 22 Ra 01 May 23 Ju 07 May 24
Me 28 Dec 17 Ke 24 Feb 19 Ve 04 Jul 19 Su 14 Feb 20 Mo 09 Jul 20 Ma 17 Jul 21 Ra 25 May 22 Ju 01 Jul 23 Sa 25 Jun 24

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Venus (49 years old)

Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
Ve 22 Aug 24 Su 22 Dec 27 Mo 22 Dec 28 Ma 22 Aug 30 Ra 22 Oct 31 Ju 22 Oct 34 Sa 22 Jun 37 Me 22 Aug 40 Ke 22 Jun 43
Su 12 Mar 25 Mo 10 Jan 28 Ma 12 Feb 29 Ra 16 Sep 30 Ju 04 Apr 32 Sa 28 Feb 35 Me 22 Dec 37 Ke 16 Jan 41 Ve 16 Jul 43
Mo 12 May 25 Ma 10 Feb 28 Ra 17 Mar 29 Ju 19 Nov 30 Sa 28 Aug 32 Me 02 Aug 35 Ke 04 Jun 38 Ve 16 Mar 41 Su 26 Sep 43
Ma 22 Aug 25 Ra 01 Mar 28 Ju 17 Jun 29 Sa 15 Jan 31 Me 19 Feb 33 Ke 18 Dec 35 Ve 10 Aug 38 Su 06 Sep 41 Mo 17 Oct 43
Ra 02 Nov 25 Ju 25 Apr 28 Sa 07 Sep 29 Me 22 Mar 31 Ke 22 Jul 33 Ve 14 Feb 36 Su 20 Feb 39 Mo 27 Oct 41 Ma 22 Nov 43
Ju 02 May 26 Sa 13 Jun 28 Me 12 Dec 29 Ke 21 May 31 Ve 25 Sep 33 Su 24 Jul 36 Mo 17 Apr 39 Ma 22 Jan 42 Ra 17 Dec 43
Sa 12 Oct 26 Me 10 Aug 28 Ke 07 Mar 30 Ve 16 Jun 31 Su 25 Mar 34 Mo 12 Sep 36 Ma 22 Jul 39 Ra 21 Mar 42 Ju 20 Feb 44
Me 22 Apr 27 Ke 01 Oct 28 Ve 12 Apr 30 Su 26 Aug 31 Mo 19 May 34 Ma 02 Dec 36 Ra 29 Sep 39 Ju 24 Aug 42 Sa 16 Apr 44
Ke 12 Oct 27 Ve 22 Oct 28 Su 22 Jul 30 Mo 17 Sep 31 Ma 19 Aug 34 Ra 28 Jan 37 Ju 20 Mar 40 Sa 10 Jan 43 Me 22 Jun 44

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Vimsottari Mahadasa: Sun (69 years old)

Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus
Su 22 Aug 44 Mo 10 Dec 44 Ma 10 Jun 45 Ra 16 Oct 45 Ju 10 Sep 46 Sa 28 Jun 47 Me 10 Jun 48 Ke 16 Apr 49 Ve 22 Aug 49
Mo 27 Aug 44 Ma 25 Dec 44 Ra 17 Jun 45 Ju 04 Dec 45 Sa 18 Oct 46 Me 22 Aug 47 Ke 23 Jul 48 Ve 23 Apr 49 Su 22 Oct 49
Ma 06 Sep 44 Ra 05 Jan 45 Ju 06 Jul 45 Sa 17 Jan 46 Me 04 Dec 46 Ke 10 Oct 47 Ve 11 Aug 48 Su 14 May 49 Mo 10 Nov 49
Ra 12 Sep 44 Ju 02 Feb 45 Sa 23 Jul 45 Me 09 Mar 46 Ke 14 Jan 47 Ve 31 Oct 47 Su 02 Oct 48 Mo 20 May 49 Ma 10 Dec 49
Ju 28 Sep 44 Sa 26 Feb 45 Me 13 Aug 45 Ke 25 Apr 46 Ve 01 Feb 47 Su 27 Dec 47 Mo 17 Oct 48 Ma 01 Jun 49 Ra 01 Jan 50
Sa 13 Oct 44 Me 25 Mar 45 Ke 31 Aug 45 Ve 13 May 46 Su 19 Mar 47 Mo 14 Jan 48 Ma 13 Nov 48 Ra 08 Jun 49 Ju 25 Feb 50
Me 31 Oct 44 Ke 20 Apr 45 Ve 08 Sep 45 Su 07 Jul 46 Mo 04 Apr 47 Ma 13 Feb 48 Ra 30 Nov 48 Ju 27 Jun 49 Sa 13 Apr 50
Ke 15 Nov 44 Ve 01 May 45 Su 29 Sep 45 Mo 24 Jul 46 Ma 28 Apr 47 Ra 03 Mar 48 Ju 16 Jan 49 Sa 14 Jul 49 Me 10 Jun 50
Ve 22 Nov 44 Su 01 Jun 45 Mo 05 Oct 45 Ma 21 Aug 46 Ra 14 May 47 Ju 24 Apr 48 Sa 27 Feb 49 Me 04 Aug 49 Ke 01 Aug 50

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Moon (75 years old)

Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun
Mo 22 Aug 50 Ma 22 Jun 51 Ra 22 Jan 52 Ju 22 Jul 53 Sa 22 Nov 54 Me 22 Jun 56 Ke 22 Nov 57 Ve 22 Jun 58 Su 22 Feb 60
Ma 17 Sep 50 Ra 04 Jul 51 Ju 13 Apr 52 Sa 26 Sep 53 Me 22 Feb 55 Ke 04 Sep 56 Ve 04 Dec 57 Su 02 Oct 58 Mo 01 Mar 60
Ra 04 Oct 50 Ju 05 Aug 51 Sa 25 Jun 52 Me 12 Dec 53 Ke 13 May 55 Ve 04 Oct 56 Su 09 Jan 58 Mo 02 Nov 58 Ma 16 Mar 60
Ju 19 Nov 50 Sa 03 Sep 51 Me 20 Sep 52 Ke 20 Feb 54 Ve 16 Jun 55 Su 29 Dec 56 Mo 19 Jan 58 Ma 22 Dec 58 Ra 26 Mar 60
Sa 29 Dec 50 Me 07 Oct 51 Ke 07 Dec 52 Ve 18 Mar 54 Su 21 Sep 55 Mo 24 Jan 57 Ma 07 Feb 58 Ra 27 Jan 59 Ju 23 Apr 60
Me 17 Feb 51 Ke 06 Nov 51 Ve 08 Jan 53 Su 08 Jun 54 Mo 19 Oct 55 Ma 07 Mar 57 Ra 19 Feb 58 Ju 27 Apr 59 Sa 17 May 60
Ke 29 Mar 51 Ve 19 Nov 51 Su 08 Apr 53 Mo 02 Jul 54 Ma 07 Dec 55 Ra 06 Apr 57 Ju 21 Mar 58 Sa 17 Jul 59 Me 16 Jun 60
Ve 17 Apr 51 Su 24 Dec 51 Mo 05 May 53 Ma 12 Aug 54 Ra 10 Jan 56 Ju 23 Jun 57 Sa 19 Apr 58 Me 22 Oct 59 Ke 11 Jul 60
Su 07 Jun 51 Mo 04 Jan 52 Ma 20 Jun 53 Ra 10 Sep 54 Ju 06 Apr 56 Sa 01 Sep 57 Me 22 May 58 Ke 17 Jan 60 Ve 22 Jul 60

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Mars (85 years old)

Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Ma 22 Aug 60 Ra 19 Jan 61 Ju 07 Feb 62 Sa 13 Jan 63 Me 22 Feb 64 Ke 19 Feb 65 Ve 16 Jul 65 Su 16 Sep 66 Mo 22 Jan 67
Ra 31 Aug 60 Ju 15 Mar 61 Sa 21 Mar 62 Me 16 Mar 63 Ke 12 Apr 64 Ve 27 Feb 65 Su 26 Sep 65 Mo 22 Sep 66 Ma 09 Feb 67
Ju 22 Sep 60 Sa 06 May 61 Me 15 May 62 Ke 12 May 63 Ve 03 May 64 Su 22 Mar 65 Mo 17 Oct 65 Ma 02 Oct 66 Ra 21 Feb 67
Sa 12 Oct 60 Me 05 Jul 61 Ke 02 Jul 62 Ve 06 Jun 63 Su 02 Jul 64 Mo 29 Mar 65 Ma 22 Nov 65 Ra 10 Oct 66 Ju 23 Mar 67
Me 05 Nov 60 Ke 29 Aug 61 Ve 22 Jul 62 Su 12 Aug 63 Mo 20 Jul 64 Ma 11 Apr 65 Ra 16 Dec 65 Ju 29 Oct 66 Sa 21 Apr 67
Ke 26 Nov 60 Ve 21 Sep 61 Su 18 Sep 62 Mo 02 Sep 63 Ma 20 Aug 64 Ra 20 Apr 65 Ju 19 Feb 66 Sa 15 Nov 66 Me 24 May 67
Ve 04 Dec 60 Su 24 Nov 61 Mo 05 Oct 62 Ma 05 Oct 63 Ra 11 Sep 64 Ju 12 May 65 Sa 15 Apr 66 Me 05 Dec 66 Ke 24 Jun 67
Su 29 Dec 60 Mo 13 Dec 61 Ma 03 Nov 62 Ra 28 Oct 63 Ju 04 Nov 64 Sa 01 Jun 65 Me 22 Jun 66 Ke 23 Dec 66 Ve 06 Jul 67
Mo 06 Jan 61 Ma 14 Jan 62 Ra 22 Nov 62 Ju 28 Dec 63 Sa 22 Dec 64 Me 25 Jun 65 Ke 21 Aug 66 Ve 01 Jan 67 Su 11 Aug 67

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Rahu (92 years old)

Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Ra 22 Aug 67 Ju 04 May 70 Sa 28 Sep 72 Me 04 Aug 75 Ke 22 Feb 78 Ve 10 Mar 79 Su 10 Mar 82 Mo 04 Feb 83 Ma 04 Aug 84
Ju 17 Jan 68 Sa 29 Aug 70 Me 10 Mar 73 Ke 14 Dec 75 Ve 14 Mar 78 Su 10 Sep 79 Mo 26 Mar 82 Ma 19 Mar 83 Ra 26 Aug 84
Sa 27 May 68 Me 16 Jan 71 Ke 05 Aug 73 Ve 07 Feb 76 Su 17 May 78 Mo 04 Nov 79 Ma 23 Apr 82 Ra 20 Apr 83 Ju 22 Oct 84
Me 01 Nov 68 Ke 18 May 71 Ve 05 Oct 73 Su 10 Jul 76 Mo 05 Jun 78 Ma 04 Feb 80 Ra 12 May 82 Ju 11 Jul 83 Sa 13 Dec 84
Ke 19 Mar 69 Ve 08 Jul 71 Su 26 Mar 74 Mo 26 Aug 76 Ma 07 Jul 78 Ra 07 Apr 80 Ju 30 Jun 82 Sa 23 Sep 83 Me 13 Feb 85
Ve 15 May 69 Su 02 Dec 71 Mo 17 May 74 Ma 13 Nov 76 Ra 29 Jul 78 Ju 19 Sep 80 Sa 13 Aug 82 Me 19 Dec 83 Ke 06 Apr 85
Su 27 Oct 69 Mo 16 Jan 72 Ma 13 Aug 74 Ra 06 Jan 77 Ju 26 Sep 78 Sa 13 Feb 81 Me 05 Oct 82 Ke 05 Mar 84 Ve 28 Apr 85
Mo 16 Dec 69 Ma 28 Mar 72 Ra 13 Oct 74 Ju 24 May 77 Sa 16 Nov 78 Me 04 Aug 81 Ke 21 Nov 82 Ve 07 Apr 84 Su 01 Jul 85
Ma 07 Mar 70 Ra 18 May 72 Ju 17 Mar 75 Sa 26 Sep 77 Me 16 Jan 79 Ke 07 Jan 82 Ve 10 Dec 82 Su 07 Jul 84 Mo 20 Jul 85
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

KALA CHAKRA DASA - Dasa at Birth: 03 Years 02 Months 00 Day

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Kala Chakra Dasa

Saturn• Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter•
Sa Sa 09 Jun 78 Ju 09 Jun 82 Ma 09 Jun 40 Ve 09 Jun 24 Me 09 Jun 15 Ju 09 Jun 47
Sa Ju 18 Aug 78 Ma 23 Aug 83 Ju 11 Jan 41 Ma 09 Jul 27 Ve 31 May 16 Sa 23 Aug 48
Ju 09 Apr 75 Ma 12 Feb 79 Ve 26 Jun 84 Sa 15 Nov 41 Ju 15 Nov 28 Ma 25 Feb 18 Sa 16 Feb 49
Ma 21 Apr 75 Ve 13 Jun 79 Me 31 May 86 Sa 16 Mar 42 Sa 19 Oct 30 Ju 28 Nov 18 Ju 10 Aug 49
Ve 23 Aug 75 Me 21 Mar 80 Ve 30 Jun 87 Ju 18 Jul 42 Sa 26 Jul 31 Sa 28 Dec 19 Ma 23 Oct 50
Me 31 May 76 Ve 27 Aug 80 Ma 04 Jun 89 Ma 21 May 43 Ju 04 May 32 Sa 04 Jun 20 Ve 27 Aug 51
Ve 06 Nov 76 Ma 04 Jun 81 Ju 08 Apr 90 Ve 24 Dec 43 Ma 08 Apr 34 Ju 11 Nov 20 Me 01 Aug 53
Ma 14 Aug 77 Ju 06 Oct 81 Sa 22 Jun 91 Me 30 Apr 45 Ve 14 Aug 35 Ma 11 Dec 21 Ve 01 Sep 54
Ju 15 Dec 77 Sa 29 Mar 82 Sa 15 Dec 91 Ve 03 Feb 46 Me 14 Sep 38 Ve 14 Sep 22 Ma 05 Aug 56

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Saturn•

Saturn• Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter•
Sa Sa Ju Ma 14 Aug 77 Ve 06 Nov 76 Me 31 May 76 Ju 15 Dec 77
Sa Ju Ma Ju 24 Aug 77 Ma 31 Dec 76 Ve 17 Jun 76 Sa 06 Jan 78
Ju Ma Ve Sa 09 Sep 77 Ju 23 Jan 77 Ma 17 Jul 76 Sa 15 Jan 78
Ma Ve Me Sa 15 Sep 77 Sa 27 Feb 77 Ju 31 Jul 76 Ju 23 Jan 78
Ve Me Ve Ju 20 Sep 77 Sa 10 Mar 77 Sa 19 Aug 76 Ma 14 Feb 78
Me Ve Ma Ma 05 Oct 77 Ju 23 Mar 77 Sa 27 Aug 76 Ve 28 Feb 78
Ve Ma Ju Ve 15 Oct 77 Ma 27 Apr 77 Ju 04 Sep 76 Me 02 Apr 78
Ma Ju Sa 09 Apr 75 Me 09 Nov 77 Ve 20 May 77 Ma 23 Sep 76 Ve 21 Apr 78
Ju Sa Sa 13 Apr 75 Ve 22 Nov 77 Me 14 Jul 77 Ve 06 Oct 76 Ma 24 May 78

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Saturn (3 years old)

Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter• Saturn•
Sa 09 Jun 78 Ju 18 Aug 78 Ma 04 Jun 81 Ve 27 Aug 80 Me 21 Mar 80 Ju 06 Oct 81 Sa 29 Mar 82
Ju 12 Jun 78 Ma 09 Sep 78 Ju 15 Jun 81 Ma 20 Oct 80 Ve 08 Apr 80 Sa 27 Oct 81 Sa 03 Apr 82
Ma 20 Jun 78 Ve 24 Sep 78 Sa 29 Jun 81 Ju 14 Nov 80 Ma 08 May 80 Sa 05 Nov 81 Ju 06 Apr 82
Ve 26 Jun 78 Me 27 Oct 78 Sa 05 Jul 81 Sa 17 Dec 80 Ju 21 May 80 Ju 14 Nov 81 Ma 14 Apr 82
Me 10 Jul 78 Ve 16 Nov 78 Ju 11 Jul 81 Sa 01 Jan 81 Sa 10 Jun 80 Ma 04 Dec 81 Ve 20 Apr 82
Ve 17 Jul 78 Ma 19 Dec 78 Ma 26 Jul 81 Ju 14 Jan 81 Sa 17 Jun 80 Ve 19 Dec 81 Me 04 May 82
Ma 01 Aug 78 Ju 04 Jan 79 Ve 06 Aug 81 Ma 17 Feb 81 Ju 25 Jun 80 Me 23 Jan 82 Ve 11 May 82
Ju 06 Aug 78 Sa 25 Jan 79 Me 29 Aug 81 Ve 11 Mar 81 Ma 14 Jul 80 Ve 11 Feb 82 Ma 25 May 82
Sa 15 Aug 78 Sa 03 Feb 79 Ve 12 Sep 81 Me 04 May 81 Ve 27 Jul 80 Ma 15 Mar 82 Ju 31 May 82

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Jupiter (7 years old)

Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn
Ju 09 Jun 82 Ma 04 Jun 89 Ve 30 Jun 87 Me 31 May 86 Ju 08 Apr 90 Sa 22 Jun 91 Sa 15 Dec 91
Ma 01 Aug 82 Ju 30 Jun 89 Ma 14 Nov 87 Ve 12 Jul 86 Sa 31 May 90 Sa 30 Jun 91 Ju 24 Dec 91
Ve 08 Sep 82 Sa 07 Aug 89 Ju 13 Jan 88 Ma 28 Sep 86 Sa 21 Jun 90 Ju 09 Jul 91 Ma 15 Jan 92
Me 01 Dec 82 Sa 21 Aug 89 Sa 06 Apr 88 Ju 01 Nov 86 Ju 12 Jul 90 Ma 29 Jul 91 Ve 29 Jan 92
Ve 18 Jan 83 Ju 06 Sep 89 Sa 10 May 88 Sa 18 Dec 86 Ma 04 Sep 90 Ve 14 Aug 91 Me 03 Mar 92
Ma 12 Apr 83 Ma 12 Oct 89 Ju 13 Jun 88 Sa 06 Jan 87 Ve 11 Oct 90 Me 18 Sep 91 Ve 21 Mar 92
Ju 18 May 83 Ve 08 Nov 89 Ma 07 Sep 88 Ju 25 Jan 87 Me 05 Jan 91 Ve 06 Oct 91 Ma 25 Apr 92
Sa 11 Jul 83 Me 07 Jan 90 Ve 05 Nov 88 Ma 12 Mar 87 Ve 22 Feb 91 Ma 10 Nov 91 Ju 10 May 92
Sa 02 Aug 83 Ve 10 Feb 90 Me 19 Mar 89 Ve 15 Apr 87 Ma 15 May 91 Ju 24 Nov 91 Sa 31 May 92

Sample Page 22
Excellent Software

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Mars (17 years old)

Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn Jupiter
Ma 26 Jun 96 Ve 20 Feb 95 Me 17 May 94 Ju 29 Jan 97 Sa 02 Dec 97 Sa 04 Apr 98 Ju 05 Aug 98
Ju 14 Jul 96 Ma 24 May 95 Ve 17 Jun 94 Sa 05 Mar 97 Sa 08 Dec 97 Ju 10 Apr 98 Ma 12 Sep 98
Sa 10 Aug 96 Ju 05 Jul 95 Ma 09 Aug 94 Sa 20 Mar 97 Ju 14 Dec 97 Ma 24 Apr 98 Ve 07 Oct 98
Sa 20 Aug 96 Sa 03 Sep 95 Ju 02 Sep 94 Ju 05 Apr 97 Ma 29 Dec 97 Ve 04 May 98 Me 06 Dec 98
Ju 31 Aug 96 Sa 27 Sep 95 Sa 05 Oct 94 Ma 11 May 97 Ve 09 Jan 98 Me 28 May 98 Ve 09 Jan 99
Ma 26 Sep 96 Ju 20 Oct 95 Sa 19 Oct 94 Ve 07 Jun 97 Me 02 Feb 98 Ve 11 Jun 98 Ma 07 Mar 99
Ve 14 Oct 96 Ma 19 Dec 95 Ju 02 Nov 94 Me 05 Aug 97 Ve 15 Feb 98 Ma 04 Jul 98 Ju 03 Apr 99
Me 25 Nov 96 Ve 31 Jan 96 Ma 05 Dec 94 Ve 08 Sep 97 Ma 09 Mar 98 Ju 15 Jul 98 Sa 10 May 99
Ve 18 Dec 96 Me 03 May 96 Ve 28 Dec 94 Ma 07 Nov 97 Ju 19 Mar 98 Sa 29 Jul 98 Sa 24 May 99

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Venus (24 years old)

Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn Jupiter
Ve 04 Apr 04 Me 09 Jul 02 Ma 03 Feb 14 Ju 10 Sep 08 Sa 14 Aug 10 Sa 21 May 11 Ju 01 Mar 12
Ma 08 Nov 04 Ve 17 Sep 02 Ve 14 Mar 14 Sa 03 Dec 08 Sa 27 Aug 10 Ju 05 Jun 11 Ma 23 May 12
Ju 11 Feb 05 Ma 17 Jan 03 Me 18 Jun 14 Sa 07 Jan 09 Ju 11 Sep 10 Ma 08 Jul 11 Ve 21 Jul 12
Sa 25 Jun 05 Ju 10 Mar 03 Ve 10 Aug 14 Ju 10 Feb 09 Ma 14 Oct 10 Ve 02 Aug 11 Me 05 Dec 12
Sa 19 Aug 05 Sa 25 May 03 Ma 14 Nov 14 Ma 04 May 09 Ve 07 Nov 10 Me 25 Sep 11 Ve 20 Feb 13
Ju 12 Oct 05 Sa 25 Jun 03 Ju 25 Dec 14 Ve 03 Jul 09 Me 01 Jan 11 Ve 25 Oct 11 Ma 04 Jul 13
Ma 26 Feb 06 Ju 25 Jul 03 Sa 23 Feb 15 Me 16 Nov 09 Ve 01 Feb 11 Ma 19 Dec 11 Ju 03 Sep 13
Ve 31 May 06 Ma 11 Oct 03 Sa 17 Mar 15 Ve 02 Feb 10 Ma 25 Mar 11 Ju 12 Jan 12 Sa 26 Nov 13
Me 04 Jan 07 Ve 03 Dec 03 Ju 10 Apr 15 Ma 15 Jun 10 Ju 18 Apr 11 Sa 16 Feb 12 Sa 31 Dec 13

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Mercury (40 years old)

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn Jupiter
Me 09 Jun 15 Ve 14 Sep 22 Ma 11 Dec 21 Ju 28 Nov 18 Sa 28 Dec 19 Sa 04 Jun 20 Ju 11 Nov 20
Ve 17 Jul 15 Me 15 Jan 23 Ve 04 Jan 22 Sa 15 Jan 19 Sa 06 Jan 20 Ju 12 Jun 20 Ma 28 Dec 20
Ma 25 Sep 15 Ve 22 Mar 23 Me 27 Feb 22 Sa 04 Feb 19 Ju 13 Jan 20 Ma 01 Jul 20 Ve 01 Feb 21
Ju 24 Oct 15 Ma 23 Jul 23 Ve 26 Mar 22 Ju 23 Feb 19 Ma 02 Feb 20 Ve 14 Jul 20 Me 16 Apr 21
Sa 07 Dec 15 Ju 15 Sep 23 Ma 19 May 22 Ma 10 Apr 19 Ve 15 Feb 20 Me 14 Aug 20 Ve 28 May 21
Sa 23 Dec 15 Sa 01 Dec 23 Ju 12 Jun 22 Ve 13 May 19 Me 15 Mar 20 Ve 01 Sep 20 Ma 13 Aug 21
Ju 10 Jan 16 Sa 01 Jan 24 Sa 15 Jul 22 Me 28 Jul 19 Ve 02 Apr 20 Ma 01 Oct 20 Ju 16 Sep 21
Ma 23 Feb 16 Ju 01 Feb 24 Sa 28 Jul 22 Ve 10 Sep 19 Ma 02 May 20 Ju 14 Oct 20 Sa 03 Nov 21
Ve 22 Mar 16 Ma 16 Apr 24 Ju 11 Aug 22 Ma 25 Nov 19 Ju 16 May 20 Sa 03 Nov 20 Sa 22 Nov 21

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Venus (49 years old)

Venus Mars Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn Jupiter Mercury
Ve 14 Aug 35 Ma 08 Apr 34 Ju 15 Nov 28 Sa 19 Oct 30 Sa 26 Jul 31 Ju 04 May 32 Me 14 Sep 38
Me 18 Mar 36 Ve 19 May 34 Sa 09 Feb 29 Sa 02 Nov 30 Ju 10 Aug 31 Ma 28 Jul 32 Ve 22 Nov 38
Ve 18 Jul 36 Me 23 Aug 34 Sa 12 Mar 29 Ju 16 Nov 30 Ma 13 Sep 31 Ve 26 Sep 32 Ma 22 Mar 39
Ma 22 Feb 37 Ve 15 Oct 34 Ju 15 Apr 29 Ma 19 Dec 30 Ve 07 Oct 31 Me 10 Feb 33 Ju 15 May 39
Ju 26 May 37 Ma 19 Jan 35 Ma 09 Jul 29 Ve 13 Jan 31 Me 30 Nov 31 Ve 25 Apr 33 Sa 31 Jul 39
Sa 10 Oct 37 Ju 28 Feb 35 Ve 08 Sep 29 Me 06 Mar 31 Ve 31 Dec 31 Ma 09 Sep 33 Sa 31 Aug 39
Sa 03 Dec 37 Sa 28 Apr 35 Me 21 Jan 30 Ve 06 Apr 31 Ma 24 Feb 32 Ju 08 Nov 33 Ju 30 Sep 39
Ju 27 Jan 38 Sa 22 May 35 Ve 07 Apr 30 Ma 31 May 31 Ju 17 Mar 32 Sa 01 Feb 34 Ma 16 Dec 39
Ma 11 Jun 38 Ju 15 Jun 35 Ma 20 Aug 30 Ju 23 Jun 31 Sa 21 Apr 32 Sa 05 Mar 34 Ve 08 Feb 40

Sample Page 23
Excellent Software

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Mars (65 years old)

Mars Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn Jupiter Venus Mercury
Ma 21 May 43 Ju 11 Jan 41 Sa 15 Nov 41 Sa 16 Mar 42 Ju 18 Jul 42 Ve 03 Feb 46 Me 30 Apr 45
Ve 09 Jun 43 Sa 18 Feb 41 Sa 21 Nov 41 Ju 22 Mar 42 Ma 24 Aug 42 Ma 07 May 46 Ve 29 May 45
Me 20 Jul 43 Sa 03 Mar 41 Ju 27 Nov 41 Ma 07 Apr 42 Ve 20 Sep 42 Ju 18 Jun 46 Ma 22 Jul 45
Ve 13 Aug 43 Ju 17 Mar 41 Ma 11 Dec 41 Ve 17 Apr 42 Me 19 Nov 42 Sa 16 Aug 46 Ju 15 Aug 45
Ma 24 Sep 43 Ma 24 Apr 41 Ve 22 Dec 41 Me 11 May 42 Ve 21 Dec 42 Sa 10 Sep 46 Sa 18 Sep 45
Ju 12 Oct 43 Ve 19 May 41 Me 15 Jan 42 Ve 24 May 42 Ma 20 Feb 43 Ju 03 Oct 46 Sa 01 Oct 45
Sa 08 Nov 43 Me 18 Jul 41 Ve 28 Jan 42 Ma 17 Jun 42 Ju 16 Mar 43 Ma 01 Dec 46 Ju 14 Oct 45
Sa 18 Nov 43 Ve 21 Aug 41 Ma 22 Feb 42 Ju 27 Jun 42 Sa 22 Apr 43 Ve 12 Jan 47 Ma 17 Nov 45
Ju 28 Nov 43 Ma 19 Oct 41 Ju 02 Mar 42 Sa 12 Jul 42 Sa 07 May 43 Me 16 Apr 47 Ve 10 Dec 45

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Jupiter• (72 years old)

Jupiter• Saturn• Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury
Ju 09 Jun 47 Sa 23 Aug 48 Sa 16 Feb 49 Ju 10 Aug 49 Ma 05 Aug 56 Ve 01 Sep 54 Me 01 Aug 53
Sa 01 Aug 47 Sa 01 Sep 48 Ju 24 Feb 49 Ma 02 Oct 49 Ju 01 Sep 56 Ma 15 Jan 55 Ve 13 Sep 53
Sa 22 Aug 47 Ju 09 Sep 48 Ma 15 Mar 49 Ve 08 Nov 49 Sa 07 Oct 56 Ju 14 Mar 55 Ma 28 Nov 53
Ju 13 Sep 47 Ma 30 Sep 48 Ve 31 Mar 49 Me 02 Feb 50 Sa 22 Oct 56 Sa 07 Jun 55 Ju 01 Jan 54
Ma 05 Nov 47 Ve 15 Oct 48 Me 03 May 49 Ve 19 Mar 50 Ju 07 Nov 56 Sa 11 Jul 55 Sa 18 Feb 54
Ve 12 Dec 47 Me 18 Nov 48 Ve 22 May 49 Ma 13 Jun 50 Ma 13 Dec 56 Ju 14 Aug 55 Sa 07 Mar 54
Me 05 Mar 48 Ve 07 Dec 48 Ma 26 Jun 49 Ju 19 Jul 50 Ve 09 Jan 57 Ma 08 Nov 55 Ju 26 Mar 54
Ve 22 Apr 48 Ma 10 Jan 49 Ju 10 Jul 49 Sa 11 Sep 50 Me 07 Mar 57 Ve 06 Jan 56 Ma 13 May 54
Ma 16 Jul 48 Ju 25 Jan 49 Sa 01 Aug 49 Sa 02 Oct 50 Ve 10 Apr 57 Me 20 May 56 Ve 16 Jun 54
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

YOGINI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 01 Year 07 Months 03 Days

Yogini Dasa
Yogini Dasa Planet
Mangala Moon
Pingala Sun
Dhanya Jupiter
Bhramari Mars
Bhadrika Mercury
Ulka Saturn
Siddha Venus
Sankata Rahu

Yogini Maha Dasa

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr Bha 12 Nov 76 Ulk 12 Nov 81 Sid 12 Nov 87 San 12 Nov 94 Man 12 Nov 02 Pin 12 Nov 03 Dha 12 Nov 05
Bha Ulk 22 Jul 77 Sid 12 Nov 82 San 22 Mar 89 Man 22 Aug 96 Pin 22 Nov 02 Dha 22 Dec 03 Bhr 12 Feb 06
Ulk Sid 22 May 78 San 12 Jan 84 Man 12 Oct 90 Pin 12 Nov 96 Dha 12 Dec 02 Bhr 22 Feb 04 Bha 12 Jun 06
Sid 09 Apr 75 San 12 May 79 Man 12 May 85 Pin 22 Dec 90 Dha 22 Apr 97 Bhr 12 Jan 03 Bha 12 May 04 Ulk 12 Nov 06
San 22 Apr 75 Man 22 Jun 80 Pin 12 Jul 85 Dha 12 May 91 Bhr 22 Dec 97 Bha 22 Feb 03 Ulk 22 Aug 04 Sid 12 May 07
Man 12 Mar 76 Pin 12 Aug 80 Dha 12 Nov 85 Bhr 12 Dec 91 Bha 12 Nov 98 Ulk 12 Apr 03 Sid 22 Dec 04 San 12 Dec 07
Pin 22 Apr 76 Dha 22 Nov 80 Bhr 12 May 86 Bha 22 Sep 92 Ulk 22 Dec 99 Sid 12 Jun 03 San 12 May 05 Man 12 Aug 08
Dha 12 Jul 76 Bhr 22 Apr 81 Bha 12 Jan 87 Ulk 12 Sep 93 Sid 22 Apr 01 San 22 Aug 03 Man 22 Oct 05 Pin 12 Sep 08

Sample Page 24
Excellent Software

Yogini Maha Dasa

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 12 Nov 08 Bha 12 Nov 12 Ulk 12 Nov 17 Sid 12 Nov 23 San 12 Nov 30 Man 12 Nov 38 Pin 12 Nov 39 Dha 12 Nov 41
Bha 22 Apr 09 Ulk 22 Jul 13 Sid 12 Nov 18 San 22 Mar 25 Man 22 Aug 32 Pin 22 Nov 38 Dha 22 Dec 39 Bhr 12 Feb 42
Ulk 12 Nov 09 Sid 22 May 14 San 12 Jan 20 Man 12 Oct 26 Pin 12 Nov 32 Dha 12 Dec 38 Bhr 22 Feb 40 Bha 12 Jun 42
Sid 12 Jul 10 San 12 May 15 Man 12 May 21 Pin 22 Dec 26 Dha 22 Apr 33 Bhr 12 Jan 39 Bha 12 May 40 Ulk 12 Nov 42
San 22 Apr 11 Man 22 Jun 16 Pin 12 Jul 21 Dha 12 May 27 Bhr 22 Dec 33 Bha 22 Feb 39 Ulk 22 Aug 40 Sid 12 May 43
Man 12 Mar 12 Pin 12 Aug 16 Dha 12 Nov 21 Bhr 12 Dec 27 Bha 12 Nov 34 Ulk 12 Apr 39 Sid 22 Dec 40 San 12 Dec 43
Pin 22 Apr 12 Dha 22 Nov 16 Bhr 12 May 22 Bha 22 Sep 28 Ulk 22 Dec 35 Sid 12 Jun 39 San 12 May 41 Man 12 Aug 44
Dha 12 Jul 12 Bhr 22 Apr 17 Bha 12 Jan 23 Ulk 12 Sep 29 Sid 22 Apr 37 San 22 Aug 39 Man 22 Oct 41 Pin 12 Sep 44

Yogini Maha Dasa

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 12 Nov 44 Bha 12 Nov 48 Ulk 12 Nov 53 Sid 12 Nov 59 San 12 Nov 66 Man 12 Nov 74 Pin 12 Nov 75 Dha 12 Nov 77
Bha 22 Apr 45 Ulk 22 Jul 49 Sid 12 Nov 54 San 22 Mar 61 Man 22 Aug 68 Pin 22 Nov 74 Dha 22 Dec 75 Bhr 12 Feb 78
Ulk 12 Nov 45 Sid 22 May 50 San 12 Jan 56 Man 12 Oct 62 Pin 12 Nov 68 Dha 12 Dec 74 Bhr 22 Feb 76 Bha 12 Jun 78
Sid 12 Jul 46 San 12 May 51 Man 12 May 57 Pin 22 Dec 62 Dha 22 Apr 69 Bhr 12 Jan 75 Bha 12 May 76 Ulk 12 Nov 78
San 22 Apr 47 Man 22 Jun 52 Pin 12 Jul 57 Dha 12 May 63 Bhr 22 Dec 69 Bha 22 Feb 75 Ulk 22 Aug 76 Sid 12 May 79
Man 12 Mar 48 Pin 12 Aug 52 Dha 12 Nov 57 Bhr 12 Dec 63 Bha 12 Nov 70 Ulk 12 Apr 75 Sid 22 Dec 76 San 12 Dec 79
Pin 22 Apr 48 Dha 22 Nov 52 Bhr 12 May 58 Bha 22 Sep 64 Ulk 22 Dec 71 Sid 12 Jun 75 San 12 May 77 Man 12 Aug 80
Dha 12 Jul 48 Bhr 22 Apr 53 Bha 12 Jan 59 Ulk 12 Sep 65 Sid 22 Apr 73 San 22 Aug 75 Man 22 Oct 77 Pin 12 Sep 80

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhramari

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr Bha Ulk Sid San 22 Apr 75 Man 12 Mar 76 Pin 22 Apr 76 Dha 12 Jul 76
Bha Ulk Sid San Man 03 Jul 75 Pin 13 Mar 76 Dha 26 Apr 76 Bhr 22 Jul 76
Ulk Sid San Man Pin 12 Jul 75 Dha 15 Mar 76 Bhr 03 May 76 Bha 05 Aug 76
Sid San Man Pin Dha 31 Jul 75 Bhr 18 Mar 76 Bha 12 May 76 Ulk 22 Aug 76
San Man Pin Dha Bhr 26 Aug 75 Bha 23 Mar 76 Ulk 23 May 76 Sid 12 Sep 76
Man Pin Dha Bhr Bha 02 Oct 75 Ulk 28 Mar 76 Sid 06 Jun 76 San 05 Oct 76
Pin Dha Bhr Bha Ulk 16 Nov 75 Sid 05 Apr 76 San 22 Jun 76 Man 02 Nov 76
Dha Bhr Bha Ulk 09 Apr 75 Sid 10 Jan 76 San 13 Apr 76 Man 10 Jul 76 Pin 05 Nov 76

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhadrika (2 years old)

Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
Bha 12 Nov 76 Ulk 22 Jul 77 Sid 22 May 78 San 12 May 79 Man 22 Jun 80 Pin 12 Aug 80 Dha 22 Nov 80 Bhr 22 Apr 81
Ulk 16 Dec 76 Sid 12 Sep 77 San 31 Jul 78 Man 11 Aug 79 Pin 23 Jun 80 Dha 17 Aug 80 Bhr 04 Dec 80 Bha 14 May 81
Sid 28 Jan 77 San 10 Nov 77 Man 18 Oct 78 Pin 22 Aug 79 Dha 26 Jun 80 Bhr 26 Aug 80 Bha 21 Dec 80 Ulk 12 Jun 81
San 17 Mar 77 Man 17 Jan 78 Pin 27 Oct 78 Dha 14 Sep 79 Bhr 30 Jun 80 Bha 07 Sep 80 Ulk 12 Jan 81 Sid 15 Jul 81
Man 12 May 77 Pin 25 Jan 78 Dha 17 Nov 78 Bhr 17 Oct 79 Bha 06 Jul 80 Ulk 21 Sep 80 Sid 07 Feb 81 San 24 Aug 81
Pin 19 May 77 Dha 12 Feb 78 Bhr 16 Dec 78 Bha 02 Dec 79 Ulk 13 Jul 80 Sid 07 Oct 80 San 06 Mar 81 Man 08 Oct 81
Dha 03 Jun 77 Bhr 07 Mar 78 Bha 25 Jan 79 Ulk 27 Jan 80 Sid 21 Jul 80 San 27 Oct 80 Man 09 Apr 81 Pin 14 Oct 81
Bhr 24 Jun 77 Bha 10 Apr 78 Ulk 13 Mar 79 Sid 04 Apr 80 San 01 Aug 80 Man 19 Nov 80 Pin 13 Apr 81 Dha 25 Oct 81

Sample Page 25
Excellent Software

Yogini Mahadasa: Ulka (7 years old)

Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
Ulk 12 Nov 81 Sid 12 Nov 82 San 12 Jan 84 Man 12 May 85 Pin 12 Jul 85 Dha 12 Nov 85 Bhr 12 May 86 Bha 12 Jan 87
Sid 12 Jan 82 San 03 Feb 83 Man 28 Apr 84 Pin 13 May 85 Dha 18 Jul 85 Bhr 27 Nov 85 Bha 08 Jun 86 Ulk 23 Feb 87
San 22 Mar 82 Man 07 May 83 Pin 12 May 84 Dha 17 May 85 Bhr 28 Jul 85 Bha 17 Dec 85 Ulk 12 Jul 86 Sid 13 Apr 87
Man 12 Jun 82 Pin 18 May 83 Dha 08 Jun 84 Bhr 22 May 85 Bha 12 Aug 85 Ulk 12 Jan 86 Sid 22 Aug 86 San 12 Jun 87
Pin 22 Jun 82 Dha 12 Jun 83 Bhr 18 Jul 84 Bha 28 May 85 Ulk 28 Aug 85 Sid 12 Feb 86 San 08 Oct 86 Man 18 Aug 87
Dha 12 Jul 82 Bhr 17 Jul 83 Bha 12 Sep 84 Ulk 07 Jun 85 Sid 18 Sep 85 San 17 Mar 86 Man 02 Dec 86 Pin 27 Aug 87
Bhr 12 Aug 82 Bha 03 Sep 83 Ulk 18 Nov 84 Sid 17 Jun 85 San 12 Oct 85 Man 27 Apr 86 Pin 08 Dec 86 Dha 13 Sep 87
Bha 22 Sep 82 Ulk 02 Nov 83 Sid 08 Feb 85 San 28 Jun 85 Man 08 Nov 85 Pin 02 May 86 Dha 22 Dec 86 Bhr 08 Oct 87

Yogini Mahadasa: Siddha (13 years old)

Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka
Sid 12 Nov 87 San 22 Mar 89 Man 12 Oct 90 Pin 22 Dec 90 Dha 12 May 91 Bhr 12 Dec 91 Bha 22 Sep 92 Ulk 12 Sep 93
San 17 Feb 88 Man 26 Jul 89 Pin 14 Oct 90 Dha 31 Dec 90 Bhr 29 May 91 Bha 13 Jan 92 Ulk 10 Nov 92 Sid 22 Nov 93
Man 06 Jun 88 Pin 12 Aug 89 Dha 18 Oct 90 Bhr 11 Jan 91 Bha 23 Jun 91 Ulk 22 Feb 92 Sid 09 Jan 93 San 13 Feb 94
Pin 20 Jun 88 Dha 13 Sep 89 Bhr 23 Oct 90 Bha 27 Jan 91 Ulk 22 Jul 91 Sid 08 Apr 92 San 17 Mar 93 Man 17 May 94
Dha 17 Jul 88 Bhr 31 Oct 89 Bha 01 Nov 90 Ulk 16 Feb 91 Sid 27 Aug 91 San 03 Jun 92 Man 05 Jun 93 Pin 28 May 94
Bhr 28 Aug 88 Bha 02 Jan 90 Ulk 11 Nov 90 Sid 10 Mar 91 San 08 Oct 91 Man 05 Aug 92 Pin 14 Jun 93 Dha 22 Jun 94
Bha 22 Oct 88 Ulk 20 Mar 90 Sid 23 Nov 90 San 07 Apr 91 Man 24 Nov 91 Pin 13 Aug 92 Dha 04 Jul 93 Bhr 27 Jul 94
Ulk 31 Dec 88 Sid 23 Jun 90 San 06 Dec 90 Man 08 May 91 Pin 30 Nov 91 Dha 28 Aug 92 Bhr 03 Aug 93 Bha 13 Sep 94

Yogini Mahadasa: Sankata (20 years old)

Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
San 12 Nov 94 Man 22 Aug 96 Pin 12 Nov 96 Dha 22 Apr 97 Bhr 22 Dec 97 Bha 12 Nov 98 Ulk 22 Dec 99 Sid 22 Apr 01
Man 04 Apr 95 Pin 24 Aug 96 Dha 21 Nov 96 Bhr 12 May 97 Bha 27 Jan 98 Ulk 07 Jan 99 Sid 12 Mar 00 San 11 Aug 01
Pin 22 Apr 95 Dha 28 Aug 96 Bhr 04 Dec 96 Bha 08 Jun 97 Ulk 12 Mar 98 Sid 14 Mar 99 San 15 Jun 00 Man 15 Dec 01
Dha 27 May 95 Bhr 05 Sep 96 Bha 22 Dec 96 Ulk 12 Jul 97 Sid 05 May 98 San 02 Jun 99 Man 02 Oct 00 Pin 01 Jan 02
Bhr 21 Jul 95 Bha 14 Sep 96 Ulk 14 Jan 97 Sid 22 Aug 97 San 07 Jul 98 Man 01 Sep 99 Pin 15 Oct 00 Dha 02 Feb 02
Bha 02 Oct 95 Ulk 25 Sep 96 Sid 11 Feb 97 San 08 Oct 97 Man 18 Sep 98 Pin 12 Sep 99 Dha 12 Nov 00 Bhr 18 Mar 02
Ulk 01 Jan 96 Sid 08 Oct 96 San 12 Mar 97 Man 02 Dec 97 Pin 27 Sep 98 Dha 04 Oct 99 Bhr 22 Dec 00 Bha 21 May 02
Sid 17 Apr 96 San 24 Oct 96 Man 17 Apr 97 Pin 08 Dec 97 Dha 15 Oct 98 Bhr 07 Nov 99 Bha 15 Feb 01 Ulk 08 Aug 02

Yogini Mahadasa: Mangala (28 years old)

Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata
Man 12 Nov 02 Pin 22 Nov 02 Dha 12 Dec 02 Bhr 12 Jan 03 Bha 22 Feb 03 Ulk 12 Apr 03 Sid 12 Jun 03 San 22 Aug 03
Pin 12 Nov 02 Dha 23 Nov 02 Bhr 14 Dec 02 Bha 16 Jan 03 Ulk 01 Mar 03 Sid 22 Apr 03 San 25 Jun 03 Man 10 Sep 03
Dha 13 Nov 02 Bhr 25 Nov 02 Bha 18 Dec 02 Ulk 22 Jan 03 Sid 07 Mar 03 San 03 May 03 Man 11 Jul 03 Pin 12 Sep 03
Bhr 13 Nov 02 Bha 27 Nov 02 Ulk 22 Dec 02 Sid 28 Jan 03 San 17 Mar 03 Man 17 May 03 Pin 13 Jul 03 Dha 16 Sep 03
Bha 15 Nov 02 Ulk 30 Nov 02 Sid 27 Dec 02 San 06 Feb 03 Man 28 Mar 03 Pin 18 May 03 Dha 17 Jul 03 Bhr 23 Sep 03
Ulk 16 Nov 02 Sid 03 Dec 02 San 03 Jan 03 Man 15 Feb 03 Pin 29 Mar 03 Dha 22 May 03 Bhr 23 Jul 03 Bha 02 Oct 03
Sid 18 Nov 02 San 07 Dec 02 Man 09 Jan 03 Pin 16 Feb 03 Dha 02 Apr 03 Bhr 27 May 03 Bha 31 Jul 03 Ulk 13 Oct 03
San 20 Nov 02 Man 11 Dec 02 Pin 10 Jan 03 Dha 18 Feb 03 Bhr 06 Apr 03 Bha 03 Jun 03 Ulk 10 Aug 03 Sid 26 Oct 03

Sample Page 26
Excellent Software

Yogini Mahadasa: Pingala (29 years old)

Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala
Pin 12 Nov 03 Dha 22 Dec 03 Bhr 22 Feb 04 Bha 12 May 04 Ulk 22 Aug 04 Sid 22 Dec 04 San 12 May 05 Man 22 Oct 05
Dha 14 Nov 03 Bhr 27 Dec 03 Bha 01 Mar 04 Ulk 26 May 04 Sid 12 Sep 04 San 19 Jan 05 Man 17 Jun 05 Pin 22 Oct 05
Bhr 17 Nov 03 Bha 03 Jan 04 Ulk 12 Mar 04 Sid 12 Jun 04 San 05 Oct 04 Man 20 Feb 05 Pin 22 Jun 05 Dha 23 Oct 05
Bha 22 Nov 03 Ulk 12 Jan 04 Sid 25 Mar 04 San 02 Jul 04 Man 02 Nov 04 Pin 24 Feb 05 Dha 01 Jul 05 Bhr 25 Oct 05
Ulk 27 Nov 03 Sid 22 Jan 04 San 11 Apr 04 Man 24 Jul 04 Pin 05 Nov 04 Dha 02 Mar 05 Bhr 14 Jul 05 Bha 27 Oct 05
Sid 04 Dec 03 San 03 Feb 04 Man 28 Apr 04 Pin 27 Jul 04 Dha 12 Nov 04 Bhr 13 Mar 05 Bha 02 Aug 05 Ulk 31 Oct 05
San 12 Dec 03 Man 17 Feb 04 Pin 01 May 04 Dha 02 Aug 04 Bhr 22 Nov 04 Bha 29 Mar 05 Ulk 24 Aug 05 Sid 03 Nov 05
Man 21 Dec 03 Pin 18 Feb 04 Dha 05 May 04 Bhr 11 Aug 04 Bha 05 Dec 04 Ulk 18 Apr 05 Sid 21 Sep 05 San 07 Nov 05

Yogini Mahadasa: Dhanya (31 years old)

Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala
Dha 12 Nov 05 Bhr 12 Feb 06 Bha 12 Jun 06 Ulk 12 Nov 06 Sid 12 May 07 San 12 Dec 07 Man 12 Aug 08 Pin 12 Sep 08
Bhr 19 Nov 05 Bha 25 Feb 06 Ulk 03 Jul 06 Sid 12 Dec 06 San 23 Jun 07 Man 05 Feb 08 Pin 13 Aug 08 Dha 15 Sep 08
Bha 29 Nov 05 Ulk 12 Mar 06 Sid 28 Jul 06 San 17 Jan 07 Man 09 Aug 07 Pin 12 Feb 08 Dha 14 Aug 08 Bhr 20 Sep 08
Ulk 12 Dec 05 Sid 02 Apr 06 San 27 Aug 06 Man 27 Feb 07 Pin 15 Aug 07 Dha 25 Feb 08 Bhr 17 Aug 08 Bha 27 Sep 08
Sid 27 Dec 05 San 25 Apr 06 Man 30 Sep 06 Pin 02 Mar 07 Dha 27 Aug 07 Bhr 15 Mar 08 Bha 20 Aug 08 Ulk 05 Oct 08
San 14 Jan 06 Man 22 May 06 Pin 04 Oct 06 Dha 12 Mar 07 Bhr 14 Sep 07 Bha 12 Apr 08 Ulk 24 Aug 08 Sid 15 Oct 08
Man 04 Feb 06 Pin 25 May 06 Dha 13 Oct 06 Bhr 27 Mar 07 Bha 08 Oct 07 Ulk 15 May 08 Sid 29 Aug 08 San 27 Oct 08
Pin 07 Feb 06 Dha 02 Jun 06 Bhr 25 Oct 06 Bha 17 Apr 07 Ulk 07 Nov 07 Sid 25 Jun 08 San 05 Sep 08 Man 10 Nov 08

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhramari (34 years old)

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 12 Nov 08 Bha 22 Apr 09 Ulk 12 Nov 09 Sid 12 Jul 10 San 22 Apr 11 Man 12 Mar 12 Pin 22 Apr 12 Dha 12 Jul 12
Bha 30 Nov 08 Ulk 20 May 09 Sid 22 Dec 09 San 06 Sep 10 Man 03 Jul 11 Pin 13 Mar 12 Dha 26 Apr 12 Bhr 22 Jul 12
Ulk 22 Dec 08 Sid 23 Jun 09 San 08 Feb 10 Man 08 Nov 10 Pin 12 Jul 11 Dha 15 Mar 12 Bhr 03 May 12 Bha 05 Aug 12
Sid 18 Jan 09 San 02 Aug 09 Man 02 Apr 10 Pin 16 Nov 10 Dha 31 Jul 11 Bhr 18 Mar 12 Bha 12 May 12 Ulk 22 Aug 12
San 20 Feb 09 Man 16 Sep 09 Pin 08 Apr 10 Dha 02 Dec 10 Bhr 26 Aug 11 Bha 23 Mar 12 Ulk 23 May 12 Sid 12 Sep 12
Man 25 Mar 09 Pin 22 Sep 09 Dha 22 Apr 10 Bhr 25 Dec 10 Bha 02 Oct 11 Ulk 28 Mar 12 Sid 06 Jun 12 San 05 Oct 12
Pin 31 Mar 09 Dha 03 Oct 09 Bhr 12 May 10 Bha 26 Jan 11 Ulk 16 Nov 11 Sid 05 Apr 12 San 22 Jun 12 Man 02 Nov 12
Dha 08 Apr 09 Bhr 20 Oct 09 Bha 08 Jun 10 Ulk 05 Mar 11 Sid 10 Jan 12 San 13 Apr 12 Man 10 Jul 12 Pin 05 Nov 12

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhadrika (38 years old)

Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
Bha 12 Nov 12 Ulk 22 Jul 13 Sid 22 May 14 San 12 May 15 Man 22 Jun 16 Pin 12 Aug 16 Dha 22 Nov 16 Bhr 22 Apr 17
Ulk 16 Dec 12 Sid 12 Sep 13 San 31 Jul 14 Man 11 Aug 15 Pin 23 Jun 16 Dha 17 Aug 16 Bhr 04 Dec 16 Bha 14 May 17
Sid 28 Jan 13 San 10 Nov 13 Man 18 Oct 14 Pin 22 Aug 15 Dha 26 Jun 16 Bhr 26 Aug 16 Bha 21 Dec 16 Ulk 12 Jun 17
San 17 Mar 13 Man 17 Jan 14 Pin 27 Oct 14 Dha 14 Sep 15 Bhr 30 Jun 16 Bha 07 Sep 16 Ulk 12 Jan 17 Sid 15 Jul 17
Man 12 May 13 Pin 25 Jan 14 Dha 17 Nov 14 Bhr 17 Oct 15 Bha 06 Jul 16 Ulk 21 Sep 16 Sid 07 Feb 17 San 24 Aug 17
Pin 19 May 13 Dha 12 Feb 14 Bhr 16 Dec 14 Bha 02 Dec 15 Ulk 13 Jul 16 Sid 07 Oct 16 San 06 Mar 17 Man 08 Oct 17
Dha 03 Jun 13 Bhr 07 Mar 14 Bha 25 Jan 15 Ulk 27 Jan 16 Sid 21 Jul 16 San 27 Oct 16 Man 09 Apr 17 Pin 14 Oct 17
Bhr 24 Jun 13 Bha 10 Apr 14 Ulk 13 Mar 15 Sid 04 Apr 16 San 01 Aug 16 Man 19 Nov 16 Pin 13 Apr 17 Dha 25 Oct 17

Sample Page 27
Excellent Software

Yogini Mahadasa: Ulka (43 years old)

Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
Ulk 12 Nov 17 Sid 12 Nov 18 San 12 Jan 20 Man 12 May 21 Pin 12 Jul 21 Dha 12 Nov 21 Bhr 12 May 22 Bha 12 Jan 23
Sid 12 Jan 18 San 03 Feb 19 Man 28 Apr 20 Pin 13 May 21 Dha 18 Jul 21 Bhr 27 Nov 21 Bha 08 Jun 22 Ulk 23 Feb 23
San 22 Mar 18 Man 07 May 19 Pin 12 May 20 Dha 17 May 21 Bhr 28 Jul 21 Bha 17 Dec 21 Ulk 12 Jul 22 Sid 13 Apr 23
Man 12 Jun 18 Pin 18 May 19 Dha 08 Jun 20 Bhr 22 May 21 Bha 12 Aug 21 Ulk 12 Jan 22 Sid 22 Aug 22 San 12 Jun 23
Pin 22 Jun 18 Dha 12 Jun 19 Bhr 18 Jul 20 Bha 28 May 21 Ulk 28 Aug 21 Sid 12 Feb 22 San 08 Oct 22 Man 18 Aug 23
Dha 12 Jul 18 Bhr 17 Jul 19 Bha 12 Sep 20 Ulk 07 Jun 21 Sid 18 Sep 21 San 17 Mar 22 Man 02 Dec 22 Pin 27 Aug 23
Bhr 12 Aug 18 Bha 03 Sep 19 Ulk 18 Nov 20 Sid 17 Jun 21 San 12 Oct 21 Man 27 Apr 22 Pin 08 Dec 22 Dha 13 Sep 23
Bha 22 Sep 18 Ulk 02 Nov 19 Sid 08 Feb 21 San 28 Jun 21 Man 08 Nov 21 Pin 02 May 22 Dha 22 Dec 22 Bhr 08 Oct 23

Yogini Mahadasa: Siddha (49 years old)

Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka
Sid 12 Nov 23 San 22 Mar 25 Man 12 Oct 26 Pin 22 Dec 26 Dha 12 May 27 Bhr 12 Dec 27 Bha 22 Sep 28 Ulk 12 Sep 29
San 17 Feb 24 Man 26 Jul 25 Pin 14 Oct 26 Dha 31 Dec 26 Bhr 29 May 27 Bha 13 Jan 28 Ulk 10 Nov 28 Sid 22 Nov 29
Man 06 Jun 24 Pin 12 Aug 25 Dha 18 Oct 26 Bhr 11 Jan 27 Bha 23 Jun 27 Ulk 22 Feb 28 Sid 09 Jan 29 San 13 Feb 30
Pin 20 Jun 24 Dha 13 Sep 25 Bhr 23 Oct 26 Bha 27 Jan 27 Ulk 22 Jul 27 Sid 08 Apr 28 San 17 Mar 29 Man 17 May 30
Dha 17 Jul 24 Bhr 31 Oct 25 Bha 01 Nov 26 Ulk 16 Feb 27 Sid 27 Aug 27 San 03 Jun 28 Man 05 Jun 29 Pin 28 May 30
Bhr 28 Aug 24 Bha 02 Jan 26 Ulk 11 Nov 26 Sid 10 Mar 27 San 08 Oct 27 Man 05 Aug 28 Pin 14 Jun 29 Dha 22 Jun 30
Bha 22 Oct 24 Ulk 20 Mar 26 Sid 23 Nov 26 San 07 Apr 27 Man 24 Nov 27 Pin 13 Aug 28 Dha 04 Jul 29 Bhr 27 Jul 30
Ulk 31 Dec 24 Sid 23 Jun 26 San 06 Dec 26 Man 08 May 27 Pin 30 Nov 27 Dha 28 Aug 28 Bhr 03 Aug 29 Bha 13 Sep 30

Yogini Mahadasa: Sankata (56 years old)

Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
San 12 Nov 30 Man 22 Aug 32 Pin 12 Nov 32 Dha 22 Apr 33 Bhr 22 Dec 33 Bha 12 Nov 34 Ulk 22 Dec 35 Sid 22 Apr 37
Man 04 Apr 31 Pin 24 Aug 32 Dha 21 Nov 32 Bhr 12 May 33 Bha 27 Jan 34 Ulk 07 Jan 35 Sid 12 Mar 36 San 11 Aug 37
Pin 22 Apr 31 Dha 28 Aug 32 Bhr 04 Dec 32 Bha 08 Jun 33 Ulk 12 Mar 34 Sid 14 Mar 35 San 15 Jun 36 Man 15 Dec 37
Dha 27 May 31 Bhr 05 Sep 32 Bha 22 Dec 32 Ulk 12 Jul 33 Sid 05 May 34 San 02 Jun 35 Man 02 Oct 36 Pin 01 Jan 38
Bhr 21 Jul 31 Bha 14 Sep 32 Ulk 14 Jan 33 Sid 22 Aug 33 San 07 Jul 34 Man 01 Sep 35 Pin 15 Oct 36 Dha 02 Feb 38
Bha 02 Oct 31 Ulk 25 Sep 32 Sid 11 Feb 33 San 08 Oct 33 Man 18 Sep 34 Pin 12 Sep 35 Dha 12 Nov 36 Bhr 18 Mar 38
Ulk 01 Jan 32 Sid 08 Oct 32 San 12 Mar 33 Man 02 Dec 33 Pin 27 Sep 34 Dha 04 Oct 35 Bhr 22 Dec 36 Bha 21 May 38
Sid 17 Apr 32 San 24 Oct 32 Man 17 Apr 33 Pin 08 Dec 33 Dha 15 Oct 34 Bhr 07 Nov 35 Bha 15 Feb 37 Ulk 08 Aug 38

Yogini Mahadasa: Mangala (64 years old)

Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata
Man 12 Nov 38 Pin 22 Nov 38 Dha 12 Dec 38 Bhr 12 Jan 39 Bha 22 Feb 39 Ulk 12 Apr 39 Sid 12 Jun 39 San 22 Aug 39
Pin 12 Nov 38 Dha 23 Nov 38 Bhr 14 Dec 38 Bha 16 Jan 39 Ulk 01 Mar 39 Sid 22 Apr 39 San 25 Jun 39 Man 10 Sep 39
Dha 13 Nov 38 Bhr 25 Nov 38 Bha 18 Dec 38 Ulk 22 Jan 39 Sid 07 Mar 39 San 03 May 39 Man 11 Jul 39 Pin 12 Sep 39
Bhr 13 Nov 38 Bha 27 Nov 38 Ulk 22 Dec 38 Sid 28 Jan 39 San 17 Mar 39 Man 17 May 39 Pin 13 Jul 39 Dha 16 Sep 39
Bha 15 Nov 38 Ulk 30 Nov 38 Sid 27 Dec 38 San 06 Feb 39 Man 28 Mar 39 Pin 18 May 39 Dha 17 Jul 39 Bhr 23 Sep 39
Ulk 16 Nov 38 Sid 03 Dec 38 San 03 Jan 39 Man 15 Feb 39 Pin 29 Mar 39 Dha 22 May 39 Bhr 23 Jul 39 Bha 02 Oct 39
Sid 18 Nov 38 San 07 Dec 38 Man 09 Jan 39 Pin 16 Feb 39 Dha 02 Apr 39 Bhr 27 May 39 Bha 31 Jul 39 Ulk 13 Oct 39
San 20 Nov 38 Man 11 Dec 38 Pin 10 Jan 39 Dha 18 Feb 39 Bhr 06 Apr 39 Bha 03 Jun 39 Ulk 10 Aug 39 Sid 26 Oct 39

Sample Page 28
Excellent Software

Yogini Mahadasa: Pingala (65 years old)

Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala
Pin 12 Nov 39 Dha 22 Dec 39 Bhr 22 Feb 40 Bha 12 May 40 Ulk 22 Aug 40 Sid 22 Dec 40 San 12 May 41 Man 22 Oct 41
Dha 14 Nov 39 Bhr 27 Dec 39 Bha 01 Mar 40 Ulk 26 May 40 Sid 12 Sep 40 San 19 Jan 41 Man 17 Jun 41 Pin 22 Oct 41
Bhr 17 Nov 39 Bha 03 Jan 40 Ulk 12 Mar 40 Sid 12 Jun 40 San 05 Oct 40 Man 20 Feb 41 Pin 22 Jun 41 Dha 23 Oct 41
Bha 22 Nov 39 Ulk 12 Jan 40 Sid 25 Mar 40 San 02 Jul 40 Man 02 Nov 40 Pin 24 Feb 41 Dha 01 Jul 41 Bhr 25 Oct 41
Ulk 27 Nov 39 Sid 22 Jan 40 San 11 Apr 40 Man 24 Jul 40 Pin 05 Nov 40 Dha 02 Mar 41 Bhr 14 Jul 41 Bha 27 Oct 41
Sid 04 Dec 39 San 03 Feb 40 Man 28 Apr 40 Pin 27 Jul 40 Dha 12 Nov 40 Bhr 13 Mar 41 Bha 02 Aug 41 Ulk 31 Oct 41
San 12 Dec 39 Man 17 Feb 40 Pin 01 May 40 Dha 02 Aug 40 Bhr 22 Nov 40 Bha 29 Mar 41 Ulk 24 Aug 41 Sid 03 Nov 41
Man 21 Dec 39 Pin 18 Feb 40 Dha 05 May 40 Bhr 11 Aug 40 Bha 05 Dec 40 Ulk 18 Apr 41 Sid 21 Sep 41 San 07 Nov 41

Yogini Mahadasa: Dhanya (67 years old)

Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala
Dha 12 Nov 41 Bhr 12 Feb 42 Bha 12 Jun 42 Ulk 12 Nov 42 Sid 12 May 43 San 12 Dec 43 Man 12 Aug 44 Pin 12 Sep 44
Bhr 19 Nov 41 Bha 25 Feb 42 Ulk 03 Jul 42 Sid 12 Dec 42 San 23 Jun 43 Man 05 Feb 44 Pin 13 Aug 44 Dha 15 Sep 44
Bha 29 Nov 41 Ulk 12 Mar 42 Sid 28 Jul 42 San 17 Jan 43 Man 09 Aug 43 Pin 12 Feb 44 Dha 14 Aug 44 Bhr 20 Sep 44
Ulk 12 Dec 41 Sid 02 Apr 42 San 27 Aug 42 Man 27 Feb 43 Pin 15 Aug 43 Dha 25 Feb 44 Bhr 17 Aug 44 Bha 27 Sep 44
Sid 27 Dec 41 San 25 Apr 42 Man 30 Sep 42 Pin 02 Mar 43 Dha 27 Aug 43 Bhr 15 Mar 44 Bha 20 Aug 44 Ulk 05 Oct 44
San 14 Jan 42 Man 22 May 42 Pin 04 Oct 42 Dha 12 Mar 43 Bhr 14 Sep 43 Bha 12 Apr 44 Ulk 24 Aug 44 Sid 15 Oct 44
Man 04 Feb 42 Pin 25 May 42 Dha 13 Oct 42 Bhr 27 Mar 43 Bha 08 Oct 43 Ulk 15 May 44 Sid 29 Aug 44 San 27 Oct 44
Pin 07 Feb 42 Dha 02 Jun 42 Bhr 25 Oct 42 Bha 17 Apr 43 Ulk 07 Nov 43 Sid 25 Jun 44 San 05 Sep 44 Man 10 Nov 44

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhramari (70 years old)

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 12 Nov 44 Bha 22 Apr 45 Ulk 12 Nov 45 Sid 12 Jul 46 San 22 Apr 47 Man 12 Mar 48 Pin 22 Apr 48 Dha 12 Jul 48
Bha 30 Nov 44 Ulk 20 May 45 Sid 22 Dec 45 San 06 Sep 46 Man 03 Jul 47 Pin 13 Mar 48 Dha 26 Apr 48 Bhr 22 Jul 48
Ulk 22 Dec 44 Sid 23 Jun 45 San 08 Feb 46 Man 08 Nov 46 Pin 12 Jul 47 Dha 15 Mar 48 Bhr 03 May 48 Bha 05 Aug 48
Sid 18 Jan 45 San 02 Aug 45 Man 02 Apr 46 Pin 16 Nov 46 Dha 31 Jul 47 Bhr 18 Mar 48 Bha 12 May 48 Ulk 22 Aug 48
San 20 Feb 45 Man 16 Sep 45 Pin 08 Apr 46 Dha 02 Dec 46 Bhr 26 Aug 47 Bha 23 Mar 48 Ulk 23 May 48 Sid 12 Sep 48
Man 25 Mar 45 Pin 22 Sep 45 Dha 22 Apr 46 Bhr 25 Dec 46 Bha 02 Oct 47 Ulk 28 Mar 48 Sid 06 Jun 48 San 05 Oct 48
Pin 31 Mar 45 Dha 03 Oct 45 Bhr 12 May 46 Bha 26 Jan 47 Ulk 16 Nov 47 Sid 05 Apr 48 San 22 Jun 48 Man 02 Nov 48
Dha 08 Apr 45 Bhr 20 Oct 45 Bha 08 Jun 46 Ulk 05 Mar 47 Sid 10 Jan 48 San 13 Apr 48 Man 10 Jul 48 Pin 05 Nov 48

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhadrika (74 years old)

Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
Bha 12 Nov 48 Ulk 22 Jul 49 Sid 22 May 50 San 12 May 51 Man 22 Jun 52 Pin 12 Aug 52 Dha 22 Nov 52 Bhr 22 Apr 53
Ulk 16 Dec 48 Sid 12 Sep 49 San 31 Jul 50 Man 11 Aug 51 Pin 23 Jun 52 Dha 17 Aug 52 Bhr 04 Dec 52 Bha 14 May 53
Sid 28 Jan 49 San 10 Nov 49 Man 18 Oct 50 Pin 22 Aug 51 Dha 26 Jun 52 Bhr 26 Aug 52 Bha 21 Dec 52 Ulk 12 Jun 53
San 17 Mar 49 Man 17 Jan 50 Pin 27 Oct 50 Dha 14 Sep 51 Bhr 30 Jun 52 Bha 07 Sep 52 Ulk 12 Jan 53 Sid 15 Jul 53
Man 12 May 49 Pin 25 Jan 50 Dha 17 Nov 50 Bhr 17 Oct 51 Bha 06 Jul 52 Ulk 21 Sep 52 Sid 07 Feb 53 San 24 Aug 53
Pin 19 May 49 Dha 12 Feb 50 Bhr 16 Dec 50 Bha 02 Dec 51 Ulk 13 Jul 52 Sid 07 Oct 52 San 06 Mar 53 Man 08 Oct 53
Dha 03 Jun 49 Bhr 07 Mar 50 Bha 25 Jan 51 Ulk 27 Jan 52 Sid 21 Jul 52 San 27 Oct 52 Man 09 Apr 53 Pin 14 Oct 53
Bhr 24 Jun 49 Bha 10 Apr 50 Ulk 13 Mar 51 Sid 04 Apr 52 San 01 Aug 52 Man 19 Nov 52 Pin 13 Apr 53 Dha 25 Oct 53

Sample Page 29
Excellent Software

Yogini Mahadasa: Ulka (79 years old)

Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
Ulk 12 Nov 53 Sid 12 Nov 54 San 12 Jan 56 Man 12 May 57 Pin 12 Jul 57 Dha 12 Nov 57 Bhr 12 May 58 Bha 12 Jan 59
Sid 12 Jan 54 San 03 Feb 55 Man 28 Apr 56 Pin 13 May 57 Dha 18 Jul 57 Bhr 27 Nov 57 Bha 08 Jun 58 Ulk 23 Feb 59
San 22 Mar 54 Man 07 May 55 Pin 12 May 56 Dha 17 May 57 Bhr 28 Jul 57 Bha 17 Dec 57 Ulk 12 Jul 58 Sid 13 Apr 59
Man 12 Jun 54 Pin 18 May 55 Dha 08 Jun 56 Bhr 22 May 57 Bha 12 Aug 57 Ulk 12 Jan 58 Sid 22 Aug 58 San 12 Jun 59
Pin 22 Jun 54 Dha 12 Jun 55 Bhr 18 Jul 56 Bha 28 May 57 Ulk 28 Aug 57 Sid 12 Feb 58 San 08 Oct 58 Man 18 Aug 59
Dha 12 Jul 54 Bhr 17 Jul 55 Bha 12 Sep 56 Ulk 07 Jun 57 Sid 18 Sep 57 San 17 Mar 58 Man 02 Dec 58 Pin 27 Aug 59
Bhr 12 Aug 54 Bha 03 Sep 55 Ulk 18 Nov 56 Sid 17 Jun 57 San 12 Oct 57 Man 27 Apr 58 Pin 08 Dec 58 Dha 13 Sep 59
Bha 22 Sep 54 Ulk 02 Nov 55 Sid 08 Feb 57 San 28 Jun 57 Man 08 Nov 57 Pin 02 May 58 Dha 22 Dec 58 Bhr 08 Oct 59

Yogini Mahadasa: Siddha (85 years old)

Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka
Sid 12 Nov 59 San 22 Mar 61 Man 12 Oct 62 Pin 22 Dec 62 Dha 12 May 63 Bhr 12 Dec 63 Bha 22 Sep 64 Ulk 12 Sep 65
San 17 Feb 60 Man 26 Jul 61 Pin 14 Oct 62 Dha 31 Dec 62 Bhr 29 May 63 Bha 13 Jan 64 Ulk 10 Nov 64 Sid 22 Nov 65
Man 06 Jun 60 Pin 12 Aug 61 Dha 18 Oct 62 Bhr 11 Jan 63 Bha 23 Jun 63 Ulk 22 Feb 64 Sid 09 Jan 65 San 13 Feb 66
Pin 20 Jun 60 Dha 13 Sep 61 Bhr 23 Oct 62 Bha 27 Jan 63 Ulk 22 Jul 63 Sid 08 Apr 64 San 17 Mar 65 Man 17 May 66
Dha 17 Jul 60 Bhr 31 Oct 61 Bha 01 Nov 62 Ulk 16 Feb 63 Sid 27 Aug 63 San 03 Jun 64 Man 05 Jun 65 Pin 28 May 66
Bhr 28 Aug 60 Bha 02 Jan 62 Ulk 11 Nov 62 Sid 10 Mar 63 San 08 Oct 63 Man 05 Aug 64 Pin 14 Jun 65 Dha 22 Jun 66
Bha 22 Oct 60 Ulk 20 Mar 62 Sid 23 Nov 62 San 07 Apr 63 Man 24 Nov 63 Pin 13 Aug 64 Dha 04 Jul 65 Bhr 27 Jul 66
Ulk 31 Dec 60 Sid 23 Jun 62 San 06 Dec 62 Man 08 May 63 Pin 30 Nov 63 Dha 28 Aug 64 Bhr 03 Aug 65 Bha 13 Sep 66

Yogini Mahadasa: Sankata (92 years old)

Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
San 12 Nov 66 Man 22 Aug 68 Pin 12 Nov 68 Dha 22 Apr 69 Bhr 22 Dec 69 Bha 12 Nov 70 Ulk 22 Dec 71 Sid 22 Apr 73
Man 04 Apr 67 Pin 24 Aug 68 Dha 21 Nov 68 Bhr 12 May 69 Bha 27 Jan 70 Ulk 07 Jan 71 Sid 12 Mar 72 San 11 Aug 73
Pin 22 Apr 67 Dha 28 Aug 68 Bhr 04 Dec 68 Bha 08 Jun 69 Ulk 12 Mar 70 Sid 14 Mar 71 San 15 Jun 72 Man 15 Dec 73
Dha 27 May 67 Bhr 05 Sep 68 Bha 22 Dec 68 Ulk 12 Jul 69 Sid 05 May 70 San 02 Jun 71 Man 02 Oct 72 Pin 01 Jan 74
Bhr 21 Jul 67 Bha 14 Sep 68 Ulk 14 Jan 69 Sid 22 Aug 69 San 07 Jul 70 Man 01 Sep 71 Pin 15 Oct 72 Dha 02 Feb 74
Bha 02 Oct 67 Ulk 25 Sep 68 Sid 11 Feb 69 San 08 Oct 69 Man 18 Sep 70 Pin 12 Sep 71 Dha 12 Nov 72 Bhr 18 Mar 74
Ulk 01 Jan 68 Sid 08 Oct 68 San 12 Mar 69 Man 02 Dec 69 Pin 27 Sep 70 Dha 04 Oct 71 Bhr 22 Dec 72 Bha 21 May 74
Sid 17 Apr 68 San 24 Oct 68 Man 17 Apr 69 Pin 08 Dec 69 Dha 15 Oct 70 Bhr 07 Nov 71 Bha 15 Feb 73 Ulk 08 Aug 74

Yogini Mahadasa: Mangala (100 years old)

Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata
Man 12 Nov 74 Pin 22 Nov 74 Dha 12 Dec 74 Bhr 12 Jan 75 Bha 22 Feb 75 Ulk 12 Apr 75 Sid 12 Jun 75 San 22 Aug 75
Pin 12 Nov 74 Dha 23 Nov 74 Bhr 14 Dec 74 Bha 16 Jan 75 Ulk 01 Mar 75 Sid 22 Apr 75 San 25 Jun 75 Man 10 Sep 75
Dha 13 Nov 74 Bhr 25 Nov 74 Bha 18 Dec 74 Ulk 22 Jan 75 Sid 07 Mar 75 San 03 May 75 Man 11 Jul 75 Pin 12 Sep 75
Bhr 13 Nov 74 Bha 27 Nov 74 Ulk 22 Dec 74 Sid 28 Jan 75 San 17 Mar 75 Man 17 May 75 Pin 13 Jul 75 Dha 16 Sep 75
Bha 15 Nov 74 Ulk 30 Nov 74 Sid 27 Dec 74 San 06 Feb 75 Man 28 Mar 75 Pin 18 May 75 Dha 17 Jul 75 Bhr 23 Sep 75
Ulk 16 Nov 74 Sid 03 Dec 74 San 03 Jan 75 Man 15 Feb 75 Pin 29 Mar 75 Dha 22 May 75 Bhr 23 Jul 75 Bha 02 Oct 75
Sid 18 Nov 74 San 07 Dec 74 Man 09 Jan 75 Pin 16 Feb 75 Dha 02 Apr 75 Bhr 27 May 75 Bha 31 Jul 75 Ulk 13 Oct 75
San 20 Nov 74 Man 11 Dec 74 Pin 10 Jan 75 Dha 18 Feb 75 Bhr 06 Apr 75 Bha 03 Jun 75 Ulk 10 Aug 75 Sid 26 Oct 75

Sample Page 30
Excellent Software

Yogini Mahadasa: Pingala (101 years old)

Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala
Pin 12 Nov 75 Dha 22 Dec 75 Bhr 22 Feb 76 Bha 12 May 76 Ulk 22 Aug 76 Sid 22 Dec 76 San 12 May 77 Man 22 Oct 77
Dha 14 Nov 75 Bhr 27 Dec 75 Bha 01 Mar 76 Ulk 26 May 76 Sid 12 Sep 76 San 19 Jan 77 Man 17 Jun 77 Pin 22 Oct 77
Bhr 17 Nov 75 Bha 03 Jan 76 Ulk 12 Mar 76 Sid 12 Jun 76 San 05 Oct 76 Man 20 Feb 77 Pin 22 Jun 77 Dha 23 Oct 77
Bha 22 Nov 75 Ulk 12 Jan 76 Sid 25 Mar 76 San 02 Jul 76 Man 02 Nov 76 Pin 24 Feb 77 Dha 01 Jul 77 Bhr 25 Oct 77
Ulk 27 Nov 75 Sid 22 Jan 76 San 11 Apr 76 Man 24 Jul 76 Pin 05 Nov 76 Dha 02 Mar 77 Bhr 14 Jul 77 Bha 27 Oct 77
Sid 04 Dec 75 San 03 Feb 76 Man 28 Apr 76 Pin 27 Jul 76 Dha 12 Nov 76 Bhr 13 Mar 77 Bha 02 Aug 77 Ulk 31 Oct 77
San 12 Dec 75 Man 17 Feb 76 Pin 01 May 76 Dha 02 Aug 76 Bhr 22 Nov 76 Bha 29 Mar 77 Ulk 24 Aug 77 Sid 03 Nov 77
Man 21 Dec 75 Pin 18 Feb 76 Dha 05 May 76 Bhr 11 Aug 76 Bha 05 Dec 76 Ulk 18 Apr 77 Sid 21 Sep 77 San 07 Nov 77

Yogini Mahadasa: Dhanya (103 years old)

Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala
Dha 12 Nov 77 Bhr 12 Feb 78 Bha 12 Jun 78 Ulk 12 Nov 78 Sid 12 May 79 San 12 Dec 79 Man 12 Aug 80 Pin 12 Sep 80
Bhr 19 Nov 77 Bha 25 Feb 78 Ulk 03 Jul 78 Sid 12 Dec 78 San 23 Jun 79 Man 05 Feb 80 Pin 13 Aug 80 Dha 15 Sep 80
Bha 29 Nov 77 Ulk 12 Mar 78 Sid 28 Jul 78 San 17 Jan 79 Man 09 Aug 79 Pin 12 Feb 80 Dha 14 Aug 80 Bhr 20 Sep 80
Ulk 12 Dec 77 Sid 02 Apr 78 San 27 Aug 78 Man 27 Feb 79 Pin 15 Aug 79 Dha 25 Feb 80 Bhr 17 Aug 80 Bha 27 Sep 80
Sid 27 Dec 77 San 25 Apr 78 Man 30 Sep 78 Pin 02 Mar 79 Dha 27 Aug 79 Bhr 15 Mar 80 Bha 20 Aug 80 Ulk 05 Oct 80
San 14 Jan 78 Man 22 May 78 Pin 04 Oct 78 Dha 12 Mar 79 Bhr 14 Sep 79 Bha 12 Apr 80 Ulk 24 Aug 80 Sid 15 Oct 80
Man 04 Feb 78 Pin 25 May 78 Dha 13 Oct 78 Bhr 27 Mar 79 Bha 08 Oct 79 Ulk 15 May 80 Sid 29 Aug 80 San 27 Oct 80
Pin 07 Feb 78 Dha 02 Jun 78 Bhr 25 Oct 78 Bha 17 Apr 79 Ulk 07 Nov 79 Sid 25 Jun 80 San 05 Sep 80 Man 10 Nov 80
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

ASTOTTARI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 02 Years 06 Months 07 Days

Astottari Dasa
Jupiter Rahu Venus Sun Moon Mars Mercury Saturn
Ju Ra 16 Oct 77 Ve 16 Oct 89 Su 16 Oct 10 Mo 16 Oct 16 Ma 16 Oct 31 Me 16 Oct 39 Sa 16 Oct 56
Ra Ve 16 Feb 79 Su 16 Nov 93 Mo 16 Feb 11 Ma 16 Nov 18 Me 19 May 32 Sa 19 Jun 42 Ju 19 Sep 57
Ve Su 16 Jun 81 Mo 16 Jan 95 Ma 16 Dec 11 Me 26 Dec 19 Sa 23 Aug 33 Ju 16 Jan 44 Ra 23 Jun 59
Su Mo 16 Feb 82 Ma 16 Dec 97 Me 26 May 12 Sa 06 May 22 Ju 19 May 34 Ra 13 Jan 47 Ve 03 Aug 60
Mo Ma 16 Oct 83 Me 06 Jul 99 Sa 06 May 13 Ju 26 Sep 23 Ra 16 Oct 35 Ve 03 Dec 48 Su 13 Jul 62
Ma Me 06 Sep 84 Sa 26 Oct 02 Ju 26 Nov 13 Ra 16 May 26 Ve 06 Sep 36 Su 23 Mar 52 Mo 03 Feb 63
Me 09 Apr 75 Sa 26 Jul 86 Ju 06 Oct 04 Ra 16 Dec 14 Ve 16 Jan 28 Su 26 Mar 38 Mo 03 Mar 53 Ma 23 Jun 64
Sa 13 Jan 76 Ju 06 Sep 87 Ra 16 Jun 08 Ve 16 Aug 15 Su 16 Dec 30 Mo 06 Sep 38 Ma 13 Jul 55 Me 19 Mar 65

Astottari Mahadasa: Jupiter

Jupiter Rahu Venus Sun Moon Mars Mercury Saturn
Ju Ra Ve Su Mo Ma Me Sa 13 Jan 76
Ra Ve Su Mo Ma Me Sa Ju 11 Mar 76
Ve Su Mo Ma Me Sa Ju Ra 03 Jul 76
Su Mo Ma Me Sa Ju Ra Ve 13 Sep 76
Mo Ma Me Sa Ju Ra Ve Su 16 Jan 77
Ma Me Sa Ju Ra Ve Su 09 Apr 75 Mo 22 Feb 77
Me Sa Ju Ra Ve Su Mo 24 May 75 Ma 20 May 77
Sa Ju Ra Ve Su Mo Ma 23 Oct 75 Me 06 Jul 77

Sample Page 31
Excellent Software

Astottari Mahadasa: Rahu (3 years old)

Rahu Venus Sun Moon Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter
Ra 16 Oct 77 Ve 16 Feb 79 Su 16 Jun 81 Mo 16 Feb 82 Ma 16 Oct 83 Me 06 Sep 84 Sa 26 Jul 86 Ju 06 Sep 87
Ve 09 Dec 77 Su 29 Jul 79 Mo 29 Jun 81 Ma 09 May 82 Me 10 Nov 83 Sa 23 Dec 84 Ju 03 Sep 86 Ra 20 Jan 88
Su 13 Mar 78 Mo 16 Sep 79 Ma 03 Aug 81 Me 24 Jun 82 Sa 31 Dec 83 Ju 26 Feb 85 Ra 14 Nov 86 Ve 14 Apr 88
Mo 09 Apr 78 Ma 13 Jan 80 Me 21 Aug 81 Sa 28 Sep 82 Ju 31 Jan 84 Ra 26 Jun 85 Ve 28 Dec 86 Su 12 Sep 88
Ma 16 Jun 78 Me 15 Mar 80 Sa 28 Sep 81 Ju 24 Nov 82 Ra 26 Mar 84 Ve 11 Sep 85 Su 16 Mar 87 Mo 24 Oct 88
Me 22 Jul 78 Sa 27 Jul 80 Ju 21 Oct 81 Ra 09 Mar 83 Ve 02 May 84 Su 24 Jan 86 Mo 08 Apr 87 Ma 10 Feb 89
Sa 07 Oct 78 Ju 15 Oct 80 Ra 03 Dec 81 Ve 16 May 83 Su 04 Jul 84 Mo 01 Mar 86 Ma 04 Jun 87 Me 06 Apr 89
Ju 22 Nov 78 Ra 13 Mar 81 Ve 29 Dec 81 Su 13 Sep 83 Mo 22 Jul 84 Ma 06 Jun 86 Me 03 Jul 87 Sa 06 Aug 89

Astottari Mahadasa: Venus (15 years old)

Venus Sun Moon Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter Rahu
Ve 16 Oct 89 Su 16 Nov 93 Mo 16 Jan 95 Ma 16 Dec 97 Me 06 Jul 99 Sa 26 Oct 02 Ju 06 Oct 04 Ra 16 Jun 08
Su 02 Aug 90 Mo 09 Dec 93 Ma 12 Jun 95 Me 28 Jan 98 Sa 13 Jan 00 Ju 01 Jan 03 Ra 31 May 05 Ve 19 Sep 08
Mo 24 Oct 90 Ma 08 Feb 94 Me 31 Aug 95 Sa 26 Apr 98 Ju 04 May 00 Ra 04 May 03 Ve 28 Oct 05 Su 03 Mar 09
Ma 18 May 91 Me 09 Mar 94 Sa 15 Feb 96 Ju 18 Jun 98 Ra 03 Dec 00 Ve 22 Jul 03 Su 17 Jul 06 Mo 19 Apr 09
Me 07 Sep 91 Sa 15 May 94 Ju 22 May 96 Ra 26 Sep 98 Ve 15 Apr 01 Su 08 Dec 03 Mo 30 Sep 06 Ma 16 Aug 09
Sa 28 Apr 92 Ju 24 Jun 94 Ra 27 Nov 96 Ve 28 Nov 98 Su 07 Dec 01 Mo 17 Jan 04 Ma 05 Apr 07 Me 18 Oct 09
Ju 14 Sep 92 Ra 08 Sep 94 Ve 24 Mar 97 Su 17 Mar 99 Mo 13 Feb 02 Ma 24 Apr 04 Me 14 Jul 07 Sa 01 Mar 10
Ra 03 Jun 93 Ve 24 Oct 94 Su 18 Oct 97 Mo 18 Apr 99 Ma 28 Jul 02 Me 16 Jun 04 Sa 13 Feb 08 Ju 18 May 10

Astottari Mahadasa: Sun (36 years old)

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter Rahu Venus
Su 16 Oct 10 Mo 16 Feb 11 Ma 16 Dec 11 Me 26 May 12 Sa 06 May 13 Ju 26 Nov 13 Ra 16 Dec 14 Ve 16 Aug 15
Mo 23 Oct 10 Ma 28 Mar 11 Me 28 Dec 11 Sa 20 Jul 12 Ju 25 May 13 Ra 03 Feb 14 Ve 13 Jan 15 Su 08 Nov 15
Ma 09 Nov 10 Me 20 Apr 11 Sa 23 Jan 12 Ju 21 Aug 12 Ra 30 Jun 13 Ve 15 Mar 14 Su 01 Mar 15 Mo 01 Dec 15
Me 18 Nov 10 Sa 07 Jun 11 Ju 08 Feb 12 Ra 21 Oct 12 Ve 22 Jul 13 Su 29 May 14 Mo 13 Mar 15 Ma 29 Jan 16
Sa 07 Dec 10 Ju 05 Jul 11 Ra 06 Mar 12 Ve 29 Nov 12 Su 01 Sep 13 Mo 20 Jun 14 Ma 16 Apr 15 Me 01 Mar 16
Ju 18 Dec 10 Ra 28 Aug 11 Ve 24 Mar 12 Su 05 Feb 13 Mo 12 Sep 13 Ma 13 Aug 14 Me 04 May 15 Sa 07 May 16
Ra 09 Jan 11 Ve 01 Oct 11 Su 25 Apr 12 Mo 24 Feb 13 Ma 10 Oct 13 Me 11 Sep 14 Sa 12 Jun 15 Ju 16 Jun 16
Ve 23 Jan 11 Su 29 Nov 11 Mo 04 May 12 Ma 11 Apr 13 Me 25 Oct 13 Sa 11 Nov 14 Ju 04 Jul 15 Ra 29 Aug 16

Astottari Mahadasa: Moon (42 years old)

Moon Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter Rahu Venus Sun
Mo 16 Oct 16 Ma 16 Nov 18 Me 26 Dec 19 Sa 06 May 22 Ju 26 Sep 23 Ra 16 May 26 Ve 16 Jan 28 Su 16 Dec 30
Ma 31 Jan 17 Me 16 Dec 18 Sa 10 May 20 Ju 22 Jun 22 Ra 13 Mar 24 Ve 23 Jul 26 Su 10 Aug 28 Mo 03 Jan 31
Me 26 Mar 17 Sa 19 Feb 19 Ju 29 Jul 20 Ra 20 Sep 22 Ve 29 Jun 24 Su 19 Nov 26 Mo 09 Oct 28 Ma 14 Feb 31
Sa 24 Jul 17 Ju 26 Mar 19 Ra 28 Dec 20 Ve 16 Nov 22 Su 04 Jan 25 Mo 23 Dec 26 Ma 04 Mar 29 Me 07 Mar 31
Ju 03 Oct 17 Ra 06 Jun 19 Ve 03 Apr 21 Su 23 Feb 23 Mo 26 Feb 25 Ma 16 Mar 27 Me 22 May 29 Sa 24 Apr 31
Ra 15 Feb 18 Ve 21 Jul 19 Su 18 Sep 21 Mo 21 Mar 23 Ma 08 Jul 25 Me 01 May 27 Sa 08 Nov 29 Ju 22 May 31
Ve 09 May 18 Su 08 Oct 19 Mo 05 Nov 21 Ma 31 May 23 Me 19 Sep 25 Sa 05 Aug 27 Ju 15 Feb 30 Ra 14 Jul 31
Su 04 Oct 18 Mo 01 Nov 19 Ma 03 Mar 22 Me 07 Jul 23 Sa 18 Feb 26 Ju 01 Oct 27 Ra 19 Aug 30 Ve 18 Aug 31

Sample Page 32
Excellent Software

Astottari Mahadasa: Mars (57 years old)

Mars Mercury Saturn Jupiter Rahu Venus Sun Moon
Ma 16 Oct 31 Me 19 May 32 Sa 23 Aug 33 Ju 19 May 34 Ra 16 Oct 35 Ve 06 Sep 36 Su 26 Mar 38 Mo 06 Sep 38
Me 02 Nov 31 Sa 01 Aug 32 Ju 18 Sep 33 Ra 19 Aug 34 Ve 22 Nov 35 Su 25 Dec 36 Mo 05 Apr 38 Ma 02 Nov 38
Sa 06 Dec 31 Ju 13 Sep 32 Ra 04 Nov 33 Ve 15 Oct 34 Su 24 Jan 36 Mo 26 Jan 37 Ma 27 Apr 38 Me 01 Dec 38
Ju 25 Dec 31 Ra 03 Dec 32 Ve 04 Dec 33 Su 23 Jan 35 Mo 12 Feb 36 Ma 14 Apr 37 Me 09 May 38 Sa 04 Feb 39
Ra 03 Feb 32 Ve 23 Jan 33 Su 26 Jan 34 Mo 22 Feb 35 Ma 26 Mar 36 Me 25 May 37 Sa 04 Jun 38 Ju 11 Mar 39
Ve 27 Feb 32 Su 21 Apr 33 Mo 11 Feb 34 Ma 02 May 35 Me 20 Apr 36 Sa 24 Aug 37 Ju 19 Jun 38 Ra 22 May 39
Su 08 Apr 32 Mo 16 May 33 Ma 18 Mar 34 Me 09 Jun 35 Sa 10 Jun 36 Ju 15 Oct 37 Ra 17 Jul 38 Ve 06 Jul 39
Mo 20 Apr 32 Ma 19 Jul 33 Me 08 Apr 34 Sa 29 Aug 35 Ju 10 Jul 36 Ra 24 Jan 38 Ve 05 Aug 38 Su 24 Sep 39

Astottari Mahadasa: Mercury (65 years old)

Mercury Saturn Jupiter Rahu Venus Sun Moon Mars
Me 16 Oct 39 Sa 19 Jun 42 Ju 16 Jan 44 Ra 13 Jan 47 Ve 03 Dec 48 Su 23 Mar 52 Mo 03 Mar 53 Ma 13 Jul 55
Sa 18 Mar 40 Ju 12 Aug 42 Ra 26 Jul 44 Ve 28 Mar 47 Su 24 Jul 49 Mo 12 Apr 52 Ma 01 Jul 53 Me 16 Aug 55
Ju 17 Jun 40 Ra 22 Nov 42 Ve 25 Nov 44 Su 11 Aug 47 Mo 30 Sep 49 Ma 29 May 52 Me 04 Sep 53 Sa 28 Oct 55
Ra 06 Dec 40 Ve 25 Jan 43 Su 25 Jun 45 Mo 18 Sep 47 Ma 16 Mar 50 Me 24 Jun 52 Sa 18 Jan 54 Ju 10 Dec 55
Ve 24 Mar 41 Su 15 May 43 Mo 24 Aug 45 Ma 23 Dec 47 Me 14 Jun 50 Sa 18 Aug 52 Ju 06 Apr 54 Ra 01 Mar 56
Su 01 Oct 41 Mo 16 Jun 43 Ma 24 Jan 46 Me 13 Feb 48 Sa 21 Dec 50 Ju 19 Sep 52 Ra 06 Sep 54 Ve 20 Apr 56
Mo 24 Nov 41 Ma 05 Sep 43 Me 14 Apr 46 Sa 31 May 48 Ju 11 Apr 51 Ra 19 Nov 52 Ve 10 Dec 54 Su 18 Jul 56
Ma 08 Apr 42 Me 17 Oct 43 Sa 03 Oct 46 Ju 03 Aug 48 Ra 11 Nov 51 Ve 27 Dec 52 Su 26 May 55 Mo 13 Aug 56

Astottari Mahadasa: Saturn (82 years old)

Saturn Jupiter Rahu Venus Sun Moon Mars Mercury
Sa 16 Oct 56 Ju 19 Sep 57 Ra 23 Jun 59 Ve 03 Aug 60 Su 13 Jul 62 Mo 03 Feb 63 Ma 23 Jun 64 Me 19 Mar 65
Ju 17 Nov 56 Ra 11 Jan 58 Ve 07 Aug 59 Su 19 Dec 60 Mo 24 Jul 62 Ma 12 Apr 63 Me 13 Jul 64 Sa 19 Jun 65
Ra 16 Jan 57 Ve 21 Mar 58 Su 25 Oct 59 Mo 28 Jan 61 Ma 22 Aug 62 Me 19 May 63 Sa 25 Aug 64 Ju 11 Aug 65
Ve 23 Feb 57 Su 24 Jul 58 Mo 17 Nov 59 Ma 05 May 61 Me 07 Sep 62 Sa 08 Aug 63 Ju 19 Sep 64 Ra 21 Nov 65
Su 28 Apr 57 Mo 31 Aug 58 Ma 13 Jan 60 Me 27 Jun 61 Sa 08 Oct 62 Ju 24 Sep 63 Ra 06 Nov 64 Ve 24 Jan 66
Mo 16 May 57 Ma 28 Nov 58 Me 12 Feb 60 Sa 17 Oct 61 Ju 27 Oct 62 Ra 22 Dec 63 Ve 06 Dec 64 Su 14 May 66
Ma 02 Jul 57 Me 14 Jan 59 Sa 15 Apr 60 Ju 22 Dec 61 Ra 02 Dec 62 Ve 18 Feb 64 Su 28 Jan 65 Mo 15 Jun 66
Me 27 Jul 57 Sa 24 Apr 59 Ju 22 May 60 Ra 25 Apr 62 Ve 24 Dec 62 Su 25 May 64 Mo 12 Feb 65 Ma 04 Sep 66
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

SHODSOTTARI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 04 Years 09 Months 09 Days

Shodsottari Dasa
Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun
Ma Ju 18 Jan 80 Sa 18 Jan 93 Ke 18 Jan 07 Mo 18 Jan 22 Me 18 Jan 38 Ve 18 Jan 55 Su 18 Jan 73
Ju Sa 03 Jul 81 Ke 27 Sep 94 Mo 27 Dec 08 Me 03 Apr 24 Ve 15 Jul 40 Su 04 Nov 57 Ma 04 Feb 74
Sa Ke 28 Jan 83 Mo 18 Jul 96 Me 21 Jan 11 Ve 07 Aug 26 Su 05 Mar 43 Ma 18 Jul 59 Ju 23 Mar 75
Ke Mo 03 Oct 84 Me 23 Jun 98 Ve 03 Apr 13 Su 01 Feb 29 Ma 15 Oct 44 Ju 29 May 61 Sa 17 Jun 76
Mo 09 Apr 75 Me 18 Jul 86 Ve 12 Jul 00 Su 01 Aug 15 Ma 07 Aug 30 Ju 18 Jul 46 Sa 05 Jun 63 Ke 15 Oct 77
Me 15 Apr 75 Ve 14 Jun 88 Su 14 Sep 02 Ma 03 Jan 17 Ju 03 Apr 32 Sa 14 Jun 48 Ke 07 Aug 65 Mo 17 Mar 79
Ve 18 Jan 77 Su 20 Jun 90 Ma 12 Jan 04 Ju 21 Jul 18 Sa 18 Jan 34 Ke 03 Jul 50 Mo 05 Dec 67 Me 23 Sep 80
Su 29 Nov 78 Ma 14 Sep 91 Ju 23 Jun 05 Sa 27 Mar 20 Ke 23 Dec 35 Mo 14 Sep 52 Me 29 May 70 Ve 04 May 82

Sample Page 33
Excellent Software

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Mars

Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun
Ma Ju Sa Ke Mo Me 15 Apr 75 Ve 18 Jan 77 Su 29 Nov 78
Ju Sa Ke Mo Me Ve 18 Jul 75 Su 02 May 77 Ma 07 Jan 79
Sa Ke Mo Me Ve Su 26 Oct 75 Ma 06 Jul 77 Ju 20 Feb 79
Ke Mo Me Ve Su Ma 26 Dec 75 Ju 15 Sep 77 Sa 06 Apr 79
Mo Me Ve Su Ma Ju 02 Mar 76 Sa 30 Nov 77 Ke 25 May 79
Me Ve Su Ma Ju Sa 13 May 76 Ke 21 Feb 78 Mo 18 Jul 79
Ve Su Ma Ju Sa Ke 29 Jul 76 Mo 18 May 78 Me 15 Sep 79
Su Ma Ju Sa Ke 09 Apr 75 Mo 21 Oct 76 Me 20 Aug 78 Ve 15 Nov 79

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Jupiter (5 years old)

Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars
Ju 18 Jan 80 Sa 03 Jul 81 Ke 28 Jan 83 Mo 03 Oct 84 Me 18 Jul 86 Ve 14 Jun 88 Su 20 Jun 90 Ma 14 Sep 91
Sa 17 Mar 80 Ke 11 Sep 81 Mo 16 Apr 83 Me 02 Jan 85 Ve 29 Oct 86 Su 07 Oct 88 Ma 02 Aug 90 Ju 04 Nov 91
Ke 20 May 80 Mo 24 Nov 81 Me 09 Jul 83 Ve 06 Apr 85 Su 15 Feb 87 Ma 16 Dec 88 Ju 18 Sep 90 Sa 28 Dec 91
Mo 28 Jul 80 Me 12 Feb 82 Ve 08 Oct 83 Su 17 Jul 85 Ma 20 Apr 87 Ju 01 Mar 89 Sa 08 Nov 90 Ke 27 Feb 92
Me 11 Oct 80 Ve 05 May 82 Su 12 Jan 84 Ma 18 Sep 85 Ju 01 Jul 87 Sa 22 May 89 Ke 02 Jan 91 Mo 30 Apr 92
Ve 27 Dec 80 Su 02 Aug 82 Ma 09 Mar 84 Ju 25 Nov 85 Sa 18 Sep 87 Ke 20 Aug 89 Mo 01 Mar 91 Me 06 Jul 92
Su 19 Mar 81 Ma 26 Sep 82 Ju 12 May 84 Sa 07 Feb 86 Ke 11 Dec 87 Mo 24 Nov 89 Me 30 Apr 91 Ve 17 Sep 92
Ma 08 May 81 Ju 24 Nov 82 Sa 20 Jul 84 Ke 25 Apr 86 Mo 10 Mar 88 Me 04 Mar 90 Ve 05 Jul 91 Su 02 Dec 92

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Saturn (18 years old)

Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter
Sa 18 Jan 93 Ke 27 Sep 94 Mo 18 Jul 96 Me 23 Jun 98 Ve 12 Jul 00 Su 14 Sep 02 Ma 12 Jan 04 Ju 23 Jun 05
Ke 02 Apr 93 Mo 21 Dec 94 Me 24 Oct 96 Ve 12 Oct 98 Su 13 Nov 00 Ma 29 Oct 02 Ju 06 Mar 04 Sa 27 Aug 05
Mo 20 Jun 93 Me 21 Mar 95 Ve 06 Feb 97 Su 06 Feb 99 Ma 28 Jan 01 Ju 19 Dec 02 Sa 04 May 04 Ke 05 Nov 05
Me 14 Sep 93 Ve 26 Jun 95 Su 24 May 97 Ma 16 Apr 99 Ju 18 Apr 01 Sa 12 Feb 03 Ke 07 Jul 04 Mo 18 Jan 06
Ve 13 Dec 93 Su 07 Oct 95 Ma 31 Jul 97 Ju 03 Jul 99 Sa 16 Jul 01 Ke 10 Apr 03 Mo 15 Sep 04 Me 06 Apr 06
Su 18 Mar 94 Ma 09 Dec 95 Ju 12 Oct 97 Sa 26 Sep 99 Ke 21 Oct 01 Mo 12 Jun 03 Me 27 Nov 04 Ve 29 Jun 06
Ma 15 May 94 Ju 17 Feb 96 Sa 31 Dec 97 Ke 25 Dec 99 Mo 02 Feb 02 Me 18 Aug 03 Ve 13 Feb 05 Su 26 Sep 06
Ju 18 Jul 94 Sa 30 Apr 96 Ke 24 Mar 98 Mo 31 Mar 00 Me 20 May 02 Ve 28 Oct 03 Su 04 May 05 Ma 20 Nov 06

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Ketu (32 years old)

Ketu Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn
Ke 18 Jan 07 Mo 27 Dec 08 Me 21 Jan 11 Ve 03 Apr 13 Su 01 Aug 15 Ma 03 Jan 17 Ju 21 Jul 18 Sa 27 Mar 20
Mo 19 Apr 07 Me 09 Apr 09 Ve 17 May 11 Su 13 Aug 13 Ma 19 Sep 15 Ju 01 Mar 17 Sa 29 Sep 18 Ke 15 Jun 20
Me 25 Jul 07 Ve 28 Jul 09 Su 20 Sep 11 Ma 02 Nov 13 Ju 12 Nov 15 Sa 03 May 17 Ke 12 Dec 18 Mo 09 Sep 20
Ve 07 Nov 07 Su 24 Nov 09 Ma 05 Dec 11 Ju 29 Jan 14 Sa 10 Jan 16 Ke 11 Jul 17 Mo 28 Feb 19 Me 09 Dec 20
Su 26 Feb 08 Ma 05 Feb 10 Ju 27 Feb 12 Sa 03 May 14 Ke 11 Mar 16 Mo 23 Sep 17 Me 24 May 19 Ve 15 Mar 21
Ma 02 May 08 Ju 22 Apr 10 Sa 26 May 12 Ke 14 Aug 14 Mo 18 May 16 Me 10 Dec 17 Ve 23 Aug 19 Su 26 Jun 21
Ju 14 Jul 08 Sa 15 Jul 10 Ke 01 Sep 12 Mo 02 Dec 14 Me 28 Jul 16 Ve 02 Mar 18 Su 27 Nov 19 Ma 28 Aug 21
Sa 02 Oct 08 Ke 15 Oct 10 Mo 14 Dec 12 Me 28 Mar 15 Ve 13 Oct 16 Su 28 May 18 Ma 24 Jan 20 Ju 05 Nov 21

Sample Page 34
Excellent Software

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Moon (47 years old)

Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu
Mo 18 Jan 22 Me 03 Apr 24 Ve 07 Aug 26 Su 01 Feb 29 Ma 07 Aug 30 Ju 03 Apr 32 Sa 18 Jan 34 Ke 23 Dec 35
Me 08 May 22 Ve 06 Aug 24 Su 26 Dec 26 Ma 22 Mar 29 Ju 09 Oct 30 Sa 15 Jun 32 Ke 12 Apr 34 Mo 31 Mar 36
Ve 04 Sep 22 Su 17 Dec 24 Ma 20 Mar 27 Ju 19 May 29 Sa 15 Dec 30 Ke 03 Sep 32 Mo 12 Jul 34 Me 12 Jul 36
Su 08 Jan 23 Ma 07 Mar 25 Ju 23 Jun 27 Sa 20 Jul 29 Ke 27 Feb 31 Mo 26 Nov 32 Me 18 Oct 34 Ve 02 Nov 36
Ma 23 Mar 23 Ju 05 Jun 25 Sa 03 Oct 27 Ke 26 Sep 29 Mo 14 May 31 Me 26 Feb 33 Ve 31 Jan 35 Su 27 Feb 37
Ju 15 Jun 23 Sa 09 Sep 25 Ke 21 Jan 28 Mo 07 Dec 29 Me 06 Aug 31 Ve 31 May 33 Su 18 May 35 Ma 08 May 37
Sa 14 Sep 23 Ke 21 Dec 25 Mo 16 May 28 Me 22 Feb 30 Ve 04 Nov 31 Su 10 Sep 33 Ma 24 Jul 35 Ju 25 Jul 37
Ke 20 Dec 23 Mo 10 Apr 26 Me 20 Sep 28 Ve 12 May 30 Su 06 Feb 32 Ma 11 Nov 33 Ju 06 Oct 35 Sa 18 Oct 37

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Mercury (63 years old)

Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon
Me 18 Jan 38 Ve 15 Jul 40 Su 05 Mar 43 Ma 15 Oct 44 Ju 18 Jul 46 Sa 14 Jun 48 Ke 03 Jul 50 Mo 14 Sep 52
Ve 31 May 38 Su 13 Dec 40 Ma 30 Apr 43 Ju 21 Dec 44 Sa 05 Oct 46 Ke 13 Sep 48 Mo 15 Oct 50 Me 11 Jan 53
Su 19 Oct 38 Ma 13 Mar 41 Ju 30 Jun 43 Sa 02 Mar 45 Ke 28 Dec 46 Mo 19 Dec 48 Me 04 Feb 51 Ve 14 May 53
Ma 14 Jan 39 Ju 21 Jun 41 Sa 05 Sep 43 Ke 18 May 45 Mo 27 Mar 47 Me 01 Apr 49 Ve 31 May 51 Su 25 Sep 53
Ju 17 Apr 39 Sa 07 Oct 41 Ke 15 Nov 43 Mo 10 Aug 45 Me 01 Jul 47 Ve 19 Jul 49 Su 03 Oct 51 Ma 15 Dec 53
Sa 27 Jul 39 Ke 02 Feb 42 Mo 31 Jan 44 Me 07 Nov 45 Ve 12 Oct 47 Su 14 Nov 49 Ma 18 Dec 51 Ju 13 Mar 54
Ke 15 Nov 39 Mo 05 Jun 42 Me 20 Apr 44 Ve 10 Feb 46 Su 28 Jan 48 Ma 24 Jan 50 Ju 10 Mar 52 Sa 17 Jun 54
Mo 11 Mar 40 Me 16 Oct 42 Ve 15 Jul 44 Su 18 May 46 Ma 03 Apr 48 Ju 10 Apr 50 Sa 09 Jun 52 Ke 29 Sep 54

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Venus (80 years old)

Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury
Ve 18 Jan 55 Su 04 Nov 57 Ma 18 Jul 59 Ju 29 May 61 Sa 05 Jun 63 Ke 07 Aug 65 Mo 05 Dec 67 Me 29 May 70
Su 24 Jun 55 Ma 02 Jan 58 Ju 28 Sep 59 Sa 20 Aug 61 Ke 09 Sep 63 Mo 25 Nov 65 Me 08 Apr 68 Ve 18 Oct 70
Ma 30 Sep 55 Ju 06 Mar 58 Sa 13 Dec 59 Ke 18 Nov 61 Mo 20 Dec 63 Me 21 Mar 66 Ve 19 Aug 68 Su 15 Mar 71
Ju 14 Jan 56 Sa 14 May 58 Ke 04 Mar 60 Mo 22 Feb 62 Me 08 Apr 64 Ve 24 Jul 66 Su 08 Jan 69 Ma 15 Jun 71
Sa 06 May 56 Ke 29 Jul 58 Mo 31 May 60 Me 02 Jun 62 Ve 03 Aug 64 Su 04 Dec 66 Ma 03 Apr 69 Ju 23 Sep 71
Ke 08 Sep 56 Mo 18 Oct 58 Me 03 Sep 60 Ve 18 Sep 62 Su 04 Dec 64 Ma 23 Feb 67 Ju 05 Jul 69 Sa 10 Jan 72
Mo 18 Jan 57 Me 13 Jan 59 Ve 11 Dec 60 Su 11 Jan 63 Ma 18 Feb 65 Ju 20 May 67 Sa 15 Oct 69 Ke 04 May 72
Me 06 Jun 57 Ve 13 Apr 59 Su 25 Mar 61 Ma 20 Mar 63 Ju 09 May 65 Sa 24 Aug 67 Ke 03 Feb 70 Mo 07 Sep 72

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Sun (98 years old)

Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu Moon Mercury Venus
Su 18 Jan 73 Ma 04 Feb 74 Ju 23 Mar 75 Sa 17 Jun 76 Ke 15 Oct 77 Mo 17 Mar 79 Me 23 Sep 80 Ve 04 May 82
Ma 24 Feb 73 Ju 16 Mar 74 Sa 13 May 75 Ke 15 Aug 76 Mo 21 Dec 77 Me 03 Jun 79 Ve 18 Dec 80 Su 09 Aug 82
Ju 03 Apr 73 Sa 02 May 74 Ke 07 Jul 75 Mo 17 Oct 76 Me 02 Mar 78 Ve 23 Aug 79 Su 19 Mar 81 Ma 07 Oct 82
Sa 15 May 73 Ke 22 Jun 74 Mo 04 Sep 75 Me 23 Dec 76 Ve 17 May 78 Su 17 Nov 79 Ma 14 May 81 Ju 11 Dec 82
Ke 30 Jun 73 Mo 14 Aug 74 Me 05 Nov 75 Ve 03 Mar 77 Su 07 Aug 78 Ma 09 Jan 80 Ju 14 Jul 81 Sa 20 Feb 83
Mo 19 Aug 73 Me 11 Oct 74 Ve 10 Jan 76 Su 17 May 77 Ma 25 Sep 78 Ju 06 Mar 80 Sa 19 Sep 81 Ke 04 May 83
Me 10 Oct 73 Ve 11 Dec 74 Su 19 Mar 76 Ma 02 Jul 77 Ju 18 Nov 78 Sa 07 May 80 Ke 29 Nov 81 Mo 23 Jul 83
Ve 06 Dec 73 Su 15 Feb 75 Ma 01 May 76 Ju 22 Aug 77 Sa 15 Jan 79 Ke 13 Jul 80 Mo 14 Feb 82 Me 18 Oct 83
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

You will find that one part of a prediction will be apparently in direct contradiction to a statement made in another
part of the same prediction. The fact is, some such contradictions as these exist in every nature, and are to be
found in even the best balanced characters. In some, these paradoxical contradictions are more marked, and
where that is so Astrology shows the nature of two opposing tendencies, and points out which is likely to win.
While going through these predictions, please also go through the strength and net benefic given, so that you can

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find out which part of prediction will be more applicable to you.

The predictions should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the
creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and
assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on these predictions.

You are indecisive, intelligent, sensitive, restless, care-free, changeful, humanistic and fickle minded. You are
dualistic in thought and action, You get easily worried, irritative but quick cooled. You can negotiate well due to
your flexible nature. But some times you feel nervous to speak or to act. You have to command without any pride
of tyrany. You are adaptable by nature to any situation and environment.

You have the ability to do research in science, arts, or liturature. You like to travel and learn many things at a time.
You are flexible, subtle and business like and fond of writing or reading. You act as a communicative or
messenger. You love change and never satisfied with one occupation or learning. You are helpful and kind to
others at the time of their need. You go to extremes in mental persuits and it is mostly common that you
discontinue or un-finish most of your activities and change over to others. Your dualistic diversified nature is not
easily understood even by your close associates. You are at times influenced by others thoughts and ideas
without proper analysis.

You are quick witted, clever, inspirational, diffusive, communicative and refined.

FORTUNE TREND: Unsteady fortune with many changes, both ups and downs caused by the influence of
opposite sex. Some family secrets causes troubles in building up your fortune. Celebrity either in fine arts, science
or literature (music, chemistry, mathematics) is also possible. Your act of instability, change and dual pursuits may
lead you to deficient finance or too much loss through love affair, secret attachments may reduce your bank
position. Inheritance of lands or houses is possible in your cases.

SEX OUT LOOK AND LOVE : Intrigue in love or secret attachments are noticed in your life. Marriage usually
takes place not with a close relative. Women may cause troubles in your life. Thereby you may live under
privation. Family secrets, disputes, disagreement with the father may bother you. Losses through children or
through love affair is a common indication of your birth sign. Mostly your partner will boss over you and
administrate in your family.

HEALTH AND DISEASE : As you are more active through your mind than body, you may come under nervous
disorders, strangury, piles, fistula, various types of fevers, affliction of the bladder, lung afflictions, malaria, bite by
venomous insects, blood and urinary troubles. The diseases if they occur take long time to get cured. Early care
towards rheumatic and windy diseases is essential if it occurs. You are liable for accidents but providentially

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES: You have friends from all class. You are sympathetic and sincere but many of your
friends do not agree with your approach and may turn as enemies. Losses, and adverse effects through your
friends cause worry and anxiety. All your enemies are outsiders.

The enemies are secretive and their nature of effects over your life is not easier to be understood quickly.
Enemies are also found in your occupation and public circles. Relatives will be many and favorable. Care over
women's activities is essential. Servants may also turn hostile to you.

PROFESSIONS : You are found good at using your hands. So book- keeping, traveling, clerical, communications,
postal and railways, press reporters, literary activities, writers, science or art researchers, chemists,
mathematicians, guides, accountants translators, photographers, private secretaries, commercial agencies,
medical representatives, decorators, engineers, consutants, artists, legal men, negotiators etc. are some of the
suitable professions broadly noticed. You usually hold a good position either in business or service.

STYLE OF HANDWRITING: Your writing usually go from downward to upward that is the lines of writing is above
a straight line. Upper part of the letters are developed. You never prefer to use thick nib. The letters will not have

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loops. You do not underline your signature. If you do so, you draw two lines one below the other. Yours is a
changeable hand writing.

WHEN AND HOW YOU ARE WORRIED : Pessimistic and dual thoughts keep you worried. Chalk down your
activities in the order of their importance and bring it to singularized stream of thought. Thus you can overcome
you disgust and delusion.

POPULARITY KEY : You have much to say about many things as you are familiar with many subjects. So you
can keep the audience with interest. But you jump from subject to subject to quickly leaving in others mind
confusion and disgust. High pitch Caused by excitement will not make others to grasp what you speak. Steady
and unhasty expression is necessary to impress others. Otherwise people will not listen to you. So to sparkle your
portrait first try to listen to others saying and talk with a definite theme.

LINES IN YOUR PALM : You have long fingers with spatula nails. Finger of Saturn is straight. The main lines are
deeply marked. Mount of Venus or mercury well formed. Fate line curved at beginning and straight after reaching
the Head line. Many upward subsidiary lines with thumb big and slightly bent or rigid are observed.

FAVORABLE MONTHS : 14th July to 14th August, 15th March to 14th May.

FAVORABLE DAYS : Wednesdays, Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays after Sun set.


FAVORABLE COLOURS : White, Yellow, Parrot Green.


FAVORABLE STONES : Emerald and Pearls.

FAVORABLE METALS : Silver, Alloy Metals and Gold.

UNFAVORABLE MONTHS : 15th May to 14th June and 15th January to 14th February.

UNFAVORABLE DAYS : Tuesdays and Sundays.



As your Sun is in Pisces, the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac, it reaches out both to the past and to future. It
symbolizes the end of the old year and heralds the beginning of the new one, torn between the new and the old
expression, between the hidden and the open, between the physical actuality and spiritual reality.

You are kind and sympathetic. You stretch your hand to help others. You are known for your warmth, love and
kindness. You are good to everybody and never want to be bad to anybody. Somehow you try your best with your
emotions such as, kindness and sympathy and win the hearts of all people and will maintain your loyalty towards
everybody. Often you get involved in two or more loyalties, but as mentioned earlier you continue to be loyal to

As you do not wish to be bad to anybody, you will be forced to follow others. Because of this there are chances of
you feeling strange while talking to others. But in a way your loyalty towards everybody will certainly do good to

You wish to live in a world of your own which is free from all sorts of tensions. You often think of such a world
where you can express your feelings and still can be loyal to everybody. Often you feel that there should be such

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a place where everything is ideal up to the maximum extent. Whenever you think of an ideal you never think of
ideals of low standards, but you have very high ideals. You are quite romantic and this is quality of yours, makes
you to think of highly ideal things.

When you get chance to do a right thing you will never let it go. You will take all kinds of pains to do that work. In
other words you will be desperate to do the right work. You like to stand on your own feet as early as possible and
you do not wish to depend on others for everything. You have a good knowledge of jewelry and can be jewelry
merchants. In some way or the other you will be connected with liquid preparations such as juices, chemicals,
dyes etc. As you are a person having high ideals and strong emotions, you will be enchanted by the Sea. You
always like to be connected in some way or the other with the sea. You may even be a person dealing with sea

Either way, Piscean is the most adaptable of all the sings, but whether that adaptation is for good or ill is a matter
of individual choice by the use of native's free will.

The combination of Moon and Aquarius, makes you a person who does everything by himself. You do not like
getting things done by others. You do it by yourself. You feel being dependent is the other name given for inviting
troubles. You wish others also to be independent.

You are kind and humane. As a result you do not have bad relations with anybody both at home as well as in the
society. You show interest in welfare of others in the social sense. You win the hearts of people with your
kindness and sympathy. You are emotional, but when you think that being too emotional will disturb your peace of
mind, your intellect comes into play.

You do try to imitate anybody in any sense. You have your own way of doing things. You possess the sense of
Originality. As a result you wish to find something new for yourself. You are somewhat inventive. You have a good
far sight, which will help you while deciding your future.

You are fond of artistic articles. You encourage good art. You yourself can be a good artist. You have a strong,
natural healing power. You are fond of meditation and religious activities. There is every chance that you get
visions and may renounce the world, particularly in the later stage of life.

Mars coupled with Aquarius, makes you a person having great forgiveness. You feel that people commit mistakes
because they are unaware of the right and the wrong. According to you, mistake is the stepping stone to success.
Hence you give a chance to try again and forgive people very quickly.

You do not wish to depend on others for anything. You are very much independent both externally as well as
internally. You are intelligent to a great extent. Because of this capacity, you understand facts and that is the way
you remember things. Otherwise, you do not have much memory power.

You do work for the sake of others and apply your knowledge to give them relief. You love traveling and always
like to go out somewhere or the other.

In spite of all these qualities, you may not reach the heights upto the mark in material sphere. You have
intelligence, forgiveness and independent nature but you lack luck in gaining material possessions. This may lead
you to incline towards meditation and spiritualism in the later part of the life. You will be well versed in your
conversational language. Thus you know the way in which it is effectively spoken and also you have a good
knowledge of literature. You may be concerned with literature or some such work which requires good knowledge
of a language.

You are somewhat over-sensitive and intuitive which is due to the fact that your Mercury is in debilitation and has
occupied Pisces. You can not resist even the smallest shocks. You will be very quickly moved by merely listening
to others difficulties. You stretch your hand upto the maximum possible extent to help others. Your thoughts are
for others on a personal, individual level. You serve people to bring them up in life. You do not dominate anybody
but treat everybody equally and will always to willing to serve others.

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You have liking towards arts. You have the nack of entertaining people. You attract people towards you by
exhibiting your art, usually one of the higher art forms.

You have tendency to imagine things and often you keep imagining things which are favourable to you. You do
not mind even going upto the maximum extent in your imagination. You think that you can gain happiness at least
by imagining situations which otherwise do not occur. But in doing so you might be left unaware of happenings
around you, and you may lose a chance in your life. Though you are helpful, always serving others and have a
good and pure heart, you miss chances since you get involved in imaginations. A little caution and alertness will
lighten your life.

Jupiter in Pisces is at home. So you are compassionate, humane and sympathetic. You have good relations with
people. You have respect in society because of your human nature and sympathetic feelings. You are very
compassionate especially in your family matters. You will come up in life because of your humane relations with
people. You are a lover of peace and harmony and you do not like violence. This is the reason why you will be
friendly with almost all people around you.

You feel that the society, in which you live, is not suitable for you in all respects. You choose a particular way of
life which is clear and definite. You think that by leading such a kind of life, you will achieve your goals more
quickly and efficiently.

You are strong and confident with respect to your ideas and views. You have a lot of patients and at the same
time, guts to face all kinds of situations. Thus you can take up some enterprising project, which will be an outlet
for you to come up in life.

You are born and brought up in a quite a rich family. Naturally you will not have the much desire for any material
possession. You will gain a lot of fortune from you ancestors. You will hold very high position in society. This may
be due to your popularity in public, your enterprising nature or even your inheritance. You can also gain high
position through politics. Since you are born and brought up in comforts, you will not have desire for that as stated
earlier. As you go grow older, you will develop more interest towards spiritualism than towards the worldly

Your Venus is in Taurus. Thus you will be very much emotional. You can never control your emotions. Though
you have a firm mind, your emotions stand upright, suppressing your intellect. You will be sharing love and
affection to everyone whom you come across. Thus you are a lovable and loving person. You effectionate
approach towards people, brings them close to you.

You are firm in your thoughts as stated earlier. You will hardly change decisions once taken. You think
independently and even take decisions independently. Thus you are independent in all respect. You have a very
pleasing look. This kind of look attracts even strangers towards you.

You love nature. As a result you are very much fond of traveling. You visit new places and see nature in different
colours. You have love towards your own motherland and of course, your own lands if you have any. Usually, you
will possess lands and this is the reason why you start developing interest towards nature. You can be good
agriculturist and lead a calm and happy life.

You are fond of having all kinds of comforts. As you are an owner of lands, you have quite a good lot of comforts.
You are fond of entertainment. You are inclined towards fine arts since your very young age. You love dancing
and singing. You may even have quite a good knowledge of composing music on your own. You can be good

Saturn and Gemini are together in your horoscope. As a result you are profound, impartial and intellectual. As you
are learned and scholarly, you have deep knowledge of many things. You have interest in many subjects and will
have deep thirst for knowledge. You treat everyone equally and are not partial to anybody - even those who are
very close to you. Such impartial nature of yours gains name and popularity both at home as well as in the public.

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You are learned and scholarly, having deep knowledge, you will not be too very emotional. You can control your
emotions when you feel like. Your intellect comes into play during such times. You are suitable for jobs which
require much of your intelligence and knowledge.

You are independent natured. You do not depend upon anybody for anything. You do everything by yourself. You
maintain your originality throughout your life. You develop taste for chemical and mechanical sciences. In fact,
these will be your subjects of interest. You read a lot regarding these and start a business of your own, concerned
with these or may be engaged in jobs which are directly or indirectly connected with these.

When you are on the way to achieve your goal, you do not care about anybody or anything, but yourself and your
ambition. This may be misunderstood as narrow-mindedness by people around you. But you are very much
logical in doing so.

Your Rahu is in Scorpio. As a result, you have a lot of courage to fight against your enemies. Your principle is tit
for tat and you act according to it. However, you do not wish to expose your enemity in public. You keep it for
yourself and teach your enemies a lesson. But people who are unaware of your enemity may think that you have
deceived your friend, and call you deceitful.

You do not believe in making and then breaking promises and resolutions. You feel such promises have no
meaning at all. Thus you feel not to have such promises and resolutions. You have your own standards of morals
and principles.

You may not be having a very good health. Though you have the ability and courage to fight against your enemies
you do not show the same spirit in fighting off the diseases by which you are affected. No doubt you have
resistance power built up, but not very much up to the mark. Thus you may suffer from some minor diseases,
most of the times.

When you get excited, you have no bounds for anything. You wish to be completedly free and independent. You
celebrate your happiness and behave very strangely under such situations. Thus people may wonder at such
behaviour of yours.

Your Ketu is in Taurus. As a result, you are well versed in your speech. You attract people through speech. You
are aware of the way of presenting your ideas in speech with different people at various situations. You impress
people by your speech. People are not only impressed, but are also inspired by your speech. Sometimes you
concentrate so much on your speech that you will be unaware of the happenings in the world. You just go on with
your speech.

You are a practical person. Thus you give importance to things which are of great importance. You do not show
much interest towards unimportant matters. When people come to you having some hope, you see whether it is
important or unnecessary and act accordingly. This approach of yours may be thought of as laziness by some
people around you.

You have high ambitions in life for which you work very hard. Mostly your ambitions in life are connected directly
or indirectly with positions status and material possession.

As Sun is in the eleventh house, you will be interested in gathering money. You will be successful in your
undertakings. You will acquire a powerful position either in politics or in business.

You will have knowledge of music. You will be very wealthy and have your own business empire. You will be so
pleasing in your appearence that opposite sex will lose their hearts for you.

You will acquire a beautiful spouse. You will live long, be devoid of grief and be very opulent.

You will achieve success without much effort. You will be sagacious and principled.

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As a native born with Moon in the tenth house of your horoscope, you will be religious, wealthy, intelligent and
bold. You will succeed in all your endeavours.

You will obtain corn, ornaments, women and will be skilled in the arts. You will be of a helpful nature and virtuous.
You will be learned in ancient subjects and skilled in astrology.

This position of Chandra also make your dispassionate thinker.

You can earn through printing and selling books. You will have many friends and lead a comfortable and long life.
You will be the trustee of religious institutions.

Kuja is in the ninth house from your Ascendant in your horoscope. You will wield authority and be affluent. You
will have children and will be happy.

You will not be a dutiful son but otherwise generous and famous for your good qualities. You will be learned in the
religious and spiritual lore.

This position of Kuja gives you foreign residence and also proficiency in law. You will be self-seeking, stubborn
and impetuous.

As person born with Mercury in the tenth house, You will be happy and straight-forward person. You will be a
scholar in many subjects and engaged in acquiring more knowledge and fame.

You will be successful in all your endeavours. You will have profound knowledge in astronomy and mathematics.

You will have a charming wife and wealth. Still you will not get contentment. You will move in prominent circles of
the Government.

You can also become copyist or proof-reader and finds difficulty in adjusting your expenditure with that of income.

As Jupiter in the tenth house, you will be a high official in the Government. Rich, virtuous, steadfast in your
spiritual and religious life.

You will be wise and happy. You will be guided by high principles. You are held in esteem by the Government and
entrusted with the protection of the learned people especially Brahmins.

At times you may think mischievously and create trouble for others at every step. Think twice before taking any
decision. You can become heads of research institutes, academics and educational institutions.

Venus is in the twelfth bhava. You have desertion by relatives. This position of Venus also indicate hankering after
comforts without success and penury will make your life miserable.

Your eye-sight will be poor. Prayer to Goddess Lalita or Lakshmi will solve your problems.

The native with Venus is placed in the twelfth bhava will be devoted to seeking pleasures of the sex. You will have
free flow of money but be intent on spending in many ways. You will perform many excellent acts though you may
not be very virtuous.

Be careful in money matters as you will earn lot but unnecessary and heavy expenses beyond income are

As Saturn is in your Ascendant, makes you a follower of foreign customs and traditions. You are attracted towards
foreign customs and you can easily copy these customs and imitate. Always you feel unsecured and someone
must be there to help you to carry out your day-to-day activities.

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You lack self-confidence. You must always try to think positively. Your moral stability is also marked. You always
be calm, grave and serious. You will not be easily excited to any situation. Your progress in any venture will be
slow but certain. If you once take-up any job, you will not sit idle till it is finished.

Your body will be weak and emaciated. You will have thick rough hair. You will not take things for granted
normally. You thinking is different from the normal individual. You always oppose the public policies and the
Government. There will be much consideration for the welfare of others. You may suffer from losses because of
negligence and lack of opportunity.

You can become a social worker, opposition leader. You take decisions very slowly. Others may think you as
inefficient. You will feel, there is a generation gap between you and your elders. Try to judge people correctly and
have confidence in others.

You will be very close to your co-borns. You will not hide anything from them. You hate self-boosting. For you,
work is more important than result. You are a perfectionist and time conscious. Your aesthetic sense and
cleanliness is always upheld.

As Rahu in the sixth house, you will have enjoyment and many cousins. Gains from foreigners and long life are

You are courageous and wealthy and become famous. You vanquish your enemies. Please take special care of
your health pertaining to mind and nerves.

Kethu is in the twelfth house. This makes you restless and wandering mind. You leave most of your life in your
country of birth. Danger of losing your property is foreseen.

On the spiritual side of life, this is your last janma that is you will attain moksha after this birth.

Your lagnadhipathi is in the tenth house from your Ascendant. There will be happiness from your parents. You
and your co-borns will have good relationship.

You will have well developed body and will be fair looking. You will be majestic and well behaved.

As a person born with lagnadhipathi in the tenth bhava, you will acquire considerable landed properties especially
through maternal sources. You will have conveyances. Chances of getting ancestral property is also indicated.

You are bold and hard working. You will become rich and lead a happy life. You can also become famous and will
commands number of comforts.

You are more attached to your mother. You will have good brothers and sisters who will also become rich and

You will be respected by the appropriate Government because of your workaholic nature and efficiency.

You will be sociable and you can make friends easily. As a result of our friendly nature. You will have many
friends who are genuine and magnanimous.

You love enjoyment. For your nature. entertainment and relaxation in must.

There will be professional success and will be honoured by eminent men and from the Government. You can
become research scholar or specialization in that branch of knowledge and profession which is still in infancy.

This position your lagnadhipathi indicate that you will be learned and will have good moral. You will be respected
by the members of your community and friends.

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Further, you will have good health and lead a peaceful long life.

Your second lord is in the tenth house from your Ascendant. You will be respected by your elders and superiors.
You will be learned and become wealthy.

You earning will depends on your exertions. You will take number of useful avocations. You will do business or
take to agriculture and can also engage yourself in philosophical lectures and dissertations and thereby will gain
financially and become famous.

You may work in a Government Organisation or Semi-Government Organizations. There will be gains from
Governmental sources like Government services or contracts.

You will be fortunate and succeed in all your ventures connected with finance. You will have a good moral

You will have few children but are intelligent and efficient. You can get happiness through your children.

As third lord is in the eleventh house. You will have financial worries. Expenses will be more and loss in
speculation in also indicated.

You should do Goddess Lakshmi Puja on every Friday to overcome your financial problems. Then your financial
position will improve.

Your health also makes you worried. You should take precautions as a result of this. Proper medical help and
blessings of elders show better health.

You will be fortunate. You can overcome your problems by your efforts and with the God's a help.

This is not a beneficial position for third lord. This indicate danger to your brothers. Your relationship with your
father will not be in good terms. You should perform remedial measures to nullify this effect.

You will have great ups and downs in your life. This position is third lord also indicate earnings with efforts. You
will be liable to suffer from frequent attacks of illness.

Your forth lord is in the tenth house. You will own lands and buildings. Your mother will live for a longer period.

You will get success in professional career and will be respected of your community and Government. Chances of
getting awards and recognition is also indicated.

You will do good deeds and be religious minded. You will have political success. You will be a chemist or good
and successful advocate. Judge or minister.

You will vanquish your enemies and make your personality felt by the world.

You will be successful but, will have inclined to have pleasure and comforts and association of women for
pleasure is also indicted.

This position of forth lord gives a Raja Yoga. You will be fortunate and can lead a luxurious life.

Fifth lord is in twelfth house. You will be liked by brothers and sisters. You will have good children.

This is not a good position for fifth lord. You will become stingy and quest for knowing the ultimate reality will be

You may lead a spiritual life and may move from one place to another. You will ultimately attains moksha.

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You will be devoid of ancestral property. You may suffer from lung troubles. You will be unhappy but not poor.

One of your maternal uncles may have both financial and domestic problems. However, he will overcome these
problems through his effort and perseverance.

Your Sixth Lord is in Ninth house from the Ascendant. You will have quite a good family. You are a very healthy
person, You will be very rarely affected by serious diseases. You will have happiness and peace of mind. Your
partner will be co-operative and understands your feelings very well. You will lead quite a satisfied life with your

You will be engaged in a respectable profession. You will be hard working. You do not like to sit idle. You will be
trusted by everybody and will be a responsible person. You earn a lot through your profession. You will make a
very good fortune by dealing with professions directly or indirectly concerned with timber or stones. Such as
timber merchants, stone cutter etc. You will gain love and respect of your employees and colleagues.

Your father is a very respected person. He will be know for his good nature and friendliness with all kinds of
people. He will be known for impartial attitude towards everybody. His will be engaged in professions wherein
impartially and balanced nature are very much required, such as Judges. However, you will not have very good
relations with your father. There will be some misunderstandings between yourself and your father.

You are a lover of peace and harmony. You will have very good relations with everybody both at home as well as
in the society. As a result, you will be loved and respected by everybody. People like to make friends with you.
Thus, you will very rarely have any enemies. Even if you have any enemies. you will very much powerful when
compared to their capacity. You will be able to fight against them quite efficiently, and will win over them.

Your maternal uncle will be very much helpful to you. You will be very close to him. He will help you a lot in order
to bring you up in life. In fact, you will be in a position to achieve great heights because of your maternal uncle's
help. You will receive paternal love and affection from your maternal uncle.

Your seventh lord is in the tenth house. You will be employed in the foreign countries and your career will involve
constant traveling. This also indicates success in business partnership.

You will get a devoted and faithful spouse. Your spouse may also be employed and contribute to your income. He
or she well help in your professional progress. However, your spouse will be over-ambitious without sufficient
capacity. Your partner will show a little dominating nature.

You will marry someone you known since childhood or one who has been brought up in the same house. This
also indicate a love marriage.

Your spouse will be a stable and mature person. He or she will be able to take care of your house completely.
She will not leave you any work unfinished or half finished and will discharge all duties.

You will be intelligent and will be capable of weighing the pros and cons with your experience and knowledge.
You are not a person who take haste decision. You will have a sound mind and the thinking capacity. Your
cleverness and morals makes others give respect for you.

You will be sensual, famous and adulterous. You will behave like a matured person. You will go for cheap
popularity. However, you become famous because of your efficiency and sincerity.

You will have to travel very frequently. You will have both business as well as pleasure trips. You will see many
places and learn many things through your traveling experience.

You will have many friends of both sexes. However, you will be close with friends of opposite sex. You should be
careful while moving with them.

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Your horoscope has the Eighth lord occupying first house. You will have quite a good family. Your partner will be
cooperative and understands your feelings very well. You will lead quite a satisfied life with your partner.

You will be engaged in a respectable profession. You will be hard working. You do not like to sit idle. You will be
trusted your responsible person by your employees and colleagues. But there are chances that your seniors not
be happy with the way you work. People around you who are jealous of you, will try hinder your progress. There
are chances that you will be put into great trouble by creating obstructions in your profession.

There are a chances that you will get involved in matters connected directly or indirectly with the Government and
will be troubled and will get worried due the delay caused.

You are a person having great power both with respect to your speech as well as your physique. You are a strong
person. People without too much guts will not try to go against you. However, as mentioned earlier, some people
will come in your way. But you will not keep quiet. You will give them back in the right way. Once they come to
know about your powerful nature they will dare to do anything against you in future.

Though you are powerful in fighting with you enemies, you do not show the same kind of spirit when you are
affected by some diseases. Most of the times, you will be affected by some diseases or the other connected with
eyes and teeth. You will hardly show any signs of recovering fast from them. You will not doubt recover, but very
slowly. These infections will be most of times due to eating unclean food unhealthy food. There are chances that
you will recover if you have good food habits.

You have ninth lord in the Ascendant. You are hard working. You will have thirst for knowledge and will do well in
your education. You will be learned and will not have any break in your education. Chances of having higher
education such a professional courses is also indicated. You will be highly educated.

You will be in good occupation or profession. You can even start your own business and will not face any problem
in your occupation. You will earn much money through you effort. You will be a self-made man.

You will be fortunate and will be rich. You will have all kinds of comforts. This position of ninth lord nullify all other
bad effects. You will have vehicles, house, both movable and immovable properties.

You will have excellent domestic life. Your spouse will be good natured and will help you in all your ventures. He
or she will prove fortunate for your progress.

Your relationship with your father will be like a friend. You will be close to your parents and are free to ask for
anything and everything.

You become spiritual as you grow old. You are always helped by the God. You will visit many pilgrims and will be
a devotee of Lord Vishnu. You may also visit scared rivers and will not discriminate between different Gods. You
will do pujas and other rituals regularly and will benefited from God.

You will even visit foreign countries and will stay there for many years. You will continue your studies in the
foreign land and will work there for sometimes.

Your life will be generally smooth. You will be happy throughout your life except during the dasa of sixth, eighth

Tenth lord is in the his own house. This is an excellent position for the lord of tenth. You will own lands and
buildings and make huge property. You will be rich and will do very well financially.

You will be very close to your mother. Your mother will be rich and will always help in your ventures. You will be
have gains through your mother. Your mother will have good health and will live for a longer period.

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As tenth lord is his own house. You will get success in professional career and will be respected by your
community and Government. Chances of getting awards and recognition is also indicated.

You will do good deeds and be religious minded. You will have political success. You will be a chemist or good
and successful advocates, Judge or minister.

You will vanquish your enemies and make your personality felt by the world. You own many conveyances and will
enjoy life.

You will be successful but, will have inclined to have pleasure and comforts and association of women for
pleasure is also indicted.

You have eleventh lord in the ninth house. Your father will be rich and famous. You will have brothers and sisters
who are all supportive. You never face any problems in your childhood. You will have all comforts and will be
good and honest person.

You will get ancestral property and will enjoy the life. You will have thirst for knowledge and will do well in your
education. You will be learned and will not have any break in your education. Chances of having higher education
such a professional courses is also indicated. You will be highly educated.

You will be in good occupation or profession. You can even start your own business and will not face any problem
in your occupation. You will earn much money through your effort. You will be a self-made man.

You will have a good communication capacity and able to convey the messages without any efforts. You make
good fortune through writing and speeches. You can even become an orator.

Your father will be god-fearing and will visit many temples. He will construct temples or Kalyana mantaps. He will
not be religious and will be visit many pilgrims. However, your father's health requires extra care.

You will be fortunate and will be rich. You will have all kinds of comforts. This position of ninth lord nullify all other
bad effects. You will have vehicles, house, both movable and immovable properties.

You will have excellent domestic life. Your spouse will be good natured and will help you in all your ventures. He
or she will prove fortunate for your progress.

The Twelfth lord is in his own house. You will be not much satisfied with what you possess. You aim at very high
things and when you are not in a position to achieve you feel very bad and get discouraged. You feel that you will
not be able to achieve anything in life. However, when you have to face another challenge in future, you will
welcome it with great spirit and start working on in with great confidence.

You have quite a good family. You will enjoy the happiness of domestic life. Your partner will be very much
understanding and co-operative. You will be very much satisfied with your partner. You show love and affection
towards your children and they too show the same kind of attitude towards you.

Most of the times, you will be worried and will not have mental peace. You imagine small things to be very serious
and start worrying about them and get tensed and irritated. But when you come to know the actual facts, you feel
that you should not have worried so much.

However, you attract people by your behaviour and your dealings with them. You have a very good speech and
will impress people around you. You try to do your best by your sweet speech.

You try to overcome all the difficulties you face. In fact, you do possess the capacity to withstand and fight against
any problems you face in your life. But most of the times you will not be in a position to do anything and will have
to face the difficulties. You try your best in order to come up in life facing all the difficulties. You will face different
types of problems in your life. You will lose your property and wealth under circumstances which will be not much

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under your control.

You get irritated from all these difficulties and will feel that you will be able to do well if you go and settle in some
other place or if you go abroad. So you often will be traveling from one place to another. In fact, you go abroad,
and try your best to settle there.

You may become involved in one of the old litigations which may come to an end to you advantage. Because of
this litigation, you will suffer from financial worries and lose peace of mind. You must try be mentally very strong
and everything will be ok in the future.

You will have interest in occult sciences. You will be god fearing. You are religious and will be a devotee of Lord
Shiva. You posses righteous mind and will lead a peaceful and harmonious life.

Astrology Guide
The guide should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the
creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and
assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on the guidance provided.

Character and Personality [Value: 75.50 (Excellent)]

Sun being Karka of Character and Personality [in spite of being natural malefic] gives you highly positive attitude
towards life. You are full of energy and will remain active throughout life. Even in difficult time, you will be hopeful
of positive outcome. This excellent positive attitude of yours makes you highly successful in the life.
Mercury being lord of First bhava and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) [being in debilitation and in
combustion with Sun] makes you less ambitious. This does not allow you to explore your potential to the full
extent. Though you never need to be over-ambitious, it is very important that you keep your goals very high. This
will make you to work hard to achieve your goals.
Saturn being in First bhava [being natural malefic] gives you lack of wordily outlook. So, you make plans which
are less realistic. Your basic attitude is such that you do lot of assumption and take decisions based on these
assumptions. In real world, to take appropriate decisions, you need to know facts. So, you need to find out facts
and details before taking any decision. You should develop an habit of going into details and finding facts. This
will give you more realistic attitude and make prudent towards wordily affairs.

Health [Value: 59.20 (Average)]

Mars being Karka of Health [in spite of being natural malefic] results into full of vitality and energy.
Mercury being lord of First bhava and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) [being in debilitation and in
combustion with Sun] impacts your nervous energy. So, you should learn relaxation techniques and should do
these exercises. It will also be helpful to meditate in a peaceful and calm environment.
Saturn being in First bhava [being natural malefic] makes you sick at frequent interval. So, you are advised to take
fresh air in the early morning in a open ground. You should also do Pranayama to improve your general health.

Wealth [Value: 73.30 (Very Good)]

Moon being lord of Second bhava [being malefic (being waning moon)] gives you a fear of financial loss. Though,
this may not result into any direct money loss but it impacts your mental health. Your planetary position is such
that you are not going to have any finance loss, it is only in your mind that you think that you man incur financial
loss. So, overcome this and be assured in all your ventures. This will help you to overcome the fear of financial
loss and in turn help you to maintain better mental health.
Jupiter having dristi on Second bhava and being Karka of Wealth and being natural benefic will result into very
good success in commercial affairs. So, it might be prudent to start your own venture and earn money.
Venus being Karka of Wealth and being natural benefic should allow huge gain through prudent investment. This
is more important if you are doing your own business or profession.

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Education [Value: 70.27 (Very Good)]
Sun having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic] indicates a very high capability towards
learning. It is easy for you to learn new subjects. You do not even require teacher for learning new subjects. You
can learn own your own.
Mars having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic] indicates good power of concentration. This
enables you to concentrate on any subject for a long duration, thus able to master any subject easily.
Mercury being lord of Fourth bhava and having dristi on Fourth bhava and being Karka of Education and being
benefic (as not associated with malefics) [being in debilitation and in combustion with Sun] indicates lack of
perception (or grasping). Just because you take little more time to understand does not mean that you cannot
learn a new subject. The only thing you may require more efforts and more time to learn it. So, without worrying
about your perception capacity, just put 100% into the subject and you will be able to learn it.
Jupiter having dristi on Fourth bhava and being Karka of Education and being natural benefic indicates your
extraordinary positive attitude towards education. Your positive attitude towards education enables you to acquire
higher qualification with ease.

Property [Value: 69.51 (Good)]

Sun having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic] indicates high capability to accumulate wealth,
thus you are able to create lot of property.
Mars having dristi on Fourth bhava and being Karka of Property [in spite of being natural malefic] indicates gain in
business and profession. This results into sufficient amount to build properties.
Mercury being lord of Fourth bhava and having dristi on Fourth bhava and being benefic (as not associated with
malefics) [being in debilitation and in combustion with Sun] indicates lack of ambition to acquire properties even
though you may have sufficient means to build properties. You have sufficient means to acquire properties but do
not have keenness to do so. You need to understand that having your own properties have its own benefit.
Jupiter having dristi on Fourth bhava and being natural benefic indicates very good ability to bargain. This helps
you to acquire properties at an appropriate price. You will be successful in business or profession where you can
use your extraordinary skill of bargaining to your benefit.

General Happiness [Value: 73.16 (Very Good)]

Sun having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic] denotes very good moods in the home
environment. This helps you to remain calm even in difficult situation. Thus, helps you to improve happiness in the
home environment.
Mars having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic] denotes boost in physical strength when you
are at home. This happens because you find your home environment very friendly.
Mercury being lord of Fourth bhava and having dristi on Fourth bhava and being benefic (as not associated with
malefics) [being in debilitation and in combustion with Sun] denotes lack of ambition to do any work when you are
at home. You just do not want to do nay work at home and want to postpone it as much as possible. Once you
understand that this is not a very good practice, you will be able to overcome it.
Jupiter having dristi on Fourth bhava and being Karka of General Happiness and being natural benefic denotes
very good aptitude to find peace and calmness in home environment.

Children [Value: 78.90 (Excellent)]

Jupiter being Karka of Children and being natural benefic enables you to express your true feelings to your
children. This helps you to maintain cordial relationship with them.
Venus being lord of Fifth bhava and being natural benefic indicates your superb knack to share pleasure with your
children. When you share your pleasure with your children, it multiplies and gives you immeasurable happiness.

Success and Intelligence [Value: 69.30 (Good)]

Mercury being Karka of Success and Intelligence and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) [being in
debilitation and in combustion with Sun] indicates exaggeration. You should take the things in more realistic way

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and avoid exaggeration. Discussing things with others may give you realistic view. So, develop an habit of
discussing your ideas with others before implementing them.
Venus being lord of Fifth bhava and being natural benefic indicates that you are very hard working. This makes it
possible to convert your ideas into reality. You see that you complete any project you start. This makes you highly
successful in real life.

Married Life [Value: 74.24 (Very Good)]

Jupiter being lord of Seventh bhava and being natural benefic promises a very good and faithful partner. There
will be financial gain from marriage. You will get happiness from your spouse. Marriage also brings social
advantage and financial prospects. All goes well in the married life, and marriage often turns the life into pleasant
paths and favourable conditions.
Venus being Karka of Married Life and being natural benefic denotes a very happy marriage. Your partner will be
very attractive and pleasing. Social and financial success are indicated after marriage. With the help of your
spouse, you will see that your entire future life is improved.
Saturn having dristi on Seventh bhava [being natural malefic] denotes slightly sorrow in the married life. However,
there is a stability of affections from your spouse.

Employment [Value: 67.13 (Good)]

Moon being in Tenth bhava [being malefic (being waning moon)] indicates lack of ambition to get promotion. You
look for more stable job where chances of progress might be less. We suggest you to take calculated risk and
look for job where you need to work hard but there are bright chances of progress.
Mercury being in Tenth bhava and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) [being in debilitation and in
combustion with Sun] indicates failure to achieve deserved promotion. To get quick promotion, you need to fully
involve in your job and give 100% to it. Many times, doing more than what is required takes you to greater
Jupiter being in Tenth bhava and lord of Tenth bhava and being natural benefic indicates very good and stable
relationship with seniors. This helps you to achieve faster promotion. As your moral standard is very high, you will
surely hold a very secure and important position at some period of your life.
Saturn having dristi on Tenth bhava [being natural malefic] indicates problem with your subordinates. As it is
extremely difficult to discharge any job effectively without full support of subordinates, we suggest you to maintain
cordial relationship with them. You need to be more open with your subordinates, develop personal relationship
with them. Whenever a problem arises, you need to have a detailed discussion to find the appropriate solution.
This will result into smoother relationship with your subordinates.

Profession [Value: 65.60 (Good)]

Moon being in Tenth bhava [being malefic (being waning moon)] indicates lack of ambition to grow. You are less
interested in areas where growth opportunities are high but risk element is also very high. You are looking for
business where risk is less and you have steady income.
Mercury being in Tenth bhava and being Karka of Profession and being benefic (as not associated with malefics)
[being in debilitation and in combustion with Sun] indicates disappointment due to slow progress in spite of hard
work. Even though hard work is the key to success, this is only one part of the game. There are many other areas
those are to be addressed to really become a successful person. You need to chosse area of your interest and
then put 100% of yourself into it. The chance of success will be excellent.
Jupiter being in Tenth bhava and lord of Tenth bhava and being natural benefic indicates very good progress in
business because you treat your customers in a sober manner and you expect the same from your employees.
Attending the customers promptly and effectively is the basic rule in your organisation.
Saturn having dristi on Tenth bhava [being natural malefic] indicates debts as a result of difficulties in earning
sufficient incomes in your business. Reduce your expenses, increase your income and overcome the debt. If you
cannot reduce your debts, the major portion of your income will go just to pay the installment and interest.


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Moon: Remedial Measures for Moon: 1. Wear white pearl or silver. 2. Visit Mountains. 3. Service mother,
mother-in-law or grandmother. 4. Drink milk and water in silver glass. 5. Donate white things.
Mercury: Remedial Measures for Mercury: 1. Wear Emerald. 2. Serve sisters and aunts. 3. Avoid eating eggs.
4. Donate yellow pumpkin in a temple. 5. Donate green things.
Saturn: Remedial Measures for Saturn: 1. Wear blue sapphire. 2. Wear gold ornaments. 3. Keep windows and
doors of the house in good condition. If broken, get repaired as early as possible. 4. Donate black things.
Rahu: Remedial Measures for Rahu (Ascending Node): 1. Wear hessonite garnet. 2. Wear gold or silver. 3.
Keep good relations with in-laws. 4. Donate coconut wrapped in red cloth. 5. Drop coin in river whenever you
visit a river.
Ketu: Remedial Measures for Ketu: 1. Wear cat's eye in mixed metals. 2. Serve sons and nephews. 3. Wear
gold ear rings. 4. Donate blankets.

Periodic Prediction Guide

The guide should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the
creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and
assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on the guidance provided.

From 01 Jan 2009 To 31 Jan 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Moon, Antardasa - Venus
26 Jan 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Moon, Antardasa - Sun

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Feb 2009 To 28 Feb 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Moon, Antardasa - Sun
22 Feb 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Mars

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This period brings stability in your married life and you feel satisfied. However, some of your relative
may try to create instability in your conjugal life. So, be careful and do not allow them to spoil your marital life.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon

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these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Mar 2009 To 31 Mar 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Mars
12 Mar 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period brings stability in your married life and you feel satisfied. However, some of your relative
may try to create instability in your conjugal life. So, be careful and do not allow them to spoil your marital life.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Apr 2009 To 30 Apr 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This period brings stability in your married life and you feel satisfied. However, some of your relative
may try to create instability in your conjugal life. So, be careful and do not allow them to spoil your marital life.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 May 2009 To 31 May 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Rahu
06 May 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some

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mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jun 2009 To 30 Jun 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Jupiter
24 Jun 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jul 2009 To 31 Jul 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Aug 2009 To 31 Aug 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Saturn
20 Aug 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: During this period, your health will be good except occasional sickness. You are advised to avoid stress
as far as possible. Any stress may result into fatigue and reduce your physical stamina.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

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Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Sep 2009 To 30 Sep 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: Your physical energy is decent during the period. You should avoid excessive physical activity to avoid the
strain on your body. You are suggested to do brisk walking early morning to improve your physical energy.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Oct 2009 To 31 Oct 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Mercury
11 Oct 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: Your health is good during this period and you should do yoga and meditation to maintain your health.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Nov 2009 To 30 Nov 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Venus

Health: Your health is good during this period and you should do yoga and meditation to maintain your health.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: During this period, your married life will have some disturbances and misunderstandings. You need
to discuss openly with your wife and overcome misunderstanding to improve your relationship.

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Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Dec 2009 To 31 Dec 2009:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2009: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Venus

Health: Your health is good during this period and you should do yoga and meditation to maintain your health.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: During this period, your married life will have some disturbances and misunderstandings. You need
to discuss openly with your wife and overcome misunderstanding to improve your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Jan 2010 To 31 Jan 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Sun
19 Jan 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Moon

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Feb 2010 To 28 Feb 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Mars, Antardasa - Moon
19 Feb 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

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Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Mar 2010 To 31 Mar 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: During this period your health remains stable. However, you are cautioned to not overdo physical workout.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Apr 2010 To 30 Apr 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: This is not a very good period for your health. During this period, you may suffer from disease related to
stomach. You should do yoga and pranayama to improve your health. You are also advised to restrain from
straining yourself to avoid sickness during the period.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: During this period, you are like to incur losses in investments so invest your money judiciously. You
are likely to face some legal disputes. You are advised to avoid litigations to the extent possible as involving in
legal dispute may take lot of your energy and may impact your professional life for years.

From 01 May 2010 To 31 May 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: This is not a very good period for your health. During this period, you may suffer from disease related to
stomach. You should do yoga and pranayama to improve your health. You are also advised to restrain from
straining yourself to avoid sickness during the period.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

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Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Jun 2010 To 30 Jun 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: This period shows little growth in your profession. However, do not get excited and put too much hard
work as you are not going to get returns in proportion to your work. Going overboard may result into loss also. So,
be happy with little growth and avoid going overboard.

From 01 Jul 2010 To 31 Jul 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Rahu
06 Jul 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: This period shows little growth in your profession. However, do not get excited and put too much hard
work as you are not going to get returns in proportion to your work. Going overboard may result into loss also. So,
be happy with little growth and avoid going overboard.

From 01 Aug 2010 To 31 Aug 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your

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professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: This is a wonderful period for your married life and we suggest you to take full advantage of it. Your
extraordinary smooth relationship with your wife brings lot of joy to your personal and professional life.

Profession: This period shows little growth in your profession. However, do not get excited and put too much hard
work as you are not going to get returns in proportion to your work. Going overboard may result into loss also. So,
be happy with little growth and avoid going overboard.

From 01 Sep 2010 To 30 Sep 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: This is a wonderful period for your married life and we suggest you to take full advantage of it. Your
extraordinary smooth relationship with your wife brings lot of joy to your personal and professional life.

Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Oct 2010 To 31 Oct 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: During this period, you will find joy in your married life and enjoy it with your wife. However, it seems
you do not find sufficient time for your wife. You need to find more time for your wife to really enjoy your conjugal

Profession: During this period, you will see reasonable growth on professional front. However, to achieve growth,
you need to put lot of efforts. You may not get the result immediately, but at the end hard work will pay good

From 01 Nov 2010 To 30 Nov 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Jupiter
09 Nov 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given

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situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Dec 2010 To 31 Dec 2010:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2010: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, your mind will be very calm and you will be friendly with others. This will help you in
improving your professional life and personal relationship. However, you should not be too friendly where it is not

Married Life: This period shows marked improvement in your marital life. It seems you have developed keen
sense of understanding your wife and this helps to have smooth and happy married life.

Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Jan 2011 To 31 Jan 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Feb 2011 To 28 Feb 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

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Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Mar 2011 To 31 Mar 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Apr 2011 To 30 Apr 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Saturn
04 Apr 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You are highly emotional during this period. Though, emotion is a positive trait in general but avoid too
much of emotions as it may sometime negatively impact on your profession as well your personal relationship.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: This period shows little growth in your profession. However, do not get excited and put too much hard
work as you are not going to get returns in proportion to your work. Going overboard may result into loss also. So,
be happy with little growth and avoid going overboard.

From 01 May 2011 To 31 May 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

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Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: During this period, your married life will have some disturbances and misunderstandings. You need
to discuss openly with your wife and overcome misunderstanding to improve your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Jun 2011 To 30 Jun 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jul 2011 To 31 Jul 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Aug 2011 To 31 Aug 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mercury
14 Aug 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

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Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: During this period, your marital life is likely to improve. To maintain smooth relationship with your
wife, both of you should show greater understanding and little sacrifice.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Sep 2011 To 30 Sep 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: During this period, your marital life is likely to improve. To maintain smooth relationship with your
wife, both of you should show greater understanding and little sacrifice.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Oct 2011 To 31 Oct 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Ketu
08 Oct 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Nov 2011 To 30 Nov 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

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Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Dec 2011 To 31 Dec 2011:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2011: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Venus

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Jan 2012 To 31 Jan 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face minor problem from your colleagues. You are advised to keep
away yourself from petty politics and do not involve in gossips. These may bring unnecessary harassment though
you will be able to come out as winner at the end of it.

From 01 Feb 2012 To 29 Feb 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

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Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Mar 2012 To 31 Mar 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Venus
11 Mar 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Sun

Health: During this period your health remains stable. However, you are cautioned to not overdo physical workout.

Happiness: During this period, you will find that you are having slightly critical nature. Though, there is nothing
wrong with this but you need to understand that everybody is different and the way they work is also different. You
should also consider the experience and the capability of the person whom you are criticizing. This should help in
reducing your criticizing nature and improve your relationship.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Apr 2012 To 30 Apr 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Sun
26 Apr 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Moon

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: During this period, you will find that you are having slightly critical nature. Though, there is nothing
wrong with this but you need to understand that everybody is different and the way they work is also different. You
should also consider the experience and the capability of the person whom you are criticizing. This should help in
reducing your criticizing nature and improve your relationship.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 May 2012 To 31 May 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Moon

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Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Jun 2012 To 30 Jun 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Moon

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jul 2012 To 31 Jul 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Moon
13 Jul 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mars

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Aug 2012 To 31 Aug 2012:

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Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mars

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period brings stability in your married life and you feel satisfied. However, some of your relative
may try to create instability in your conjugal life. So, be careful and do not allow them to spoil your marital life.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Sep 2012 To 30 Sep 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Rahu, Antardasa - Mars
07 Sep 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: During this period your health remains stable. However, you are cautioned to not overdo physical workout.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: During this period, your married life will have some disturbances and misunderstandings. You need
to discuss openly with your wife and overcome misunderstanding to improve your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Oct 2012 To 31 Oct 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Nov 2012 To 30 Nov 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Jupiter

Health: During this period, your health will be good except occasional sickness. You are advised to avoid stress
as far as possible. Any stress may result into fatigue and reduce your physical stamina.

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Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: This is the period when you feel dejected and do not have energy to bring life to your relationship.
Do not act in haste and avoid impulsiveness. Apparently, you are not satisfied with your present relationship with
your partner.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Dec 2012 To 31 Dec 2012:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Jupiter
25 Dec 2012: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: During this period, your health will be good except occasional sickness. You are advised to avoid stress
as far as possible. Any stress may result into fatigue and reduce your physical stamina.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jan 2013 To 31 Jan 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Feb 2013 To 28 Feb 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your

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immune system.

Happiness: During this period, you may face legal disputes or some kind of controversy. You should keep your
mind cool and take actions only after careful planning. You should not take abrupt decisions during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: During this period, you are like to incur losses in investments so invest your money judiciously. You
are likely to face some legal disputes. You are advised to avoid litigations to the extent possible as involving in
legal dispute may take lot of your energy and may impact your professional life for years.

From 01 Mar 2013 To 31 Mar 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: You should learn to control your anger during this period; otherwise this may result into conflict with
friends and relatives. Be calm and control your arrogance.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: During this period, you are like to incur losses in investments so invest your money judiciously. You
are likely to face some legal disputes. You are advised to avoid litigations to the extent possible as involving in
legal dispute may take lot of your energy and may impact your professional life for years.

From 01 Apr 2013 To 30 Apr 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 May 2013 To 31 May 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Saturn
05 May 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your

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immune system.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: During this period, you are like to incur losses in investments so invest your money judiciously. You
are likely to face some legal disputes. You are advised to avoid litigations to the extent possible as involving in
legal dispute may take lot of your energy and may impact your professional life for years.

From 01 Jun 2013 To 30 Jun 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: You should learn to control your anger during this period; otherwise this may result into conflict with
friends and relatives. Be calm and control your arrogance.

Married Life: During this period, your marital life is likely to improve. To maintain smooth relationship with your
wife, both of you should show greater understanding and little sacrifice.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Jul 2013 To 31 Jul 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Aug 2013 To 31 Aug 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mercury
31 Aug 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

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Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Sep 2013 To 30 Sep 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: This period shows little growth in your profession. However, do not get excited and put too much hard
work as you are not going to get returns in proportion to your work. Going overboard may result into loss also. So,
be happy with little growth and avoid going overboard.

From 01 Oct 2013 To 31 Oct 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Ketu
18 Oct 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Venus

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Nov 2013 To 30 Nov 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

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Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Dec 2013 To 31 Dec 2013:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2013: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Venus

Health: During this period your health remains stable. However, you are cautioned to not overdo physical workout.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Jan 2014 To 31 Jan 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Venus

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: This is really a good period in your married life and you should enjoy it as much as possible. You are
advised to avoid confrontation with your wife. You may find that on certain issues, your views are different from
your wife but that does not stop you to enjoy your married life and keep the relationship very smooth.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Feb 2014 To 28 Feb 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Venus

Health: During this period, your health will be good except occasional sickness. You are advised to avoid stress
as far as possible. Any stress may result into fatigue and reduce your physical stamina.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your

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life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face minor problem from your colleagues. You are advised to keep
away yourself from petty politics and do not involve in gossips. These may bring unnecessary harassment though
you will be able to come out as winner at the end of it.

From 01 Mar 2014 To 31 Mar 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Venus
04 Mar 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Sun

Health: During this period, your health will be good except occasional sickness. You are advised to avoid stress
as far as possible. Any stress may result into fatigue and reduce your physical stamina.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period shows marked improvement in your marital life. It seems you have developed keen
sense of understanding your wife and this helps to have smooth and happy married life.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face minor problem from your colleagues. You are advised to keep
away yourself from petty politics and do not involve in gossips. These may bring unnecessary harassment though
you will be able to come out as winner at the end of it.

From 01 Apr 2014 To 30 Apr 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Sun
15 Apr 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Moon

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Married Life: This period shows marked improvement in your marital life. It seems you have developed keen
sense of understanding your wife and this helps to have smooth and happy married life.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face minor problem from your colleagues. You are advised to keep
away yourself from petty politics and do not involve in gossips. These may bring unnecessary harassment though
you will be able to come out as winner at the end of it.

From 01 May 2014 To 31 May 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Moon

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your

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professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Jun 2014 To 30 Jun 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Moon
23 Jun 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mars

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: You should learn to control your anger during this period; otherwise this may result into conflict with
friends and relatives. Be calm and control your arrogance.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Jul 2014 To 31 Jul 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mars

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Aug 2014 To 31 Aug 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Mars
10 Aug 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

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Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Sep 2014 To 30 Sep 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face minor problem from your colleagues. You are advised to keep
away yourself from petty politics and do not involve in gossips. These may bring unnecessary harassment though
you will be able to come out as winner at the end of it.

From 01 Oct 2014 To 31 Oct 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Nov 2014 To 30 Nov 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time

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permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Dec 2014 To 31 Dec 2014:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Jupiter, Antardasa - Rahu
13 Dec 2014: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jan 2015 To 31 Jan 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Feb 2015 To 28 Feb 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This is not a very good period for your health. During this period, you may suffer from disease related to
stomach. You should do yoga and pranayama to improve your health. You are also advised to restrain from
straining yourself to avoid sickness during the period.

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Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Mar 2015 To 31 Mar 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This is not a very good period for your health. During this period, you may suffer from disease related to
stomach. You should do yoga and pranayama to improve your health. You are also advised to restrain from
straining yourself to avoid sickness during the period.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Apr 2015 To 30 Apr 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Saturn

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: You will see ups and downs in your married life. To bring stability in your relationship, you should
spend quality time with your wife. If required, go to vacation and enjoy every moment of it with your wife and
refresh your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 May 2015 To 31 May 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Saturn
16 May 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

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Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jun 2015 To 30 Jun 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: This period is slightly negative for your married life. You are very moody during this period and also
feel isolated sometime. You should increase your social circle to overcome the boredom. You can set powerful
goals for yourself. Once you set these goals, you just cannot feel bored as you get motivated to build relationship
and life.

Profession: This is slightly negative period for your profession. During this period, do not take additional
responsibilities and stick to the work assigned to you. If you take added responsibility, you are like to make some
mistakes and may have to pay dearly for these.

From 01 Jul 2015 To 31 Jul 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This is not a very good period for your health. During this period, you may suffer from disease related to
stomach. You should do yoga and pranayama to improve your health. You are also advised to restrain from
straining yourself to avoid sickness during the period.

Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: During this period, your married life will have some disturbances and misunderstandings. You need
to discuss openly with your wife and overcome misunderstanding to improve your relationship.

Profession: You should be very careful while handling your customers during this period as you may face
embarrassment from a customer. We advise you to hear the complaints of the customers carefully and act upon
these at the earliest and in a prudent manner.

From 01 Aug 2015 To 31 Aug 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Aug 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

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Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: This period brings stability in your married life and you feel satisfied. However, some of your relative
may try to create instability in your conjugal life. So, be careful and do not allow them to spoil your marital life.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Sep 2015 To 30 Sep 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Mercury

Health: During this period, your health remains stable. However, you should avoid anxiety as this may adversely
impact your health. You should do Yoga, pranayama and meditation as these will help in improving your health.

Happiness: You are highly emotional during this period. Though, emotion is a positive trait in general but avoid too
much of emotions as it may sometime negatively impact on your profession as well your personal relationship.

Married Life: During this period, your marital life is likely to improve. To maintain smooth relationship with your
wife, both of you should show greater understanding and little sacrifice.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

From 01 Oct 2015 To 31 Oct 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Mercury
03 Oct 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: This period is reasonably good for your health. However, avoid junk food that has very little nutritious
value. Fruits and vegetable should be part of your diet as these will keep you healthy.

Happiness: During this period, you will find that you are having slightly critical nature. Though, there is nothing
wrong with this but you need to understand that everybody is different and the way they work is also different. You
should also consider the experience and the capability of the person whom you are criticizing. This should help in
reducing your criticizing nature and improve your relationship.

Married Life: During this period, your marital life is likely to improve. To maintain smooth relationship with your
wife, both of you should show greater understanding and little sacrifice.

Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Nov 2015 To 30 Nov 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Ketu
30 Nov 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period is slightly negative for your health. Do not strain your body by too much of physical activities
as these may adversely impact your vitality. You are also suggested to take periodic rests to maintain your
physical energy.

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Happiness: You will have conflict between your will and desire and this may generate some unhappiness in your
life. You should meditate to improve peacefulness of your mind. Avoid any rash action during this period.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: You are likely to get relocated to new place during this period. Please note that relocation is not very
favourable and it is better for you to avoid the relocation. You are likely to face various types of problems and may
incur loss if relocated to new place.

From 01 Dec 2015 To 31 Dec 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2015: Mahadasa - Mercury, Bhukti - Saturn, Antardasa - Venus

Health: This period indicates ups and downs in your health. It improves and then again it goes down. You are
advised to control your anger; otherwise it may result into increasing your blood pressure and stressing your
immune system.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: During this period, you are likely to face few problems for none of your mistake because of some
misunderstanding. So, you should handle the matter diplomatically and the period will pass without any major

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