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Happens When We Die?

20 October 2013 Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church I. At death the spirit separates from the body (Luke 16:19-22). A. The spirit is the part of you that really matters, not your body. B. Whether rich or poor, death comes to all men: Hebrews 9:27. 1. Jesus described what happened to Lazarus spirit. 2. Jesus described what happened to the rich mans body. C. There is a life beyond life on this earth. 1. Job expected to be raised up again (Job 19:25-27). 2. Abraham was gathered to his people (Gen 25:8). 3. Jesus talked about those who are dead: Matthew 22:31-32. II. The treatment of the spirit in Hades is determined by ones relationship with God (Luke 16:23-26). A. The Bible speaks of a place where the dead await their future. - OT saints spoke of going to Shoel. - Hell is a place of eternal damnation. B. There is a difference of treatment of the spirit/soul in Hades. 1. Abrahams bosom is a place of close, intimate fellowship. 2. In torments suggests various kinds of torments. 3. A great gulf fixed speaks of permanence of place. C. Ones relationship with God is the determining factor as to how they will be treated in Hades (Lk 16:27-31). 1. The rich man thought that a miracle would turn his brothers around. Miracles, even a resurrection, won't change the hearts of those who don't want to listen to God's word. 2. What would help his brothers was Moses and the prophets. III. The resurrection reunites the body and spirit (John 5:28-29). A. There are 2 resurrections and there are 2 destinations. 1. The resurrection of life is first (Revelation 20:1-6). 2. The resurrection of condemnation is after the Millennium. B. In the resurrection we are given a body that is suited for our eternal destination (1 Cor 15:42-44). God tells us what happens at death so that we can prepare for it.

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