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The FaithWords name and logo are trademarks of Hachette Book Group USA. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Meyer, Joyce Battleeld of the mind for teens : winning the battle in your mind / Joyce Meyer with Todd Hafer.1st ed. p. cm. Summary: A guide to overcoming the worries of the world, written specically for teen readersProvided by the publisher. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-0-446-69764-4 1. Christian teenagersReligious life. 2. Thought and thinkingReligious aspects Christianity. 3. Spiritual warfare. I. Hafer, Todd. II. Title. BV4531.3.M49 2006 248.8'3dc22 2005034011


Chapter 1

Its All About the Mind

This Is Your Mind . . . This Is Your Mind in a Battle 7 John, Mary, and the Blended Family That Doesnt Wanna Blend 13 Just Who Do You Think You Are? Perseverance = Payoff
29 33 41 46 23

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

The Power of the Positive

Dont Let Satan Put Your Mind in a Bind

Think About What Youre Thinking About

Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Hows Your Head?



Is My Mind Normal, or What?

Oh, Where Has My Mind Run Off to This Time? 63



Six States You Do Not Want to Live In

73 80


Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14

The State of Confusion

The States of Doubt and Unbelief The State of Worry

88 92 96

The State of Judgment The State of Passivity


Unheavenly Head-Spaces


Unheavenly Head-Space #1

I dont wanna take responsibility for my spiritualityisnt that what we have pastors and parents for? 105 My future is determined by my past and my present. 108 Its my way or the highway.

Unheavenly Head-Space #2

Unheavenly Head-Space #3 Unheavenly Head-Space #4

Life is too hard for me to take cant God make it easier? 116 Life is so unfairdoesnt that give me the right to complain? 118 My behavior might be wrongbut its not my fault. 123

Unheavenly Head-Space #5

Unheavenly Head-Space #6

Unheavenly Head-Space #7

I have a right to feel sorry for myself my life stinks! 127 Im not a very good person, so I dont deserve Gods blessings. 131

Unheavenly Head-Space #8

Unheavenly Head-Space #9


Why shouldnt I be jealous? Most of the people I know are better off than I am! 133 WWJT Is Your WMD!



149 153




This Is Your Mind . . . This Is Your Mind in a Battle

For our struggle is not against esh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

re you feeling a little tired lately? Confused? Depressed? Kicked-around? Its no wonderyoure in a war. However, your war isnt a conventional battle that can be fought with conventional weapons. Take a look at the scripture that begins this chapter. This warfare isnt with other human beings. Not your arch nemesis at school. Not your teachers. Not your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. Not even your parents. Your enemy is Satan himself, the ex-angel-turned-deviland

Joyce Meyer

his demonic forces. (The Amplied version of the Bible calls them master spirits.) Satans coming after you with a carefully crafted plan of attack, one you might not even see coming. In fact, you might not even believe youre in a war at all. Thats one of your enemys best tricksdeception. Satan is a liar. Jesus called him the father of lies and of all that is false (John 8:44 AMP). Here are some of his deceptive lines, which hell use as he tries to control your mind. How many of them have you heard, in one form or another?

You dont need to listen to your parents, your pastor, your youth leaders, and all those other people who try to tell you how to live. I mean, look at em, those incompetent hypocrites. Look at all their aws and inconsistencies. This is your life. Live it your way. Drinking, drugs, and sex wont really hurt you. All of those horror stories wont happen to you. Its just a big scare tactic. Adults just dont want you to have any funeven though they had plenty when they were your age. They just want to control you. Do you really believe in the devil? Some red-skinned bald dude with a pointy tail and a pitchfork? An intelligent person like you? Get realthats a myth. There is no devil, and there is no hell. And, by the way, there is no God or heaven, either. Right now is all there is. So, get yours while you can. Come on, admit it: You have doubts about God all the time. If God was real, why would He allow those doubts to creep up inside of your head? If there really was a God who cared, would you feel as lonely as you do, as overwhelmed by life as you do, as powerless to change things?

Battleeld of the Mind FOR TEENS

Have you ever felt like someone was peppering your mind with questions and concerns like these? Thats how Satan works. He plants all kinds of nagging thoughts, suspicions, and doubts in your mind. He moves slowly, according to his well-laid plans for you. Always remember that when it comes to destroying your life, Satan has a custom-tailored battle strategy just for you. He has studied you for a long time. And hes going to attack you where youre weak, where youre curious, where youre inconsistent. For example, he knows your insecurities. If you are selfconscious about your physical appearance, the devil might devise a plan to bring someone into your life who tells you that youre hot, someone who makes you feel attractive. Then, this person youve welcomed into your life might start to pressure you for sex. You know you shouldnt, but you dont want to risk losing someone who makes you feel so good about yourself. So now Satan can sit back and watch you squirm. Hes put his secret weapon in place. He has timeand your raging hormones on his side. He knows that you cant click on the TV, power up your computer, or open a magazine without seeing sexual content of some sort. (For example, there are more than 4 million pornographic Web sites on the Internet.) Hell invest as much time as it takes to bring you down. The devil is short in a lot of areas, but patience isnt one of them. He has patience to spare. Fortunately for you, youre not going into the battle unarmed. The Bible, Gods holy message, assures you, For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of esh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and


Joyce Meyer

we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed one) (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 AMP). Now, you might be asking yourself, What are these strongholds that Im supposed to overthrow and destroy? Think of it this way: Satan wants to play you like a video game, conquering one level at a time. Lets go back to our sexual-temptation example. Satans not going to try to turn you from a pure person into a promiscuous, out-of-control sex addict overnight. No, hes much more likely to get you interested in a sexually suggestive-yet-mainstream moviethe kind thats in movie theaters and on basic cable TV all the time. Or maybe an Internet chat room where the conversation occasionallybut not all the timeturns inappropriate. Next, you might nd yourself visiting Web sites you know you shouldnt, or taking your interest in suggestive movies to the next levelgraduating from typical cable fare to pay-per-view stuff that turns up the sexual heat. And so it goes. The same kind of thing happens with drugs, drinking, cheating, and lying. How many of your friends have you heard lying to their parents, via cell phone, about where they are, whom they are with, and what they are doing? Those lies, most likely, were probably more innocuous at rstlike Sure, Mom, I ate breakfast this morning, or, Honest, Dad, we werent assigned any homework this weekend. But those Level 1 lies soon became Level 2, and so on. Are you beginning to see Satans sneaky war strategy? Is it scaring you, at least a little? Good. Every good soldier approaches battle with a heightened sense of awareness. Only a fool would charge into a war and not be aware of what is at stake.

Battleeld of the Mind FOR TEENS


The Dirty Dozen: 12 Ways Todays Teens Are Losing the Battle for Their Mindsand for Their Lives

1. Almost half of all 9th- through 12th-graders have had sexincluding 61 percent of high-school seniors. (And teens who watch lots of sex on TV are more than twice as likely to have sex as those who are more discerning about their TV viewing.)1,2 2. Nearly half of people under the age of 21 who drink alcohol, binge-drink. (Binge-drinking is dened as having ve or more drinks on one occasion.) More than 500,000 young people are unintentionally injured every year while under the inuence of alcohol. And about 1,500 of this number die as a direct result of alcohol abuse, such as alcohol poisoning.3 3. Seventy-three percent of teens say they see at least one act of discrimination a month, but only 22 percent speak up and do something about it.4 4. Parents and teens are not on the same pageor even in the same bookwhen it comes to sex. While half of todays teens are sexually active, 84 percent of parents believe their kids are not sexually active. Meanwhile, 87 percent of teens say it would be easier to delay sex if they could have more open, honest talks with parents.5 5. One in six of todays young females are drunk when they lose their virginity. (One in seven say their partner was drunk, as well.)6 6. The United States has the highest STD and teen-pregnancy rates in the developed world. In fact, the U.S. rate of teen pregnancy is double that of any other industrialized nation.7


Joyce Meyer

7. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Americans ages 15 to 24.8 8. More than 4 million teens become infected with an STD each year.9 9. Almost one in four 8th-graders has tried hufng using household chemicals like paint thinner or type corrector to get high.10 10. Every year in the United States, more than 800,000 girls 19 and under get pregnant.11 11. The average age at which teens start taking drugs is 13.12 12. Among sexually active high-school seniors, more than 21 percent have had four or more sex partners.13

Okay, lets take a look at what weve learned so far.

1. 2. 3. 4.

You are engaged in a war. Satan is your enemy. Your own mind is the battleground. The devil will work diligently to establish strongholds in your mind, conquering the territory piece by piece, just like a master gamer conquers a video game. 5. The devil works to achieve victory by strategy and deceitbattle plans and lies. One of his best lies is to convince you that he doesnt exist. 6. Your enemy is in no hurry. Hes going to take his time. He doesnt need to win now. He just wants to win in the end.

Now, lets move on to the next chapter and see another way that a satanic plan can work its cruel results.

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