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Analyze learners

State objectives

Select instructional methods, media, and materials

Utilize media and materials

Require learner participation

Evaluate and revise

Table 1: ASSURE model




I am the teacher may analyze my target students before producing a lesson plan. Thus, the things that I should consider are: a) General Characteristics:

My target students are year 2 students. This means that they are 8 years old. In my opinion, most of them may already master reading skills but still need a lot of guidance from the teacher (Scaffolding). Furthermore, my students may mostly come from many different backgrounds since Sabah consists of many ethnic and cultural identities such as Dusun, Bajau and even Kadazan. Thus, I decided to choose a topic entitled Pancake Day so that they are able to learn others culture and become more open minded to accept and respect others culture.

b) Specific entry competencies:

In my opinion, the students may be able to use computer or laptops. This is because they have computer laboratory and specific subject to learn about technology in school. Hence, this early exposure in school enables them to have knowledge and know how to use the computer indirectly. Therefore, students can handle the mouse and keyboard and can manoeuvre through the internet. Students also are fascinated by the computer and all the entertainment it provides, thus making learning via this medium fun and exciting.

Learning Style. The advent of technology and all its advantages make the students to be more driven and fascinated by

the computer. The task of getting students to carry textbooks to class and reading them may be difficult nowadays. Hence, the integration of the technology in my lesson plan may enable the students to learn many learning style that may be suitable and attracting for them. For instance, I included visual intelligence by showing them a picture of pancake with the integration of musical and verbal intelligences like asking them to listen and sing the Pancake Day song together.

Motivational Factor

In this lesson, I may not include rewards like candies or presents since I believed it is not good for the students cognitive development. Hence, I only give them praise like if they answer correctly, I may said Congratulations!. I also included some sound system like if they answer it correctly, I give them clapping sound. As a result, the students may give their full attention and able to elaborate their learning later.

Physiological Factor The students in my class may consist of girls and boys. So, I choose the topic about FOOD since this is

universal topic and gender neutrality. Thus, different types of gender may easily accept this topic and learn it.


The ABCDs of well stated objectives Audience The audiences are Year 2 students. Behaviour The above statements are all the objectives that should be achieved by most of the students after the lesson. This may be shown directly from their behaviour or their exercises. Condition The students may listen to the Pancake Day song for a few times so that they are able to answer the activities given. Degree The final requirement of well-stated objective is that it indicates the standard, or criterion by which acceptable performance will be judged. Thus, this can be seen in the behavioural objectives below.

These are the learning outcomes, specification and behavioural objectives for my lesson plan:

Learning Outcomes 1.1 By the end of the 6-years primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak

Specification 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: f) voice sounds

confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.2 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

1.2 By the end of the end of the 6-years primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts. Behavioural Objectives

1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: a) simple instructions in the classroom

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Answer correctly at least 2 out of 3 ingredients to make a pancake. 2. Spell correctly at least 3 out of 5 words given.

Hence, I need to ensure that all my students achieve these objectives. If they cannot receive it well, I need to redo it again in order to have objectives that same level as they are.


Laptops/ computers: Slides: Pictures and word of Pancake, the Pancake Song, Worksheet 1, and the pictures of pancakes topping and EXE: Worksheet 2. Overhead Projector (LCD): The combination of open and closed pixels can produce a wide range of colours and shades in the projected image. This is where all the slides could be shown by the teacher. Speakers: For the Pancake Day song and interesting sound which attracts the students like claps sound when the students answer correctly. * Refer to the slides and storyboard. Power Point: All the teaching aids are presented here except Worksheet 2. EXE: Worksheet 2 and compilation of my assignments.


Preview the Materials: The teacher previews the slides and EXE for the activities to ensure that the site is working and all links are functional and effective for the lesson. Prepare the Materials: The teacher does activity on the slides and EXE and even upload it on the website for the students to try and do. Prepare the Environment: The teacher will arrange the seats to face the LCD while the speaker may face the students. Thus, they may be able to see it clearly and listen to the song clearly also. The LCD projector will be used during this activity but during teaching session, the teacher may ask some students to come in front or provide them with laptops or computer individually. Prepare the learners: The teacher will inform the students on how to use the laptops or computer so the lesson will run smoothly and the teacher may focus on delivering the objectives that should be achieved by the students. Provide the Learning Experience: The teaching strategy that will be used is guided discovery. Student will explore and discover the content required for the activities. The teacher will supervise and move around the classroom providing assistance to groups that require further explanation. The whiteboard will also be used to provide further explanation to groups experiencing difficulties.


This activity may be learner-centred. The students may do it all by themselves along this lesson by the teacher guidance or the students may only do activity 1 and activity 2 independently but the other activities, they may need to follow the teacher instructions first to do it. This may encourage the collaboration between the teacher and the students. At the same time, this may produce good relationship between the teacher and the students.

Activity Set Induction

Learner Participation All the students will guess the name of the picture provided. All the students will sing a song together or could be in a group. The students will answer Worksheet 1 and 2 individually yet they may discuss with their peers and teacher. The students need to choose their favourite pancakes toppings and tell others its reason. The students will sing the song again and discover these lesson moral values.

Activity 1 Activity 2

Activity 3



EVALUATION: The activities will be provided with the correct answer for each question. After the students finished answering the questions, they may right away check their result and the correct answer. Then, they need to call me as the teacher to record on their result. The students may do it again until they understand and achieve the required objectives. REVISE: The students may redo it again like drilling. The teacher gives the worksheet again until they answer it correctly and achieve the objectives or the teacher provides enrichment for the higher proficiency level students while remedial for lower proficiency level students.

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